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Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Sciences) Vol 10 No 1 (2017): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Unusa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.057 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v10i1.143


The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia as one of the adult health indicators are still high when compared with other countries in ASEAN. Every pregnant women face the risk of death, so that the necessary efforts to improve the health status of pregnant women to maternity, is mentoring by volunteers. This study aims to investigate the influence implementation of assistance cadres to visit antenatal care (ANC) pregnant women at high risk. Research is correlational design with cross sectional approach. The subject of the study 29 pregnant women at high risk SPR score ≥10 at second and third trimester pregnancy. The independent variable is the duty of cadres as facilitator, motivator, and mediator were obtained by interview and notebook cadres. The dependent variable is the ANC of books KIA pregnant women. Analyzed by frequency distribution, bivariate with a person product moment test, and multivariate logistic regression. The majority of cadres as active facilitator (63%), almost entirely as an active motivator (86%), almost entirely as an active mediator (83%) and were mostly as a companion active (83%). ANC high-risk pregnant women the majority (66%) regularly. There is a mutual effect equally between tasks ANC cadres to visit pregnant women at high risk. The most influential is the duty of cadres as a companion. Community involvement ie cadres, community leaders and religious leaders in implementing health programs are required to enable achievement of the health targets can be maximized. 
Japanese Language Interest on Nursing Students toward Intention to Work in Japan at Stikes Pemkab Jombang Pepin Nahariani; Kikis Widya Ratna; Kolifah Kolifah; Iin Noviana; Shanti Rosmaharani
Jurnal Ners Vol. 14 No. 3 (2019): Special Issue
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.874 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v14i3.17123


Introduction: In Indonesia, the working prevalence of nurses was that 95% worked in the country and 5% were working abroad. The government provides opportunities for nurses who want to work in Japan through networking (Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement). However, there isn’t a lot of interest due to the lack of knowledge of the Japanese language. This study aimed to analyze the Japanese language related to the nursing students’ interest concerning working in Japan.Methods: The design of the study was correlational research with a cross-sectional approach which was conducted between May 31st and June 1st, 2016. The population consisted of nursing Bachelor’s program students and the population totaled 41; the samples totaled as many as 37. The data collection used Japanese observation test scores and questionnaires.Results: The results showed that most of the 75.6% got a good score (B). Nearly half (48.6%) of them were intending to work in Japan and 2.7% got great scores, also with the intent to work Japan. Based on the test results, the statistical value = 0.798 that the ρ value> α (0.05).Conclusion: This means that there is no correlation between the Japanese language and the nurse’s working interest related to Japan. The recommendation in this study is the implementation of an active Japanese language course. Further research should analyze the factors that affect the interests of Indonesian nurses when it comes to working in Japan.
Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol 4, SPECIAL EDITION (2022) FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/jjhsr.v4i0.12561


Abstrak Latar Belakang: Pentingnya ASI didukung dengan baik oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia yang merekomendasikan bahwa semua bayi harus diberi ASI eksklusif sejak lahir sampai usia 6 bulan dan dilanjutkan pemberian makanan pendamping yang sesuai. Tidak semua bayi dapat menyusu melalui payudara sehingga ASI sangat dibutuhkan. Bayi yang tidak mendapatkan ASI lebih beresiko mengalami masalah kesehatan, baik saat baru lahir maupun di kemudian hari. Ibu mungkin juga ingin memerah ASI untuk kenyamanan mereka sendiri atau untuk meningkatkan volume ASI perahnya. Metode: Ulasan ini menggunakan pendekatan Arksey dan O'Malley. Pencarian artikel melalui Pubmed, Cochrane dan Science Direct yang diterbitkan tahun 2013-2020 didapatkan 106 artikel. Pemilihan artikel menggunakan PRISMA framework, terpilih 6 artikel untuk direview. Metode pemerahan ASI yang paling sesuai dapat dipengaruhi faktor,  yaitu waktu memulai pemerahan ASI sejak lahir, tujuan pemerahan, dan kondisi kesehatan ibu dan bayi. Intervensi berbiaya rendah termasuk inisiasi dini pemompaan saat tidak menyusui secara langsung dari payudara, relaksasi, pemerahan menggunakan tangan, dan pompa berbiaya lebih rendah mungkin sama efektifnya, atau lebih efektif, daripada pompa listrik besar untuk beberapa hasil pemompaan. Hal penting untuk meningkatkan ASI perah adalah frekuensi dan lama sesi pemompaan Kata kunci: Menyusui, Memompa ASI, ASI perah, Menyusui AbstractBackground: According to the World Health Organization, all infants must be fed only human milk from birth to six months of age, with appropriate additional foods offered after that. Expressed milk is required since not all newborns are able to feed themselves at the breast. Breastfed babies are more likely to suffer health problems later in life than those who are not breastfed as neonates. For personal comfort or to improve production, mothers may choose to express their milk. Method: This scoping review adopts Arksey and O'Malley's framework. Article search through Pubmed, Cochrane and Science Direct published in 2013-2020 found 106 articles. Article selection using the PRISMA framework, 6 articles were selected for review. Depending on length of time after birth, the purpose of expression, and the mother and newborn, the ideal method for milk expression may vary. Low-cost interventions, such as early initiation while not lactating, were shown to increase some outcomes, relaxation, hand expression, and lower-cost pumps may be as effective as, if not more effective than, large electric pumps. The important things to increase expressed breast milk are frequency and pumping session length.
HUBUNGAN POLA PEMBERIAN NUTRISI DENGAN STATUS GIZI BALITA USIA 3-5 TAHUN DI DUSUN DEMPOK UTARA DESA GROGOL KECAMATAN DIWEK KABUPATEN JOMBANG: The Relationship of Patterns Providing Nutrition With Nutritional Status Toddler Age 3-5 Years in Dempok Utara Grogol Village Diwek Jombang Berlina Dwi W; Pepin Nahariani; Kolifah Kolifah
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of Midwifery) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): JIKeb | Maret 2015
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.28 KB)


