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Kuriositas: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 7 No 1 (2014): Kuriositas: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan
Publisher : P3M STAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.485 KB)


This paper discusses about the system of division of inheritance in District Maritengngae Sidrap, implementation inheritance division between boys and girls in the District Maritengngae Sidrap, and the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence against the practice of inheritance in District Maritengngae Sidrap. Systems division of inheritance between boys and girls in the District Maritengngae Sidrap similar to that described in the Qur’an, which is 2: 1. Implementation inheritance division between boys and girls in the District Maritengngae Sidrap mostly do 1: 1 (the same versus).Islamic jurisprudence perspective to the practice of inheritance in District Maritengngae Sidrap listed in the Compilation of Islamic Law, which explained that the inheritance law has to be defnitive, ie 2: 1. three methods in diligence, namely: (1) Al-’Adah (habit). Guided from Abu Yusuf i.e. when a custom texts derived from the custom then turned and came new, then the law fall within the texts. During the traditions and texts are not in conflict as a whole, so that the recognition of the tradition is seen as left and ignore texts. (2) Naskh. Nasakh is shifting or cancellation of laws or instructions contained in the verses received by the Prophet, In earlier times. Because nasakh indispensable for the beneft of the people then Munawir using this method. (3) Maslahah
DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Diktum: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Publisher : Jurusan Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (489.215 KB) | DOI: 10.28988/diktum.v16i2.619


Euthanasia adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan dalam ilmu Kedokteran (medis), kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mempercepat kematian si pasien yang sudah dianggap tidak mampu bertahan hidup lagi. Dengan kecanggihan dunia modern sekarang euthanasia dianggap sebagai kebutuhan, sedangkan euthanasia dalam hukum Islam disamakan hukumnya dengan pembunuhan. Pembunuhan dikategorikan dalam tiga bentuk, yaitu pembunuhan sengaja, pembunuhan menyerupai sengaja dan pembunuhan karena kesalahan. Dan euthanasia terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu euthanasia aktif dan euthanasia pasif. Dalam hukum Islam euthanasia aktif dianggap sama dengan pembunuhan sengaja sehingga pelakunya dikenakan hukuman qishash, diat dan bagi ahli waris atau pemohon euthanasia tidak dapat dikatakan ahli waris lagi (tidak menerima warisan si korban euthanasia), sedangkan euthanasia pasif diperbolehkan dalam hukum Islam.
DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Diktum: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.62 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/diktum.v16i2.619


Euthanasia is a term used in medical science (medical), activities carried out to speed up the death of the patient who is considered unable to survive anymore. With the sophistication of the modern world now euthasia is considered a necessity, while euthanasia in Islamic law equates its law to murder. Murder is categorized in three forms, namely intentional murder, murder resembles intentional, and murder by mistakes. And euthanasia is divided into two, namely active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. In Islamic law active eythanasia is considered the same as intentional murder so that the perpetrator is subject to a qishash, diat punishment and for heirs or applicants of euthanasia no heir can be said (not receive inheritance from the victim of euthanasia), whereas passive euthanasia is permissible in Islamic law.
Imam Syafi'i's E-Commerce Concept's Relevance A.Rio Makkulau Wahyu; Heri Irawan; Srianti Permata; Wirani Aisyah Anwar
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2022): JIEI : Vol. 8, No. 1, 2022
Publisher : ITB AAS INDONESIA Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/jiei.v8i1.4370


Ba'i salam and e-commerce contracts are similar in that they involve the sale and purchase of goods with an upfront payment and subsequent delivery of goods up to a specified time limit. It is, however, significantly different because in a ba'i salam contract, the seller and buyer meet directly, whereas in e-commerce transactions, the buying and selling process is mediated by social media intermediaries. This type of research entails conducting library searches and data collection techniques that begin with reading references and end with classifying them in order to reach conclusions about the concept of relevance raised. E-commerce, in general, operates in the same way as the ba'i salam contract. The only distinction is the location of the contract. The distinction does not become critical, however, because bringing sellers and buyers together in one location is not an absolute, but rather a function of circumstances and conditions. When viewed through the lens of the ba'i salam contract, as interpreted by Imam Syafi'i and other scholars, the mechanism of buying and selling via e-commerce can be declared appropriate or conform to the conditions/rules established by Muamalah
Praktek Pembagian Kewarisan Anak di Kabupaten Sidrap Wirani Aisiyah Anwar
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 6 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Acara Peradilan dan Kekeluargaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-qadau.v6i2.10830


