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Construction of Binary Vector and Transformation of Synthetic LcCsp Gene into Nipponbare Rice Genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Transformation Method Dina Sri Yulita; Aqwin Polosoro; Atmitri Sisharmini; Aniversari Apriana; Febi Nurilmala; Kurniawan Rudi Trijatmiko
Jurnal AgroBiogen Vol 16, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jbio.v16n1.2020.p25-34


Cold shock protein (Csp) is an essential bacterial protein for increasing abiotic stress tolerance, especially cold stress. Several studies discovered that overexpression of the gene successfully improves the tolerances of several types of plant not only under cold stress, but also other abiotic stresses, e.g. hot and drought conditions. The objectives of this study were to construct a binary vector containing the LcCsp gene modified from Lactobacillus casei and transform the gene into Nipponbare rice genome. The native LcCsp gene sequence, however, has low GC content (46.7%) while rice as transformation target plant has 52% GC content. The native LcCsp gene sequence, therefore, was optimized to the level close to 52.7% similar to GC content of the rice genome. This LcCsp gene was synthesized by using DNA printing technology (gBlocks® Gene Fragments Entry, IDT). The synthetic LcCsp gene was successfully inserted into the pCAMBIA1300-int binary vector driven by Ubiquitin1 promoter and NOS terminator. The T-DNA cassette was successfully transformed into Nipponbare rice genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 using immature embryo transformation protocol. A total of 51 T0 Nipponbare lines survived from hygromycin selections and 21 lines were successfully acclimatized. Molecular analysis of the candidate lines showed that all Nipponbare transgenic putative lines contain the LcCsp gene demonstrating high transformation efficiency of 11.8%. The rice lines resulted from this study should be further analyzed and might be useful for developing rice transgenic lines tolerance to heat, drought, or saline stress condition.
AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK AIR SIMPLISIA DAUN SEMBUNG (Blumea balsamifera) Mamay Maslahat; Febi Nurilmala; Lipi Harpeni
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.385 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v3i2.62


Antioxidant Activity of Aquous Extract of Sembung Leaf (Blumea balsamifera)             Simplicia medicinal plants are more commonly known by the term of herbal medicine in the form boiling and steeping. Sembung leaf water extracts content of secondary metabolites has potential natural antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that can prevent or slow down the deterioration of a substance. This research aimed to test the potential of antioxidant in water extracts of leaves sembung (Blumea balsamifera) in the form of boiling and steeping using DPPH method through determination of IC50 values. Best antioxidant test results found in extracts of steeping the leaves with IC50 values of 155,65 ml/l while the extract boiling sembung with IC50 values indicated by 293,80 ml/l, antioxidant standards testing used was quercetin.Keywords : antioxidant, aquous  extract, Blumea balsamifera, DPPH ABSTRAK         Simplisia tanaman obat yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah jamu sering diaplikasikan dalam bentuk godogan dan seduhan. Ekstrak air daun sembung memiliki kandungan metabolit sekunder yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan alami. Antioksidan merupakan substansi yang dapat mencegah atau memperlambat kerusakan suatu zat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji potensi antioksidan ekstrak air daun sembung (Blumea balsamifera) dalam bentuk seduhan dan godogan dengan metode DPPH melalui penentuan nilai IC50.  Hasil uji antioksidan terbaik terdapat pada ekstrak seduhan daun sembung dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 155,65 ml/l sedangkan ekstrak godogan sembung menunjukan nilai IC50 sebesar 293,80 ml/l,  sebagai standar pengujian antioksidan digunakan kuersetin.Kata kunci : Antioxidan, extract air, Blumea balsamifera, DPPH
Chlorophyll content of the hope mutant clones of Bogor taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Hilda Izzatul Adibah; Febi Nurilmala; Ade Ayu Oksari
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1009.933 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v11i1.293


