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JURNAL AKTA YUDISIA Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Akta Yudisia Vol. 2 Nomor 1
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/ay.v2i1.975


AbstractThe main problem in this research is, the marriage registration linked to the validity of a marriage according to Law No. 1 of 1974 and the Law of Islam as well as the legal consequences of marriage were not recorded according to Law No. 1 of 1974 and the Law of Islam.This research is penelitianYuridis Normative namely legal research using secondary data sources in the form of literature votes. research that emphasizes the science of law, tried to examine the legal principles that apply in the community and as supporting research carried Normative method.Marriage has been done according to the law of each religion and his belief that (a valid marriage according to religious law) must be registered in order to obtain legal protection. However, registration of marriage it does not specify when the validity of the marriage because of the validity of marriage is at the time held Munurut law of each religion and belief. Registration of marriages serves to record the occurrence of law concerning marriage, as well as the listing on the birth.The legal consequences of marriage were not recorded, although the religion or belief was valid, but the marriage conducted without the knowledge and supervision of employees marriage registrar does not have the force of law is certain. By law, it would be difficult demanding livelihood and legacy of the husband if the husband dies. Additionally wife is not entitled to the property (Gono-gini) in case of separation. The next legal consequences are children from the marriage that can not be listed deemed illegitimate children unless there is recognition of a father or a court decision.Although the validity of marriage is returned to the law of each religion and belief but the registration of marriages should be made legal by the state so that protection can be implemented to the maximum. And registration of marriages should be made at the same time with the implementation of the marriage. Keywords: Registration, Marriage, Validity
Perspektif Vol 18, No 1 (2013): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.005 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v18i1.111


Berbicara mengenai problema akan Kota Layak Anak yang terdapat di Tarakan, maka itu akan menyangkut pemenuhan akan pengaturan hak-hak anak di wilayah yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini terfokus pada daerah perbatasan, khusnya Tarakan, dengan mengetahui peran pemerintah daerahnya dalam mewujudkan daerahnya sebagai daerah layak anak. Pelecehan anak sangatlah berpengaruh dalam hal penentuan kota Tarakan sebagai kota layak anak, maka dari itu diperlukan secara teratur dan berkesinambungan usaha untuk meminimalkan hal itu, dan juga dibutuhkan partisipasi masyarakat dan peran pemerintah secara keseluruhan diwujudkan dalam ketersediaan alokasi dana untuk menyediakan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak anak. Ini adalah tantangan besar, khususnya untuk mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan hak-hak anak-anak dari orangtua, masyarakat, kabupaten atau kota, propinsi, dan tingkat nasional di masa sekarang dan di masa depan. Bila kita tidak segera mengambil tindakan inisiatif dan juga kepedulian dari kepentingan pengabaian anak, hak anak khususnya tumbuh dan berkembang, akan menjadi sangat tidak optimal, lebih buruk lagi itu akan berakibat hilangnya generasi.Talking about Child Friendly Cities (KLA) problem, it will intersect with the regulatory fulfillment of children’s rights in the related region. This research focused on the border areas particularly in Tarakan, by knowing the role of Local Government in realizing the region as a Child Friendly Cities. Child abuse is very influential in determining Tarakan city as a Child Friendly City (KLA), and therefore required a regular and continuous efforts to minimize it, and it also required the participation of the community and also the role of government which is manifested in the availability of the funds allocation to provide the protection of the children’s rights. This is a big challenge in particular to accelerate the implementation of the children’s rights at their parents, community, regency/city, provincial, and national levels in the present and future. If we do not immediately take the initiative and concern for the best interests of the child neglect, children’s rights especially growing and developing will be unoptimal, worse it will lead to the loss of a great generation.
Perspektif Vol 18, No 3 (2013): Edisi September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.483 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v18i3.44


