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Analisis Pengaruh Fase Pengobatan, Tingkat Depresi dan Konsumsi Makanan Terhadap Status Gizi Penderita Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas se-Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang Nurjannah, Nurjannah; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis dapat menyebabkan penurunan berat badan. Status gizi yang buruk meningkatkan resiko infeksi dan penyebaran penyakit tuberculosis (TB). Selain itu, seseorang yang telah didiagnosis dengan penyakit TB paru akan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengubah pola kesehariannya. Kenyataan harus mengonsumsi obat sepanjang hidupnya menyebabkan lama kelamaan sebagian dari  penderita TB Paru akan mengalami depresi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung fase pengobatan, tingkat depresi dan konsumsi makanan terhadap status gizi penderita TB paru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study serta menggunakan analisis jalur (Path Analysis). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien TB paru yang terdaftar sebagai pasien rawat jalan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Se-Kecamatan Genuk sejumlah 46 orang, sedangkan sampelnya menggunakan sampel minimal sejumlah 30 orang yang tersebar di 2 puskesmas yaitu Puskesmas Bangetayu dan Puskesmas Ganuk. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan fase pengobatan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kadar hemoglobin sebesar 15,7% dan kadar albumin sebesar 34,9%, namun fase pengobatan tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap IMT dan LILA. Tingkat depresi tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap IMT, LILA, kadar albumin dan kadar hemoglobin. Konsumsi makanan berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap IMT sebesar 40,1%, LILA sebesar 29,6% dan kadar hemoglobin sebesar 23,3%, namun konsumsi makanan tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kadar albumin. Fase pengobatan berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kadar hemoglobin yaitu melalui konsumsi makanan sebesar 7%. Sehingga pengaruh total fase pengobatan, tingkat depresi dan konsumsi makanan terhadap IMT sebesar 40,1%, LILA sebesar 29,6%, kadar hemoglobin sebesar 46% dan kadar albumin sebesar 34,9%.Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections can cause weight loss. Poor nutritional status increases the risk of infection and spread of the disease tuberculosis (TB). In addition, someone who has been diagnosed with pulmonary TB disease will either directly or indirectly change the pattern of her everyday.  The fact should be taking drugs all his life cause he Pulmonary TB sufferers from some will experience depression. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of direct and indirect influences of the treatment phase, the level of depression and food consumption against pulmonary TB  sufferer nutritional status. This research uses a quantitative approach with approach Cross Sectional Study and using path analysis (Path Analysis). The population in this research is the entire pulmonary TB patients are registered as outpatients Clinics in the region all-Sub Genuk a number of  46 people, while the number of the samples use the sample at leasta number of 30 people scattered 2 clinics Bangetayu health centersand clinics, namely Ganuk. Sampling is done by accidental sampling techniques. The research results show the phases of the treatment effect directly against the levels of hemoglobin and albumin levels 15.7% of 34.9%, however the treatment phase has no effect directly against the IMT and LILA. The rate of depression has no effect directly against the IMT, LILA, the levels  of albumin and hemoglobin levels. Food consumption take effect directly against IMT amounting to 40.1%, LILA of 29.6% and hemoglobin levels of 23.3%, but do not affect food consumption directly against the levels of albumin. Phases of treatment effect in directly against the levels of hemoglobin that is through food  consumption amounted to 7%. So the influence of the total phase of the treatment, the level of depression and food consumption towards IMT of 40.1%, LILA of 29.6%, 46% of hemoglobin levels and albumin levels amounted to 34.9%.
