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Articles 97 Documents
Modification Of Carry-Blair Transport Media For Storage Salmonella typhi Supriatin, Yati; Rahayyu, Muqni
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 2 (2016): 2016 (2)

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The aim of this study was to determine transport media modification as alternative media to replace Carry Blair. One type of transport media that often use to carry faeces specimens suspected to contain Salmonella typhi is Carry-Blair media. Studies have been conducted experimentally by storing Salmonella typhi on alternative transport media with Peptone composition, disodium Phosphate, Sodium chloride, Calcium chloride, which is made using a semi-solid and Carry-Blair as a control. Three variety of storage was done (0 hour,6 hours,9 hours) at a temperature 4⁰-8⁰C and then Salmonella typhi was inoculated in Salmonella Shigella Agar using spread plate technique incubated during 24 hours at 37⁰C, counted the number of colonies by the plate count method using the colony counter. The results of ANOVA could be concluded that modification media could be use as alternative media replace Carry-Blair at 6 hours. Based on regression correlation test was assumed that the Salmonella typhi bacteria still life at less than 11 hours 54 minutes.
Pengaruh Penambahan Bakteri Probiotik yang Dipacu dengan Prebiotik Ubi Jalar Terhadap Penurunan Jumlah Bakteri Shigella dysenteriae Secara In Vitro Rahmi, Safitri Nur; Putra, F.X Saptono; Suyana, Suyana
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 3 No 2 (2014): 2014 (2)

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Bakteri probiotik adalah mikroba yang bersifat menguntungkan dari golongan Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL). Antara bakteri yang menguntungkan dan patogen akan terjadi kompetisi. Pertumbuhan Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) di usus manusia dapat distimulasi dengan cara memberikan substrat- substrat yang dapat dicerna oleh bakteri tersebut sehingga populasinya meningkat dan melawan bakteri patogen. Substrat- substrat yang dapat digunakan oleh BAL untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhannya dikenal dengan nama prebiotik. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan berbagai dosis bakteri probiotik Lactobacillus casei terhadap jumlah penurunan bakteri Shigella dysenteriae. Desain penelitian ini adalah Post Test with Control. Dalam desain penelitian ini terdapat kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Penghitungan jumlah Bakteri Shigella dysenteriae dengan menggunakan selektif media Mac Conkey Agar. Data didapatkan dari jumlah bakteri Shigella dysenteriae setelah penambahan probiotik Lactobacillus casei. Pengolahan data menggunakan software pengolah data. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah One Way Anova dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan rerata jumlah penurunan bakteri Shigella dysenteriae pada media Mac Conkey Agar adalah 48.14 x 105 CFU/ml, 45.76 x 105 CFU/ml, 42.10 x 105 CFU/ml, 35.90 x 105 CFU/ml, 32.76 x 105 CFU/ml. Hasil uji Anova One Way diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0.000 (<0.05). Ada pengaruh bermakna penambahan berbagai dosis bakteri probiotik Lactobacillus casei terhadap penurunan jumlah bakteri Shigella dysenteriae.
Pemeriksaan Golongan Darah Sistem ABO Metode Slide dengan Reagen Serum Golongan Darah A, B, O Oktari, Anita; Silvia, Nida Daeninur
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 2 (2016): 2016 (2)

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The standard examination blood type was performed using a reagent that actually less economical. This research in order to determine whether serum blood type can be used as a reagent blood type. It has been already conducted research antibodies in the serum of blood type A, B, and AB. Each serum would reacted with antigent in the blood, indicated by the agglutination. The research method was experimental by performing blood type with drops of serum in the blood type A, B and AB then saw the grade agglutination. The data obtained were processed statistically using Kruskal Wallis. The result showed serum A, B, and O can be used as a substitute reagents alternative anti – A, anti – B, and anti – AB in determining blood type. Based on analysis, quality clotting produced by serum aglutination is not same with the reagent anti – A, anti – B, and anti – AB in determining blood type.
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava Linn) Sebagai Antibakteri dan Antifungi Nuryani, Siti
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 6 No 2 (2017): 2017 (2)