Penataan wilayah kelautan diperlukan dalam kaitannya pengaturan pemanfaatan laut secara optimal dengan mengakomodasi semua kepentingan sekaligus sebagai upaya menghindari adanya konflik pemanfaatan ruang di laut dan pemanfaatan sumber daya kelautan sehingga harus diberikan batas yang jelas antara zona pemanfaatan yang satu dengan zona yang lain, sehingga wilayah laut dapat memberikan manfaat bagi segenap masyarakat di Indonesia khususnya masyarakat pesisir. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji tentang penataan dan pengelolaan wilayah dan sumber daya kelautan secara terpadu dalam Hukum Agraria Perspektif Otonomi Daerah, serta untuk menganalisis penataan dan pengelolaan sumber daya kelautan secara berkelanjutan dalam Hukum Agraria Perspektif Otonomi Daerah. Pengelolaan kawasan pesisir dan lautan hendaknya dilakukan secara terpadu, meliputi kawasan daratan dan kawasan lautan, mencakup berbagai sektor dan subsektor yang berbeda, pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan yang diorientasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan generasi sekarang tanpa mengorbankan kemampuan generasi yang akan datang.Structuring the sea area required in relation to setting the optimal utilization of the sea to accommodate all interests as well as efforts to avoid any conflict in the sea of space utilization and utilization of marine resources and should be given a clear boundary between the zones use zone one with another, so that the sea area can provide benefits for all the people in Indonesia, especially coastal communities. Integrated coastal zone management and sustainability into account. The purpose of this paper is to study about the structuring and management of marine areas and resources in an integrated manner in Agrarian Perspective of Regional Autonomy Law, as well as to analyze the structuring and management of marine resources in a sustainable manner in the Regional Autonomy Law of Agrarian Perspective. Coastal and ocean management should be done in an integrated manner, covering lands and seas region, spanning multiple sectors and sub-sectors are different, sustainable development is development oriented to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations.
Perspektif Vol 20, No 1 (2015): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.423 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v20i1.123


Perilaku dan kehidupan masyarakat selalu dinamis sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup sebagai sarana penunjang dalam melakukan aktifitas keseharian. Karena faktor pelayanan publik yang berkaitan dengan angkutan umum tidak jelas akan rute dan trayeknya, maka mayoritas masyarakat lebih memanfaatkan kendaraan pribadi, keadaan ini selaras dengan intensitas penjualan kendaraan. Tempat parkir kendaraan bermotor menjadi kebutuhan bagi pemilik kendaraan, karenanya parkir harus mendapat perhatian yang serius, terutama mengenai pengaturannya. Salah satu hal yang penting dalam pengelolaan parkir adalah mengenai masalah perlindungan bagi konsumen pengguna jasa parkir mengenai keamanan kendaraan yang diparkir di tempat parkir. Pengguna jasa parkir tentunya tidak menginginkan kendaraan yang diparkir mengalami kerusakan atau kehilangan kendaraan yang diparkir. Namun tentu saja kemungkinan tersebut sering terjadi, sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka timbullah pertanyaan, siapa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan atau kerusakan kendaraan bermotor yang di parkir di tempat parkir.People’s lives and behavior are always dynamic in accordance with the necessities of life as a supportive media in performing daily activities. Because of public services related to public transport is unclear and unsure, major people take better advantage of private vehicles, where the fact is the state is in line with the intensity of vehicle sales. Motorbike vehicle parking space is needed, hence the parking should receive serious attention. One thing that is important in the management of the parking is on the issue of protection of parking service consumer that parked in the parking lot. Parking service users certainly do not want a parked vehicle got damaged or lost. But of course the possibility that often occur in connection with the matter, the question arises, who is responsible for the lost or damage to motor vehicles parked in the parking lot.
Jurnal Borneo Humaniora Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/borneo_humaniora.v2i2.842


Kesehatan merupakan hak setiap warga negara, karena itu pemerintah berkewajiban memenuhi hak tersebutdengan menyediakan sarana dan prasarana kesehatan serta sumber daya manusia. Kawasan perbatasanKalimantan Utara dihuni oleh sebagian besar kesatuan Masyarakat Hukum Adat dengan akses pelayanankesehatan yang masih rendah. Pemerataan sarana kesehatan ke kawasan perbatasan Provinsi Kaltara sangatdiperlukan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan Masyarakat Hukum Adat dan untuk mengurangi gap yangtinggi dengan negara tetangga. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif,dengan anlisis kualitatis. Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai sumber informasi kepadapemerintah agar membuat model perlindungan pelayanan kesehatan Masyarakat Hukum Adat diperbatasansebagai komunitas yang terpencil melalui regulasi baik pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah.Sedangkan tujuan khusus adalah menyediakan bukti dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk merancangaksi/tindakan yang mengarah pada perlindungan hak Masyarakat Hukum Adat di wilayah perbatasan dibidang kesehatan dan menghasilkan rekomendasi-rekomendasi khusus untuk . pengembangan program danintervensi yang relevan bagi para pemangku kepenti ngan (stakeholders), termasuk Pemerintahan di tingkatnasional, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota.
Perspektif Vol. 18 No. 3 (2013): Edisi September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v18i3.44


