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EDU-RILIGIA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam dan Keagamaan Vol 3, No 3 (2019): Juli-September
Publisher : Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.792 KB) | DOI: 10.47006/er.v3i3.5802


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) Apa saja nilai-nilai  agama  Islam yang di tanamkan dalam pembelajaran  di SMA Plus Al-Azhar  Medan Johor Kota Medan. 2) Bagaimanakah penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam dalam pembelajaran di SMA Plus Al-Azhar Medan Johor Kota Medan. 3) Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penanaman  nilai-nilai agama Islam dalam pembelajaran  di SMA Plus Al-Azhar Medan Johor Kota Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara/interview dan  dokumentasi. Dalam pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan  triangulasi yang memanfaatkan penggunaan metode, kemudian teknis analis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi data (data reduction),  penyajian data (data display) dan verifikasi (conclusion drawing). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Nilai agama  Islam yang di tanamkan dalam pembelajaran agama Islam di SMA Plus Al-Azhar  Medan Johor Kota Medan, yaitu: membuat peserta didik menjadi cinta ibadah, berakhlak mulia, dan berwawasan keislaman. 2) Penanaman nilai agama Islam dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Plus Al-Azhar Medan Johor Kota Medan melalui program kurikulum PAI,  program ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. 3) Faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penanaman  nilai agama Islam dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Plus Al-Azhar Medan Johor Kota Medan  terlihat dari keterbatasan waktu, siswa berbeda-beda dan masalah lingkungan. Kata Kunci: Penanaman, Nilai, Islam.  ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze: 1) what is the values of Islamic Religion which is indoctrinating through learning islamic studies at Al-Azhar Plus High School Medan Johor Medan City? 2) how is indoctrinating Islamic values through learning Islamic studies at Al-Azhar Plus High School Medan Johor Medan City? And 3) what is the supporting and inhibiting factors of indoctrinating Islamic values through learning Islamic studies at Al-Azhar Plus High School Medan Johor Medan City? This research is a type of qualitative field research using the method of observation, interviews / interviews and documentation. In checking the validity of the data using triangulation that utilizes the use of methods, then technical data analysis is done by data reduction, data presentation and verification (conclusion drawing).  The results of this research show that: 1) The value of Islamic religion which is instilled in the learning of Islam in the Al-Azhar Plus High School Medan Johor, Medan City, namely: making students love worship, noble character, and Islamic outlook. 2) Planting Islamic religious values in learning Islamic religious education at Al-Azhar Medan Johor High School Medan City Medan through the PAI curriculum program, extracurricular programs at schools. 3) Supporting and inhibiting factors in the inculcation of Islamic religious values in the learning of Islamic education in the Al-Azhar Plus High School Medan Johor, Medan City can be seen from the limitations of time, different students and environmental problems.Keywords: Indoctrinating, Value, Islamic.
Analysis of physical education in MAS Istiqomah Sri Gunting (perspective of Islamic education philosophy) Muhammad Rusdi; Salaminawati Salaminawati; Usiono Usiono; Anri Naldi
ATTARBIYAH: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Attarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/attarbiyah.v8i1.61-72


This study aims to analyze physical education conducted at MAS Istiqomah Sri Gunting based on the perspective of Islamic education philosophy. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, and the tools used as data collectors are observations, interviews, document studies, and data analysis techniques through data collection steps, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion: Withdrawal/Verification, and validity testing. The results showed that the purpose of physical education at MAS Istiqomah Sri Gunting had not been based on the philosophy of Islamic education because it has not entirely followed health rules in dressing, following health rules about housing, maintaining hygiene, treating diseases, getting used to exercising and regulating eating and drinking patterns. The purpose of physical education is carried out based on the objectives of the educational curriculum used today as recommended by the government. This is reinforced by the absence of learning materials or actions that lead to the habits advocated through the Qur'an and hadith, as well as the opinions of scholars. As the hadith recommended, there were no student learning activities in archery, horse riding, or swimming. So it can be concluded, based on the analysis of the philosophy of Islamic education physical education conducted at MAS Istiqomah Sri Gunting, the objectives and implementation cannot be said to be sourced from the Quran, hadith, and the opinions of scholars as the source of Islamic educational philosophy.
International Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): MARCH
Publisher : Adisam Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The role of teachers in education is very important to shape the character of students at school. The teacher's role as an educator is an example, role model, and figure identified by students. In schools, religious culture and religious tolerance will be formed if teachers prepare themselves with qualities such as responsibility, authority, independence and discipline. The aim of this research is to find out how teachers play a role in instilling the values ​​of tolerance in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students. Research findings show that teachers play an important role in instilling attitudes of tolerance in their students. The strategies they use for teaching include collaboration in class, using learning materials that support the principles of tolerance, and holding open discussions. These findings show how teachers try to build students' characters who are open and tolerant of differences. This strengthens the contribution of education to building a more just and inclusive society. This research can contribute to curriculum development and teacher training to improve the results of efforts to instill the value of tolerance at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level. Instilling the value of tolerance is carried out through learning activities using methods such as providing examples, providing direction, habituation, storytelling activities, game activities, and the use of media. The aim of implementing tolerance for students at school is as a means of training so that students are more able to implement and develop a broader attitude of tolerance when living in society.
Analytical Study on Integration of Islamic Science in Indonesia Based on Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology Faizal Lubis; Salminawati Salminawati; Usiono Usiono; Muhammad Rusdi
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, June 2024
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v6i2.8655