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Guava (Psidium guajava Linn) is found throughout Indonesia. The leaves contain tannins that can be used as antibacterial and antifungal. The aims of this research are to determine the antiseptic power of guava leaf as antifungal and antibacterial.This research is pre experiments research with laboratory test to determine the inhibitory power of guava ethanol extract as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Guava leaves are old made 70% ethanol extract in LPPT UGM using maceration method. The extract made 3 concentrations ie 25%, 50% and 75%. Each concentration was tested for inhibitory by knowing the diameter of growth barrier to Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. Each concentration is repeated 5 times, resulting in 15 data. The data were analyzed descriptively to illustrate their potential comparisons with chlorhexidine as standard materials. The extract of guava leaf using ethanol 70% in laboratory test resulted in average inhibitory zone diameter as follows: for mushroom C.albicans with extract 25%, 50%, and 75% were 13.4mm, 17.6mm, and 19.4mm. While for S. aureus is 2.2mm, 25.6mm, and 27.2mm. The effect of antifungal power of guava leaf extract (Psidium guajava Linn.) on the growth of Candida albicans fungus is smaller compared to Staphylococcus aureus bacteria
Pengaruh Berbagai Dosis Jus Buah Sirsak (Annona muricata L.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Serum Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Dislipidemia Tia, Hesti Dwi; Sistiyono, Sistiyono; Hendarta, Narendra Yoga
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 3 No 1 (2014): 2014 (1)

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Consumption of excessive fat in the food that we consume daily can increase cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodthat is called dyslipidemia. Diet, exercise and drugs are the effort can be done to lower the lipid levels. The herbs have been widely used as an alternative to lower cholesterol levels because the active substances contained antihiperlipid properties. Soursop has many benefits in curing some diseases. Soursop contains an active ingredient that can lower LDL’s cholesterol levels, including vitamin C, fiber and niacin. Therefore, the researchers wanted to do experiment using soursop as an alternative for lowering LDL’s cholesterol levels in dyslipidemia white rat serum. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of various doses of soursop juice to decrease of LDL’s cholesterol levels in dyslipidemia white rat serum. This experiment used pre-test and post-test with control group design. Soursop juice doses used was at 0,9; 1,8 and 2,7 g / 200 g BW of white rat. The data were processed using descriptive and statistics by the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test, One Way ANOVA, Post Hoct Test and linear regression in SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of this experiment was the percentage decrease of LDL cholesterol levels in the white rat serum of various doses soursop juice, which is 0,9 g / 200 g BW of 46,19%, a dose of 1,8 g / 200 g BW of 52,30 % and a dose of 2,7 g / 200 g BW of 61,62%. There was the effect of various doses of soursop juice to decrease LDL’s cholesterol levels in dyslipidemia white rat serum. The greater the dose ofsoursop juice given, the greater the reduction in LDL’s cholesterol levels in the serum of dyslipidemia white rat.
Gambaran Kadar Trigliserida (Metode Gpo-Pap) Pada Sampel Serum dan Plasma EDTA Hardisari, Ratih; Koiriyah, Binti
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 1 (2016): 2016 (1)

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Hasil Laboratorium yang bermutu harus memiliki ketepatan dan ketelitian tinggi. Pemeriksaan laboratorium sangat diperlukan untuk membantu dalam menegakkan diagnosa suatu penyakit secara akurat menurut ukuran medis. Pemeriksaan kadar trigliserid dapat membantu perubahan pola dan gaya hidup sehat, dapat dihindari mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat atau kadar gula yang tinggi berisiko terkena penyakit jantung dan stroke akan meningkat seiring dengan tingginya kadar trigliserida seseorang. Pemeriksaan untuk menentukan kadar trigliserid biasanya menggunakan sampel serum dan plasma. Mengetahui hasil pemeriksaan kadar trigliserid dan gambaran perbedaan hasil kadar trigliserid metode GPO-PAP dari sampel serum dan plasma EDTA. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif disajikan dalam bentuk tabel untuk mengetahui selisih rata-rata kadar trigliserid sampel serum dan plasma EDTA dan grafik untuk mengetahui yang lebih tinggi. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar trigliserid dengan sampel serum rata – rata 143,16 mg/dl sedangkan pemeriksaan kadar trigliserid dengan sampel plasma rata – rata 142,16 mg/dl. Kesimpulan adalah ada perbedaan hasil pemeriksaan kadar trigliserid metode GPO-PAP antara sampel serum dan plasma EDTA adalah 24%.
Efektivitas Variasi Garam Salmiak (NH4Cl) Dan Sentrifugasi Pada Pemeriksaan Basil Tahan Asam Penderita Tuberculosis Siregar, Saadah; Supriatin, Yati; Noor, Lanny
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 6 No 2 (2017): 2017 (2)

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According to a report by WHO Indonesia, it is a case number three infected with tuberculosis. Tuberculosis disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that belongs to acid-fast bacilli bacteria (BTA). Sputum smear examination microscopically still has many deficiencies caused by mucoprotein in sputum so that BTA cannot be separated from sputum, this is causing a false negative in reading result Microscope. The objective of this research is to know the most effective variation of concentration, speed and time of centrifugation on smear examination in tuberculosis patients. The research method used is experimental method and Design of complete Random Block design. Data were analyzed by statistic test with ANOVA test on SPSS. The result of the research is that at concentration 2% NH4Cl It can increase the number of BTA with optimal centrifugation speed / effective at 5000 rpm for 15 minutes. Suggestion for further research is to use salmaniac salt concentration with a concentration lower than 2%.
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 3 No 1 (2014): 2014 (1)

