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A Morphological Error Analysis of Students’ Written Reports on Indonesia’s 2014 Presidential Election Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Elitaria B.A. Siregar
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) IJEE (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION)| VOL. 7 | NO.1 | 2020
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v7i1.16978


ABSTRACTThis study, conducted at the Department of English Literature of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), aimed to investigate the morphological errors made by university students in their report texts on Indonesia’s Presidential Election in 2014. The objectives of this qualitative and descriptive study were to: a) find out the most predominant morphological errors made by the students; b) investigate the sources causing the errors; and c) suggest appropriate remediation for identified morphological errors. In analyzing the data, the Error Analysis theory, espoused by Gass and Selinker (2008), was applied as it provides six systematic procedures in overcoming L2 learning errors. Results of the analysis revealed that the students respectively made significant morphological errors in: a) the use of derivational morphemes with 46 errors (51%); b) the use of inflectional morphemes with 43 errors (47%); and c) the use of affixes with two errors (2%). The morphological error made by the students was caused by two primary sources, the interlanguage and intralanguage errors. To address these problematic areas, the researchers have suggested several pedagogical remediations to follow up.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan morfologi yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Departemen Sastra Inggris Universitas Sumatera Utara, dalam teks laporan yang mereka tulis tentang Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2014. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; a) mencari tahu jenis kesalahan morfologi apa yang paling banyak terjadi; b) mencari tahu sumber penyebab kesalahan; dan c) memberikan langkah-langkah yang sesuai untuk mengatasi kesalahan morfologi. Dalam menganalisis data, teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Analisis Kesalahan yang digubah oleh Gass & Selinker pada tahun 2008, karena teori ini memuat enam prosedur lengkap dalam menangani masalah kesalahan pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis data mengemukakan bahwa kesalahan yang paling banyak terjadi dalam penggunaan morfem derivasi dengan jumlah 46 kesalahan (51%), diikuti oleh penggunaan morfem infleksional dengan jumlah 43 kesalahan (47%), dan yang paling sedikit adalah penggunaan imbuhan dengan jumlah 2 kesalahan (2%). Ada dua penyebab terjadinya kesalahan morfologi, yaitu kesalahan intrabahasa dan kesalahan interbahasa. Selanjutnya, peneliti menyarankan sejumlah langkah remediasi pedagogik untuk mengatasi kesalahan morfologi.  How to Cite: Dinamika, S. G., Siregar, E. B.A.. (2020). A Morphological Error Analysis of Students’ Written Reports on Indonesia’s 2014 Presidential Election. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 7(1), 85-94. doi:10.15408/ijee.v7i1.16978 
Filippo Grandi Reports on Rohingya Refugee Crisis In Bangladesh: Engagement Evaluation Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Yurial Arief Lubis
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 14 No 1 (2020): e-jl January
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.705 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/e-jl.2020.v14.i01.p01


This study concerns with the use of Appraisal Theory developed by Martin & White (2005), under subsumed of engagement system domain. The engagement system deals with dialogic perspective between speakers and listeners, which is influenced by the approach of Bakhtin/ Voloshinov, called heteroglossia. Heteroglossic backdrop reveals the proposition lies behind what is stated. In this study, a verbal interaction between speaker and listener is presented in the form of press conference release. Currently serving Head Commissioner of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi, held a press conference release containing of his visiting report to the camp shelter of Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh. The press conference release is a recorded-video type one, which has approximately 27:30” in length. It is led by a moderator, reported by the Head Commissioner and joined by 6 follow-up questions. Regarding to engagement system used, the utterances are then transcribed into a transcript, thus it gains approximately 395 clauses, moreover, only the utterances spoken by the Head Commissioner taken as the engagement locution realizations. The objectives of this research fall into three: a) to find out the most predominant heteroglossic backdrop Grandi encodes; b) to recognize the values and viewpoint Grandi intends to convey in his report; and c) to identify the authorial voice Grandi uses in addressing his beliefs of the Rohingya refugee crisis to the audiences. The qualitative descriptive method is applied. It is found that contract-disclaim-counter dominates the report by accounts of 55 realizations. It implies that the facts, Grandi reports may against audiences’ expectation, yet in another clause, he describes the situation which can reform audiences’ different viewpoints toward the crisis.)
Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture Vol 8 No 2 (2019): Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/LJLC.2019.v08.i02.p05