Warisan merupakan peralihan harta dari pewaris kepada ahli warisnya dengan berbagai ketentuan. Allah swt. telah mengatur ketentuan warisan dalam surah an-Nisa’ ayat 11, 12 dan 176, tentang pembagian anak laki-laki mendapat dua kali lebih besar dari pada anak perempuan. Seiring berkembangnya zaman banyak pula yang menyepakati pembagian setara dengan alasan karena perempuan sudah ada yang menjadi tulang punggung keluarga. Tentu ini sangat bertentangan dengan al-Qur’an yang merupakan kitab suci dan pedoman umat Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang praktek pembagian warisan antara anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan di Kabupaten Sidrap. Masih tetap sejalan dengan petunjuk al-Qur’an atau menyimpang dari kaidah-kaidah yang telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan maksud menggambarkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan kewarisan menurut masyarakat melalui wawancara langsung.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktek pembagian harta waris antara anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan di Kabupaten Sidrap banyak yang menggunakan sistem pembagian setara atau 1:1 (satu berbanding satu). Didalam perspektif Islam hal tersebut bertolak belakang dengan al-Qur’an dan hadist. Masalah pembagian harta warisan hukumnya sudah qath’i, tidak dapat dirubah lagi, kecuali setelah pembagian warisan menurut aturan ada salah satu ahli waris yang ingin memberikan bagiannya kepada ahli waris lainnya, itu dibolehkan. Legacy is a wealth transition from a heir to second heir by many rules. Allah SWT has regulated the rules of legacy in Surah An Nisa verse 11,12, and 176, about the distribution that sons get twice bigger than daughters. As times go on. Some people agree about balance distribution by reason that the daughters have been a mainstay of family. Surely, this opinion is very contradictory with al quran as holy book and guidance of muslims. This research intends to understand about legacy distribution practice between of sons and daughters in sidrap regency. According to guidance from al quran or deviate from rules who have been depended by using qualitative describtive method for describing problem relevant to legacy according society by direct interview.The result of research show a that legacy distribution practice between of sons and daughters in sidrap regency most of them use balance distribution system or 1:1 (one equal one). In islam perspective, that thing is contradictive to al quran and hadist. The problem of legacy distribution rules is qathi and cannot be changed. Except after legacy distribution based on the rules that there one of the heir wants to share his part to other heir, that is be allowed.
Sistem Pengelolaan Zakat Pada Baznas A. Rio Makkulau Wahyu; Wirani Aisiyah Anwar
Al-Azhar Journal of Islamic Economics VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1, JANUARI 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Azhar Gowa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.865 KB) | DOI: 10.37146/ajie.v2i1.31


Zakat merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim yang mampu dalam rangka menyucikan jiwanya untuk zakat fitrah dan menyucikan hartanya untuk zakat maal. Zakat haruslah dikelola dengan baik agar penyaluran harta zakat tersebut dapat berjalan efektif dan tepat sasaran kepada para mustahik, sehingga pengelolaan zakat yang dilakukan oleh amil sangatlah diperlukan baik dalam kegiatan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan terhadap pengumpulan zakat dari muzakki, lalu didistribusikan dan didayagunakan untuk mustahik sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan syariah melalui perantara amil zakat sebagai regulator pengelolaan zakat yang terus mengalami perkembangan, secara umum perkembangan tersebut mengarah dari yang sifatnya langsung secara perorangan menjadi kolektif melalui organisasi baik itu berupa Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) maupun Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) agar dana zakat dapat dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin untuk kesejahteraan para mustahik baik berupa konsumtif maupun produktif.
Dewan Pengawasan Syariah Pada Bank Syariah (Tinjauan Undang-Undang Perbankan Syariah) A. Rio Makkulau Wahyu; Wirani Aisiyah Anwar
Al-Azhar Journal of Islamic Economics VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, JULI 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Azhar Gowa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37146/ajie.v2i2.44


Dewan Pengawas Syariah adalah lembaga independen sebagai pengawas khusus dalam transaksi menurut hukum Islam. Tugas Dewan Pengawas Syariah adalah secara langsung, melakukan pengawasan dan kontrol terhadap segala kegiatan dari suatu lembaga keuangan Islam dalam rangka memastikan ditegakkan prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam suatu lembaga keuangan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka, di mana sumber data yang dikaji dan dianalisis menggunakan literatur yang terkait dengan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode induksi dan deduksi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa bentuk pengawasan Dewan Pengawas Syariah pada bank syariah yakni pengawasan berdasarkan kepatuhan, pengawasan berdasarkan risiko. Kemudian terkait parameter tingkat kesehatan bank, terdapat 3 bentuk status pengawasan bank, yaitu: Status dalam pengawasan normal, status pengawasan intensif, status pengawasan khusus. Bank syariah secara yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris diakui keberadaannya di Indonesia. Dewan Pengawas Syariah di lembaga perbankan menduduki posisi yang kuat, karena keberadaannya sangat penting dan strategis.
The Tradition of Surrendering Penne Anreang in a Bugis Suppa Marriage Agus Muchsin; Wirani Aisiyah Anwar
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 9 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Acara Peradilan dan Kekeluargaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-qadau.v9i1.26444


