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English and Literature Journal
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ELITE: English and Literature Journal (Print ISSN: 2355-0821, Online ISSN: 2580-5215) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted specifically to the studies of English linguistics and literature and other literatures with a special emphasis on local culture, wisdom, philosophy and identity. Published twice a year in June and December, the first edition of ELITE was published in 2013. The journal contents are managed by the English and Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia. The primary objective of the journal is to provide a productive forum for lecturers, researchers, authors, graduate students, and practitioners to present results of their recent studies in the areas of English linguistics and literature and other literary traditions. The journal is also intended to help disseminate recent developments in theories, concepts, and ideas in the areas concerned to the academic community of language and literature studies in Indonesia in particular and worldwide in general.
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Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.638 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a1


A Story is an effective media in nurturing language development particularly for children. A children story should be appropriated with its readers. One of its appropriateness indicator can be investigated by seeing its morphological aspect like inflectional words in it. This study is aimed at investigating the inflectional words and their types in English children story which may indicate its level of difficulty and its function. The descriptive qualitative study is employed embracing the characteristics of document analysis. The data taken from three different children stories which then are analyzed utilizing the inflectional theory proposed by Booij (2008). It is found that the verb inflection and adjective inflection, respectively, become predominant inflection that can be found on every story. It may indicate that children stories emphasize on process of doing and process of describing thing The finding is also drawn a conclusion that the length of the story is in line with the number of inflectional words.Keywords: Inflectional words, Children story, Morphology.                                                             Abstrak Dongeng merupakan media yang efektif dalam meningkatkan perkembangan bahasa terkhusus pada anak- anak. Sebuah dongeng anak mestilah disesuaikan dengan para pembacanya. Salah satu indikator kebersesuaian ini bisa ditelaah dari aspek – aspek morfologisnya, semisal dari keberadaan kata – kata infleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah kata – kata infleksi serta jenis - jenisnya di dalam dongeng bahasa inggris anak – anak yang kemudian bisa dijadikan sebagai indikator tingkat kesulitan sebuah cerita serta mengetahui fungsi kata- kata infleksi tersebut dalam dongeng.  Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis dokumen sebagai pendekatannya. Data diambi dari beberapa dongen berbahasa Inggris yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menerapkan teori infleksi dari Booij (2008).Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa infleksi verba serta infleksi adjektiva,secara,berurutan, merupakan jenis infleksi yang paling banyak ditemukan. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa cerita anak lebih menitikberatkan pada penggambaran  serta prilaku dari sang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita.. Selain itu, panjang pendeknya cerita berbanding lurus dengaan jumlah kata- kata infleksinya.Kata Kunci: kata-kata Infleksional, Dongeng anak-anak, Morfologi. 
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (782.436 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a2


A strip story is one of the techniques that could stimulate the students to speak during the learning process especially in speaking class. The aim of this study was to find out the significance difference of students’ speaking achievement after they were taught by using strip story technique. The pre experimental study was the method of the study. The one group pretest-posttest design approach was used in this study. The study was conducted to sixth semester S1 Nursing students at STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang. The population of the study was all fourth semester S1 Nursing students at STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang in 2018. The total number of the population was 69 students. The sample of the study was 22 fourth semester S1 Nursing students at STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang in 2018. Systematic sampling was used to collect the sample. The test was administered twice as pre-test and post-test. The results of the tests were analyzed by using t-test through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) program. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference in speaking achievement before and after applying strip story technique based on paired sample t-test. Keywords: speaking, strip story Abstrak Strip story adalah sebuah teknik yang dapat merangsang pelajar untuk berbicara selama proses pembelajaran khususnya dalam kelas Speaking. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pencapaian kemampuan berbiacra setelah mereka diajarkan menggunakan teknik strip story. Pre-eksperimental adalah metode dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah one-group pre-test post-test. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa semester 6 program studi S1 Keperawatan diSTIK Siti Khadijah Palembang pada tahun 2018. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 69 mahasiswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 22 mahasiswa semester empat program studi S1 Keperawatan STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang tahun 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel meggunakan teknik sistematik. Tes diberikan dua kali berupa pre-test dan post-test. hasil penelitian dianalisa menggunakan t-test dengan program SPSS. Hasil dari tes menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pencapaian kemampuan berbicara sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan strip story berdasarkan paired sample t-test.    Kata Kunci: percakapan, cerita acak
STUDENTS’ ERRORS IN USING LEXICOGRAMMATICAL FEATURES IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT (A Study at the X Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan 2016/2017 Academic Year) Asriani Hasibuan; Trifo Maida Simatupang
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.074 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a3