Penataan wilayah kelautan diperlukan dalam kaitannya pengaturan pemanfaatan laut secara optimal dengan mengakomodasi semua kepentingan sekaligus sebagai upaya menghindari adanya konflik pemanfaatan ruang di laut dan pemanfaatan sumber daya kelautan sehingga harus diberikan batas yang jelas antara zona pemanfaatan yang satu dengan zona yang lain, sehingga wilayah laut dapat memberikan manfaat bagi segenap masyarakat di Indonesia khususnya masyarakat pesisir. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji tentang penataan dan pengelolaan wilayah dan sumber daya kelautan secara terpadu dalam Hukum Agraria Perspektif Otonomi Daerah, serta untuk menganalisis penataan dan pengelolaan sumber daya kelautan secara berkelanjutan dalam Hukum Agraria Perspektif Otonomi Daerah. Pengelolaan kawasan pesisir dan lautan hendaknya dilakukan secara terpadu, meliputi kawasan daratan dan kawasan lautan, mencakup berbagai sektor dan subsektor yang berbeda, pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan yang diorientasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan generasi sekarang tanpa mengorbankan kemampuan generasi yang akan datang.Structuring the sea area required in relation to setting the optimal utilization of the sea to accommodate all interests as well as efforts to avoid any conflict in the sea of space utilization and utilization of marine resources and should be given a clear boundary between the zones use zone one with another, so that the sea area can provide benefits for all the people in Indonesia, especially coastal communities. Integrated coastal zone management and sustainability into account. The purpose of this paper is to study about the structuring and management of marine areas and resources in an integrated manner in Agrarian Perspective of Regional Autonomy Law, as well as to analyze the structuring and management of marine resources in a sustainable manner in the Regional Autonomy Law of Agrarian Perspective. Coastal and ocean management should be done in an integrated manner, covering lands and seas region, spanning multiple sectors and sub-sectors are different, sustainable development is development oriented to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations.
Perspektif Vol. 18 No. 1 (2013): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v18i1.111


Berbicara mengenai problema akan Kota Layak Anak yang terdapat di Tarakan, maka itu akan menyangkut pemenuhan akan pengaturan hak-hak anak di wilayah yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini terfokus pada daerah perbatasan, khusnya Tarakan, dengan mengetahui peran pemerintah daerahnya dalam mewujudkan daerahnya sebagai daerah layak anak. Pelecehan anak sangatlah berpengaruh dalam hal penentuan kota Tarakan sebagai kota layak anak, maka dari itu diperlukan secara teratur dan berkesinambungan usaha untuk meminimalkan hal itu, dan juga dibutuhkan partisipasi masyarakat dan peran pemerintah secara keseluruhan diwujudkan dalam ketersediaan alokasi dana untuk menyediakan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak anak. Ini adalah tantangan besar, khususnya untuk mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan hak-hak anak-anak dari orangtua, masyarakat, kabupaten atau kota, propinsi, dan tingkat nasional di masa sekarang dan di masa depan. Bila kita tidak segera mengambil tindakan inisiatif dan juga kepedulian dari kepentingan pengabaian anak, hak anak khususnya tumbuh dan berkembang, akan menjadi sangat tidak optimal, lebih buruk lagi itu akan berakibat hilangnya generasi.Talking about Child Friendly Cities (KLA) problem, it will intersect with the regulatory fulfillment of children’s rights in the related region. This research focused on the border areas particularly in Tarakan, by knowing the role of Local Government in realizing the region as a Child Friendly Cities. Child abuse is very influential in determining Tarakan city as a Child Friendly City (KLA), and therefore required a regular and continuous efforts to minimize it, and it also required the participation of the community and also the role of government which is manifested in the availability of the funds allocation to provide the protection of the children’s rights. This is a big challenge in particular to accelerate the implementation of the children’s rights at their parents, community, regency/city, provincial, and national levels in the present and future. If we do not immediately take the initiative and concern for the best interests of the child neglect, children’s rights especially growing and developing will be unoptimal, worse it will lead to the loss of a great generation.
Perspektif Vol. 20 No. 1 (2015): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v20i1.123


