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Pemberdayaan Karang Taruna Melalui Budidaya Lele Dengan Teknologi Bioflok Di Desa Kedungringin Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi Dyah Triasih; Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Sefri Ton
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multidisiplin Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 No 1 Tahun 2019 (On Proses)
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

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Desa Kedungringin merupakan salah satu desa di kecamatan Muncar Banyuwangi. Sebagian besar penduduk Desa Kedungringin bermata pencarian sebagai petani, pembudidaya ikan, dan peternak. Sebagaian masyarakat Desa Kedungringin memilih untuk budidaya ikan lele Karena tingginya permintaan konsumen djpasaran selain itu mudah dalam pemeliharaan, dan masa panen yang tergolong cepat sekitar ± 3 bulan. Masyarakat Desa Kedungringin masih menerapkan sistem budidaya lele secara konvensional sehingga memiliki dampak kurang menguntungkan bagi petani ikan. Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya ikan lele sehingga mitra dapat mencukupi permintaan pasar, salah satunya dengan teknik bioflok. Teknik bioflok memiliki banyak kelebihan yaitu dapat mempersingkat waktu panen dan penggunaan pakan yang lebih e/isien sehingga hasil panen meningkat dan mitra bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang optimal. Program pengabdian kepada masyrakat ini terbagi menjadi 3 metode yaitu penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian mitra menunjukkan tingkat partispasi dan antusiasme yang tinggi dalam menjalankan program ini dan harapannya dengan berjalan program ini secara lancar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan mitra dan masyrakat sekitar di Desa Kedungringin. Kata kunci : Budidaya lele, bioflok, pelatihan
SRY Gene Marker Differences in Native and Crossbreed Cattle Tety Hartatik; Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Ali Agus; Sigit Bintara; I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Panjono Panjono; Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto; Yudi Adinata
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 3 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (3) AUGUST 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i3.29940


This study focused on the promoter region of the SRY gene with 1,281 bp DNA fragments, including 5'UTR, CAAT signal, and TATA box. Genomic samples of 19 cattle were obtained from Wagyu-BX (n = 2), BX (n = 5), Simmental (n = 2), Limousin (n = 2), Ongole (n = 2), Madura (n = 2), Bali (n = 2), Nellore (n = 1), and Hereford (n = 1). Two flanking primers (forward and reverse) were used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products were then sequenced by using a two-way primer. The obtained sequences were aligned with clustalW software to determine the differences in the nucleotide base arrangement which compiled the promoter region of the SRY gene. The cattle crossbreeding was done as an effort to improve the genetic variations and qualities. The SRY gene is a marker gene inherited from the male side (bull), so the SRY gene is expected to be used as a marker to monitor the crossbreeding. The monitoring of the crossbreed cattle is an initial effort to increase the genetic variations and enhance the genetic qualities without threatening the germplasm purity. The results of this study showed that the overall sample is monomorphic, except for Bali and Nellore cattle. Further research is needed by expanding the analysis area of the SRY gene and increasing the number of samples.
The Effect of Young Coconut Husk on the Quality of Goat Manure-Chicken Excreta Bioculture Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Dyah Triasih; Sefri Ton; Ari Istanti
Buletin Peternakan Vol 44, No 3 (2020): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 44 (3) AUGUST 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v44i3.51434


The negative impact of chemical fertilizers use is soil fertility declining. The situation occurs because of biological, physical, and chemical properties of the soil is decreased. Agricultural waste is a large commodity which utilization can still be optimized, for example by using as raw material for organic liquid fertilizer. Agricultural wastes that have good quality as fertilizer include goat manure, chicken excreta, and coconut husk. The utilization of agricultural waste as organic fertilizer is one way of creating sustainable agriculture. This study aims to test the quality of liquid fertilizer (bioculture) of goat manure and chicken excreta by adding various levels of coconut husk. Bioculture is made by anaerobic fermentation for 21 days. The parameters observed included levels of C-organic, N, P, and K bioculture, as well as germination tests to determine the presence of phytotoxins. The data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The treatment of P5 (5% coconut husk) showed the highest levels of N and P, while the K content was not significantly different from the treatment of P4 (2.5% coconut husk). The germination test showed no phytotoxin activity in bioculture.
Pembuatan Asap Cair Guna Mendukung Pertanian Organik di Desa Bulusari, Kecamatan Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi Sefri Ton; Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Yeddid Yonatan Darma
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 6, No 4 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1350.278 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.51793