This study concerns with the use of Appraisal Theory developed by Martin & White (2005), under subsumed of engagement system domain. The engagement system deals with dialogic perspective between speakers and listeners, which is influenced by the approach of Bakhtin/ Voloshinov, called heteroglossia. Heteroglossic backdrop reveals the proposition lies behind what is stated. In this study, a verbal interaction between speaker and listener is presented in the form of press conference release. Currently serving Head Commissioner of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi, held a press conference release containing of his visiting report to the camp shelter of Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh. The press conference release is a recorded-video type one, which has approximately 27:30” in length. It is led by a moderator, reported by the Head Commissioner and joined by 6 follow-up questions. Regarding to engagement system used, the utterances are then transcribed into a transcript, thus it gains approximately 395 clauses, moreover, only the utterances spoken by the Head Commissioner taken as the engagement locution realizations. The objectives of this research fall into three: a) to find out the most predominant heteroglossic backdrop Grandi encodes; b) to recognize the values and viewpoint Grandi intends to convey in his report; and c) to identify the authorial voice Grandi uses in addressing his beliefs of the Rohingya refugee crisis to the audiences. The qualitative descriptive method is applied. It is found that contract-disclaim-counter dominates the report by accounts of 55 realizations. It implies that the facts, Grandi reports may against audiences’ expectation, yet in another clause, he describes the situation which can reform audiences’ different viewpoints toward the crisis. Keywords: Appraisal Theory, Engagement System, Rohingya Crisis, UNHCR, Filippo Grandi
Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on English Language & Teaching (ISE
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.771 KB)


This research aimed at developing a one-semester ESP syllabus, particularly for the tourism management students of the second semester in academic year of 2015/2016 of STIM Sukma Medan. Therefore, the research and development (R&D) design was conducted to investigate the students’ needs in ESP class on the second semester and to develop the appropriate syllabus. There were two instruments used to collect the data, namely; questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was given to 12 prospective students who would attend ESP class on second semester. Meanwhile, the interviews were projected to three different participants, namely an ESP lecturer, two prospective students, and a student working in the tourism field. Based on the data revealed, it was found that the students need to extend their speaking and writing skills. Speaking was used to communicate with the clients in spoken register in the future work field. Meanwhile, writing was used to communicate with the clients in written register in the future work field. Therefore, the development of syllabus was focus on speaking and writing followed by listening and reading respectively.
Peningkatan Minat Lulusan Paket C PKBM Bumi Literasi Dalam Melanjutkan Studi ke Perguruan Tinggi Dewi Shinta Wulandari Lubis; Soraya Grabiella Dinamika
JPM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

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The high school level dropout rate in North Sumatra Province in the 2019/2020 school year tends to increase. To overcome this, the previous government has created a non-formal education program known as Equality Education. In Deli Serdang Regency itself, a number of institutions that organize Equality Education have been established, one of which is the Earth Literacy Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) which is located at Sigara-gara Village, Patumbak District. In 2021 the Earth Literacy PKBM will complete its first graduates from package A, package B, and package C. All graduates of package A and package B plan to continue their education. However, the majority of package C graduates do not want to continue their education to higher education due to various factors, including not knowing about the benefits and functions of college at all, being satisfied with only getting a high school diploma, difficulty in paying for college, already working and feeling enough. with the income that can be, choose to marry and become a housewife, etc. For this reason, the community service team from the Sukma College of Management took the initiative to inform about the benefits of college and various college scholarships, and bring students directly to share their experiences during college. From this community service activity, it was found that as many as 4 package C graduates registered directly for the KIP/K scholarship path and foundation scholarships. This shows their interest and enthusiasm for studying after getting information from the service team.
Pengembangan Kemampuan Mengajar Tutor dengan Metode Student Centered Learning Pada PKBM Bumi Literasi Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Dewi Shinta Wulandari Lubis
JPM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jpm.v2i2.259


The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture has facilitated the community to be able to improve education and living standards through non-formal education (PNF), one of which is called the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM). PKBM can organize Equality Education Package A/B/C, the legality is regulated in Law no. 20/2003. In organizing this package program, teaching and learning activities in PKBM are guided by teaching staff who are called tutors. However, it is found that tutors who have diverse educational backgrounds, so the skills and teaching methods applied are still very simple and monotonous. This was also found in the PKBM Bumi Literasi located in Sigara-gara Village, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency. Based on the results of interviews and on-site observations, the tutors explained that such teaching methods had an impact on decreasing the learning interest of the learning community. Based on this, the team assumed the need to introduce the Student Centered Learning (SCL) teaching method to all PKBM Bumi Literasi tutors. So, the purposes of community service are to 1) introduce the methods, benefits, and functions of SCL to tutors, 2) explain the types of SCL methods, and 3) provide strategies and recommendations in applying SCL in the learning process. From the results of community service activities, the N-gain number is 0.70, which is normalized into the high category. This shows that after getting knowledge and exposure to material about SCL, the knowledge and teaching ability of PKBM Literacy tutors has increased
SYNTACTICAL ERROR ANALYSIS ON REPORT TEXT Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Ridwan Hanafiah
JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature) Vol 4, No 2: August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.429 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/joall.v4i2.7681


