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Patra Widya: Seri Penerbitan Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya. Vol. 18 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5655.962 KB) | DOI: 10.52829/pw.36


Cerita Panji berkisah mengenai Kerajaan Kadiri, berkembang pesat pada masa Majapahit. Ragam ekspresi Budaya Panji dalam bentuk sastra oral, sastra visual, seni pertunjukan dan nilai-nilai kehidupan. Artikel ini menyajikan pengembangan ragam ekspresi Budaya Panji tersebut dalam kegiatan wisata. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana model wisata Budaya Panji? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif sumber data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dan eksperimen perjalanan wisata bertema Panji yang diselenggarakan oleh Lab of Tourism, data sekunder melalui studi literatur terkait. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah, model wisata Budaya Panji dapat diterapkan dalam tiga kegiatan wisata, pertama, memadukan ekspresi Budaya Panji dalam seni pertunjukan topeng dengan artefak. Kedua, menampilkan ekspresi Budaya Panji dalam seni pertunjukan dengan konsep Heritage Performing Art di situs atau candi. Ketiga, archaeological trail di Gunung Penanggungan, di mana gunung ini dikenal sebagai Gunung yang disucikan di masa Majapahit dengan nama Pawitra. Banyak situs dan punden berundak yang didirikan di lereng gunung, di antaranya Candi Kendallsodo yang berisi relief Cerita Panji dan Candi Selokelir tempat ditemukannya area Panji.Panji story that was growing rapidly at the time of Majapahit Empire, tells of the Kadiri kingdom. Variety of Panji cultural was expression in the form of oral literature, visual literature, performing arts and the values of life. This article reports the development of diverse expressions of Panji culture in tourism activities. The research problem is how the model of Panji Culture in tourism activities? The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, where the source of primary data obtained through interviews and Panji thematic tour experiment held by Lab of Tourism, and secondary data through the study of related literature. The conclusion of this study are as follows, the model of PanjiCulture can be applied in three traveling activities. First, combining Panji Cultural expression in the performing arts of mask with artifacts. Second, watching Panji Cultural expression in the performing arts with the concept of Heritage Performing Art in the site or temple. Third, the archaeological trail at Mount Penanggungan, where the mountain is known as the Sanctified Mountain in Majapahit's time under the name Pawitra. Many sites and punden terraces are erected on the slopes, including Kendalisodo temple containing reliefs Story of Panji and Temple Selokelir where the discovery of Panji's statue.
Private Business’ Roles as Stakeholders in Developing Surabaya as Tourism Destination Agoes Tinus Lis Indrianto; Kadir H. Din; Basri Rashid
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


According to UNWTO report, the international tourist arrivals reached 1.2 billion people in 2016. There was 5% growth in the developed countries and 2% growth in the developing countries, including Indonesia. In 2016, Indonesia welcomed 11.52 million international tourists. As the second biggest city in Indonesia, Surabaya has important roles for the country. Receiving around 564,000 international tourists in 2016, Surabaya had changed into a tourism destination. The development began in 2005 when Surabaya Tourism Promotion Board was set up to promote the city tourism. This board consists of private tourism business, such as hotels, restaurants, travel agents and tourist attraction operators. They are working together with other tourism stakeholders in Surabaya. This study aims to reveal the roles of private business in developing Surabaya as tourism destination. The study describes the activities done by private business to develop Surabaya, such as conducting promotional activities, developing products, initiating new programs and joining in international events. Moreover, they are actually helping their own business as well as supporting tourism destination development in Surabaya. This study shows that commitment, consistency, and collaboration among private business as the stakeholders are the keys to develop tourism destination in Surabaya.Keywords: Destination, Development, Private Business, Roles, Surabaya, Tourism.
JMBI UNSRAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Inovasi Universitas Sam Ratulangi). Vol 9 No 3 (2022): JMBI UNSRAT Volume 9 Nomor 3
Publisher : FEB Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35794/jmbi.v9i2.42562


Abstract: This research aims to develop a learning curriculum of design thinking for tourism village development in Peniwen Village, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The research design used qualitative descriptive methods, while the data gathered from observation, interview, and focus group discussion. The respondents in the interview process are the key stakeholders who were involved in the tourism development of Peniwen Village. Meanwhile, the observation process was conducted by participatory research with the students staying in a local homestay and interacting with the local community. After collecting the data, there are five stages of design thinking methods that are implemented by students for developing community based tourism in Peniwen Village, those are: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The final outcome of this research shows that the students who implement design thinking learning methods are able to design innovative tourism activities and products in developing community based tourism of Peniwen Village.Keywords: Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, Tourism Village Development, Community Based TourismAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum pembelajaran berbasis design thinking untuk pengembangan desa wisata di Desa Peniwen, Kabupaten Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan data dikumpulkan dari observasi, wawancara, dan focus group discussion. Responden dalam proses wawancara adalah pemangku kepentingan utama yang terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata Desa Peniwen. Sedangkan proses observasi dilakukan dengan penelitian partisipatif dimana mahasiswa yang tinggal di homestay setempat dan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat setempat. Setelah mengumpulkan data, ada lima tahapan metode design thinking yang diterapkan mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan community based tourism di Desa Peniwen, yaitu: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, dan test. Hasil akhir penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran design thinking mampu merancang inovasi kegiatan dan produk wisata dalam mengembangkan wisata berbasis masyarakat Desa Peniwen.Kata kunci: Design Thinking, Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Pengembangan Desa Wisata, Community Based Tourism
Private Business' Roles as Stakeholders in Developing Surabaya as Tourism Destination Agoes Tinus Lis Indrianto; Kadir H. Din; Basri Rashid
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2017.005.03.07


