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Journal : Retina Jurnal Fotografi

Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v1i1.325


Pantai Perancak merupakan sebuah pantai yang terletak di sebelah barat Pulau Bali, Pantai Perancak memiliki peran besar dalam kemajuan pariwisata yang ada di Bali, banyak hasil laut dieskpor ke berbagai daerah destinasi wisata yang ada di Bali, Pantai Perancak juga dapat dilihat pada saat berkunjung kesana, yaitu terdapat banyaknya perahu besar yang biasa disebut Perahu Seleret oleh warga yang ada disana yang menjadikan Pantai Perancak memiliki banyak keunikan untuk didokumentasikan kedalam sebuah karya fotografi Dokumenter. Penulis melakukan metode observasi mengenai aktivitas warga Pantai Perancak yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan dengan cara mengamati objek terkait dengan pembuatan fotografi Dokumenter ini. Kemudian dijadikan sebuah karya fotografi Dokumenter dengan memanfaatkan teori estetika dimana setiap karya yang dibuat tetap mengandung unsur keindahan, serta adaanya metode EDFAT yang digunakan pencipta untuk merangkum cerita dengan lengkap sesuai dengan keadaan di Pantai Perancak. Untuk membuat sebuah karya fotografi Dokumenter yang memiliki sebuah visualisasi yang baik serta menarik, penulis memulai dengan penciptaan ide, proses pengerjaan dan diakhiri dengan pameran dan presentasi. Untuk visual dari aktivitas warga Pantai Perancak yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan, banyak tahapan yang dilakukan mulai dari persiapan alat untuk mencari hasil laut, lalu adanya persiapan kapal atau yang biasa disebut warga Pantai Perancak Perahu Seleret, hingga menjual hasil laut yang sudah didapatkan. Segala cerita yang telah dirangkai menjadi beberapa karya foto lalu dibuat sedemikian menarik dengan memanfaatkan proses kamar terang agar dapat diterima pesannya dengan baik oleh masyarakat luas maupun setiap orang yang melihat dan menikmati karya tersebut.
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v1i1.327


Makepung merupakan salah satu tradisi yang terdapat di Kabupaten Jembrana. Tradisi ini puncak kegembiraan kaum petani dalam mensyukuri hasil panen raya mereka. Pencipta bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tradisi makepung ini pada wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kabupaten Jembrana, melalui fotografi essay. Fotografi essay dalam genre foto seri yang disusun dari karya fotografi murni, menjadi foto yang memiliki tulisan yang bertujuan menceritakan tradisi tersebut. Pencipta menerapkan teknik fotografi dengan ide yang dituangkan kedalam karya foto dan dapat menyampaikan pesan melalui karya foto essay tradisi makepung di Kabupaten Jembrana. Metode yang pencipta gunakan ialah metode observasi dan wawancara dan proses penciptaan karya fotografi ini bermula dari perancangan konsep yang didalamnya terdapat ide atau gagasan, tema dan objek yang akan diciptakan yaitu tradisi makepung dalam fotografi essay. Penerapan teori EDFAT yaitu entire, detail, frame, angle, time sebagai landasan teori penciptaan. Berdasarkan hasil penciptaan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman baru kepada pencipta maupun orang lain dalam upaya membuat karya foto essay atau foto berseri di Kabupaten Jembrana. sehingga mengatahui rangkaian acara tradisi makepung dari awal hingga akhir.
MAKANAN KOREA DALAM KARYA FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY Ayu Putri Karmilasari; Anis Raharjo; Ida Bagus Candrayana
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v1i1.330


Makanan Korea merupakan masakan yang tumbuh dari budaya dan lingkungan Korea, memiliki citra rasa masakan yang tergolong unik mulai dari segi rasa, penataan, dan penyajiannya sehingga menjadi daya tarik setiap orang. Menvisualisasikan ide makanan Korea yang terdiri dari makanan pembuka atau appetizer, makanan tengah atau main course dan makanan penutup atau dessert menggunakan teknik-teknik fotografi. Pengumpulam data dalam penciptaan karya menggunakan metode observasi dan metode eksperimen. Metode observasi digunakan untuk mengamati langsung makanan Korea yang disajikan pada sebuah restoran “Chingu” dan food photography digunakan untuk membuat foto makanan menjadi lebih hidup, serta melakukan wawancara dengan pemilik restoran mengenai makanan Korea. Metode eksperimen dengan melakukan percobaan pada saat tahap pemotretan, mencoba menggunakan cahaya buatan dan bereksperimen dengan angle yang berbeda-beda. Dilanjutkan proses pengeditan yang dilakukan dengan pemilihan foto dan mencoba-coba dengan mengubah gelap terang, croping, penghapusan objek-objek yang mengganggu, hingga menghasilkan keserasian hasil pengeditan dengan konsepnya. Setelah melalui berbagai proses hingga penciptaan terhadap food fotografi, didapatlah kesimpulan yaitu: pencipta dapat memahami makanan Korea dan memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat melalui sebuah karya visual. Penguasaan nilai-nilai estetika juga sangat berperan untuk memberi nilai keindahan dalam sebuah karya fotografi. Visualisasi karya foto ini mengangkat makanan Korea sebagai upaya untuk menyampaikan citra rasa masakan Korea yang menonjolkan unsur rasa, tekstur, warna, bentuk dan selera melalui visualnya
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 1 No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v1i2.788