Perilaku dan kehidupan masyarakat selalu dinamis sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup sebagai sarana penunjang dalam melakukan aktifitas keseharian. Karena faktor pelayanan publik yang berkaitan dengan angkutan umum tidak jelas akan rute dan trayeknya, maka mayoritas masyarakat lebih memanfaatkan kendaraan pribadi, keadaan ini selaras dengan intensitas penjualan kendaraan. Tempat parkir kendaraan bermotor menjadi kebutuhan bagi pemilik kendaraan, karenanya parkir harus mendapat perhatian yang serius, terutama mengenai pengaturannya. Salah satu hal yang penting dalam pengelolaan parkir adalah mengenai masalah perlindungan bagi konsumen pengguna jasa parkir mengenai keamanan kendaraan yang diparkir di tempat parkir. Pengguna jasa parkir tentunya tidak menginginkan kendaraan yang diparkir mengalami kerusakan atau kehilangan kendaraan yang diparkir. Namun tentu saja kemungkinan tersebut sering terjadi, sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka timbullah pertanyaan, siapa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan atau kerusakan kendaraan bermotor yang di parkir di tempat parkir.People’s lives and behavior are always dynamic in accordance with the necessities of life as a supportive media in performing daily activities. Because of public services related to public transport is unclear and unsure, major people take better advantage of private vehicles, where the fact is the state is in line with the intensity of vehicle sales. Motorbike vehicle parking space is needed, hence the parking should receive serious attention. One thing that is important in the management of the parking is on the issue of protection of parking service consumer that parked in the parking lot. Parking service users certainly do not want a parked vehicle got damaged or lost. But of course the possibility that often occur in connection with the matter, the question arises, who is responsible for the lost or damage to motor vehicles parked in the parking lot.
Land Rights and Legislation: Uncovering the Veil of Property Law in Indonesia Basri
Ilomata International Journal of Social Science Vol 5 No 1 (2024): January
Publisher : Yayasan Ilomata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52728/ijss.v5i1.1060


This study examines the complex terrain of property rights in Indonesia, revealing gaps, historical trends, legislative impact, and theoretical insights. The method used is qualitative. Legal writings (constitutions, statutes, commentaries), court decisions, policy papers, and historical records relating to property and land rights law in Indonesia were considered as the primary research sources. Data were analysed using triangulation and N-Vivo. The results show that modern property law is the result of historical developments characterised by post-independence changes and colonial legacies. A careful balance is required to address the challenges posed by the encroachment of economic interests on legislative provisions intended to protect people's rights. The results show that modern property law is the result of historical developments characterized by post-independence changes and colonial legacies. A careful balance is required to address the challenges posed by the encroachment of economic interests on legislative provisions intended to protect people's rights. The weaknesses and contradictions found in the legislative framework highlight the need for flexible solutions to meet the changing demands of society. The intersection between Islamic law, state law and customary law is best understood through the lens of legal pluralism theory. The consequences for marginalized groups highlight the urgency to prioritize their rights, which requires community engagement and participatory legal reform. The theoretical implications of legal pluralism support it as an analytical instrument, and the comparative analysis places Indonesia in a global context and offers suggestions for useful policy responses. The study concludes by recommending a flexible legal framework, international cooperation, and further investigation to support a more inclusive and egalitarian understanding of land rights in Indonesia.
Fintech Education In Improving Msme Businesses For Women Farming Groups In Village Communities Rika Lidyah; Nur Faliza; Basri Basri; Effan Fahrizal; Heppi Syofya
Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jh.v4i1.540


When discussing with members of the Women's Farmers' Group in Muara Harapan Village, Muara Enim, South Sumatra, they had a number of problems as well as the reasons why salted egg production and green tea production were not growing rapidly and in fact were always decreasing every year. The problem in question is a lack of capital costs. After discovering this problem, the author discussed with other authors and village officials suggesting collaborating with Fintech in order to improve the home businesses of KWT Melati women so they can compete with competitors both online and offline. Kesimpulan artikel ini menunjukkan pertama, In a short time, the author can only do three things, namely provide education on how to use FINTECH applications, identify which FINTECHs are licensed and which FINTECHs are not licensed, and submit proposals to the Village Government, Regency Government and FINTECH Companies. Kedua, FINTECH is the easiest and fastest financial institution to provide loans, so according to the author, FINTEC is the most suitable financial institution.