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Efektivitas Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan (PMT-P) Terhadap Kenaikan Berat Badan Balita Stunting Komalasari, Komalasari; Fara, Yetty Dwi; Utami, Iis Tri; Mayasari, Ade Tyas; Komalasari, Vitria; Al Tadom, Nurlaelah
Journal of Current Health Sciences Vol 1, No 1: 2021
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.602 KB) | DOI: 10.47679/jchs.v1i1.4


Indonesia still faced serious nutritional problems which are in line with the high number of stunting cases. The results of Basic Health Research show that the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 30.8%  in 2018 and fell to 27.7% in 2019. Compared to the results of the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey (SSGBI), the incidence of stunting in Indonesia was successfully reduced to 3.1% in the last year. However, this data was still higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) limit on stunting, which is less than 20%. Lampung is the 36th city with the highest prevalence of stunting. The number of toddlers in the short and very short categories in 2018 almost reached 30%. Handling stunting in Lampung was divided into two priorities or stunting loci, namely the first and second priorities. The first priority was the area of South Lampung, East Lampung and Central Lampung, while the second priority was the Tanggamus area, one of which is Sinar Petir Village which is included in the working area of the Bulok Public Health Center. The results of a preliminary survey conducted by researchers in January 2020 at the Bulok Public Health Center, it was revealed that there were 32 cases of stunting in the period January to December 2019. The toddlers diagnosed with stunting will be given supplementary feeding that are high in calories and protein as well monitored through the Integrated Service Post of toddlers every month to determine their progress. This study used a quantitative research design with a retrospective cohort approach. The data were taken through the medical records of the Public Health Center and the MCH handbook of Toddler stunting. Weight gain will be displayed in the form of the average (mean) weight per month after the Toddler has received recovering supplementary feeding. The monitoring was carried out up to 3 months after the giving of recovering supplementary feeding.
Efektivitas Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan (PMT-P) Terhadap Kenaikan Berat Badan Balita Stunting Komalasari Komalasari; Yetty Dwi Fara; Iis Tri Utami; Ade Tyas Mayasari; Vitria Komalasari; Nurlaelah Al Tadom
Journal of Current Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: 2021
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jchs.v1i1.4


Indonesia still faced serious nutritional problems which are in line with the high number of stunting cases. The results of Basic Health Research show that the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 30.8%  in 2018 and fell to 27.7% in 2019. Compared to the results of the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey (SSGBI), the incidence of stunting in Indonesia was successfully reduced to 3.1% in the last year. However, this data was still higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) limit on stunting, which is less than 20%. Lampung is the 36th city with the highest prevalence of stunting. The number of toddlers in the short and very short categories in 2018 almost reached 30%. Handling stunting in Lampung was divided into two priorities or stunting loci, namely the first and second priorities. The first priority was the area of South Lampung, East Lampung and Central Lampung, while the second priority was the Tanggamus area, one of which is Sinar Petir Village which is included in the working area of the Bulok Public Health Center. The results of a preliminary survey conducted by researchers in January 2020 at the Bulok Public Health Center, it was revealed that there were 32 cases of stunting in the period January to December 2019. The toddlers diagnosed with stunting will be given supplementary feeding that are high in calories and protein as well monitored through the Integrated Service Post of toddlers every month to determine their progress. This study used a quantitative research design with a retrospective cohort approach. The data were taken through the medical records of the Public Health Center and the MCH handbook of Toddler stunting. Weight gain will be displayed in the form of the average (mean) weight per month after the Toddler has received recovering supplementary feeding. The monitoring was carried out up to 3 months after the giving of recovering supplementary feeding.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bagi Anak Balita Penderita Stunting Dengan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Di Desa Penfui Timur Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tarus Loriana Lorinda Manalor; Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi; Nur Lailah Al Tadom; Rosmiyati Dappa Loka; Lusia Ina Dawa; Ni Gusti Tara
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 12 (2022): Volume 5 No 12 Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i12.8170


