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REPRESENTASI KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM FILM MULAN (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes film Mulan) Ariyan Alfraita; Tira Fitria Wardhani; Julyanto Ekantoro
Jurnal Gesi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Pusat Studi GESI - UWP

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Films are often considered only as a medium for entertainment purposes, but films can also display hidden messages according to the wishes of the creators, including the Disney film Mulan which was broadcast simultaneously throughout the world via Disney Plus Hotstar 4 September 2020 streaming application. in it some messages carry the theme of gender equality, which is still a controversial issue in several parts of the world, including in China, the setting of the place where Mulan's film is told, this research will analyze symbols containing messages representing gender equality in the film Mulan with Roland Barthes' semiotic approach, and as a result, Mulan's film contains symbols of gender equality. This Disney film carries the message that men and women should be given equal opportunities in any case, including defending the country on the battlefield.
KEMARAHAN JOKO WIDODO DALAM PEMBINGKAIAN MEDIA DARING Ariyan Alfraita; Fitria Widiyani Roosinda; Delmarrich Bilga Ayu Permatasari
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v9i1.139


ABSTRACT The video showing the anger of President Joko Widodo during a plenary session at the State Palace invited various comments from several parties. This incident also did not escape the media coverage. This study analyzes the news about President Joko Widodo's anger. The identification of the news was taken from three online media, namely, and, using four dimensions of Robert Entman's model framing analysis, namely: Define the problem, Diagnose cause, Make moral judgment and Treatment recommendation. The approach in this research is qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the three online media above have their respective points of view in reporting President Joko Widodo's anger during the plenary session. Keywords: framing analysis; Entman; online media; president's anger
Analisis Framing Pada Akun @drrichardlee terhadap Akun @dr.okypratama Sebagai Media Edukasi Skincare Nuzul Qur’ani Tresna Dewati; Ita Nurlita; Julyanto Ekantoro; Ariyan Alfraita
Kiwari Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Kiwari
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/ki.v2i3.26116


Social media, especially TikTok, has transformed how society communicates by erasing distance, space, and time barriers. TikTok is popular for creative content, including educational content about skincare. Skincare education is crucial due to the increasing prevalence of dangerous and illegal skincare products being promoted, often indirectly, by influencers through endorsements. The use of these harmful skincare products can lead to serious skin issues and even cancer. The lack of public knowledge about proper skincare exacerbates this problem. dr. Richard Lee, an aesthetic doctor and TikTok influencer, is well-known for his skincare education content. Meanwhile, dr. Oky Pratama, also an aesthetic doctor and influencer, is famous for promoting his beauty clinic and sharing everyday life content. This research analyzes their content using media text analysis, particularly employing the framing approach. The results reveal how the public interprets skincare content on social media and its impact on the skincare industry. This highlights the importance of informed decisions when selecting safe skincare products. Additionally, this study contributes to understanding the effects and implications of skincare educational content on social media. Media sosial, khususnya TikTok, telah mengubah cara komunikasi masyarakat dengan menghapus batasan jarak, ruang, dan waktu. TikTok populer untuk konten kreatif, termasuk didalamnya berisi edukasi skincare. Edukasi mengenai skincare sangatlah penting karena produk skincare berbahaya dan ilegal semakin banyak beredar, bahkan tidak sedikit yang secara tidak langsung didukung oleh influencer melalui endorsement. Penggunaan skincare berbahaya dapat mengakibatkan masalah kulit serius dan bahkan kanker. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai perawatan kulit yang baik dan benar menyebabkan masalah ini. dr.Richard Lee, seorang dokter estetika sekaligus influencer TikTok, beliau terkenal karena konten edukasi skincare. Sedangkan, dr.Oky Pratama, yang juga merupakan dokter estetika sekaligus influencer, tetapi beliau terkenal karena konten promosi klinik kecantikannya dan konten mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari.  Penelitian ini menganalisis konten mereka dengan metode analisis teks media, terutama dengan pendekatan framing. Hasilnya mengungkap bagaimana masyarakat menafsirkan konten skincare di media sosial, dan dampaknya pada industri skincare yang menyoroti pentingnya pengetahuan dalam memilih produk skincare yang aman untuk digunakan. Serta, penelitian ini berkontribusi dalam memahami dampak dan implikasi dari konten edukasi skincare di media sosial.
Strategi Marketing Public Relations dalam Meningkatkan Okupansi Pengunjung Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya Dyah Ayu Wulandari; Ita Nurlita; Ariyan Alfraita
Kiwari Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Kiwari
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/ki.v2i4.26372


The development of tourist attractions is a factor in the tight competition in the hotel business in the city of Surabaya. The high number of tourist visits to the city of Surabaya encourages economic growth for the hotel industry. The high scope of hotel competition in the center of Surabaya City means that the Marketing Public Relations of the Grand Dafam Surabaya Hotel must develop a strategy to increase the existence of its hotel. This research aims to determine marketing public relations strategies in increasing visitor occupancy at the Grand Dafam Hotel Surabaya. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation directly with the Marketing Public Pelations Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya. Other secondary sources take information through journals, books, the official Grand Dafam Hotel website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik-tok) and the Internet. The results of this research used Marketing Public Relations of the Grand Dafam HotelThree Ways Strategy, that isStrategy pull by utilizing various digital media to promote the hotel in the form of visual content or photos or videos to attract visitor interest.Strategy push to increase visitor occupancy by collaborating with OTA to encourage visitors by providing various discount offers and attractive hotel promotions, andStrategy pass by carrying out CSR activities to care for the community around the hotel area. From thirdstrategy Accordingly, Strategy Push is a strategy that is considered effective in increasing visitor occupancy at the Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya hotel. Perkembangan tempat wisata menjadi faktor ketatnya persaingan bisnis perhotelan di Kota Surabaya. Tingginya kunjunganwisatawan ke Kota Surabaya mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi industri perhotelan. Tingginya lingkup kompetisi hotel dipusat Kota Surabaya membuat Marketing Public Relations Hotel Grand Dafam Surabaya harus menyusun strategi peningkataneksistensi hotelnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui strategi marketing public relations dalam meningkatkan okupansipengunjung Hotel Grand Dafam Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakanWawancara, Observasi, dan Dokumentasi langsung dengan pihak Marketing Public Pelations Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya. Sumber sekunder lainnya mengambil informasi melalui jurnal, buku, website resmi Hotel Grand Dafam, media sosial(Facebook, Instagram, Tik-tok) dan Internet. Hasil penelitian ini Marketing Public Relations Hotel Grand Dafam menggunakan Three Ways Strategy, yaitu Strategy pull dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media digital untuk mempromosikan hotel dalam bentukkonten atau foto atau video visual untuk menarik minat pengunjung. Strategy push untuk meningkatkan okupansi pengunjung dengan cara bekerja sama dengan OTA untuk mendorong pengunjung dengan memberikan berbagai tawaran diskon dan promo-promo menarik hotel, dan Strategy pass dengan melakukan kegiatan CSR untuk kepedulian terhadap masyarakat sekitar wilayahhotel. Dari ketiga strategy tersebut, Strategy push adalah strategy yang dinilai efektif dalam meningkatkan okupansi pengunjunghotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya.