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Rancang Bangun dan Analisis Aplikasi Augmented Reality pada Produk Furniture Evaliata Br Sembiring; Sapriadi Sapriadi; Yoel C. Brahmana
JURNAL INTEGRASI Vol 8 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Integrasi - April 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sebuah produk dapat diperkenalkan melalui teknologi baru seperti smartphone dengan harapan dapat diminati oleh calon pembeli karena teknologi ini hampir semua kalangan menggunakannya. Salah satu teknologi baru yang mendukung fasilitas smartphone adalah Augmented Reality (AR). Melalui teknologi ini, objek dapat dilacak melalui marker menggunakan beberapa metode seperti single marker, multimarker dan 3D Object Recognition. Beberapa permasalahan yang diselesaikan dalam penelitian ini adalah membangun aplikasi berbasis AR dan dapat dijalankan melalui smartphone android serta menganalisis hasil aplikasi AR berdasarkan beberapa metode pendeteksian marker. Metode pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan metode Luther Sutopo dengan enam langkah pengerjaan yaitu membuat konsep, merancang, mengumpulkan material, implementasi, pengujian dan evaluasi serta distribusi untuk dijalankan pada Android. Penerapan teknologi AR untuk pelacakan marker menggunakan tiga metode: single marker , multi marker dan 3D Object Recognition. Kemudian menganalisis ketiga metode tersebut berdasarkan parameter bentuk dan pola marker, jarak kamera dengan marker dan intensitas cahaya pada saat tracking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1)Aplikasi dapat dijalankan pada smartphone berbasis Android dalam format *.apk; (2)Aplikasi memiliki ketergantugan terhadap sistem, tools, dan hardware; (3)Aplikasi cocok digunakan sebagai media promosi berdasarkan hasil pengujian terhadap responden mencapai 80%; (4)Menggunakan single marker lebih sederhana, namun semakin banyak objek maka semakin membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk melihat produk furniture yang disedikan karena harus di-scan satu-per-satu, sedangkan menggunakan multi marker, cukup sekali scaning langsung memperlihatkan hasilnya sekaligus, namun objek kelihatan lebih kecil; Kondisi terbaik untuk menampilkan objek 3D pada metode 3D object recognition adalah pada intensitas cahaya terang, dan semakin jauh jarak kamera dengan marker maka objek yang ditampilkan akan semakin kecil. Tidak semua miniatur yang digunakan dapat dijadikan marker pada 3D object recognition karena bentuk dan pola sulit dikenali.
Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 9 No 3 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.476 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v9i3.1256


Jong Boat is one form of Melayu culture of a unique game in Riau Islands. Preservation of the game is done through the race so it has the potential to increase local and foreign tourist visits, especially in the Riau Islands. Therefore, documentation is required in the form of documentary film as well as can be used as a medioum for dissemination of information or promotion for the public. Documentary film produced through the film production process of the Perahu Jong at once documenting the activities of the race in 2017 by using Luther-Sutopo method, so that the production stage is done systematically and programmed. Continued from production actiivities is film analysus that is used as a cultural promotion medium using the EPIC Model approach. The results of the analysis are: (1) The content of the documentary film is in accordance with the original so as to strengthen the empathy and persuasion of someone to know about the Perahu Jong; (2) The impact felt by the audience is more enthusiastic to join the race; (3) The community’s knowledge of Perahu Jong is increasing because the communication messages applied to the film are packed in detail and simple; (4) Based on EPIC model analyzed from empathy, persuasion, impact and communication on documentary of Perahu Jong, it can be concluded that documentary should be used as media of cultural promotion
Penerapan Aplikasi Komputer dalam Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Fasilitas dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus: Kereta Api Ekonomi AC Yogyakarta) Evaliata Br Sembiring; Elieser Firnando Tarigan
JURNAL AKUNTANSI, EKONOMI dan MANAJEMEN BISNIS Vol 2 No 2 (2014): Jurnal Akuntansi, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Bisnis - Desember 2014
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaemb.v2i2.150


Teknologi informasi yang semakin berkembang, semakin memposisikan program komputer sebagai salah satu tool penting untuk membantu menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Dalam penentuan kualitas pelayanan, fasilitas, dan harga terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada jasa transportasi kereta api ekonomi AC Yogyakarta dibantu oleh aplikasi komputer. Peranannya yang penting dapat membantu dalam pengolahan data dan beberapa pengujian data sehingga dapat dianalisis tentang pengaruh fasilitas, harga, pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggannya. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi yang digunakan antara lain: (1) MS. Excel untuk pengolahan data mentah dengan membuat data dalam bentuk tabulasi untuk digunakan pada proses pengujian dan analisis; (2) SPSS untuk pengujian validitas dan reliabel untuk analisis deskriptif; (3) SmartPLS untuk pengujian indikator (outer model) dan pengujian hipotesis (inner model) untuk analisis inferensial. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa: (1) aplikasi komputer cukup memiliki peranan penting dalam menentukan pengaruh variabel terhadap kepuasan pelanggan; (2) aplikasi cukup mudah digunakan, apabila pengguna menguasai teori dan konsep tentang metode analisis yang digunakan serta menyiapkan data yang lengkap sebagai syarat untuk analisis; (3) hasil pengujian dan analisis yang diperoleh cukup baik dan valid
PBM E-Questionnaire: Application Development and UI / UX Analysis Fajril Pratama Kadri; Evaliata Br Sembiring
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v4i2.2245