Bulusari merupakan desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Kalipuro. Wilayah desa ini terdiri atas permukiman, lahan pertanian, dan perkebunan. Masyarakat Desa Bulusari bermukim di tiga dusun, yaitu Bulupayung, Kopensere, dan Plampang. Permukiman warga memiliki tipikal berupa rumah khas perkebunan. Kopi dan sedikit cengkih banyak ditanam di sekeliling rumah warga. Lahan pertanian ditanami padi, ketela pohon, kelapa, dan buah-buahan. Di Desa Bulusari juga terdapat usaha serkel kayu. Usaha serkel kayu tersebut menyisakan banyak limbah potongan kayu. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah membantu masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan limbah kayu dan menghasilkan produk unggulan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah introduksi inovasi pemanfaatan limbah kayu menjadi asap cair; mendesain dan membuat alat; praktik penggunaan alat; dan pengaplikasian penggunaan asap cair. Teknologi yang diterapkan mampu menghasilkan asap cair dengan grade 3 dan grade 2. Kegunaan asap cair ini adalah sebagai pestisida nabati/organik dan pengawet makanan. Pembuatan asap cair diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan pestisida organik dan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru bagi masyarakat Desa Bulusari
Utilization of Different Concentration Sugarcane Molasses to the Quality of Goat Feces-Chicken Excreta-Coconut Husk Organic Liquid Fertilizer Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Sefri Toni; Ari Istanti
Buletin Peternakan Vol 47, No 1 (2023): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 47 (1) FEBRUARY 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v47i1.80378


Indonesia is an agricultural country that certainly has the potential for agricultural waste and by-products. Some of those in Indonesia are livestock manure, coconut husk, and sugarcane molasses. Utilization of this waste is limited, which is causing various environmental problems such as environmental pollution. The study is aimed to determine the quality of organic liquid fertilizer made by raw material from goat feces-chicken excreta-coconut husk with various sugarcane molasses concentrations (P0= 0%; P1= 5%; P3= 15%; P4= 20%; P5= 25%). The fermentation was carried out anaerobically for 21 days. The parameters of temperature, pH, organoleptic (color and odor), levels of C-organic, nitrogen (N) total, phosphorus (P) total, potassium (K) total, and biological tests were observed. Biological tests were conducted in the growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata) and spinach (Amaranthus tricolor). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Variations in the addition of molasses sugarcane did not affect the liquid fertilizer's temperature and pH during fermentation. However, the treatments had positive effect on organoleptic test, C-organic, N total, P total, K total, and biological tests. The addition of 15% sugarcane molasses (P3) showed a dominating performance toward most of the parameters tested. The P3 treatment produced liquid fertilizer with a pleasant smell, and the contents of C-organic, total N, total P, and total K were 2.12%, 0.25%, 0.13%, and 0.13%,  respectively. and produce spinach as a biological test with plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, stem diameter, and root length were 21.82 cm, 6.66 sheets, 3.59 cm, 4.09 mm, and 14.67 cm, respectively.
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i2.14266


ABSTRAKDesa Telemung merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil kopi di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, dengan sebagian besar penduduknya memiliki lahan perkebunan kopi. Biji kopi segar di desa Telemung memiliki kualitas yang bagus, akan tetapi pengolahan yang masih sederhana menyebabkan harga jual biji kopi di daerah Telemung memiliki harga yang relatif rendah. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini ialah untuk mengenalkan dan memberikan pelatihan mengenai metode pengeringan biji kopi dengan metode honey process kepada petani kopi di Desa Telemung. Biji kopi hasil metode ini akan meningkatkan harga jual sebesar dua kali lipat. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode berpa workshop dengan melibatkan 15 orang petani kopi tradisional di Desa Telemung, Banyuwangi. Evaluasi program dilakukan dengan melakukan perbandingan nilai pre-test dan post-test sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Workshop dilakukan secara intensif dalam dua hari, yang berfokus pada penerapan prinsip pasca panen yang biak dan penggunaan alat produksi utama dengan teknologi terbaru (pulper double layer), tahapan-tahapan pengolahan honey process, dan evaluasi rasa biji kopi (cupping) yang dihasilkan. Hasil pre dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa petani sudah mengetahui metode honey process secara umum, ditunjukkan dengan skor rata-rata mencapai 75 poin. Sedangkan penggunaan alat pulper teknologi baru terbukti meningkatkan kapasitas produksi (109%). Antusias petani tinggi terhadap metode honey process, terbukti dari intensitas diskusi yang terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan peluang adopsi teknologi yang tinggi terhadap metode ini. Kata kunci: honey process; kopi; desa telemung; pulper kopi; banyuwangi. ABSTRACTTelemung Village is one of the coffee-producing centers in Banyuwangi Regency, with the majority of its farmers owning coffee plantations. Fresh coffee beans in Telemung village are of good quality, however simple processing causes the selling price of coffee beans in the Telemung area to be relatively low. The purpose of this community development is to introduce and provide training on the honey drying method for coffee farmers in Telemung Village. The coffee beans produced by this method will double the selling price. This community development program uses a workshop method involved 15 traditional coffee farmers from Telemung vilage, Banyuwangi. For evalution purpose, before and after the training, farmers' understanding of the honey process method was tested using a pre-test and post-test. The workshop was conducted intensively in two days, which focused on post harvest handling and the use of the main production equipment with the latest technology (pulper double layer), the stages of processing the honey process, and evaluating the taste of the coffee beans (cupping) produced. The pre and post-test results show that farmers already know the honey process method in general, indicated by an average score of 75 points. Training has been shown to increase farmers' understanding by increasing by 11.5 points, while the use of new pulper technology has been shown to increase production capacity (109%). Farmers' high enthusiasm for the honey process method was evident from the intensity of the discussions that took place. This shows a high chance of technology adoption of this method. Keywords: honey proces; coffee; telemung village; coffee pulper; banyuwangi.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Ransum Pakan Ternak Domba bagi Peternak Kecil Kecamatan Rogojampi, Kabupaten Banyuwangi Dwi Ahmad Priyadi; Galih Hendra Wibowo; Mita Ayu Liliyanti
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2023): 2023: Edisi 1
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bakti.6178