The development of the Bogor taro plant genetic variation with gamma-ray radiation has resulted in three mutant clones of the hope line with high carbohydrate and low calcium oxalate advantages. The carbohydrate content may correlate with chlorophyll content which plays a role in the photosynthesis process, so it is necessary to know the chlorophyll content in the mutant clones of the Bogor taro hope line and its relationship with its growth in two locations in Kemang District and Cijeruk District, Bogor Regency. The results showed that the mutant clones of the hope line B1023 planted in Kemang District had higher chlorophyll content than the parents. Meanwhile, the mutant clones of the hope line B1511 planted in the Cijeruk District had higher chlorophyll content than the parents. The chlorophyll content of the hope mutant clones planted in Kemang District was higher than the hope mutant clones planted in Cijeruk District. High chlorophyll content showed a negative relationship with tuber wet weight and carbohydrate content but did not affect the number of leaves and tillersKeywords: Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, fotosyntesis, mutant clone, Colocasia esculentaABSTRAKKandungan  klorofil dan pertumbuhan pada klon mutan galur harapan tanaman talas Bogor (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott)Pengembangan variasi genetik tanaman talas Bogor dengan radiasi sinar gamma telah menghasilkan tiga klon mutan galur harapan dengan keunggulan tinggi karbohidrat dan rendah kalsium oksalat.  Kandungan karbohidrat mungkin berhubungan erat dengan kandungan klorofil yang berperan dalam proses fotosintesis, sehingga  perlu untuk diketahui kandungan klorofil pada klon mutan galur harapan tanaman talas Bogor dan hubungannya dengan pertumbuhannya di dua lokasi Kecamatan Kemang dan Kecamatan Cijeruk Kabupaten Bogor.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon mutan galur harapan B1023 yang ditanam di Kecamatan Kemang memiliki kandungan klorofil lebih tinggi dari tetua. Sedangkan pada klon mutan galur harapan B1511 yang ditanam di Kecamatan Cijeruk memiliki kandungan klorofil lebih tinggi dari tetua. Kandungan klorofil klon mutan galur harapan yang ditanam di Kecamatan Kemang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kandungan klorofil klon mutan harapan yang ditanam di Kecamatan Cijeruk. Kandungan klorofil tinggi menunjukkan hubungan negatif dengan bobot basah umbi dan kandungan karbohidrat, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan anakan. Kata kunci :  Klorofil a, Klorofil b, Fotosintesis, Klon mutan, Colocasia esculenta
MIKROPROPAGASI TANAMAN TALAS BOGOR (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) MELALUI TUNAS APIKAL Febi Nurilmala; Puput Hanum Nirmala
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.349 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v3i1.51


JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 1 No. 2 (2011): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.011 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v1i2.18


Endurance Test Three Tomato Variety (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Against Attacks CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus) DAS-ELISA Method          Tomato plantation intensification can be done by controlling nuisance organism plant causes disease in tomato, such as CMV. CMV can be transmitted mechanically, and therefore testing of tomato varieties resistance to CMV can be performed with CMV isolates infect mechanically to healthy tomato plants (variety Marta F1, San Marino, and Viccario). CMV isolates derived from two sources, namely a positive tomato plants attacked by CMV (plant sap) and the positive control CMV AGDIA producers commonly used as a positive control test DAS-ELISA (Double Antibody Sandwich-Enzyme Linked immunosorbent assay). This study aims to test three varieties of tomato resistance against CMV attacks. Research conducted in the screen house and laboratory virology Central Agricultural Quarantine Standards Test. Identification of CMV infection was done by observing the incubation period, symptoms appeared, and continued with DAS-ELISA test. Structured treatment completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 replications. Data processed with fingerprint analysis and continued with various multiple Duncan test at 5% level test. The results showed the disease symptoms appeared only on the varieties of San Marino from CMV infected plant sap. Symptoms caused a reduction of leaf rolling and leaf lamina 8-10 day incubation period and symptoms of stunted stems with 14-28 day incubation period, the San Marino CMV causes the reduction of plant height by 33%. Sensitivity of tomato varieties against CMV San Marino sap from plants was quantitatively evidenced by positive results on the DAS-ELISA test. Meanwhile, F1 and Marta varieties resistant to Viccario CMV infection sap from plants and the positive control CMV AGDIA producers. Keywords : Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum l.), Cucumber Mosaic Virus, DAS-ELISA method ABSTRAK                 Intensifikasi perkebunan tomat dapat dilakukan dengan mengendalikan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT) penyebab penyakit pada tomat, seperti CMV. CMV dapat ditularkan secara mekanis, oleh karena itu pengujian ketahanan varietas tomat terhadap CMV dapat dilakukan dengan menularkan isolat CMV secara mekanik kepada tanaman tomat sehat (varietas Marta F1, San Marino, dan Viccario). Isolat CMV berasal dari dua sumber, yaitu tanaman tomat yang positif terserang CMV (sap tanaman) dan kontrol positif CMV produsen AGDIA yang biasa digunakan sebagai kontrol positif pengujian DAS-ELISA (Double Antibody Sandwich-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ketahanan tiga varietas tomat terhadap serangan CMV. Penelitian dilaksanakan di screen house dan laboratorium virologi Balai Besar Uji Standar Karantina Pertanian pada bulan Januari sampai April 2008. Identifikasi hasil penularan CMV dilakukan dengan mengamati periode inkubasi, gejala yang muncul, dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian DAS-ELISA. Perlakuan disusun dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 ulangan. Data diolah dengan analisis sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji berganda Duncan pada taraf uji 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gejala penyakit hanya muncul pada varietas San Marino yang ditulari CMV asal sap tanaman. Gejala yang ditimbulkan berupa daun menggulung dan reduksi lamina daun dengan masa inkubasi 8-10 hari, serta gejala batang kerdil dengan masa inkubasi 14-28 hari, CMV pada San Marino menyebabkan reduksi tinggi tanaman sebesar 33%. Kesensitifan tomat varietas San Marino terhadap CMV asal sap tanaman secara kuantitatif dibuktikan dengan hasil yang positif pada pengujian DAS-ELISA. Sedangkan, varietas Marta F1 dan Viccario tahan terhadap penularan CMV asal sap tanaman maupun kontrol positif CMV produsen AGDIA.Kata kunci : Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum  L.), Cucumber Mosaic Virus, metode DAS-ELISA
Placement Precision of Organic Fertilizer Based on Soil Conservation in Taro Cultivation Andi Masnang; Asmanur Jannah; Dyah Budibruri Wibaningwati; Febi Nurilmala; Lany Nurhayati
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 11, No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v11i3.396-404