Pendahuluan : Status gizi balita merupakan hal penting yang harus diketahui oleh setiap orang tua. Gizi pada balita menjadi perhatian utama karena gizi dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Zat gizi atau nutrisi tersebut dapat kita peroleh dari makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari. Data Puskesmas Cukir Diwek Jombang diketahui bahwa jumlah gizi kurang terdapat di Dusun Dempok Utara Desa Grogol Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang sejumlah 92 Balita (26%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pola pemberian nutrisi dengan status gizi balita usia 3-5 tahun di Dusun Dempok Utara Desa Grogol Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang. Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah Analitik korelasional dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang memiliki balita usia 3-5 tahun pada tanggal 22-26 Agustus 2014 di Dusun Dempok Utara Desa Grogol Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang sejumlah 69 orang. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara simple random sampling, sampel sebanyak 59 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dan KMS. Data di analisis menggunakan uji statistik rank spearman. Hasil : Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar pola pemberian nutrisi adalah sesuai yaitu sejumlah 42 orang (71,2%) dan sebagian besar status gizi balita usia 3-5 tahun baik yaitu sejumlah 31 orang (52,5%). Dari hasil uji statistik menggunakan rank spearman didapatkan hasil signifikasi 0,000, yaitu berarti ada hubungan pola pemberian nutrisi dengan status gizi balita usia 3-5 tahun di Dusun Dempok Utara Desa Grogol Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang. Pembahasan : Tenaga kesehatan hendaknya lebih mempertahankan pola pemberian nutrisinya sehingga status gizi balita tetap baik. Bagi ibu hendaknya memberikan nutrisi sesuai dengan pola gizi seimbang pada balita. Kata kunci : pola pemberian nutrisi, status gizi, balita
ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER II FISIOLOGIS DENGAN NYERI PUNGGUNG DI BPM SRI HARDI, Amd.Keb KECAMATAN SUMOBITO KABUPATEN JOMBANG: Midwifery Care On Primary Woman Trimester II Physiological With Back Pain In Bpm Sri Hardi, Amd.Keb District Sumobito Jombang Isah Eka Palupi; Kolifah Kolifah; Mas Imam Ali Afandi
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of Midwifery) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): JIKeb | September 2017
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.447 KB)


Pendahuluan: Perubahan yang terjadi pada masa kehamilan kemungkinan dapat menjadi penyulit selama masa kehamilan maupun masa persalinan. Penyulit selama masa kehamilan misalnya nyeri punggung, nyeri pinggang, nyeri panggul, serta sesak nafas. Salah satu ketidaknyamanan yang sering timbul adalah nyeri punggung. Tujuan penelitian yaitu memberikan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil trimester II dengan nyeri punggung di BPM Sri Hardi, Amd.Keb Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah berupa studi kasus yang dilakukan pada dua ibu hamil di BPM Sri Hardi, Amd.Keb selama 2 minggu. Teknik pengambilan data dengan menggunakan lima langkah varney. Perbandingan pengumpulan data menggunakan alat ukur berupa observasi, pemeriksaan fisik dan dokumentasi. Hasil: Asuhan menunjukkan bahwa pada kasus 1 dan kasus 2 pada kunjungan ke-3 sudah tidak nyeri yang dirasakan di punggung. Selama kunjungan ke-3 baik pada kasus 1 maupun kasus 2 diberikan intervensi, yaitu, kompres air panas, senam hamil, KIE tentang personal hygiene, pentingnya minum tablet Fe. Pembahasan: Penanganan nyeri pada ibu hamil trimester II dapat dilakukan secara mandiri oleh ibu dengan cara mengompres punggung yang sakit, senam hamil dan menghindari penyebab nyeri punggung. Bidan juga harus ikut serta memberikan informasi tentang apa yang dialami ibu hamil agar apa yang dialami ibu hamil bisa cepat berkurang atau sembuh. Kata kunci : Ibu Hamil, Trimester II, dan Nyeri Punggung
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 10 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Science)
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.057 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v10i1.143


