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Jurnal Wiyata Penelitian Sains dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : LP2M IIK (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Ilmu Kesehatan) Bhakti Wiy

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Latar Belakang: Mikroba endofit merupakan mikroba yang hidup berkoloni dalam jaringan tumbuhan yang dapat memproduksi senyawa bioaktif yang sama bahkan identik dengan senyawa yang dihasilkan tumbuhan inangnya. Tujuan: Mengetahui aktivitas sitotoksik ekstrak etil asetat, fraksi n-heksana, fraksi dietil eter, dan fraksi etanol hasil fermentasi fungi endofit genus Cephalosporium sp yang diisolasi dari tumbuhan meniran dilakukan terhadap sel kanker jenis T47D dan sel normal jenis Vero secara in vitro. Metode: Fungi endofit diisolasi dari daun meniran dan dilakukan analisis morfologi, fungi genus Cephalosporium sp dikembangbiakkan dengan media potatoes dextrose broth. Pemisahan ekstrak dan miselium dilakukan dengan cara disaring. Ekstraksi menggunakan metode ekstraksi cair-cair dan pemisahan fraksi menggunakan metode kromatografi kolom menggunakan pelarut dengan kepolaran bertingkat. Hasil: Fraksi etanol mempunyai aktivitas sitotoksik tertinggi dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 15,47±0,71 μg/mL dan memiliki nilai selectivity index antara sel kanker jenis T47D dan sel normal Vero memenuhi syarat >3 dengan nilai sebesar 23,31. Simpulan dan saran: Fraksi etanol mempunyai aktivitas sitotoksik yang poten dan memiliki nilai selectivity index antara sel kanker payudara jenis T47D dan sel normal Vero memenuhi syarat >3. Isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa aktif di dalam fraksi etanol diperlukan untuk mengetahui senyawa yang mempunyai aktivitas sitotoksik secara spesifik.
Cytotoxic effect of 2,3-dihydro-6-hydroxy-2-methylenenaphtho[1,2-b] furan-4,5-dione compound from the bark of faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) in breast cancer cells T47D Rollando, Rollando; Alfanaar, Rokiy
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (73.886 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i2.6699


Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is used empirically by residents of East Nusa Tenggara for drug plant. The information of the active compound contained in the faloak bark yet specifically published. This study aims to determine the active compound contained in the faloak bark that have cytotoxic activity to T47D breast cancer cells. Extraction process using maceration method, isolation process using gradien isolation method, elusidation using combination of information of IR spectra, 1D-NMR, 2D-NMR and LC-MS, and cytotoxic activity test on T47D breast cancer cells using MTT method. The isolation result obtained that isolate of naphthoquinone derivative compound is 2,3-dihydro-6-hydroxy-2-methylenenaphtho [1,2-b] furan-4,5-dione with IC50 value on T47D breast cancer cell was 9,88 µg/mL and with an index selectivity value was 30,23. 
Penelusuran aktivitas antibakteri, antioksidan, dan sitotoksik fungi endofit genus fusarium sp. diisolasi dari daun meniran (Phyllantus niruri Linn.) rollando, Rollando; Aditya, Martanty; Notario, Dion; Monica, Eva; Sitepu, Rehmadanta
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 1 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.762 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i1.5644


Endophytic fungi used as a new resource to produce bioactive compounds such as antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer. This study aimed to analyze the antibacterial, antioxidant, cytotoxic fraction of the separation ethyl acetate extract of mycelium of endophytic fungi genus Fusarium sp. Diethyl ether fraction showed high antibacterial activity in E.coli (20,75 µg/mL), S.typhi (35,08 µg/mL), and S.aureus (51,96 µg/mL). Test showed that the antioxidant activity of ethanol 96% fraction has highest antioxidant activity and total phenolic content (75,85 ± 0.87 mg GAE). Cytotoxic test on T47D breast cancer cells showed that the fraction of diethyl ether have highest activity with IC50 of 10,16 ± 0,88 µg /mL.
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Volume 6 Number 1 (March 2017)
Publisher : Univ. Tadulako