The creator was interested in bringing up the theme of Making Tiles in Pejaten Village in Documentary Photography because of the modern roof tiles from outside Bali which could be a threat from the existence of pejaten tiles. Pejaten Village has been famous for its tile making from the past until now. Pejaten tile has a characteristic that is on the tile product there is the name "Pejaten" which is made with a direct printing technique from a tile mold made with a press. The purpose of this creation is to document the making of pejaten roof tiles in documentary photography. In the process of creating this photographic work, the creator uses the method of creation, namely direct observation by visiting the tile craftsmen in Pejaten Village and conducting interviews to find out how the roof tiles are made in Pejaten Village and the creator also observes the condition and situation of the object to be photographed and The creator applies several photography techniques into his photo works such as stop action, framing, point of view and lighting. The result of this creation is documentary photography which contains about the making of roof tiles starting from the selection of materials, mixing materials, printing, drying and finally the existence of making roof tiles in Pejaten Village is very important for the people there because the majority of the people there work as tile craftsmen and earn wages/salaries from selling. rooftile. Through documentary photography, it is hoped that it will be able to document the manufacture of roof tiles in Pejaten Village so that the existence of roof tiles in Pejaten Village is preserved in the form of documentary photography. Keywords: Tile Making, Pejaten Village, Documentary Photography
VISUALISASI DEWI PERTIWI DALAM FOTOGRAFI EKSPRESI Kadek Indra Dwi Saputra; Anis Raharjo; Putu Agus Bratayadnya
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 1 No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v1i2.789


Environmental problems can result in the destruction of valuable nature such as forests, rivers, beaches and others, besides that environmental problem can also damage biodiversity which is very important for humans. Mother Earth as a picture of the Earth that is fertile in supporting the living things in it. To convey the meaning contained in the visualization work of Dewi Pertiwi, the creator conveys the meaning contained in the work of Dewi Pertiwi in expression photography, so that it can be understood by the general public. In the creation of this work the creator used digital imaging techniques. The creator uses the exploratory method and the observation method. In translating the Visualization of Dewi Pertiwi into visual works, the creator uses a semiotic theory which not only examines the denotative level to the connotative level, in addition to building the aesthetic value in this work the creator uses the aesthetic theory of photography. In the preparation of the work also pay attention to the visual elements. The visual elements in this work show more natural damage than the 4 elements in Panca Maha Butha, namely, fire, earth, water, air, accompanied by colors, textures and lines that are set by the creator into image processing. In addition to these elements, this work also prioritizes composition, balance, and complexity in order to achieve a unity in realizing the Visualization of the Goddess of Mother Nature in Expression Photography. The message conveyed in this work is that one day photographic works can be used as a reflection of what is happening in nature today, including as a form of awareness, reminder and the importance of protecting nature. In making each work, it must have a meaning and beauty value in each of his works, so that photography can be accepted more widely by the community. Keywords: Visualization, Dewi Pertiwi, Expression Photography
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 2 No 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v2i2.1281


