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Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance, Ukuran Perusahaan, dan Leverage Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2005-2008 Yuyun Isbanah
BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.912 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/bisma.v4n2.p102-118


The objectives of the research is to empirically examine the influence of corporate governance, firms size, and firms leverage to earnings management practice. Corporate governance is proxied by managerial ownership, institutional ownership, sense of independent of director, and size of board director. Firms size is measured with logarithm of total assets. The firms leverage is proxied by total debt to total assets ratio. To detect earnings management this research using discretionary accruals (managed accruals) that measured with modified Jones models. The sample used in this research is manufacture companies that implement corporate governance and registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2005 until 2008. The method of analysis of this research used multi regression. Result of this research shows that: (1) Simultaneously of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, presence of independent of director, size of director, size, and leverage have significant influence to earnings management. (2) Managerial ownership had not influence earnings management. (3) Institutional ownership had not influence earnings management. (4) Presence of independent of director had negatively influence earnings management. (5) Size of director had negatively influence earnings management. (6) Size had positively influence earnings management. (7) Leverage had negatively influence earnings management
Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan bagi Masyarakat Terdampak Covid-19 Fandi Fatoni; Ulil Hartono; Anang Kistyanto; Musdholifah; Yuyun Isbanah
Inspirasi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Inspirasi Nusantara

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The city of Surabaya is the city with the second highest number of people affected by the Covid-19 virus after DKI Jakarta. Surabaya is the center for administrative service activities, offices, services, shopping, industry and other supporting sectors. With the Covid-19 virus pandemic spreading so fast, the Surabaya City government issued regulations for working at home, studying at home, and limiting activities that led to large gatherings of people. Problems arise when the activities of schools, agencies, offices, motorcycle taxis, and some informal workers are economically affected. As well as government regulations that must be obeyed in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic, it also needs to be understood. This community service has a target, namely increasing food security, especially in terms of meeting basic needs. The implementer understands that in terms of meeting their basic needs, they have a few problems related to how to get it due to the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the distribution of PKM funds as foodstuffs is carried out in order to meet the basic food needs of the people affected by Covid-19 so that it can support public welfare. The method used is data collection of students and contract workers / utsourcing affected by Covid 19 who survive in boarding houses around the UNESA Ketintang campus location and distribution of nutrition and immunity enhancing food ingredients. As a result, there were 35 packages distributed to management students and non-contract / outsourcing FE Unesa who were affected by Covid 19 to meet food needs. Recipients of basic food packages consider that the packages are very important to meet food needs and maintain body resistance so that they are not susceptible to disease
Mewujudkan UMKM Mandiri Melalui Integrated Online Marketing di Desa Punggul Sidoarjo Anang Kistyanto; Ulil Hartono; Fandi Fathoni; Yuyun Isbanah; R.A. Sista Paramita
Journal of Social Responsibility Projects by Higher Education Forum Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.804 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/jrespro.v3i2.2734


Punggul Village is known as “Hat Village” because it has Hat and Bag SMEs, but it is not well organized compared to the Tanggulangin bag industry. The absence of a cooperative has caused them to work alone to make and market their products. The marketing aspect is still a concern in this program. SME Bags and Hats in Punggul village have received several pieces of training. They have made a website/blog to display their products, but not optimal because SME owners can not add photos of their new products and fill out the website. Currently, seeing that many people are more familiar with gadgets and the internet, the Punggul village hat bag UKM will be given knowledge and understanding of integrated online marketing through the integration of marketing communications by utilizing Instagram and Whatsapp businesses. The Punggul village bag and hat UKM was given training in digital marketing, making WhatsApp business and Instagram, and designing the advertisement media, such as business cards containing product descriptions and product lists. The training result shows that the average participant satisfaction response is in the high category, which means that participants are generally satisfied with this training activity. Regarding digital marketing, it becomes easier for partners to always be active in managing their social media (Instagram and WhatsApp business), including filling out content and communicating with customers.
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 11, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, UNTAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.714 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jebik.v11i3.56561


