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Kajian Arsitektur Islami Pada Masjid-Masjid di Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe Intan Annisa; Armelia Dafrina; Yenny Novianti; Diana Khairani Sofyan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i3.6405


The emergence of mosque architecture in Indonesia is inseparable from the development of Islam entering Indonesia. The development of Islamic civilization at all times has produced many forms and types of mosques, so that in Indonesia the forms of mosques are very diverse, especially in Aceh, the city of Lhokseumawe. The existence of Islam in Aceh is proven by the many historical mosques with Islamic architecture that have survived to this day, but in fact the function of mosques is more than that, mosques also act as centers of education, spread of Islamic symbols, and become centers of community empowerment. This research process combines field research (field research) and library research, namely using a qualitative descriptive research form. The mosque building itself is synonymous with Islamic architecture, which has seven important elements including gardens, courtyards, domes, pointed arches, muqarnas, minarets and mihrab, while not all elements of Islamic architecture are found in every mosque building.
Model Pengendalian Persediaan Obat Pada Apotek Menggunakan Metode CRS (Continuous Review System Diana Khairani Sofyan; Sri Meutia; Syarifah Akmal
Progresif: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Vol 19, No 2: Agustus 2023
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35889/progresif.v19i2.1318


Inventory is the number of products available in the warehouse. In this case, Dien Farma Pharmacy has not made plans for drug supplies at its pharmacies. The purchase of medicines is still based on routines, regardless of the supplies amount that are still available. This causes the pharmacy to experience excess inventory. The total inventory of the drug in the dispensary has increased, thereby affecting the total cost of storing the drug, so inventory control calculations are carried out by determining which drug policy must be ordered in advance to reduce the occurrence of difficulties. Drug orders are made when the amount of drug inventory in the warehouse is low or almost finished. Drug control calculations use the Continuous Review System (CSR) method, where the calculation results in a total inventory amount of 1,275,731/unit and a total inventory cost of Rp. 7,397,083. Besides that, the Dien Farma pharmacy can estimate orders or drugs in the warehouse for the following month by using the CRS method to minimize the cost of spending on drug supplies for the next period.Keywords: Inventory; Continuous review system method; Product ordering method AbstrakPersediaan merupakan jumlah produk yang tersedia di gudang. Dalam hal ini Apotek Dien Farma belum melakukan perencanaan bagi persediaan obat pada apotiknya. Pengadaan obat-obatan masih berdasarkan rutinitas tanpa melihat jumlah persediaan yang masih tersedia. Hal berdampak pada terjadinya persediaan yang berlebih. Total persediaan obat di apotik menjadi meningkat, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap total biaya penyimpanan obat, maka dilakukan perhitungan pengendalian persediaan dengan menentukan kebijakan obat mana yang harus dipesan terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangi terjadinya penumpukan. Pemesanan obat dilakukan apabila jumlah persediaan obat di gudang sudah sedikit atau hampir habis. Perhitungan pengendalian persediaan obat menggunakan Metode Continuous Review System (CSR), dimana hasil perhitungan dengan total jumlah persediaan sebesar 1,275,731/unit dan total biaya persediaan yaitu Rp.7,397,083 selain itu apotik Dien farma dapat memperkirakan pemesanan ataupun persediaan obat di gudang untuk bulan berikutnya dengan menggunakan metode CRS guna meminimalisir biaya pengeluaran persediaan obat untuk periode selanjutnya.Kata kunci: Persediaan; Metode continuous review system; Metode pemesanan produk
Arsitektur Tradisional Rumah Adat Sapo Jojong Suku Pakpak di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat Nurmalasari Tumangger; Armelia Dafrina; Fidyati Fidyati; Diana Khairani Sofyan
MARKA (Media Arsitektur dan Kota) : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Vol 7 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Universitas Matana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33510/marka.2023.7.1.35-46


Characteristics of the Sapo Jojong Traditional House in Penanggalan Binanga Boang Village, has the characteristics of a traditional Pakpak house which is considered quite representative as one of the traditional houses in Pakpak Bharat Regency. The aim of this research is to identify the historical development and architectural aspects of the Sapo Jojong traditional house. Some of the architectural aspects identified include: the spatial system (patterns of spatial relationships, orientation, and hierarchy), the physical system (physical form, space dividers, and materials), and the model system (roofs, columns, openings, ornaments/decoration). The method used in the research on the architectural characteristics of the Sapo Jojong traditional house is a survey method (direct observation) conducted in March-April 2023. Starting with the initial data collection followed by semi-structured interviews and conducting field observations, then the data is analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods.The results of this research show the architectural development of the Pakpak tribe and the characteristics of Sapo Jojong which can be seen from the identification of the spatial, physical, and model systems.
Pemberdayaan Pembangkit Listrik Mikro Tenaga Surya dan Sosialisasi Resiko Pencurian Arus PLN di Desa Blang Pulo Saifuddin Muhammad Jalil; Diana Khairani Sofyan; A Amri; Subhan A Gani; Syukriah
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v1i2.66