Kusamba Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency, Bali is a salt-making area that is very famous for its distinctive taste and traditional processing. These salt farming skills have been passed down from generation to generation until now. This salt farming activity is carried out in a conventional way with traditional equipment. Although the number of salt farmers is decreasing day by day, the remaining farmers are still persistent in maintaining their business to meet the economic needs of their families. The purpose of this research is to raise, promote and know the salt processing process in Kusamba Village, Klungkung Bali in story photography. Meanwhile, the benefits of this research are that it can increase knowledge, think creatively, give satisfaction to the creator and contribute references to ISI Denpasar and the public can know the process of processing salt in Kusamba Village, Klungkung Bali. In this study used the method of observation, interviews, literature study. Meanwhile, to analyze the work, aesthetic theory is used, namely: idetional and technical levels and EDFAT theory. This research produced 15 story photography works that explain the process of processing salt in Kusamba Village, Klungkung Bali from sand selection, watering sand with sea water, drying, sand distillation, drying under the sun, crystallization, dredging salt grains, salt packaging and marketing processes. Meanwhile, how to visualize it can be concluded from the existence of internal and external factors in the application of ideas, observations, literature studies, photo shoots, selection, image processing, printing and exhibitions.
PROSES PEMBUATAN MOBIL PORSCHE 356 A COUPE DALAM FOTOGRAFI STORY I Kadek Aldi Margareta Perdana Putra; I Wayan Suardana; Anis Raharjo
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v3i2.1283


The purpose of the Internship/Work Practice is to show how to capture a classic car by presenting a different visualization. Data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results as long as the authors carry out the MBKM Internship/Work Practice program at Tuksedo Studio, the authors get new technologies such as tools and software used when working on projects provided by partners. The new technology in the form of tools used is the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K and the Zhiyun CRANE 3 Lab Handheld Stabilizer. In making Photo Story, the author uses the EDFAT method, Photography Composition technique, and digital processing that the author learned while in college.
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v2i1.1293


study entitled visualization of construction workers in expression photography. The author realizes that the stigma of construction workers is still very attached to the community, this has made the promotion of construction workers as a visualization of construction workers in expression photography. The creation of this work aims to broaden students' knowledge of expression photography. Expression photography is a photographic work that is conceptualized with the chosen object and which is presented and presented for the benefit of the photographer with an overflow of his artistic expression, then the work can become a work of expression photography. In this case, the photographic work is interpreted as a medium of expression that displays the identity of the photographer in the process of creating artistic photographic works. His photographic work is more of a pure artistic work of photography (fine art photography) because the form of his appearance focuses on the expressive-aesthetic value of art itself. (Soedjono, 2006) In doing this photographic work, the author wants to change the public's view of construction workers and also change the stigma that exists in society, so that construction workers can be more valued and appreciated in any form. Why did the writer choose expression photography using the collage technique, because the author wanted to experiment with other shapes and objects and the author also wanted to develop himself as an artist in the field of photography with the aim of finding his identity.
MAKANAN DIMSUM DALAM KARYA FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY I Dewa Gede Mahadita Sudaya; Amoga Lelo Octaviano; Anis Raharjo
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v2i1.1299


Dimsum was originally a snack or snack for Chinese residents in the southern region, including Hong Kong, which is inhabited by Cantonese people, because of this, Cantonese people are called the creators of dimsum. Through photography based on this research, the author wants to add insight and knowledge of the community about what dimsum food is and to describe and explain photo works inspired by dimsum food. This research is qualitative research with the focus of research on dimsum food whose creation process is immortalized through food photography. The implementation is done by digging data, analyzing data and presenting the results of data analysis. The process of extracting data can be reached through the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study produce a work through visualizing images of dimsum food into a photo work with a modern feel. Through this research, readers or the general public can find an option in disseminating the promotion method of dimsum food.
Retina Jurnal Fotografi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Lp2mpp Isi Denpasar - Ps. Fotografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/rjf.v3i2.1303


This research is a research based on This study aims to discuss seaweed which contains many nutrients and nutrients that can be beneficial for health when consumed, such as fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Not only delicious, consuming seaweed can provide health benefits. Seaweed can also be processed into vegetables, snacks, ice, and others. Lembongan water conditions are ideal for seaweed growth. Seaweed cultivation activities in Lembongan Village have been a prima donna that provide large income for business actors such as seaweed cultivators, processors and marketers. This is done through story photography and of course to add insight and knowledge of the community related to processed seaweed snacks. In addition, also to find out how to visualize seaweed snacks into story photography. The implementation method is carried out by digging data, analyzing data and presenting the results of data analysis. The process of extracting data can be reached through the methods of observation, interviews, participation and documentation. Several techniques that can be used to support the data mining method are recording, recording, and simulation. Most data presented in this study were translated in the form of images, charts, graphs and narratives. The results of this study produced 17 photo stories through visualization of images from the processing of biological resources, namely seaweed into processed snacks. Through this research, the wider community can have an option in disseminating promotional methods or other preparations of seaweed. By means of observation, interview and photo shoot Keywords: Processing, Seaweed, Story Photography, Nusa Lembongan