This study aims to determine the determinants of saving behavior using financial literacy as a mediating variable. The endogenous variable in this study was saving behavior, while the exogenous variables were financial literacy, parental socialization, peer influence, and self-control. The respondents were 300 students from the Faculty of Economics of Indonesia. Data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using STATA software. The results show that parental socialization and peer influence positively affect financial literacy, whereas self-control does not. Financial literacy directly affects saving behavior. Parental socialization and peer influence directly influence saving behavior.  The results provide a new understanding of the importance of financial literacy in encouraging student-saving behavior.  The role of parents and peers in the environment is essential for improving students’ financial literacy and saving behavior. The banking industry can play a role in increasing financial literacy through collaboration with universities through a virtual account program and the socialization of savings to students. It is also an opportunity for saving service providers to introduce their products to consumers early.JEL : G41, G410.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui determinan dari saving behaviour dengan menggunakan financial literacy sebagai variabel mediasi. Variabel endogen dalam penelitian ini adalah saving behaviour sedangkan variabel eksogen, yaitu financial literacy, parental socialization, peer influence, dan self-control. Responden penelitian ini adalah 300 mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi di Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan software STATA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parental socialization dan peer influence berpengaruh positif terhadap financial literacy, sedangkan self-control berpengaruh negatif terhadap financial literacy. Financial literacy juga terbukti berpengaruh secara langsung pada saving behaviour. Parental socialization dan peer influence juga memiliki pengaruh langsung pada saving behaviour. Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman baru mengenai pentingnya literasi keuangan untuk mendorong perilaku menabung bagi mahasiswa. Peran orang tua dan teman sebaya menjadi faktor penting dalam menumbuhkan literasi keuangan dan perilaku menabung mahasiswa. Industri perbankan dapat berperan dalam meningkatkan financial literacy melalui kerjasama dengan universitas dalam bentuk program virtual account sekaligus untuk sosialisasi tabungan ke mahasiswa. Ini juga menjadi peluang bagi penyedia layanan tabungan untuk memperkenalkan produknya ke konsumen lebih dini.Kata Kunci: literasi keuangan, peer influence, parental socialization, self-control, saving behaviour.
Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Inklusi Keuangan, Kontrol Diri dan Teman Sebaya terhadap Perilaku Menabung Penggemar K-Pop di Pulau Jawa Mahra Fairus Fatami Hajar; Yuyun Isbanah
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UNESA In Collaboration With APSMBI (Aliansi Program Studi dan Bisnis Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jim.v11n2.p482-494


This study aims to determine how entrepreneurial leadership affects innovation performance by examining the innovation process in start-up businesses. A questionnaire serves as the research tool for this survey-style study. In particular, research was done on start-up businesses in the East Java area, which had about 119 businesses and an average of 20 employees per business, to study the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation performance as mediated through the innovation process. This study employs a quantitative methodology, with surveys disseminated online and data analyzed using partial least squares (PLS). The study's findings demonstrate that entrepreneurial leadership significantly impacts both innovation performance and the innovation process. This study aims to demonstrate how an entrepreneurial leader may significantly affect business operations, particularly the innovation process and performance of firms, particularly those that are technology-based or can be considered start-ups. Moreover, this research demonstrates that the Innovation process is a mediating factor between Entrepreneurial leadership and Innovation performance. According to this study's findings, there is a link between entrepreneurial leadership, the innovation process, and innovation performance. The purpose of this study is to offer information on or a description of entrepreneurial leadership in start-up companies, especially the innovation, and performance it produces.
Pengaruh Financial Literacy, Financial Attitude, Financial Technology, Sefl-Control, dan Hedonic Lifestyle terhadap Financial Behavior pada Generasi Z di Jawa Timur Nabila Ganes Putri Utami; Yuyun Isbanah
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : UNESA In Collaboration With APSMBI (Aliansi Program Studi dan Bisnis Indonesia)

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This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the financial management behavior of the generation Z in East Java. The factors used in this study are financial literacy, financial attitude, financial technology, self-control and hedonic lifestyle. This research uses quantitative data sourced from primary data. This research population are generation Z in East Java. For the sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling and obtained 297 respondents were reached who became the samples of this research. The characteristics of respondent are gen Z, aged 17-26 years and have or used financial technology. This research analysis technique is multiple linear regression analyses and calculated with IBM SPSS 26. The results show that financial literacy and self-control can affect financial behavior. While financial attitude, financial technology, and hedonic lifestyle does not affect financial behavior. Financial literacy variables have an influence on the financial behavior because it is influences by the level of education and respondent financial literacy level was in the well literate category. Self-control positively significantly influence financial behavior because respondents have a high level of self-control, so they are able to control themselves against impulsive behavior.
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : UNESA In Collaboration With APSMBI (Aliansi Program Studi dan Bisnis Indonesia)

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This study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy, financial knowledge, locus of control, and hedonistic lifestyle on financial management behavior in students in Surabaya. The data type used is quantitative data sourced from primary data through questionnaires. The population in this study is students in Surabaya, including students at State Universities and Private Universities from all over Surabaya, with the category of the highest number of students in each region of 135,998. The sampling technique used snowball sampling, which was taken evenly throughout the Surabaya area, both in North Surabaya, South Surabaya, East Surabaya, West Surabaya, and Central Surabaya, and 220 were obtained as samples in this study. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression and calculated using IBM SPSS 26. The results showed that financial knowledge significantly and positively affected financial management behavior. Meanwhile, financial literacy, locus of control, and hedonistic lifestyle do not significantly affect financial management behavior. Therefore, students at State Universities and Private Universities in Surabaya are expected to increase their financial literacy, especially related to investment and insurance, so they can better manage their finances
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 21, No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v21i2.11419


The purpose of entrepreneurship training is to increase intention, motivation, and entrepreneurship skills to the orphanage children. An Orphanage girl is selection as training objects because they need to have the skills to train their own souls. Entrepreneurship training is aim to training financial independence early on. Entrepreneurship training and making beads brooch located at Al-Chusnaini Sidoarjo  Orphanage, which followed by 34 participants consisting of young women and administrators of orphanages. The method of implementation is used two steps. The first step is entrepreneurship learning and the second step is the workshop of making beads brooch. This training goes as expected. The results of the questionnaire indicate that generally, the training is able to understand by the participants. Most of the participants thought that training were able to increase their skills, and there was an increase in entrepreneurship intention. Keywords: financial independence, orphanage, entrepreneur intention