The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia as one of the adult health indicators are still high when compared with other countries in ASEAN. Every pregnant women face the risk of death, so that the necessary efforts to improve the health status of pregnant women to maternity, is mentoring by volunteers. This study aims to investigate the influence implementation of assistance cadres to visit antenatal care (ANC) pregnant women at high risk. Research is correlational design with cross sectional approach. The subject of the study 29 pregnant women at high risk SPR score ≥10 at second and third trimester pregnancy. The independent variable is the duty of cadres as facilitator, motivator, and mediator were obtained by interview and notebook cadres. The dependent variable is the ANC of books KIA pregnant women. Analyzed by frequency distribution, bivariate with a person product moment test, and multivariate logistic regression. The majority of cadres as active facilitator (63%), almost entirely as an active motivator (86%), almost entirely as an active mediator (83%) and were mostly as a companion active (83%). ANC high-risk pregnant women the majority (66%) regularly. There is a mutual effect equally between tasks ANC cadres to visit pregnant women at high risk. The most influential is the duty of cadres as a companion. Community involvement ie cadres, community leaders and religious leaders in implementing health programs are required to enable achievement of the health targets can be maximized.
LITERATUR REVIEW: HAMBATAN PROGRAM PENCEGAHAN HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV) DAN ANCAMAN INFEKSI HPV PADA PASANGAN: A Literature Review: Obstacles Of The Prevention Of Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) Program And The Threat Of Hpv Infection In Partners Ana Dyah Aliza; Kolifah Kolifah
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of Midwifery) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): JIKeb | September 2022
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33023/jikeb.v8i2.1279


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. However, the HPV prevention program has not been maximized. The impact of HPV infection is not only on women but also on men. The purpose of the literature review is to review HPV prevention programs and the impact of poor implementation of prevention. Literature review is carried out based on the suitability of the theme of the review and the article. Systematic literature search using database from PubMed. Then the prevention and impact of the HPV prevention program was analyzed using the keywords “Human papilovavirus”, “infection”, “impact” and “prevention” in combination with various other keywords. Of the 6 articles that met the inclusion criteria found, it was found that HPV prevention was carried out using vaccination and screening in women and men. However, there are obstacles in its implementation that can cause health impacts on women, men and fetuses.
Sosialisasi Pada Guru Tentang Pemenuhan Gizi Anak Untuk Menghadapi Persiapan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Di TK Terpadu Alif Kabupaten Jombang Chanda Bherty; Niken Grah Prihartanti; Septi Fitrah Ningtyas; Mudhawaroh Mudhawaroh; Kolifah Kolifah
PEKAT: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/pekat.v2i1.13


Indonesia is a country that has been heavily affected by the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) outbreak. To prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the government has taken various measures. The government enforces learning from home (BDR) to prevent clusters of spreading Covid-19 in schools. The many impacts caused by the government's BDR announcing the existence of a learning policy can be carried out face-to-face if the area is a green zone. The existence of this policy needs to be socialized to teachers about the fulfillment of child nutrition to face the preparation of face-to-face learning in Alif Integrated Kindergarten, Jombang Regency. This method of implementing community service, the executor gives a pre-test to all participants, after which they are given material about balanced nutrition as a preparation for face-to-face learning by the community service executors. At the end of the post-test session, it was distributed to find out whether there was an increase in participants' knowledge. Results: there was a significant increase in knowledge from the post test results, namely 78.1% of participants with good knowledge. Conclusion An increase in teacher and school knowledge is expected to be able to be passed on to parents and guardians of students as a form of face-to-face learning preparation. Keywords: Nutrition, Face-to-face Learning
Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kebidanan (JBd) Desember 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32695/jbd.v2i2.302


The increase of hormone HcG, progesterone, and estrogen in pregnancy period causes complaints of nausea called emesis gravidaruam. The case study results showed that 3 out of 10 pregnant women complain of nausea. If nausea occurs continuously until lose energy to carry out activities, it is possible that the pregnant woman has hyperemesis gravidarum. Appropriate treatment in reducing emesis gravidarum can be done non-pharmacologically by providing acupressure therapy which is carried out at the Pc 6, St 36, Lv 14, Ren 17 and Bl 21 meridians as well as counseling. Using the case study method by approaching midwifery care. The research subjects were 2 primigravida pregnant women with gestational age 6-12 weeks, nausea without interfering with activities, nausea, decreased appetite and weight loss <5% of previous body weight. This study showed that in patient 1 after 7 days of midwifery care there was a decrease in the frequency of nausea by giving acupressure, counseling and giving crackers or biscuits and an increase in appetite so that the body weight increased by 1 kg, this was supported by the number of snacks consumed. Patient 2 after 2 days of midwifery care showed that acupressure and counseling could reduce the frequency of nausea. Giving acupressure therapy can be carried out in midwifery care in first trimester pregnant women with emesis gravidarum.