The concept of knowledge or truth can vary among various scientific traditions. Integrating various epistemological approaches, such as Islamic and modern scientific epistemologies, becomes complex. There are differences in understanding the integration of Islamic science and traditions among Islamic scholars and other scientists. Understanding these differences and trying to integrate multiple perspectives becomes a challenge. This research aimed to analyze the integration of Islamic science in Indonesia based on ontology, epistemology, and axiology points of view. This research was conducted using library research. The objects in this research were searched using various library information such as books, scientific journals, magazines, newspapers and documents. The research results show that an analytical study on the integration of Islamic science in Indonesia based on ontology, epistemology and axiology at the Indonesian Islamic University can cover several essential aspects. Islamic Scientific Ontology includes an understanding of the nature of science in the Islamic context. This includes questions about the sources of knowledge in Islam, whether the Islamic scientific ontology at the Islamic University of Indonesia recognizes the Qur’an and hadith as the primary sources or whether there are additions from other philosophical or scientific traditions. Islamic Scientific Epistemology focuses on the methodology and approaches used in building and developing Islamic scientific knowledge. Islamic Scientific Axiology investigates the values ​​or principles underlying the use of Islamic scientific knowledge and their ethical implications. This involves considering how Islamic scientific knowledge is used and applied in the Indonesian social and cultural context and its impact on society.
Analisis Pengaruh Kemitraan Sekolah-Industri dan Program Magang terhadap Keterampilan Kerja dan Kesiapan Karier Siswa SMK di Jawa Tengah Loso Judijanto; Nanny Mayasari; Yosep Heristyo Endro Baruno; Tasrip Tasrip; Muhammad Rusdi
Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science Vol 3 No 03 (2024): Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jmws.v3i03.1074


Studi kualitatif ini menyelidiki pengaruh kemitraan sekolah-industri dan program magang terhadap kemampuan kerja dan kesiapan karir siswa SMK di Jawa Tengah. Melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur, diskusi kelompok terarah, dan analisis dokumen, persepsi, pengalaman, dan tantangan yang terkait dengan inisiatif ini dieksplorasi di antara para siswa, guru, perwakilan industri, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Analisis tematik mengungkapkan bahwa kemitraan sekolah-industri dan program magang dianggap positif, memberikan siswa pengalaman praktis, wawasan industri, dan peluang pengembangan soft skill. Namun, tantangan seperti hambatan logistik, ekspektasi yang tidak sesuai, dan keterbatasan sumber daya diidentifikasi, menyoroti perlunya upaya berkelanjutan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Temuan ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya upaya kolaboratif antara sekolah kejuruan, mitra industri, dan pembuat kebijakan dalam memaksimalkan efektivitas inisiatif pendidikan kejuruan dan mempersiapkan siswa untuk transisi yang sukses ke dunia kerja.
Analysis of the Influence of Sleep Patterns, Emotional Stability, and Quality of Social Relationships on Mental Health of College Students in West Java Emdat Suprayitno; Muhammad Rusdi; Supriandi Supriandi
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v2i02.681


This study investigates the interplay between sleep patterns, emotional stability, quality of social relationships, and mental health among college students in West Java. A sample of 250 students participated, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to analyze the relationships. The results revealed significant positive associations between sleep patterns, emotional stability, quality of social relationships, and mental health. Specifically, better sleep patterns, higher emotional stability, and improved social relationships were linked to enhanced mental health. These findings underscore the importance of a holistic approach to mental well-being on college campuses. Practical implications for interventions targeting sleep hygiene, emotional regulation, and social connection initiatives are discussed. The study contributes to the understanding of factors influencing mental health in the unique cultural context of West Java.
Ritual Dynamics and Spiritual Practices in the Teaching of Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Yana Priyana; Muhammad Rusdi; Muhammadong Muhammadong; Indra Tjahyadi; Ali Imron
West Science Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 03 (2024): West Science Islamic Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsiss.v2i03.1132