ABSTRAK Pada saat ini secara nasional belum tercapai pola konsumsi yang beragam.  Hasil analisis  yang dilakukan oleh BKP menyimpulkan pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat Indonesia masih didominasi oleh pangan sumber karbohidrat atau pangan nabati. Pola konsumsi pangan termasuk pangan sumber protein hewani sangat ditentukan oleh faktor sosial ekonomi rumah tangga seperti tingkat pendapatan, harga pangan, selera, dan kebiasaan makan.  Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pemberian makanan tambahan/PMT mengungkapkan bahwa dalam hal ini peran serta orang tua dan kader posyandu dalam memberikan intervensi pada balita akan menunjang proses tumbuh kembang anak sampai usia 2 tahun secara efektif. Seluruh kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat telah dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal dan perencanaan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi disertai dengan implementasi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Penfui Timur, Dusun Belfai dan Tuameko, yang dihadiri kader dan beberapa orang tua bayi balita juga ada orangtua balita stunting. Kader dan orang tua dapat mengetahui jenis makan yang dapat meningkatkan gizi keluarga khususnya anak balita yang mengalami gizi kurang atau gizi buruk. Dengan melakukan redemontrasi ini diharapkan kader dan orang tua dapat mempraktekkan apa yang di ajarkan agar bisa memenuhi nilai gizi keluarga. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Balita, Ikan ABSTRACT Currently, nationally, diverse consumption patterns have not been achieved. The results of the analysis conducted by the BKP concluded that the food consumption pattern of the Indonesian people is still dominated by food sources of carbohydrates or plant foods. The desired pattern of food consumption, including food sources of protein, is largely determined by socio-economic factors of the household, such as income levels, food prices, tastes, and eating habits. Purpose Community service activities in the form of providing supplementary food/PMT revealed that in this case, the participation of parents and posyandu cadres in providing interventions for toddlers will effectively support the growth and development process of children up to the age of 2 years. All community service activities have been carried out according to schedule and planning using lecture and discussion methods accompanied by the implementation. Community service activities were carried out in East Penfui Village, Belfai, and Tuameko Hamlets, which witnessed toddler cadres and several parents of toddlers also having stunted parents. Cadres and parents can find out the types of food that can improve family nutrition, especially for children under five who experience malnutrition or malnutrition. By doing this demonstration, it is hoped that cadres and parents can practice what is offered so that they can fulfill the nutritional value of the family. Keywords: Empowerment, Toddlers, Fish
The Effect of Service and Satisfaction of Pregnant Women on Antenatal Visits to Midwives Tirza Vivianri Isabela Tabelak; Firda Kalzum Kiah; Nurlaelah Al Tadom
Publisher : Research and Community Service Unit, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.Vol20.Iss2.895


The utilization of antenatal services for pregnant women can be determined based on the achievements of K1 (first contact) and K4 (4 times contact) during pregnancy with competent and authorized health workers. The World Health Organization asserts that the attitude and performance of health workers are an essential elements of service quality as it affects the understanding and satisfaction of women, partners, and families in seeking ANC, delivery, and postnatal services. The objective of this research is to examine the effect of antenatal care by midwives and the satisfaction of pregnant women on antenatal visits. The type of this research is analytic observational with a cross-sectional design, performed from March - June in Kupang City. The research subjects were 120 pregnant women with a gestational age of 36 weeks. Data collection employed questionnaires and MCH Handbook. The analysis conducted was univariate and bivariate by employing the Chi-square test with Alpha = 0.05. The results of the study on 120 pregnant women demonstrated that most of the pregnant women received good service (98.3%) and most of whom (60%) were satisfied with the services they experienced. Seventy-one people (59.2%) possessed complete visits. The Chi-square test results revealed relationship between service and satisfaction of pregnant women with antenatal visits (p = 0.652, p = 0.324). The majority of pregnant women had thorough consultations, received adequate antenatal care, and were pleased with the services they received. In addition to satisfaction, health services and programs must be performed in accordance with local culture and language in order to be accepted by the community, encompassing a decision-making culture that can influence pregnant women's visits to health facilities. Distance, education, profession, parity, and the husband's support can all have an impact on the mother's adherence to antenatal visits.
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 14 No 4 (2022): EDISI SPESIAL
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v14i4.975


Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak berusia di bawah lima tahun akibat kekurangan gizi kronis dan infeksi berulang terutama pada periode 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK). Sanitasi higiene juga merupakan faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan, terutama sarana air bersih, ketersediaan jamban, pengolahan air limbah, pembuangan sampah, dan kebiasaan cuci tangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan factor lingkungan sanitasi higiene dengan kejadian stunting pada anak. Desain penelitian ini adalah literature review, untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko lingkungan yang terkait dengan stunting. Proses pelaksanaannya secara systematic review dengan mengumpulkan artikel-artikel menggunakan search engine guna menelusuri materi artikel terkait kejadian stunting pada anak. Search engine yang digunakan diantaranya adalah Google Schoolar, dengan kata kunci factor lingkungan AND kualitas air AND pembuangan sampah AND pembuangan limbah AND jamban AND hygiene AND stunting AND balita OR anak OR 0-59 bulan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan ekstraksi data dengan mengelompokkan data menurut variabel yang ingin dikaji. Setelah terkumpul langkah selanjutnya adalah sintesis data untuk dihubungkan guna mendapatkan korelasi determinan penyebab stunting dengan kejadian stunting. Berdasarkan hasil literature review disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna terkait factor lingkungan diantaranya yaitu kondisi fisik air bersih, kepemilikan jamban sehat, sarana pembuangan sampah, sarana pembuangan air limbah, dan higiene terhadap kejadian stunting pada balita
Factors Caused for Intra Natal Care and Postnatal Care at Home: Qualitative Study on the Location of Birth Agustina Abuk Seran; Nurlaelah Al-Tadom; Adriana Boimau; Sherlyansie Boimau; Linda Risyati
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 14 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Keperawatan: Supp September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.13 KB)


The safe motherhood program aims to strengthen maternal health efforts at regional and national levels in the context of equality, poverty reduction, and human rights. However, maternal mortality remains a major challenge for health systems worldwide. Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) are still a problem because of complications during pregnancy or childbirth and there are stillbirths monitored and assisted by non-professionals at home. To increase and encourage the use of maternal health services, it is very important to understand the factors that influence maternal care-seeking behavior in NTT. This study was designed to explore societal values ​​and practices surrounding labor and the postpartum period, the influence of these values ​​and practices on health-seeking behavior, and the barriers and enabling factors to seek and utilizing maternal health services. We performed a rapid ethnographic assessment of maternal care-seeking behavior. It discusses local beliefs and practices related to childbirth and postpartum to determine the socio-cultural factors that contribute to the low absorption of maternal health services in NTT Province. This study seeks to identify and assess the factors that influence home delivery in Malacca District, NTT Province. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. Data collection was carried out in April-August 2022 in Malacca Regency. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and FGDs with 30 informants, namely new mothers giving birth 0-3 months Thematic analysis of interview data and FGDs. Of the 30 cases submitted, 16 cases decided to give birth at a health care facility, 12 cases gave birth at home, 2 cases gave birth on the way to a health facility. Five dominant themes affecting the location of delivery were identified: the perception of normal delivery; motivation to encourage the provision of health facilities; home delivery and postpartum practices; decision-making process; and the level of knowledge about the danger signs of labor and postpartum.
Kalender Sebagai Media Promotif Pencegahan Stunting di Kota Kupang Ni Luh Made Diah Putri Anggaraeningsih; Kamlus Mamoh; Nurlaela Al Tadom
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 15 No 4 (2023): DESEMBER (INPRESS)
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v15i4.1598


Masalah gizi masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius di Indonesia Tahun 2022 prevalensi stunting di Indonesia mencapai 21,6 persen. Di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur kejadian stunting tahun 2022 sebesar 35,3 persen. Kota Kupang mengalami penurunan kasus stunting sebesar 15,7 persen dari tahun 2018 sebesar 23,3 persen, namun kasus ini masih jauh dari target propinsi < 10 persen. Salah satu penyebab stunting yaitu kekurangan gizi kronis dalam waktu lama akibat pemberian makanan yang tidak sesuai. Tujuan untuk melihat perbedaan pengetahuan ibu mengenai pencegahan stunting balita sebelum dan sesudah pemberian media kalender pencegahan stunting dalam mendeteksi dini gangguan pertumbuhan dalam pencegahan stunting. Metode Quasi eksperimen one group pre test post test. Responden sebanyak 30 ibu balita yang merupakan total sampling. Analisa univariat dengan mean pre test dan analisa bivariat dengan uji wilcoxon signed rank. Hasil Didapatkan mean pretest 64,68 dan post test 92,43, dan ada pengaruh media kalender terhadap pengetahuan ibu balita dengan nilai p value 0,001. Kesimpulan: terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan ibu balita yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan media kalender pencegahan stunting.
Peran Perempuan dalam Perencanaan Keluarga sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Penfui Timur Serlyansie V Boimau; Nurlaelah Al-Tadom; Andriana M.S. Boimau
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 15 No 4 (2023): DESEMBER (INPRESS)
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v15i4.1601