Self-sufficiency in animal protein initiated by the government of the Republic of Indonesia which is targeted to be achieved in 2026. Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi is participating through empowerment in a small livestock production business. Jaya Sentosa Farm was chosen as a partner, which focuses on fattening sheep. The problem faced by a partner is the lack of knowledge related to feeding management. The program is carried out by intensively assisting them in feeding management so that in the future they can independently develop the skills they have acquired. The feed ingredients used come from Banyuwangi's local resources. The feed ingredients are corn husk, coffee husk, rice bran, and molasses. Based on the results of the program, an optimal and economical feed formula was obtained at a price of IDR 2,334/kg. Feed mixing uses a double ribbon mixer so that an even mixture is obtained in a short time (decreased by 50%) ==== Guna turut menyukseskan program pemerintah Republik Indonesia, yakni swasembada protein hewani yang ditargetkan tercapai pada tahun 2026, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi (Poliwangi) ikut andil melalui pembinaan mitra binaan bidang produksi ternak yang berpotensi membesarkan skala usahanya. Mitra tersebut ialah Jaya Sentosa Farm, dengan bidang usaha berupa penggemukan ternak domba. Permasalahan yang menghambat mitra untuk berkembang ialah rendahnya pengetahuan terkait manajemen pakan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berbentuk pendampingan intensif dalam pembuatan pakan serta manajemen pemberian pakan secara menyeluruh sehingga mitra ke depannya dapat secara mandiri mengembangkan keahlian yang diperoleh. Bahan pakan yang digunakan untuk menyusun ransum berasal dari sumber daya lokal Banyuwangi. Bahan pakan tersebut ialah tumpi jagung, kulit kopi, dedak padi, dan molasses. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan, diperoleh formulasi pakan yang optimal dan ekonomis dengan harga Rp2.334,00/kg. Pencampuran pakan menggunakan double ribbon mixer sehingga diperoleh campuran yang merata dengan waktu singkat. Waktu pemberian pakan menurun sebanyak 50% (1 jam) dibandingkan sebelum dilakukannya pendampingan.
Pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi cuka apel berbeda terhadap karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik kaldu ayam petelur afkir Nadia Maharani; Irma Rahayu Ningrum; Muhammad Habbib Khirzin; Dewiarum Sari; Dwi Ahmad Priyadi
Agrivet : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan (Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veteriner) Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v11i1.6187


Laying hen meat is a food ingredient that contains high enough nutrition. The weakness of rejected laying hens is that the meat is very tough, so it is not accepted by most consumers. One way to make chicken meat attractive is to use it as processed broth. Chicken meat and bones contain high levels of minerals and fat, so you need to add apple cider vinegar to remove these substances. This study aims to determine the chemical quality (fat content, ash content, and pH) and organoleptic quality (color, taste, and aroma). This study used 4 treatments, namely P0 (0%), P1 (1%), P2 (2%), and P3 (3%) each repeated 4 times to obtain a total of 16 research samples. The designs used were Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Randomized Block Design (RAK). The results showed that the average value of chemical quality parameters (fat content, ash content, and pH) along with the addition of the highest concentration of apple cider vinegar was produced by P3 of 3.25%, 0.37%, 5.89. The average organoleptic values ​​(color, taste, and aroma) along with the addition of the highest concentration of apple cider vinegar were produced by P3 of 4.48 in the category of creamy brown color, 4.36 in the category of meaty aroma, and 4.20 in the category of savory taste. It could be concluded that the addition of apple cider vinegar to the culled laying hen broth had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the chemical and organoleptic quality of the culled laying hen broth.
PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI LARVA BLACK SOLDIER FLY (Hermetia illucens) PADA RANSUM TERHADAP PERFORMA BEBEK PEDAGING HIBRIDA M. Nico Agastya Maulana; Sefri Ton; M. Habbib Khirzin; Nadia Maharani; Dwi Ahmad Priyadi
Partner Vol 28, No 1 (2023): Edisi Juli 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35726/jp.v28i1.6991


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Black Soldier Fly larvae substitution in the ration on duck performance. This study used a randomized block design with three treatments and six replications (P0: 0% BSF larvae, P1: 10% BSF larvae, and P2: 20% BSF larvae). The research parameters are body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and final body weight. The results showed that the substitution treatment of BSF larvae in the ration had a significant effect (P<0.05) on body weight gain. Average body weight of ducks ranged from 176.13–195.80gr/head. The substitution treatment of BSF larvae had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the FCR of ducks. The average FCR of ducks ranges from 1.70 – 1.79g/head. The conclusion of the study was that substitution of 20% fresh BSF larvae in the ration (P2) gave the best results on duck performance.Keyword: Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Duck, Feed Substitution, Performance