According to UNWTO report, the international tourist arrivals reached 1.2 billion people in 2016. There was 5% growth in the developed countries and 2% growth in the developing countries, including Indonesia. In 2016, Indonesia welcomed 11.52 million international tourists. As the second biggest city in Indonesia, Surabaya has important roles for the country. Receiving around 564,000 international tourists in 2016, Surabaya had changed into a tourism destination. The development began in 2005 when Surabaya Tourism Promotion Board was set up to promote the city tourism. This board consists of private tourism business, such as hotels, restaurants, travel agents and tourist attraction operators. They are working together with other tourism stakeholders in Surabaya. This study aims to reveal the roles of private business in developing Surabaya as tourism destination. The study describes the activities done by private business to develop Surabaya, such as conducting promotional activities, developing products, initiating new programs and joining in international events. Moreover, they are actually helping their own business as well as supporting tourism destination development in Surabaya. This study shows that commitment, consistency, and collaboration among private business as the stakeholders are the keys to develop tourism destination in Surabaya.Keywords: Destination, Development, Private Business, Roles, Surabaya, Tourism.
Training of Trainer Mahasiswa Universitas Ciputra pada siswa SMA Happy Family School dan Santa Maria dengan Tools Business Model Canvas Lexi Pranata Budidharmanto; Yopy Junianto; Agoes Tinus Lis Indrianto; Kezia Victory Purwadi; Ellen Lawrencia Yahya
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Volume 7 No 2 2024
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v7i2.13169


ABSTRAK Data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2023 menyebutkan bahwa 12% pengangguran di Indonesia saat ini sebagian besar didominasi oleh lulusan sarjana dan diploma sebanyak 958.800 orang. Menghadapi fenomena ini, peran dari perguruan tinggi sangat penting untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang terampil dan sesuai dengan bidang peminatan masing-masing jurusan. Universitas Ciputra sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan yang bekerja sama dengan SMA Happy Family School dan SMA Santa Maria Surabaya mendukung adanya penerapan pembelajaran Training of Trainer di lingkungan sekolah. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan pada pelatihan literasi keuangan ini adalah pendampingan yang menitikberatkan pada proses training yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa untuk kemudian diaplikasikan dalam bentuk pengajaran kepada siswa. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui uji coba terbatas dengan mengadaptasi model penelitian tindakan kelas. Sementara data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif. Pengambilan data peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa diukur melalui before dan after test dalam 3 indikator dengan 16 items. Pengolahan data dengan software SPSS untuk mengetahui Uji Hipotesis Komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat peningkatan kemampuan dalam mahasiswa dengan hasil nilai before diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 3.98, sedangkan nilai after diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 3.93. Penurunan hasil menjelaskan bahwa faktor-faktor ketidakberhasilan training of trainer adalah pemahaman materi trainer yang kurang memadai dan penyampaian materi tidak dilakukan secara langsung. Kata Kunci: Keuangan, Business, Model, Canvas, Training of Trainer  ABSTRACT Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2023 states that 12% of unemployment in Indonesia is currently dominated by undergraduate and diploma graduates, totalling 958,800 people. Facing this phenomenon, the role of higher education is very important to prepare a skilled workforce and in accordance with the specialisation of each department. Ciputra University as one of the educational institutions that collaborates with Happy Family School and Santa Maria Surabaya High School supports the implementation of Training of Trainer learning in the school environment. The learning method used in this financial literacy training is mentoring which focuses on the training process carried out by students and then applied in the form of teaching to students. The research method was conducted through a limited trial by adapting the classroom action research model. While the data used is quantitative data. Data collection on the improvement of student abilities is measured through before and after tests in 3 indicators and 16 items. Data processing with SPSS software to determine the Comparative Hypothesis test. The results showed that there was no improvement in the ability of students with the results of the Before value obtained an average of 3.98, while the After value obtained an average of 3.93. The decrease in results explains that the factors of the unsuccessful training of trainers are the inadequate understanding of the trainer's material and the delivery of the material is not done directly. Keywords: Finance, Business, Model, Canvas, Training of Trainer
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Vol 6, No 4 (2022): IJEBAR, Vol. 6 Issue 4, December 2022
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS INDONESIA (d.h STIE AAS Surakarta)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/ijebar.v6i4.6964


Creativity is one of the most important personalities that has to be possessed by of start-up team. It is considered as the crucial step that lead to innovation process. In this case, creative team will open more possibility for the team to be successful in their projects. As one of the industries that heavily affected in digital technology, tourism need new ideas and ne business model to develop. This opens many opportunities in building tourism start-up in the areas of goods or services. As the second biggest city in Indonesia, the city of Surabaya also become the home of many start up teams, including in tourism sector. In building team creativity, the role of team leaders is important to lead and empower the team. One of the concepts of leadership that has been known to be effective is servant leadership. The application of servant leadership in a team can give space for the member to be more creative and innovative. This study focuses on the application of servant leadership in building team creativity. The study describes and analyze the impact servant leadership that has been applied to tourism start up team in Surabaya. The leader characters and the way they practice servant leadership are being discussed. This is a qualitative study that use the leaders of start-ups tourism team from Surabaya as the respondents. The teams that are chosen consist of mostly young people in the areas of tourism, hospitality and culinary. In-depth interview with the team leaders, observation on the team activities and publication review are conducted to collect data for the study. The collected data is analyzed using manual data analysis method, through data selection and categorization. The study show that servant leadership application can be seen in three phases, namely idea generation, problem solving and target achievement. There are several attributes of servant leadership that have been practiced to boost team creativity. The data is presented narratively and the result shows indicate that the application of servant leadership has great impact on team creativity.