Peran perempuan dalam pencegahan stunting melalui perencanaan keluarga sangat penting. Pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan keluarga misalnya pada usia berapa menikah, berapa jumlah anak, jarak anak sangat mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting. Data Puskesmas Tarus Tahun 2020 bahwa angka stunting di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah sebanyak 451 orang dengan persentase 14,6% sedangkan jumlah balita stunting di desa Penfui Timur sebanyak 50 orang atau sebanyak 9,6% dari jumlah balita. Ada beberapa faktor yang juga mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting diantaranya perencanaan keluarga yang kurang memadai dari pasangan suami istri yang ingin memiliki anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peran perempuan dalam perencanaan keluarga sebagai upaya pencegahan stunting di Desa Penfui Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan objek dan fenomena yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran perempuan dalam perencanaan keluarga sebagai upaya pencegahan stunting di Desa Penfui Timur sangat minim . Hasil wawancara menunjukan peran perempuan dalam perencanaan keluarga sangat didominasi oleh suami.dibuktikan dari hasil wawancara mendalam terhadap informan utama bahwa sebagian besar ibu tidak melakukan peran tetapi peran ini diambil alih oleh suami dan keluarga.
Self Management Ibu Hamil dengan Anemia Linda Risyati; Nurlaelah Al-Tadom; Firda Kalzum Kiah
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Volume 7 No 1 2024
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v7i1.12522


ABSTRAK Anemia selama kehamilan berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan janin terhambat, IUFD, kelahiran preterm, gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak janin, dan BBLR. Anak-anak yang lahir dengan cadangan besi yang rendah, akan memiliki cadangan besi yang rendah pada usia 6–9 bulan dan berisiko tinggi mengalami defisiensi besi. Anak yang lahir dengan defisiensi besi berisiko mengalami kesulitan perkembangan kognitif, social-emosional, fungsi adaptif, dan motoric. Ibu hamil dengan anemia memerlukan penanganan dan perawatan selama kehamilan, dimana penanganannya membutuhkan managemen diri atau self management. Mewujudkan self management yang baik melalui pendampingan dan penyuluhan pada ibu hamil dengan anemia. Metode Penelitian: Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dalam kegiatan bertahap yaitu tahapan yaitu identifikasi pengetahuan melalui pretest, edukasi dan penyuluhan tentang anemia ibu hamil, nutrisi, dan pengelolaan anemia, dilanjutkan postest. Tahapan terakhir dilakukan evaluasi pengelolaan anemia khususnya perilaku minum tablet besi. Hasil pre-test dan post-test ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel deskripsi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan. Terdapat perubahan presentase pengetahuan responden dengan peningkatan pengetahuan baik sebesar 51,5% serta penurunan persentase pengetahuan kurang sebesar 15,1%. Sebagian besar ibu hamil patuh dalam meminum tablet Fe yaitu sebesar 81,8%. Self management ibu hamil yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil dilaksanakan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan tentang anemia dan kepatuhan meminum tablet Fe pada ibu hamil dengan anemia. Kata Kunci: Self Management, Ibu Hamil, Anemia  ABSTRACT Anemia during pregnancy is associated with stunted fetal growth, IUFD, preterm birth, impaired fetal brain growth and development, and LBW. Children born with low iron reserves will have low iron reserves at the age of 6–9 months and are at high risk of experiencing iron deficiency. Children born with iron deficiency are at risk of experiencing difficulties in cognitive, social-emotional, adaptive function and motor development. Pregnant women with anemia require treatment and care during pregnancy, where treatment requires self-management. To realize good self-management through assistance and counseling for pregnant women with anemia. Method: Community service is carried out in gradual activities, namely the stages, namely identification of knowledge through pretest, education and counseling about anemia in pregnant women, nutrition and management of anemia, followed by posttest. The final stage was to evaluate the management of anemia, especially the behavior of taking iron tablets. The results of the pre-test and post-test are displayed in the form of a description table. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is an increase in knowledge. There was a change in the percentage of respondents' knowledge with an increase in good knowledge of 51.5% and a decrease in the percentage of poor knowledge of 15.1%. Most pregnant women adhere to taking Fe tablets, namely 81.8%. The self-management of pregnant women carried out in this community service was successfully implemented by increasing knowledge about anemia and compliance with taking Fe tablets in pregnant women with anemia. Keywords: Self Management, Pregnant Women, Anemia