One of the things that are important to consider when fertilizing is how to place the fertilizer so that plants can consume nutrients efficiently. The research objective was to assess the precision of soil conservation based on fertilizer placement so that fertilizers could increase the production of taro effectively. This study applied four treatments, namely without fertilizer, placing manure in the planting hole, placing manure in the biopore, and placing manure on the borders. The three treatments were given 1 kg of goat manure. The treatment was performed with six replications. Harvesting is carried out in 8 months after planting. The results showed that the placement of manure on the borders was the most effective treatment with the highest yield of wet tubers of 21.4 Mg/ha and was not different from the treatment of manure in biopore 18.3 Mg/ha.This yield was different significantly as compared to that of resulted from treatments where fertilizer was placed in the planting hole (15.9 Mg/ha) or the production of taro without manure application (11.57 Mg/ha). Keywords: Organic fertilizers, production, soil conservation, taro
Jurnal Abdi Inovatif (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Abdi Inovatif (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.245 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jai.v1i2.419


The purpose of the following community service activity is to educate KWT Sawargi members through counselling on the use of new varieties of taro plants Febi521 and its post-harvest processing for processed taro production houses, as well as preparing activity plans for implementing the use of new varieties of taro Febi521 and its post-harvest processing. The target group of this activity are the residents of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) Sawargi, Situ Gede Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City. This Community Service activity can be divided into three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of this activity have a positive impact on increasing knowledge and skills and have the potential to improve the economy of the community. KWT members have a new understanding of the new taro variety Febi521, which has the advantage of not itching due to low levels of calcium oxalate. KWT also knows the nutritional value of Febi521 taro. In addition, KWT members also understand Febi521's post-harvest processing techniques and skills in processing taro products in the form of cookies made from taro flour. Sustainability support of this activity, the team provided new varieties of taro seeds Febi521 and production tools for post-harvest processing of taro.Keywords: taro; Febi521, post-harvest, taro flour, cookiesAbstrakKegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk edukasi kepada mitra KWT Sawargi melalui penyuluhan pemanfaatan tanaman talas varietas baru Febi521 dan pengolahan pascapanennya dan menyusun rencana aktivitas implementasi pemanfaatan tanaman talas varietas baru Febi521. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dibagi dalam tiga tahap yaitu, persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan berpotensi meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Kelurahan Situ Gede, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor. Anggota KWT memiliki pemahaman yang baru tentang talas varietas baru Febi521 yang memiliki keunggulan tidak gatal karena rendahnya kadar kalsium oksalat. KWT juga memiliki pengetahuan tentang nilai gizi talas Febi521. Selain itu, para anggota KWT juga memahami teknik pengolahan pascapanen talas Febi521 serta memiliki keterampilan dalam mengolah produk olahan talas berupa cookies berbahan dasar tepung talas. Untuk mendukung keberlanjutan kegiatan ini, tim memberikan bibit talas varietas baru Febi521 dan alat produksi olahan talas pascapanen.Kata Kunci: talas, Febi521, pascapanen, tepung talas, cookies
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2012): Sains Natural (Edisi Khusus)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.844 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v2i2.48