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Keberadaan TDR ditunjang oleh adalnya faktor-faktor terutama suhu 20-30oC dan kelembaban 70-80% serta adanya persediaan makanan yang cukup. Tungau debu merupakan sejenis tungau yang hidup dan berkembang biak di dalam debu yang terdapat di sekitar kita serta sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu,kelembaban dan sanitasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran keberadaan tungau debu rumah Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus pada musholla SMA/SMK Negeri di Kota Palembang Tahun 2013 berdasarkan lokasi pengambilan debu, suhu ruangan, dan frekuensi pembersihan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Parasitologi Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Objek penelitiannya adalah debu yang diambil di musholla SMA/SMK Negeri di Kota Palembang Tahun 2013. Dengan uji laboratorium metode centrifugal flotasi didapatkan hasil gambaran keberadaan tungau debu rumah (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) dari 50 sampel debu yang diperiksa didapatkan hasil 12 sampel (24%) positif (+) tungau debu rumah (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus). Sebagai masukan kepada pihak sekolah SMA/SMK Negeri Palembang untuk lebih memperhatikan kebersihan musholla dan melakukan pembersihan secara rutin setiap hari minimal dengan cara di sapu dan dipel serta tingkatkan intensitas penjemuran karpet pada musholla minimal 1 minggu sekali.
Efektivitas Berbagai Konsentrasi Kacang Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill) Sebagai Media Alternatif Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Candida albicans Nuryati, Anik; Huwaina, Ahsanul Dian
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 1 (2016): 2016 (1)

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Infeksi jamur kulit cukup banyak ditemukan di Indonesia, salah satu disebabkan oleh Candida albicans yaitu kandidiasis.Penyakit ini dapat diperiksa secara makroskopis dengan media SDA yang harganya cukup mahal, higroskopis dan tidak diperoleh sembarang tempat sehingga perlu dibuat media alternatif salah satunya yaitu menggunakan kacang kedelai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas berbagai konsentrasi kacang kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill) sebagai media alternatif terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen atau percobaan dengan post test with control group.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2015 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Obyek penelitian ini adalah kacang kedelai konsentrasi 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8% yang diujikan terhadap Candida albicans sebagai subyek penelitian. Media SDA (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar) digunakan sebagai kontrol terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans. Pengolahan data yang digunakan meliputi uji deskriptif dan uji efektivitas. Hasil yang diperoleh diuji dengan uji deskriptif, didapatkan rata-rata koloni pada media kacang kedelai konsentrasi 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8% yaitu sebesar 3,67 koloni, 4,83 koloni, 5,17 kolonidan 5,33 koloni. Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa kacang kedelai dapat digunakan sebagai media alternative terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans pada konsentrasi minimal 4% dengan hasil persentase sebesar 107,33%.Semakin tinggi konsentrasi kacang kedelai semakin banyak jumlah koloni yang dihasilkan
Optimasi Air Perasan Buah Merah (Pandanus sp.) Pada Pemeriksaan Telur Cacing Oktari, Anita; Mu’tamir, Ahmad
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 6 No 1 (2017): 2017 (1)

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Worm infections or can be called by worming included into an infection caused by a parasite. Soil Transmitted Helminths Intestinal Nematodes are worms groups are in their life cycle to reach the infective stage requires soil with certain conditions. Eosin 2% is the dye that is used in the examination of Intestinal Nematode worm eggs. Red fruit (Pandanus sp.) which is a natural plant material and acidic contain carotenoids which produces orange-red pigment. Beta carotene is the predominant pigment of red-orange color that is found naturally in plants and fruits. The aim of this research is to determine the best concentration from variation of red fruit (Pandanus sp.) juice that optimally to color the eggs of the worm. Research conducted experiments with various concentration ratio of red fruit (Pandanus sp.) juice and distilled water (1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5). From this research it found that the results indicate the ratio of concentrations of red fruit (Pandanus sp.) juice and distilled water (1:2) can be used as an alternative reagent eosin 2% for their examination of worm eggs. But in the visual field that uses red fruit (Pandanus sp.) juice and distilled water (1:2) still looks much dirt as a nuisance and does not give a contrasting background. It can conclude that red fruit (Pandanus sp.) juice can use to color the eggs of the worm.

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