At this time, electricity has become a primary need for the community, the existence of the State Electricity Company (PLN) is very supportive of all community activities. The high use of electricity can cause negative effects for users, where the higher the use of electricity, the greater the costs incurred. This is what triggers the emergence of things that are not wanted in society. One of them is the emergence of a desire to steal electric current. In general, people do not know what the risks are due to stealing the electric current. In addition, there are other ways to reduce excessive use of electricity, one of which is by assembling a solar micro-power plant, of which not many people know about the use of assembling the power plant. Based on this, service is carried out with the aim of providing explanations and adding knowledge to the community in the safe use of electrical energy; provide explanations and increase knowledge for the public about the risk of theft of electrical energy; increase community participation in using and protecting the environment by using alternative energy; foster a strong bond between the Blang Pulo gampong which is the closest village to the Malikussaleh University Bukit Indah campus and the Malikussaleh University academic community, especially the electric energy-saving extension team. The counseling activity on the risk of theft of PLN flows in the village of Blang Pulo is carried out in the following activity methods: Program introduction, assembly and delivery of various forms of energy, especially solar energy; The submission of a frugal living attitude according to Islamic law is accompanied by showing several verses of the Koran and hadith and conveying the risks due to stealing electric current. The expected results of this service are through the micro-solar electricity empowerment program and energy-saving counseling, It is hoped that the awareness, sensitivity and participation of lecturers and the community of Blang Pulo will grow and develop in the safe and efficient use of electrical energy so that there is an adequate supply of electricity and there will be no longer rotating blackouts caused by the limited supply of electricity from the PLN, and explain the consequences if electrical energy is stolen for personal or group use in order to be able to use electrical energy for free.
Penghijauan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Pekarangan Masjid Pante Baro Subhan A Gani; Diana Khairani Sofyan; Bakhtiar Bakhtiar; Cut Ita Erliana; Syarifah Akmal; Armelia Dafrina
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Masjid Jamik Pante Baro adalah Masjid yang terletak di kecamatan peusangan siblah krueng, Bireuen, Aceh Utara, yang didirikan pada tahun 2010. Masjid ini merupakan Masjid yang letaknya sangat strategis di kota tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan lokasi Masjid terletak di pinggir jalan dan memudahkan pengunjung dari berbagai jenis wilayah untuk dapat masuk. Salah satu daya tarik Masjid ini adalah arsitekturnya, yang mencerminkan bentuk khas tradisi Aceh dan jelas merupakan ciri khas arsitektur Masjid di daerah tersebut, tetapi sangat disayangkan sekali bahwa kelestarian Masjid tersebut belum terlihat jelas, hal ini dikarenakan belum adanya tanaman yang ditanam disekitar Masjid. Dengan luas tanah Masjid yaitu 5000 m2 dan bangunan Masjid 616 m2 dengan luas pekarangan 4384 m2, Masjid ini cocok untuk dilakukan kegiatan penghijauan, khususnya penanaman pohon. 30 batang pohon kelapa hibrida, 4 (empat) pohon kurma, 4 (empat) pohon alpukat, dan 3 (tiga) pohon mangga telah diteliti dan cocok untuk ditanam diperkarangan Masjid. Dengan memanfaatkan ruang kosong di pelataran Masjid, tujuan secara umum adalah untuk mengurangi polusi udara dan melakukan penghijauan. Tujuan khususnya adalah penanaman pohon di sekitar Masjid. Ini akan menjaga lingkungan tetap asri dan memungkinkan orang di depan Masjid untuk dapat memanfaatkan hasil tanaman atau buah lokal tersebut. Kegiatan menanam pohon buah di lingkungan Masjid ini diharapkan menjadi tradisi baru dan menghasilkan nilai ekonomi. Hasil yang diperoleh pada kegiatan penanaman pohon bibit pohon kelapa hibrida, bibit mangga, alpukat dan kurma yang sudah di tanam dan sudah mulai tumbuh.