Weed Identification and Potential under the Stands o Superior Teak Nusantara (JUN) in Experiment Garden of Universityof Nusa Bangsa, Cogreg, Bogor          Weed is a plant that the presence is not desirable because it can reduce the results achieved by the plant production. Weeds is an important component in forest ecosystems that must be taken their role. Composition and diversity of weed will determine the forest structure that will ultimately affect the ecological function of the forest. The presence and diversity of weeds under JUN stands in the area of Nusa Bangsa University experimental garden in Cogreg areas need to be studied and identifie for its potential to be used and prevention as well. The method of analysis used in this study was the least squares method of 0,5 m x 0,5 m and made 10 sample plots under the stand of JUN. Weeds were identified by using the description book based on morphological characteristics, the type, amount and its potential as a medical plant. The results showed that there were 15 types of weeds under JUN stands, namely Oxalis barrelieri, Phyllanthus niruri, Nephrolepis biserata, Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria latifolia, Molineria longiflora, Murdanium nudiflora, Synedrella nodiflora, Acalypha indica L, Echinochloa crus – galli (L.) P. beauv, Commelina diffusa Burm, Asystasia sp. and Clibadium surinamense. Among all the types of weeds, Borreria latifolia were dominant.Keywords : Teak Superior Archipelago (JUN), weeds, identification, medicinal plants ABSTRAK          Gulma merupakan tumbuhan yang kehadirannya tidak diinginkan karena dapat menurunkan hasil yang dicapai oleh tanaman produksi. Gulma merupakan komponen penting dalam ekosistem hutan yang harus diperhitungkan perannya. Komposisi dan keanekaragaman gulma ikut menentukan struktur hutan yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh pada fungsi ekologis hutan. Kehadiran dan keanekaragaman gulma di bawah tegakan JUN di areal kebun percobaan Universitas Nusa Bangsa di daerah Cogreg perlu dipelajari dan diidentifikasi untuk dimanfaatkan potensinya maupun untuk penanggulangan gulma. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode kuadrat 0,5m x 0,5m dan dibuat 10 petak contoh di bawah tegakan JUN. Gulma diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan buku deskripsi berdasarkan ciri morfologi, jenis, jumlah serta potensinya sebagai tumbuhan obat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 15 jenis gulma di bawah tegakan JUN, yaitu Oxalis barrelieri, Phyllanthus niruri, Nephrolepis biserata, Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria latifolia, Molineria longiflora, Murdanium nudiflora, Synedrella nodiflora, Acalypha indica L, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv, Commelina diffusa Burm, Asystasia,sp,dan Clibadium surinamense. Diantara semua jenis gulma tersebut, yang mendominasi adalah Borreria latifolia.Kata Kunci: Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN), gulma, identifikasi, tanaman obat
Pendampingan Budidaya Talas Varietas Baru Bagi KWT Sawargi Kelurahan Situgede Kecamatan Bogor Barat Kota Bogor Febi Nurilmala; Andi Masnang; Nia Sonani
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora (Future Issue)
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v4i2.292


The continuity of the availability of raw materials for the processing of taro is a partner's need to develop a taro processing business, so that appropriate technology is needed for the cultivation of the new variety Febi521 taro. The service programme offered to KWT Sawargi is the use of narrow land owned by KWT members to plant the new Febi521 variety of taro, and it is hoped that it will continue so that the difficulty of taro raw materials can be overcome. Community service activities were carried out for 10 months consisting of training in new varieties of taro cultivation, the practise of planting Febi521 taro seeds and assistance until harvest. The results of this activity had a positive impact on the people of Situ Gede Village, especially KWT Sawargi. The taro seeds planted in the fields of several partners showed that the plants grew to a harvest of 83.33%. Febi521 taro is harvested at around 8 months of age and produces a weight of 76 kg from 100 plants with a weight of 500 - 800 grams per tuber. Assistance will continue to be provided until the partner becomes an independent KWT.