This study aims at investigating and classifying the syntactical errors in the writing of report text made by 20 students of Department of English Literature of FIB-USU. Syntactical errors in writing made by EFL students are needed to be investigated by using the Error Analysis theory developed by Gass & Selinker in 2008 as it provides six appropriate investigation procedures, namely; collecting data, identifying errors, classifying errors, quantifying errors, analyzing errors and remediation.  Each of students was assigned to write a topic-based report text with the length of 150 up to 250 words in count. This study dealt with a qualitative descriptive approach. After the EA procedures applied, in this study found that the students made major syntactical errors within the use of article ‘a/an’,’ the’ in terms of omission and addition of articles, the use of relative pronoun, and the use of subject-verb agreement in terms of past tense agreement and number agreement. Based on the error analysis procedure applied, it was obtained that the most predominant syntactical errors made by the students was the use of article which comprises of 125 errors (50.2%), followed by the use of subject-verb agreement with 117 errors (47%) and followed by the use of relative pronoun as the least error which comprises of 7 errors (2.8%). The syntactical error made by the students caused by two major sources, intra-language error and intra-language error. By seeing at these problematic areas, the researcher has suggested to take out several related pedagogical remediation to the students.
JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature) Vol 6, No 1: February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/joall.v6i1.12443


This research aims at analyzing the grammatical errors in English abstracts of the undergraduate thesis. This research takes place at two private colleges in Medan city which provide the undergraduate program of management study namely Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma Medan and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya. There are 20 abstracts taken as the data which are gathered from those colleges. This research engages with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were analyzed by using the Error Analysis Method by Gass and Selinker. Based on the analysis, the categories of the grammatical errors found are the subject-verb agreement in the use of tense agreement and number agreement, and the use of the article ‘a/an/the’. The research findings show that the tense agreement error is 80, the number agreement error is 10, the omission of article a/an is 4, the omission of article ‘the’ is 153, the addition of article ‘a/an’ is 1, and the addition of article ‘the’ is 8. Hence, there are 300 grammatical errors found. Meanwhile, there are two sources of the grammatical errors; they are inter-language error and intra-language error. Yet, four factors cause grammatical error namely indeterminacy, inconsistency, simplification, and overgeneralization. Based on the findings, the researcher gives constructive pedagogical remediation which is directed to the EFL learners, English language instructor, and the syllabus developer.
Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Melalui Pelatihan Soft skill Pada SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan Dewi Shinta Wulandari Lubis; Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Riandani Rezki Prana; Tri Utari Ismayuni; Vidya Fathimah
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.783 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v1i2.307


Soft skills are very important in addition to academic knowledge. Soft skills are also non-technical abilities such as being able to think critically and time management. In the world of work, companies are not only looking for prospective employe with good hard skills but also for the soft skills they have. This is very important to be socialized and give knowledge to students in high school because they are the future successors of the nation who will enter the world of lectures and work, to improve their quality. One thing that can be done is the Community Service Training (PKM) activity entitled 'Improving the Quality of Human Resources Through Soft skill Training' where the participants of this activity consist of students from SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan. The methods given are briefing, presentation, discussion, case study, and final evaluation. This activity aims to provide understanding and mastery of soft skills to improve the quality of human resources. The result of this activity concluded that this activity was very helpful for participants in increasing their understanding and awareness of improving soft skills.
Actualizing the Business English Course by Using an E-Commerce Platform Soraya Grabiella Dinamika; Elitaria Bestri Agustina Siregar
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 7(3), December 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Visi Intan Permata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21462/jeltl.v7i3.909


The rapid development of digital technology has become a trigger for educators to create and demonstrate up-to-date yet flexible learning methods. Educators are challenged to integrate lessons with the medium of available technology. In this study, the researcher encourages students to engage in real business (buying and selling) activities by utilizing electronic commerce (e-commerce) platform to actualize the purpose of the Business English course. The descriptive qualitative method used employs questionnaires for data collection. The objectives of this study are: to find out the role of e-commerce platforms in Business English learning and the student’s course achievement. Since this learning integration is experiential to the students, the researchers adopt the concept of experiential learning by Wolfe & Byrne with several adjusted phases, grouping, designing, conducting, transaction, final report, evaluation, and feedback. Thus, the results showed that the students gave positive feedback towards the e-commerce project and the students gained a lot of course achievements such as real business experience, the ability to operate e-commerce platforms, selling, promotion, marketing knowledge, and teamwork management since the e-commerce platform was employed in the Business English course. This research might be advantageous for enhancing and evaluating the running and the upcoming Business English course. Meanwhile, this project would be a fostering supplement for the students to grow their entrepreneurial spirit in the future.