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The Juridical Sociological Review of Zakat Fitrah Distribution in Pomalaa Subdistrict, Kolaka Regency Chasanah, Rosda; sari, Patma; Muhammad As Ari. AM; Yeni Haerani; Irabiah; Ernita Ramadhani bym; Faisal Herisetiawan Jafar
Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): JUNE
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35326/volkgeist.v8i2.5296


This research aims to examine and analyze the Sociological Juridical Review of Zakat Fitra Distribution in Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency. The analysis technique in this research uses qualitative analysis techniques. Provisions for the Distribution of Zakat Fitrah must be distributed immediately to mustahik for 8 groups (asnaf), poor people, poor people, those who have softened their hearts (converts), to (free) servants, to (free) people who donate, filsabilillah and for people who are on a journey, as Allah says in the Qur'an surah at-Taubah 60. If you have not had time to pay zakat fitrah before the Eid al-Fitr holiday, it is sunnah to pay zakat after the morning prayer before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. The makruh time to pay zakat is after Eid al-Fitr and before sunset on Hari Raya. Even though this time is considered quite risky, it is still recommended to pay zakat fitrah at this time if Muslims have not had the opportunity to do it before, so that no Muslims go hungry on Eid al-Fitr. Delays in the distribution of zakat fitrah in the district. Pomalaa in Kab. Kolaka at the Nurul Huda Mosque is due to the awareness of the community in collecting zakat and the zakat distribution committee which is a new form of youth during the month of Ramadhan, which always changes every year and does not understand and does not review the provisions of zakat fitrah so that the community receiving zakat fitrah does not receive zakat. Accordingly, the distribution of zakat becomes uneven.
Efektifitas Penerapan Sertifikat HKI sebagai Jaminan Kredit bagi Pelaku Ekonomi Kreatif dan UMKM Herisetiawan, Faisal; Sari, Patma
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 12 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i12.2752


In improving the economy in Indonesia, the government is very aggressive in supporting the development of the creative economy, especially SMEs, one of which is by providing financing facilities with guaranteed intellectual property rights certificates. The problem that has occurred to date is that guarantee facilities using intellectual property rights certificates are very rarely implemented, there are many influencing factors such as , banks that apply the precautionary principle and few people use intellectual property rights registration facilities due to lack of information. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of implementing intellectual property rights certificates as collateral for credit financing for creative economy actors and MSMEs. The type of research used in writing is a normative legal research method which emphasizes secondary data. In determining whether a regulation is effective or not in its implementation there are at least five determining factors, namely, legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities factors, community factors and cultural factors. The effectiveness of implementing intellectual property rights certificates as debt collateral in Indonesia is still not running well in accordance with what was expected by lawmakers. Regulations regarding intellectual property rights as debt collateral have been around for a long time but in practice it is very difficult to implement.
Sosialisasi Sumber Hukum dan Ketentuan-Ketentuan Inti Pelaksanaan Pertambangan di Indonesia Rahman, Irsan; Mayasari, Riezka Eka; Rijal, Syamsul; Basrawi, Basrawi; Jafar, Faisal Herisetiawan; Jusafri, Jusafri; Sakti, La Ode Awal; Sari, Patma; Alimuddin, Nur Hidayani; Wonua, Almansyah Rundu; Syahrir, Sasmita Nabila; Anggraini, Yuyun; Nekstriani, Nekstriani; Mardiana, Mardiana
Abdimas Galuh Vol 6, No 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ag.v6i2.15921


Pertambangan di Indonesia dari berbagai riset telah menunjukan dampak positif diantaranya adalah sebagai lokomotif perekonomian yang secara langsung berkontribusi langsung pada peningkatan PDB, selain itu pada aspek ekonomi sektor riil berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan serapan tenaga kerja, peningkatan pendapatan, mempunyai multi efek player dengan meningkatkan usaha mikro masyarakat, namun disatu sisi riset yang lain menunjukan  dampak negatif terutama dampak lingkungan, konflik agraria, alih fungsi lahan dari pertanian menjadi kawasan eksploitasi pertambangan menyebabkan defisit  persediaan pangan. Khusus untuk permasalahan mitra pada pengabdian masyarakat ini karena terdapat protes warga soal kerusakan lingkungan, konflik horizontal antara masyarakat dan perusahaan, aktifitas ilegal memuat nikel tanpa memiliki syarat admininstrasi yang lengkap, untuk  itu kami melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kiranya dengan informasi yang kami transformasikan masalah dapat diselesaikan oleh stake holders yang didaerah Lokasi mitra. Metode yang kami lakukan ialah metode pra pelaksanaan dan pelaksanaan; pra pelaksanaan dengan  memperhatikan base line visi misi fakultas hingga menentukan topik yang sesuai, kemudian melaksanakan observasi berita dan konfirmasi lapangan untuk memastikan urgensi kebutuhan mitra yang sesuai dengan topik, mengiventaris bahan materi lalu merumuskannnya hingga sistematis dan tersaji dengan baik, kemudian pelaksanaan  dilakukan dengan metode  service learning. Hasil dan pembahasan kami mengemukakan sumber hukum dan ketentuan inti pertambangan di Indonesia, tata kelola dan manejem lingkungan, penanganan konflik agraria, norma yang dapat diterapkan apabila perusahan badan hukum atau perorangan memuat nikel keatas kapal yang belum lengkap syarat admininstrasinya, layanan pengaduan masyarakat yang dapat diakomodir pemeritah daerah sesuai dengan norma undang-undang saat ini.