Efektifitas Model Supervisi Akademik Online pada Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Samsu, Ridwan; Hardyanto, Wahyu; Made Sudana, I
Educational Management Vol 6 No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mendapatkan gambaran tentang model supervisi akademik pengawas bagi guru SMK yang saat ini dilaksanakan; 2) mengembangkan desain model supervisi akademik secara online bagi guru SMK yang tepat untuk diterapkan; dan 3) menghasilkan model supervisi akademik secara online bagi pengawas yang praktis dan efektif. Supervisi akademik pengawas adalah pembinaan guru dengan cara memberikan bantuan atau layanan profesional supaya guru memiliki kompetensi dibidang tugasnya.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini adalah pengawas dan guru SMK di Kabupaten Demak. Data penelitian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Model final supervisi akademik pengawas secara online pada guru SMK diperoleh dengan mendeskripsikan model faktual supervisi akademik yang selama ini dilakukan, menyusun desain model supervisi, melakukan validasi desain model supervisi, melakukan uji coba model supervisi, dan merumuskan model final supervisi akademik pengawas secara online.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supervisi akademik pengawas selama ini belum dapat dijadikan dasar pembinaan guru karena belum dapat dilaksanakan secara optimal oleh pengawas sekolah. Model supervisi akademik pengawas secara online praktis dan efektif sebagai sarana bantu pengawas sekolah dalam melakukan supervisi pembelajaran. The purpose of this study is 1) to get an overview of supervisory supervision supervisor model for vocational teachers currently being implemented; 2) develop an online model of supervision model design for appropriate SMK teachers to apply; and 3) produce an online academic supervision model for practical and effective supervisors. Supervision of supervisor academic is guidance of teacher by giving assistance or professional service so that teacher have competence in their field of duty.This research uses research and development approach (R & D). The subject of this research is the supervisor and teacher of SMK in Demak Regency. Research data is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The final model of online supervision supervision supervision of SMK teachers is obtained by describing the factual model of the academic supervision that has been done, preparing the supervision model design, validating the supervision model design, conducting the supervision model test, and formulating the final model of the supervisor supervision supervision online.The results showed that supervisor academic supervision has not been able to be used as the basis for teacher development because it can not be implemented optimally by school supervisors. The supervisory academic supervisory model is practical and effective as a school supervisor's tool in supervising learning.
Manajemen Pembelajaran Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 di Smp Islam Kota Semarang (Studi Empiris di Smp Sub Rayon 02 Kota Semarang) Slamet, Slamet; Made Sudana, I; Suminar, Tri
Educational Management Vol 6 No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Educational Management

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Slamet.2015. Manajemen Pembelajaran Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 di SMP Islam Kota Semarang (Studi Empiris di SMP Sub Rayon 02 Kota Semarang). Tesis, Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Pascasarjana Unnes. Pembimbing I Dr.Ir. I Made Sudana,M.Pd,IPM, pembimbing II Dr. Tri Suminar,M.Pd.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengorganisaian belajar, dan evaluasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Pendeskripsian ini akan dapat diketahui antara harapan dan kenyataan dalam pembelajaran berbasis kurikulum 2013 yang telah dilakukan oleh guru. Harapan dan kenyataan akan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan program sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional dan kompetensi pedagogis guru.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode penelitian adalah studi deskriptif. Fokus penelitian adalah rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), proses pembelajaran dan penilaian dalam pembelajaran, subyek penelitian adalah guru 6 (enam) mata pelajaran di dua sekolah dengan teknik pengumpulan data adalah telaah RPP, observasi pembelajaran dan wawancara dengan subyek penelitian.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) setiap guru di dua sekolah masih belum optimal dalam membuat perencanaan pembelajaran, 2) belum optimal dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran khususnya dalam memilih dan menerapkan model pembelajaran, 3) belum optimal dalam melakukan penilaianatau evaluasi pembelajaran khususnya penilaian sikap peserta didik. Secara umum penelitian ini mendukung dari penelitian sebelumnya.Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) secara kuantitas RPP telah dibuat oleh semua guru, tetapi secara kualitas RPP belum optimal, 2) proses pembelajaran telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, meskipun belum optimal. 3) penilaian belum optimal dilakukan dalam proses pembelajaran, dan 4) masih lemahnya pengawasan oleh pengawas maupun kepala sekolah. Solusi mengatasi kekurangan dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, maupun evaluasi dalam pembelajaran berbasis kurikulum perlu adanya evaluasi dari berbagai pihak, mulai dari kepala sekolah, guru, pengawas sekolah dan dinas pendidikan. Slamet.2015. Learning Management Based on Curriculum 2013 in Islamic Junior High School Semarang (Empirical Study at SMP Sub Rayon 02 Kota Semarang). Thesis, Education Management Studies Program, Unnes Postgraduate. Supervisor I Dr.Ir. I Made Sudana, M.Pd, IPM, mentor II Dr. Tri Suminar, M.Pd. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation and learning organizing, and evaluation in the learning process. This description will be known between the expectations and reality in the 2013 curriculum-based learning that has been done by teachers. Hope and reality will be used as the basis for the preparation of school programs in improving professional competence and teacher pedagogical competence. This research uses qualitative approach, research method is descriptive study. The focus of the research is the lesson plan (RPP), the learning process and the assessment in the learning, the subject of the research is the teacher of 6 (six) subjects in two schools with data collection technique is RPP study, learning observation and interview with research subjects. The results showed that: 1) every teacher in two schools is still not optimal in making learning plan 2) not yet optimal in learning implementation especially in choosing and applying learning model 3) not yet optimal in doing assessment or evaluation of learning especially student attitude evaluation. In general, this study supports from previous research.The conclusions of this research are: 1) the quantity of RPP has been made by all teachers, but the quality of RPP is not optimal yet, 2) the learning process has been well implemented, although not yet optimal. 3) the assessment has not been optimally done in the learning process, and 4) still lack of supervision by supervisors and principals.Solutions to overcome the shortcomings in planning, implementation, and evaluation in curriculum-based learning need to be evaluated from various parties, ranging from principals, teachers, school supervisors and education offices.
The Effect of Incentive, Principal Leadership, and Motivation toward Teacher Professionalism in Conducting Learning Activity at Vocational High Schools Lestari, Sri; Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok; Made Sudana, I
Educational Management Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Educational Management

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The aims of this study are to describe and analyze the influence of partial and simultaneous incentives. principal leadership. and motivation toward teacher professionalism in conducting learning activity. This study also examined the effect of incentives. principal leadership through motivation towards teacher professionalism in conducting learning activity. This study belongs to population research by using quantitative method and survey approach. Data collection used in this research was questionnaires which were distributed to 66 teachers. Data analysis that used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis. The results showed that the effect of incentive on teacher motivation is 27.04%. Principal leadership affects teacher motivation as much as 17.89%. The effect of incentive and principal leadership on teacher motivation is 52.7%. Meanwhile. incentive does not have a significant effect on teacher professionalism because they only have an effect as much as 1.35%. The effect of principal leadership on teacher professionalism is 62.25%. Motivation does not have a significant effect on teacher professionalism. which is only 2.34%. There is a direct effect of incentive. principal leadership and motivation towards teacher professionalism which is equal to 54.7%. There is no effect of incentive on teacher professionalism through motivation because indirect effect is smaller than the value of direct effect. and also there is no indirect influence of leadership through motivation towards teacher professionalism in conducting learning activity.
Effect of Time and Waiting Facilities Toward The Satisfaction Level of Pregnant Women in Antenatal Care Services Wati, Dewi Sapta; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Efforts to reduce mortality and morbidity in pregnant women by improving integrated ANC services which are comprehensive and integrated antenatal services, including promotive, preventive and curative and rehabilitative efforts. Community Health Centre is one of the basic health facilities that are used to carry out integrated ANC. Every pregnant woman is required to carry out an integrated ANC at the Community Health Centre in the first trimester. The purpose of this study was to analyze facilities and waiting times for the satisfaction level of pregnant women in ANC services. This research was a quantitative research, with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study amounted to 109 samples with purposive sample technique. The instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by using two predictors regression. The results of F count are obtained that the F table is based ondk numerator = 2 and the denominator (109-2-1) = 106 for the error rate of 5% = 3.09 because F count is greater than F table, the correlation coefficient tested is significant. The most dominant factor obtained is the facility. The real contribution is 88.7% and the effective contribution is 5.23%, the waiting time has a relative contribution of 11.2% and the effective contribution is 0.66%. The conclusion is the influence between facilities and waiting time on the level of satisfaction of pregnant women in antenatal care services.
