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Journal : Kultivasi

Morfologi dan kandungan flavonoid total bunga telang di berbagai ketinggian tempat tumbuh berbeda Hawari Hawari; Bambang Pujiasmanto; Eddy Triharyanto
Kultivasi Vol 21, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kultivasi
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v21i1.36327


AbstrakBunga telang (Clitoria ternatea L) merupakan salah satu tanaman leguminoceae yang memiliki manfaat farmakologis, namun sebagian besar pemanenannya berasal dari alam dan belum dibudidayakan secara luas. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan suatu penelitian spesifik terkait morfologi dan kandungan flavonoid bunga telang untuk dijadikan tanaman budidaya serta mengkaji kesesuaian lingkungan untuk budidayanya. Tujuan riset ini untuk mengkaji karakter morfologi dan kandungan flavonoid bunga telang di berbagai ketinggian. Survei dilaksanakan di lokasi berbeda, yaitu dataran rendah (Karangasem, Jeyengan, dan Purwosari) dan dataran tinggi Ngargoyoso, mulai bulan Februari sampai April 2021.  Lokasi survei dipilih dengan metode acak memihak (purpose random sampling) melalui pendekatan pra-survei dimana tumbuhan tersebut bisa ditemukan. Pengujian kadar flavonoid dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional, Tawangmangu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan morfologi bunga telang di dataran rendah dan dataran tinggi. Karakteristik morfologi yang berbeda terletak pada panjang dan lebar daun, bentuk daun, panjang polong, dan jumlah biji per polong.  Kandungan flavonoid tertinggi adalah di dataran rendah Karangasem sebesar 0,493%, diikuti oleh dataran tinggi Ngargoyoso sebesar 0,458%, Purwosari 0,351%, dan Jeyengan 0,297%. Pertumbuhan dan kandungan flavonoid bunga telang dipengaruhi oleh jenis tanah, kesuburan tanah, serta iklim di habitatnya. Jenis tanah di dataran rendah adalah alluvial dengan pH 6,59, suhu udara berkisar 26,89 – 28,22 °C, kelembaban udara 61,33 – 72,22%, dan intensitas cahaya berkisar 1537,63 – 1773,50 lux, sedangkan jenis tanah di dataran tinggi adalah andosol dengan pH 7,99, suhu udara 24,88 °C, kelembaban udara 80,38% dan intensitas cahaya 591,63 lux.Kata kunci: Clitoria ternatea ∙ Flavonoid ∙ Ketinggian tempat ∙ Morfologi AbstractButterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L) is one of the leguminous plants that have pharmacological benefits, but most of its harvest comes from nature and has not been widely cultivated. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a specific study related to the morphology and flavonoid content of butterfly pea to be used as a cultivated plant and assessing the suitability of the environment for its cultivation. The purpose of this research was to study the morphological character and the content of flavonoids of butterfly pea at various altitudes. The survey was carried out in different altitude of growing location, i.e., the lowlands (Karangasem, Jeyengan, and Purwosari) and the highland (Ngargoyoso), from February to April 2021. Survey locations were selected using a purpose random sampling method through a pre-survey approach where the plants could be found. Tests for flavonoid levels were carried out at the Tawangmangu Center for Research and Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines. The results showed that there were differences in the morphology of the butterfly pea in the lowlands and highlands. Different morphological characteristics were observed in term of the length and width of the leaves, leaf shape, pod length, and the number of seeds per pod. The highest flavonoid content was found in the Karangasem for about 0.493% followed by the Ngargoyoso, Purwosari, and Jeyengan for about 0.458%, 0.351%, and 0.297%, respectively. The growth and flavonoid content of butterfly pea is influenced by soil type, soil fertility, and climate in their habitat. The lowlands had an alluvial soil type with a pH of 6.59, air temperature ranging from 26.89-28.22 °C, air humidity 61.33-72.22% and light intensity ranging from 1537.63-1773.50 lux. Meanwhile, the highland had an andosol soil type with a pH of 7.99, air temperature of 24.88 °C, humidity of 80.38% and light intensity of 591.63 lux.Keywords: Clitoria ternatea ∙ Flavonoid ∙ Altitude ∙ Morphology