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Journal : Mestaka: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

RESTORASI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE PADA MEDIA BIODEGRADABLE DI PESISIR DESA WAAI: Restoration Of Mangrove Ecosystem On Biodegradable Media On The Coast Of Waai Village Gino V Limmon; Eelco Waardenburg; Wouter Lengkeek; Peter Vodegel; Krisye; Yunita A Noya
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i2.39


Mangroves are plants that live on the coast and are affected by sea tides. Mangroves play an important role in estuary areas, namely the border between seawater and fresh water because they have ecological, economic and chemical functions to support the life of organisms. Mangrove ecosystems can experience threats from both natural and human factors. Human activities that cause damage to mangroves are due to a lack of public awareness regarding the importance of mangrove ecosystems for organisms. This is the condition that occurs in the mangrove ecosystem in Waai Village, therefore, it is necessary to restore the mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove ecosystem restoration uses one of the potential media, namely BESE-Element, which is a biodegradable material. Community service is carried out in collaboration with the Pattimura University Maritime Center and Wardenburg Ecology International. The community service activities were carried out for two days, 7-8 February 2023. The result of the activity was that mangrove ecosystem restoration was carried out in semi-enclosed areas using 10 BESE-Element. The types of mangrove species planted were Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora stylosa, and Ceriops tagal. Around BESE-Elements planted seedlings and mangrove propagules as a control for mangroves in BESE-Elements. This restoration activity seems to be applicable not only in Waai Village but also in other areas that have experienced degradation of the mangrove ecosystem.
PENINGKATAN KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN PESISIR MELALUI AKSI BERSIH PANTAI DI DESA RUMAH TIGA KOTA AMBON: The Improvement Of Coastal Environment Quality Through Beach Clean-Up Program In Rumah Tiga Village, Ambon City Marlin Chrisye Wattimena; Junita Supusepa; Frijona Fabiola Lokollo; Krisye Krisye; Eva Susan Ratuluhain; Juliana Wihelmina Tuahatu; Irma Kesaulya; Simon Tubalawony; Valentine Domaris Saleky; Fahrul Rozy Fakaubun; Imanuel Villian Trayanta Soukotta
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i2.52


Contaminants entering marine systemts have become environmental issues because of their significantly negative impacts. Coasts of Rumah Tiga Village are connected to Ambon Bay and provide marine habitats and tourist attractions due to their location close to Merah Putih Bridge (including recreations, restaurants and aquaculture sites). These human related activities contribute to the discharge of wastes into marine waters. Due to their location at inshore outer Ambon Bay, marine pollutants from the bay tend to be applied at the location. Because of the concentrated pollutants at the location, the coasts of Rumah Tiga Village are a suitable location to conduct beach clean-ups in Ambon Bay. The beach clean-up activities also aim to allow Study Program of Marine Science of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Pattimura University to raise awareness to its students and local community to care for environment.
MANAJEMEN REFERENSI TERKAIT EKOSISTEM MANGROVE BERBASIS GOOGLE DRIVE UNTUK MENDUKUNG KEMUDAHAN AKSES REFERENSI DIGITAL: Management Related To The Mangrove Ecosystem Based On Google Drive To Support Easy Access To Digital Reference Rahman Rahman; Martha L. Wattimena; Frijona F. Lokollo; Krisye Krisye; Sophia N.M. Fendjalang; Nur Tasmiah Sirajuddin
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i3.96


Google Drive-based reference management has just existed for easy access to referrals in mangrove ecosystem studies. Google Drive is a popular and widely used file storage and sharing platform. We can store, organize, and share various documents and files using Google Drive, including reference documents, scientific journals, and other essential mangrove resources. Cloud-based Google Drive allows easy access and efficient collaboration between individuals or groups in managing or researching mangroves. This service activity aims to create a mangrove reference database based on several topics using Google Drive so that mangrove observers can easily access it. Reference searches were carried out on the websites and The activity obtained 580 references from national and international scientific articles and mangrove e-books. The sorting results folder includes mangrove e-books, mangrove ecotourism, mangrove carbon emissions, mangrove litter production, mangrove carbon stocks, and mangrove economic valuations. Articles in the reference folder can be accessed via the link.
PEMBUATAN REPOSITORI SKRIPSI MAHASISWA JURUSAN BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN UNIVERSITAS PATTIMURA: Creation Of Student Thesis Repository Majoring In Aquaculture, Faculty Of Fisheries And Marine Sciences, Pattimura University Sophia N. M. Fendjalang; Krisye; Rahman Rahman; Nur T. Sirajuddin; Martha L. Wattimena; Yuliana Natan
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i4.98


The Aquaculture Department Library is an information service unit for library materials for students and lecturers who are required to provide information services that are fast, precise, relevant, useful for users. To further optimize the benefits of these sources of information, it is necessary to develop a library function in the form of a digital-based student thesis data storage facility. The purpose of this activity is to create a student thesis repository as an effort to facilitate student access to theses to obtain secondary scientific information in the Aquaculture Study Program at Pattimura University. The activity of creating a student thesis repository will be carried out in October – November 2022. The activities carried out include coordinating and extracting thesis data files to be uploaded, inputting data and files to Google Drive and the website, making posters and socializing the finished repository to students and lecturers majoring in Aquaculture and evaluating the effectiveness of student thesis repository. It can be concluded that the existence of a thesis repository for students of the Aquaculture Study Program can provide convenience to students and lecturers in finding information related to references, topics and research developments, especially in the field of Aquaculture.
DIGITALISASI SKRIPSI DALAM REPOSITORI PROGRAM STUDI MANAJEMEN SUMBERDAYA PERAIRAN FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN UNIVERSITAS PATTIMURA: Digitalization Thesis To Repository Aquatic Resources Management Study Program Faculty Fisheries And Marine Science Pattimura University Nur Tasmiah Sirajuddin; Yuliana Natan; Martha L. Wattimena; Sophia N. M. Fendjalang; Krisye; Rahman
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i4.113


Thesis is one of the references used as a reference to writing a scientific work in an academic environment both by students and lecturers in carrying out research assignments. Existing thesis can be a source of research ideas, information on student research interests and ongoing research development. These benefits become more optimal with the ease of accessing thesis data anytime and anywhere. The aim of this activity is to create a digital-based thesis in a repository at the Study Program in Aquatic Resources Management at Pattimura University. This activity was carried out in October - November 2022. The stages of the activity included coordination, collecting thesis softcopy data, inputting thesis data into Google Drive and the website in the form of a repository, making posters as a medium for outreach to students and lecturers and evaluating the effectiveness of the repository on the website. The results of this activity can be concluded that digitizing thesis into a repository can provide easy access anytime and anywhere for both students and lecturers who need information related to thesis data in the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program.