The Influencing Risk Factors of Measles in Bantul Regency Susilowati, Anik; Wijayanti, Yuni; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Measles is the cause  infant and child deaths that occur in developing countries,  WHO states that measles cases are reported to have increased by 300% in the first month of 2019 compared to 2018. Africa is the most significant increase of 70% in the world. Ukraine, Madagascar and India are the worst affected countries, with tens of thousands of cases registered for every million of its population. Since September, at least 800 people have died from measles in Madagascar . The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors that influence the incidence of measles in infants. This research was a quantitative research, with a Case Control Study approach. The research sample consisted of 122 respondents with Purposive Sampling. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that knowledge (p = 0.003), nutritional status (p = 0,000), parenting (p = 0.029) and behavior influenced the incidence of measles in infants (p = 0.034). Furthermore, multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors for measles in infants were knowledge, nutritional status, parenting and behavior. The community is expected to improve parenting and healthy behavior, especially related to factors that can prevent measles in an effort to increase prevention of comprehensive diseases 
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Participation women of childbearing age in Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Aminah, Mun; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Cancer disease is a disease with the highest prevalence in Indonesia. In the year 2013 increased to 114 patients and in 2015 a number 115 cervical cancer patients. Cancer often happens to childbearing-age women. The incidence of cervical cancer, in fact, can be suppressed by performing early detection. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the counseling, husband’s support and information source on early detection of cervical cancer and also the most dominant relative and effective contribution. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach with random sampling technique using three predictor regression analysis. Population and sample in this research are the childbearing-age women in working area of Primary Health Survices Purwodadi I with 80 respondents by using random Sampling technique. The analysis that is used in this research is Regression analysis with 3 predictors. The result of F arithmetic is obtained that F table is based on dk denominator = 3 and dk denominator (80-3-1) = 76. For error level 5% = 2,74 because F count is greater than F table then the correlation coefficient tested is significant that dominant factor is husband’s support. Relative contribution is 73,81% and effective contribution is 64,87%, counseling has 27,5% of relative contribution and 24,17% of effective contribution and information sources have -1,37% of relative contribution and -1,20 of effective contribution. The conclusion of the influence between husband support and counseling on early detection of cervical cancer
Society Efforts in Preventing Dengue Fever in Bergaslor, Bergas, Semarang Ratnawulan, Arie; Raffy Rustiana, Eunike; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The number of Dengue Fever sufferers in Indonesia in 2017 was reported as many 59.047 cases with a total death of 444 people (incidence rate/morbidity rate=22,55 per 100,000 population and case fatality rate(CFR)/mortality rate =0,75%). This assumption is often overlooked, even though it is very influential on peoples efforts in making decisions,especially against prevention of dengue. The purpose of this study was to determine society efforts in addressing the prevention of Dengue Fever(DHF) in bergaslor, bergas,semarang. This research used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were 6 mothers in Bergaslor,Bergas,Semarang ,taken by snow ball sampling. The results of the study indicate that the prevention of Dengue Fever(DHF) by the society is the most important thing to do is to clean the house and the surrounding environment and use mosquito repellent. Some activities that are still lacking in prevention of Dengue Fever(DHF) are draining the bath,burying scraps, the irregular abate using and fogging.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 ibu di Desa Bergaslor Kecamatan Bergas Kabupaten Semarang diambil dengan cara snow ball sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan upaya pencegahan penyakit demam berdarah yang dilakukan masyarakat yang paling utama dilakukan masyarakat adalah membersihkan rumah dan lingkungan sekitarnya dan pemakaian anti nyamuk. Kegiatan yang masih kurang dalam pencegahan DBD adalah menguras bak mandi, mengubur barang bekas, pemakaian abate dan foging yang kurang teratur.Adapun saran bagi masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk ditanamkan sikap yang peduli terhadap penyakit DBD kepada anggota keluarga untuk memperkecil resiko terkena penyakit DBD.Keterlibatan kader kesehatan, kepala lingkungan, PKK, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, dan lintas sektor lainnya perlu ditingkatkan agar dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan pelaksanaan P2M DBD.