Batam State Polytechnic declares itself as a tertiary institution which is very concerned about the quality of its education. This achievement was reported through the implementation of an education quality assurance system through study programs accredited by BAN-PT. One of the quality assurance services for education is through feedback studies on learning services through study programs. Almost every year in Batam State Polytechnic, study programs apply for accreditation to BAN-PT. Then along with these activities needed data quickly and completely. However, in reality, it is not uncommon for the drafting team to experience obstacles in obtaining the data. Based on this, in this study, an electronic PBM questionnaire application was made from several parties including lecturers, students, alumni, and alumni users (stakeholders). Making an application using the Research and Development (RnD) method and analysis in the Interface and Experience section. The results of the study with the average achievement percentage reached 88.3% showed that the user interface of the E-Questionnaire website application was very well received by the user.
E-Book Pelajaran IPA Berbasis Mobile (Studi Kasus: Pelajaran IPA Kelas 5 SD) Evaliata Br Sembiring; Wachid Zaini
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 6 No 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v6i1.3326


Buku Sekolah Elektronik merupakan sebuah buku digital atau elektronik agar dapat membantu proses pembelajaran peserta didik dimanapun dan kapanpun berada. Pembuatan ebook ini didasarkan karena pandemi covid-19 yang menyebabkan pembelajaran dilakukan dari rumah. Proses pembuatan e-book menggunkan pendekatan Luther Sutopo dengan memanfaatkan beberapa tool antara lain: Framework React Native, HTML, PHP, Javascript Framework, AngularJS, dan Node.js. E-book yang dihasilkan, dianalisis menggunakan metode evaluasi goal-attainment untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman minat belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) E-book berhasil dibuat dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile dengan memenuhi kategori e-book yaitu dilengkapi dengan fitur login untuk keamanan pengguna, materi pelajaran dalam bentuk video, pdf, gambar dan evaluasi dalam bentuk soal pilihan ganda; (2) Produk telah digunakan oleh responden (siswa) dan berdasarkan analisisi goal attainment, diperoleh nilai MOS sebesar 4.6 berarti pengguna aplikasi sangat puas menggunakan aplikasi sehingga layak dijadikan alternatif media pembelajaran siswa di rumah.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung Rempang Cate Melalui Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital untuk Produk Unggulan Pasir Panjang Evaliata Br Sembiring; Fandy Neta; Muhammad Nashrullah; Adhitomo Wirawan; Liony Lumombo
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Pusat P2M Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimas.v1i2.1147


Riau Islands, which are identical with the fishermen's profession for the people, has the potential to process marine products into superior products. One area that work as a fisherman is Kampung Rempang Cate. This village is located in Galang sub-district, Batam City. Fish catches are processed into food and souvenirs such as fish crackers, rose cakes, lung crackers, empek-empek and others. This village has internet so that people can access social media, but it has not been fully utilized in the economic field. Social media can be used as a media for promoting products and has the potential to improve the economy of the community. Bad weather sometimes happens, causing fishermen not possible to go to sea. When this happens, people can process resource from the sea into food or souvenir that can be sold to other regions such as Batam City through digital marketing. The purpose of this community engagement is to provide training on how to promote products from fish catches and other resources through digital marketing. The community no longer needs to sell processed products directly to Batam City, with no small costs and uncertain buyers. The current positive impact that has been seen is the increase in people's knowledge and insights into digital marketing and improving the community's economy from the implementation of activities.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Peta Kelurahan Se-Kecamatan Galang Kota Batam Sudra Irawan; Oktavianto Gustin; Arif Roziqin; Rizki Widi Pratama; Luthfiya Ratna Sari; Nanik Lestari; Fajar Muliana; Vina Selvia Dwiyanti; Muslimin Muslimin; Gregorius Harry Saktian Sinaga; Agus Fatulloh; Mir'atul Khusna Mufida; Afdhol Dzikri; Evaliata Sembiring; Selly Artaty Zega
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Pusat P2M Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimas.v1i2.1531