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Penentuan nilai Faktor Perlindungan Matahari (FPM) dengan metode spektrofotometri sangat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan penapisan awal kandidat bahan aktif tabir surya. Meskipun demikian, ditemukan kesalahan yang relatif besar ketika dilakukan penentuan SPF secara spektrofotometrik terhadap beberapa sediaan tabir surya yang beredar secara komersial. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis FPM secara spektrofotometrik pada panjang gelombang 290 ? 320 nm yang dilanjutkan dengan regresi multivariat yaitu kuadrat terkecil sebagian jack-knife untuk meningkatkan akurasi estimasi nilai prediksi FPM secara in vitro. Selanjutnya, model matematik yang diperoleh, digunakan untuk melakukan penapisan bahan aktif tabir surya dari beberapa sampel botani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model matematik yang dihasilkan mempunyai nilai kesalahan prediksi yang lebih rendah daripada metode sebelumnya (RMSECV = 3,15; r = 0,915) dan dapat diaplikasikan untuk penapisan kandidat bahan aktif tabir surya dari tanaman.
Isolasi, Identifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Uji antibiofilm Derivat Asam Galat dari Kulit Batang Sterculia quadrifida R.Br Rollando, Rollando
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 7, NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2017
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is used empirically by residents of Timor island to treat hepatitis, typhoid, ulcers, and to restore stamina. Information of active compound contained in the bark of faloak specifically unpublished. This study aims to determine the active compound contained in faloak bark that can be used as antibiofilm. The extraction was performed by soxletation method, the isolation was performed by gradien isolation method, the elusidation was performed by merging information from NMR and LC-MS spectra analysis. The biofilm inhibition activity test was performed by microdilution method formed on flat bottom flexible microplate U-bottom PVC 96 wells with staining using 1% crystal violet. The isolation process obtained 3 gallic acid derivatives, named isolate 1, isolate 2, and isolate 3. Test of inhibition of biofilm formation showed isolate 1 has IC50 of 46,87 µg/mL, isolate 2 has IC50 of 45,87 µg/mL, and isolate 3 has IC50 42,65 µg/mL.The biofilm test results showed that isolates 1-3 had high biofilm inhibition potency.
Pendekatan Struktur Aktivitas dan Penambatan Molekul Senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate Hasil Isolasi Fungi Endofit Genus Fusarium sp pada Enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA Sintase Rollando, Rollando
Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

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Fungi endofit dapat memproduksi senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas biologi, diantaranya senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, fenolik, dan terpenoid. Fungi endofit genus Fusarium sp yang diisolasi dari daun tanaman meniran menghasilkan senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate yang mempunyai aktivitas dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis dengan nilai EC50 sebesar 18,98 µM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme aksi senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate pada enzim asam siklopropan mikolik sintase dan β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase. Enzim asam siklopropan mikolik sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase memiliki andil yang besar dalam pembentukan asam mikolat, bila aktivitas kedua enzim terhambat maka pembentukan asam mikolat juga akan terhambat sehingga dapat menyebabkan kematian pada bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pendekatan dilakukan dengan metode penambatan molekul (molecular docking) dengan didahului optimasi dan validasi metode. Reseptor yang digunakan adalah 2WGE dan 3HEM yang didapat dari Protein Data Bank. Hasil analisis menunjukan senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate mampu berikatan dengan lebih baik terhadap enzim asam mikolik siklopropan sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase dibandingkan dengan positif dan native ligand. Dari analsis tersebut disimpulkan bahwa senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate mampu bertindak sebagai inhibitor enzim asam mikolik siklopropan sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase pada bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis secara in-silico.
Pendekatan Struktur Aktivitas dan Penambatan Molekul Senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate Hasil Isolasi Fungi Endofit Genus Fusarium sp pada Enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA Sintase Rollando, Rollando
Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

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Fungi endofit dapat memproduksi senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas biologi, diantaranya senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, fenolik, dan terpenoid. Fungi endofit genus Fusarium sp yang diisolasi dari daun tanaman meniran menghasilkan senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate yang mempunyai aktivitas dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis dengan nilai EC50 sebesar 18,98 µM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme aksi senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate pada enzim asam siklopropan mikolik sintase dan β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase. Enzim asam siklopropan mikolik sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase memiliki andil yang besar dalam pembentukan asam mikolat, bila aktivitas kedua enzim terhambat maka pembentukan asam mikolat juga akan terhambat sehingga dapat menyebabkan kematian pada bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pendekatan dilakukan dengan metode penambatan molekul (molecular docking) dengan didahului optimasi dan validasi metode. Reseptor yang digunakan adalah 2WGE dan 3HEM yang didapat dari Protein Data Bank. Hasil analisis menunjukan senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate mampu berikatan dengan lebih baik terhadap enzim asam mikolik siklopropan sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase dibandingkan dengan positif dan native ligand. Dari analsis tersebut disimpulkan bahwa senyawa 2-iminoethyl 2-(2-(1-hydroxypentan-2-yl) phenyl)acetate mampu bertindak sebagai inhibitor enzim asam mikolik siklopropan sintase dan enzim β-ketoasil-ACP KasA sintase pada bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis secara in-silico.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.506 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.00557


Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenteritis. This study was performed to test anticancer activity fraction of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol of ethanolic extract from faloak stem bark for the type of breast cancer cell line T47D, and normal cell types Vero using cytotoxic 3- (4,5-dimetilazol- 2-yl) -2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test method. Ethanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography using different solvents polarity level as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol. Testing the cytotoxic effects using the MTT assay in T47D breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells with EC50 parameter. Ethyl acetate fraction in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation was observed with flowcytometry method. The test results cytotoxic fraction indicating the fraction of ethyl acetate has the lowest activity with EC50 of 24.88 ?g/mL and selectivity index of 15.58. Ethyl acetate fraction effects an accumulation of cells in S phase (27.43%) in breast cancer cells T47D which is able to induce apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent in improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment.
SIMPLE AND RAPID METHOD FOR ISOLATING ANTHOCYANIN FROM WILD MULBERRY (Morus nigra L.) Rollando Rollando; Christopher Daniel Kurniawan; Ririn Nurdiani; Sophia Yusnita Wahyu Timur; Paulina Genoveva Moza
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (863.971 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.001675


Wild mulberry (Morus nigra L.) is a kind of berries that has a high content of anthocyanin pigment. Anthocyanin is a natural pigment that has good biological activity so that widely be used as both food and drug ingredients. There are many studies conducted that have isolation anthocyanin from mulberry extract, but most of them used various expensive methods and the process included several steps that make them not cost-effective nor time-efficient. This research was conducted in order to do an isolation of anthocyanin from wild mulberry through a single step. The extraction of compounds was done by maceration and the isolation was done by thin layer chromatography method. The isolation product was identified with reagents, consisting of ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide, and with spectrophotometry methods, consisting of UV-Vis and infrared spectrophotometry. As result, this research was able to isolate anthocyanin from wild mulberry fruit by thin layer chromatography method. The identification with spectrophotometry methods indicated that the isolated compound hypothetically was anthocyanidin-3-O-rutinoside.
Jurnal Insan Farmasi Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ISFI Banjarmasin

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Traditional medicine or commonly known as herbal medicine is often found, because its free to use without consulting medical therefore. Chemical drugs in the herbal products are still often found. Drug chemicals often added to herbs are paracetamol and phenylbutazone. In this study TLC Densitometry system used to detect paracetamol and phenylbutazone, to get optimal TLC system, validation includes selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD and LOQ, determination of paracetamol and phenylbutazone in herbal samples.Optimal mobile phase for detection paracetamol and phenylbutazone is ethyl acetate : chloroform (2:1). Maximum wavelength of 240 nm paracetamol, 237 nm phenylbutazone. The method used has selectivity, linearity and met the criteria of accuracy and precision, but the limit detection and limit quantitation do not met requirements. The result of the study 30 samples of herbs, found 5 samples were positive containing phenylbutazone that samples j, k, s, u and v with successive percentpercentages of 9,5053%; 10,6138%; 62,8776%; 42,8839% and 24,9238%.
Co-Authors Ade Irene Beactris Saudale Aftoni, Muhammad Hilmi Alfanaar, Rokiy Arum Ardanareswari Atarodang Beatrico Lyo Ayu Merli Wahyuni Bella Vania Sianto Benedictus Karel Charina Halim Sugiono Chresiani Destianita Yoedistira Chresiani Destianita Yoedistira Chresiani Destianita Yoedistira Christopher Daniel Kurniawan Devilke Yandriyani Dhanang Prawira Nugraha Dion Notario Dion Notario Dodi Iskandar E. Monica Eka Anggie Amalia Eka Anggie Amalia Erizcha Debora Embang Erlinawati Santoso Erlinawati Santoso Eva Monica Eva Monica Eva Monica Eva Monica Eva Monica, Eva F.X Haryanto Susanto F.X. Haryanto Susanto Fauziya Radani Fibe Yulinda Cesa FX Haryanto Susanto FX Haryanto Susanto Godeliva Adriani Hendra Gytha Novella Ongkowijoyo Indriani Nuraini Widya Kestrilia Rega Prilianti Leny Yuliati M. H. Afthoni Maria Sindy Marsha Anggita Amelia Martanty Aditya, Martanty Masruri Masruri Maywan Hariono Mifta Devin Suwandi Monica, Eva Muhammad Hilmi Afthoni Muhammad Setiyawan Nashi Widodo Natanael Anugerah Tuuk Natan Notario, Dion Notario, Dion Nur Aziz Nurmiati Nurul Azmi Wibawanty P. N. Alfiyandri Paulina Genoveva Moza Rehmadanta Sitepu Rehmadanta Sitepu Rehmadanta Sitepu Rehmadanta Sitepu Rehmadenta Sitepu Renata Hadi Resha Ramadhania Ririn Nurdiani Ririn Nurdiani Ruth Febriana Kesuma Sabrina Handayani Tambun Sandra Dewi Tansil Setiawan, Hendry Siswadi Siswadi Sitepu, Rehmadanta Sophia Yusnita Wahyu Timur Sophia Yusnita Wahyu Timur Sri Hardyastutik Sugiono, Charina Halim Susanto, FX. Haryanto Trianom Suryandharu W. Swastika Warsito Warsito Windra Swastika Yuni Purwaningdiah Yuniati, Yuyun Yurida Ekawati Yurida Ekawati