Penne anreang is a hereditary tradition that is carried out during weddings, the Suppa community assumes that the penne anreang tradition is a social aspect because it is seen as something important and has high traditional values. The impact if this tradition is not carried out will have an impact on social sanctions in the community itself, such as ridicule and gossip from neighbors and people in the area. This study aims to analyze the tradition of submission of penne anreang which is reviewed in Islamic law. The results show that this tradition looks so simple but from its simplicity, many messages will be conveyed, for example, people are required to respect and respect each other. Knowing the rights and obligations as husband and wife, how to deal with problems both in domestic life, the realization of the wife's responsibility in navigating the household ark, being able to serve her husband both physically and mentally, as well as in society. Seeing from the meaning implied in the submission of penne anreang, it can be concluded that this tradition is still carried out and does not conflict with the teachings of Islam because every meaning that will be conveyed all leads to goodness
Management of Zakat at BAZNAS Regency Sidrap During COVID-19’s Pandemic A. Rio Makkulau Wahyu; Wirani Aisiyah Anwar
Jurnal Iqtisaduna Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v1i1.15807


Zakat is an obligation for every Muslim who can purify his soul to zakat Fitrah and purify his property for Zakat Maal. Zakat must be managed properly so that the distribution of the property can run effectively and targeted to the Mustahik in the moment of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Baznas has made renewal in zakat management both in terms of collecting, distributing, and utilization of zakat funds. For example, in the case of fundraising Zakat is done by a digital system. The purpose of this research is to explain the management of Zakat done by the Baznas Sidrap Regency in maximizing the distribution of the accumulated zakat funds. The study was conducted using a combination of library and field research using a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The research location was at Sidrap District. The results showed that zakat funds can be utilized to the fullest extent possible for the welfare of the Mustahik both consumptive and productive. In distributing the fund zakat Baznas Sidrap Regency has channeled the funds amounting to Rp.1,2 billion since the period of Covid-19 pandemic with the main channeling of zakat funds in remote areas that have been affected by Covid-19 pandemic, in the form of food aid for the consumptive.
TRADISI PENYERAHAN ERANG-ERANG SEBAGAI SYARAT KELENGKAPAN PERKAWINAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus di Desa Rijang Panua Kecamtan Kulo Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang) Muh Rizal Samad; Jumiyati; Hasmia Wahyunisa; Nurzakiah; Wirani Aisiyah Anwar; Mujahiddin; Mutmainnah; Nurhawa; abd. Hakim
El-Ahli : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Eh-Ahli : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Mandailing Natal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56874/el-ahli.v3i1.836


Abstract This study aims to 1). This study aims to find out the traditional practice of handing over Erang-erang as a condition for completeness of marriage in Rijang Panua Village, Kulo District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. (2) To find out the sociological review of Islamic law on the traditional practice of surrendering Erang-erang as a condition for completeness of marriage in Rijang Panua Village, Kulo District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods with semiotic analysis of Charles S. Pierce. The data in this study were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation. The subjects of this study were religious leaders, community leaders and traditional stakeholders in Rijang Panua Village. The results showed that (1) the submission of Erang-erang in the Bugis community in Rijang Panua village was almost the same as the Bugis community in other villages. The delivery of Erang-erang is carried out when the groom's entourage arrives at the bride's house a few moments before the marriage ceremony/ijab and Kabul. (2) The moaning of traditional marriages in Rijang Panua Village can be accepted by the sociology of Islamic law because it contains elements of livelihood for the welfare of living in a household. Meanwhile, Islamic teachings also prohibit the prevention of marriage because they want to get more in terms of worldly (wealth) which is viewed from the moral aspect of Islam, because that is excessive and burdensome for the groom. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1). Untuk mengetahui praktik tradisi penyerahan Erang-erang sebagai syarat kelengkapan perkawinan di Desa Rijang Panua Kecamatan Kulo Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. (2) Untuk mengetahui tinjauan sosiologi hukum Islam terhadap praktik tradisi penyerahan Erang-erang sebagai syarat kelengkapan perkawinan di Desa Rijang Panua Kecamatan Kulo Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Charles S. Pierce. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dokumentasi, Subjek penelitian ini yaitu tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat dan pemangku adat di Desa Rijang Panua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Penyerahan Erang-erang dalam masyarakat Bugis di desa Rijang Panua hampir sama dengan masyarakat Bugis di desa lain. Penyerahan Erang-erang dilaksanakan pada waktu rombongan mempelai pria tiba di rumah mempelai perempuan beberapa saat sebelum acara akad nikah/ijab dan Kabul. (2) Erang-erang pada perkawinan adat di Desa Rijang Panua dapat di terima oleh sosiologi hukum Islam karena di dalamnya mengandung unsur nafkah demi kesejahteraan hidup dalam berumah tangga. Sementara ajaran islam juga melarang pencegahan perkawinan karena ingin mendapatkan yang lebih dari segi keduniaan (harta benda) yang ditinjau dari segi moral Islam, karena yang demikian itu berlebihan dan memberatkan pihak mempelai laki-laki.