Galang, with Sembulang as its capital city, is located in Batam, Riau Islands. Based on the results of the field survey on August 21st-23rd 2018 conducted in the Galang Administration Office and the Sembulang Administration Office, it was found that there was no subdistrict and village map which is up to the cartographic rules, which could pose a problem. In fact, there were no villages in Galang, other than Sembulang, which possessed a village map. The awareness from the community regarding the importance of charting a village map was still relatively low, resulting in many errors regarding cartometric boundaries. In addition, the community and the village officials’ understanding regarding the use of a map as a basis to manage space in developing the region was still also inadequate. To overcome this problem and fulfill the need of the people, the Galang Subdistrict Head approved this community service activity. The program aims to deliver a training on charting maps of villages in Sembulang, Batam, which consists of three main activities: instruction on the use of handheld GPS, delineation of Google Earth imagery, and documentation of geospatial information. The training (in the form of Bimtek) was carried out on Tuesday, August 6th, 2019, attended by 39 participants, comprising the Galang sub-district officials as well as the head, secretary, and officials of each village. The activities started from the delivery of topics regarding the scope of geospatial information and the use of map, followed by training in the use of handheld GPS to record spatial data such as public facilities and tourist attractions, and concluded by training in plotting village maps using the Argish software.
Stenographic Learning Video: Design And Analysis of Video Production Using And Without Using The Script Riski Acibi Kuncoro; Evaliata BR Sembiring
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v4i2.2246


The selection of the right learning media is one of the factors so that students can easily understand the material being discussed. One of them is by using video learning media. Producing a video script design becomes the basis for consideration in the video-making process. The script is the main reference or a guide in conducting video production activities. The activity of producing a video without using a script is a waste of nothing. So, research was made to produce a stenography learning video using a script and without a script. This research was made using the R&D (Research & Development) research method which will then be analyzed the comparison of the results of the two videos using qualitative analysis with a comparative model. The results obtained showed that the use of texts influences the process of learning video production compared to the results obtained. So the production of stenography learning videos using scripts is more effective than without using scripts.
Company Profile KPKNL Batam dalam Bentuk Video Evaliata Br Sembiring; Try Widya Hastuti
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v4i2.2420


Informasi tentang layanan KPKNL Batam perlu diketahui oleh masyarakat terutama pemangku kepentingan. Media informasi saat ini adalah brosur, buku profil, banner, situs dan media sosial. Namun, memiliki kekurangan terutama informasi tentang tugas, fungsi dan layanan KPKNL Batam seperti lelang dan penyewaan asset BMN. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah video company profile. Metode penelitian menggunakan R & D yaitu pembuatan video menggunakan pendekatan Luther-Sutopo dan analisis kelayakan sebagai media informasi berdasarkan kualitas video melalui aspek visual dan suara menggunakan skala Likert. Sementara analisis keefektifan video sebagai media informasi berdasarkan materi menggunakan pendekatan Quasi Experimental model Nonequivalent Group Design dengan pengolahan data uji-t. Hasil penelitian yaitu: (1)Video Company Profile berdurasi 3 menit 50 detik dalam format MP4, dapat dijalankan dalam berbagai perangkat serta dapat diakses secara online di media sosial KPKNL Batam; (2)Video memiliki kualitas yang baik berdasarkan pencapaian persentase 98,80%, sehingga layak memberikan informasi; (3)Video dinilai efektif sebagai media informasi berdasarkan aspek konten tentang layanan KPKNL Batam bagi pemangku kepentingan melalui hasil uji-t kelompok eksperimen dengan nilai Sig. sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 nilai probabilitas; (4)Produksi video dapat dipengaruhi oleh perangkat, sehingga direkomendasikan untuk mengemas informasi dan layanan yang lebih spesifik dan rinci di KPKNL Batam.
Creating Multimedia Content for Prevention of Covid 19 Virus Transmission in the tradisional market Riwinoto Riwinoto; Selly Artaty Zega; Evaliata BR Sembiring; Afdhol Dzikri; Gendhy Dwi Harlyan; Happy Yugo Prasetya; Arta Uly Siahaan; Cahya Miranto; Ardiman Firmanda; Ahmad Saropi; Melsha Haq Zulfikar; Weimpy Ocastian; Gunawan Humiras Pangestu Nababan; David Hasmito Tanbari; Novi Anggraeni; Ica Yolanda; Diella Marfika Tama; Muhammad Ikhlas Habibi
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Journal of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v4i2.2681


The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has caused difficulties for the community, for example official trips, tours, shopping, watching films and others, which in turn caused the general economy to decline. This is what makes lecturers, workers and students in the multimedia field take the initiative to make or develop multimedia products that have educational value to the public about the prevention of the Corona virus. One of the places that is the central point of the spread of the Corona virus is the market because the market is a meeting place for people who have an interest in buying and selling if one person is infected with Corona, the virus can spread to the community around the market. Therefore, the product we have developed is a multimedia product that contains educational materials for Corona virus prevention on the market. These products are community services and educational games, comic posters, motion graphics, video advertisements. The results of internal testing to students and external testing to communities related to traders show that comic media is best used in spreading service messages to the community.