This study explores the intricate dynamics of rituals and spiritual practices within the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah, a prominent Sufi order in Indonesia. Through a comprehensive literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, the research delves into the historical evolution, theological foundations, and the multifaceted role of rituals and spiritual exercises in shaping the followers' spiritual journey. The findings reveal that the integration of Qadiriyah and Naqsyabandiyah traditions fosters a unique spiritual path that balances exoteric religious observance with esoteric contemplation. Key themes include the transformative impact of rituals, the pivotal role of the sheikh, the significance of communal practices, and the holistic pedagogical approaches employed within the Tarekat. The study concludes that these rituals and practices are central to individual and collective spirituality, providing a cohesive and supportive spiritual community. This research contributes to the broader understanding of Indonesian Sufism and the enduring relevance of Sufi practices in contemporary Islamic spirituality.
Dampak Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran terhadap Pola Pikir Inovatif Siswa di Jawa Barat Loso Judijanto; Muhammad Rusdi; Sehan Rifky
Jurnal Pendidikan West Science Vol 2 No 01 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan West Science
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jpdws.v2i01.953


Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak penggunaan teknologi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran terhadap pola pikir inovatif siswa di Jawa Barat, Indonesia, dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis kuantitatif. Sampel sebanyak 150 siswa dari berbagai tingkat pendidikan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, memberikan wawasan tentang frekuensi penggunaan teknologi dan skor pola pikir inovatif mereka. Statistik deskriptif, analisis korelasi, dan analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasilnya menunjukkan frekuensi penggunaan teknologi yang cukup tinggi (rata-rata = 4,2 kali per minggu) dan tingkat pemikiran inovatif yang terpuji di kalangan siswa (rata-rata skor pola pikir inovatif = 78 dari 100). Analisis korelasi menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sedang hingga kuat (r = 0,62) antara penggunaan teknologi dan pola pikir inovatif, dengan analisis regresi berikutnya menunjukkan kekuatan prediksi yang signifikan dari penggunaan teknologi (β = 0,48). Temuan ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman tentang interaksi dinamis antara teknologi dan inovasi dalam pendidikan, memberikan wawasan yang berharga bagi para praktisi pendidikan dan pembuat kebijakan di Jawa Barat.
The Impact of Technology Use in Teaching and Understanding Religious Values on Students' Moral Development in Islamic Schools in Indonesia Muhammad Rusdi; Rika Riwayatiningsih; Herman Taufik; Andi Fitriani Djollong
The Eastasouth Journal of Learning and Educations Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): The Eastasouth Journal of Learning and Educations (ESLE)
Publisher : Eastasouth Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/esle.v1i03.158


This study investigates the impact of technology in teaching and the understanding of religious values on the moral development of students in Islamic schools in Indonesia. A quantitative analysis using Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) was employed to examine the relationships among these key variables. The study's questionnaire demonstrated strong validity and reliability. Discriminant validity confirmed the distinctiveness of the constructs. Hypothesis tests revealed significant positive relationships between Religious Values and Students' Moral Development and between Technology Use in Teaching and Students' Moral Development. These results underscore the critical role of both religious values and technology-enhanced teaching methods in shaping the moral character of students. The findings provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers in Islamic schools, emphasizing the potential of technology in religious education without compromising moral development.
Pengaruh Kualitas Guru dan Metode Pengajaran terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Pendidikan Islam pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah di Indonesia Muhammad Rusdi
Sanskara Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): Sanskara Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (SPP)
Publisher : Eastasouth Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/spp.v2i02.392


Penelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh kualitas guru dan metode pengajaran terhadap pemahaman konsep pendidikan Islam di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah di Indonesia melalui analisis kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain survei cross-sectional, mengumpulkan data dari 160 siswa dengan menggunakan kuesioner berskala Likert. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan analisis Partial Least Squares (PLS) dilakukan untuk menguji hubungan antara kualitas guru, metode pengajaran, dan pemahaman siswa tentang konsep pendidikan Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kualitas guru dan metode pengajaran dengan pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep pendidikan Islam. Secara khusus, guru yang menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan mata pelajaran yang tinggi, keterampilan pedagogis, dan komitmen agama secara positif mempengaruhi pemahaman siswa tentang prinsip-prinsip Islam. Demikian pula, metode pengajaran yang inovatif dan menarik meningkatkan keterlibatan dan pemahaman siswa terhadap ajaran Islam. Temuan-temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya berinvestasi dalam pelatihan guru dan menerapkan strategi pengajaran yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Islam di sekolah menengah di Indonesia.