 The objectives of this research are to know the students’ errors in using lexicogrammatical features in writing recount text at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan and to know why the students made errors in using lexico grammatical features in writing recount text and  to know how the efforts done by the English teacher to overcome difficulties of students in using lexicogrammatical features in writing recount text. The informants of this research are six students from X-4 class. The method which is used in this research is descriptive analysis. Firstly, students were given test which had to choose one of the topics, the students wrote a recount text based on the topics chosen and the writer collected their papers then analyzed it. The result of this research is finding errors in proper noun, pronoun, past tense, adjective, action verbs, conjunction and time connective then adverb. But, the most common errors which found is are using past tense, using pronoun and using adjective (adjective order). The causes of students’ errors in using lexicogrammatical features in writing recount text is carelessness (lack motivation), first language interference and translation (word by word) and the efforts of English teacher to overcome the difficulties in using lexicogrammatical features in writing recount text is by doing repetition in teaching recount text especially lexicogrammatical feature, using demonstration method, using media, and the last is always giving task and homework at the end of every meet.Keywords : Error Analysis, Recount Text, Lexicogrammatical Features, Writing.Abstrak        Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan fitur leksikogrammatik dalam menulis teks recount pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan dan untuk mengetahui mengapa siswa membuat kesalahan dalam menggunakan fitur lexicogrammatical dalam menulis teks recount dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Inggris untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam menggunakan fitur lexicogrammatical dalam menulis teks recount. Informan penelitian ini adalah enam siswa dari kelas X-4. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Pertama, siswa diberi tes yang harus memilih salah satu topik, siswa menulis teks recount berdasarkan topik yang dipilih dan penulis mengumpulkan kertas mereka kemudian menganalisanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan kesalahan dalam kata benda, kata benda, past tense, kata kerja, verba aksi, konjungsi, dan waktu konektif kemudian kata keterangan. Tapi, kesalahan paling umum yang ditemukan adalah menggunakan bentuk lampau, menggunakan kata ganti dan menggunakan kata sifat (kata sifat). Penyebab kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan fitur lexicogrammatical dalam menulis teks recount adalah kecerobohan (kurangnya motivasi), gangguan bahasa pertama dan terjemahan (kata demi kata) dan upaya guru bahasa Inggris untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam menggunakan fitur lexicogrammatical dalam menulis teks recount adalah dengan melakukan pengulangan dalam mengajar teks recount terutama fitur lexicogrammatical, menggunakan metode demonstrasi, menggunakan media, dan yang terakhir selalu memberikan tugas dan pekerjaan rumah pada setiap akhir pertemuan.Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Teks Recount, Fitur Leksikogrammatik, Menulis 
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.733 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a4


The purpose of this article is to analyze the type of metaphor and analyze the meaning in the lyrics of the song "Fall for You" the method uses a qualitative approach because the data used in the form of song lyrics. Document analysis is applied to find the connotation meaning contained in the song lyrics, the messages contained in the song, as well as the contribution of the connotations to the messages in the song. The writers collected data by downloading songs along with lyrics, reading song lyrics, and creating phrases that contain metaphorical meanings. Then the writers analyzed the data by identifying the meaning, find the intent contained in the song, and connect with the types of metapor. The results of the discussion data show that there are. There are seven types of meaning in the data are: conceptual, connotative, social, affective, reflective, collocative and thematic meaning. The song uses metaphor and other types of meaning to embellish the song and to convey the implicit message in the song. The messages contained in the song are mostly persuasive. metaphors found in song lyrics have an important role in creating certain feelings and conveying messages.Keywords: Metaphor, Meaning, Song lyricsABSTRAKTujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisa jenis metafora dan menganalisa makna dalam lirik lagu "Fall for You". Metodenya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena data yang digunakan dalam bentuk lirik lagu. Analisis dokumen diaplikasikan untuk menemukan makna konotasi yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu, pesan yang terkandung dalam lagu, serta kontribusi konotasi terhadap pesan dalam lagu tersebut. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan mendownload lagu beserta liriknya, membaca lirik lagu, dan membuat ungkapan yang mengandung makna metafora. Kemudian para peneliti menganalisis data dengan mengidentifikasi maknanya, menemukan maksud yang terkandung dalam lagu, dan terhubung dengan jenis-jenis metapor. Hasil dari data diskusi menunjukkan bahwa ada. Ada tujuh jenis makna dalam data tersebut yaitu: makna konseptual, konotatif, sosial, afektif, reflektif, kolektif dan tematik. Lagu tersebut menggunakan metafora dan jenis makna lainnya untuk memperindah lagu dan menyampaikan pesan implisit dalam lagu tersebut. Pesan yang terkandung dalam lagu sebagian besar bersifat persuasif. Metafora yang ditemukan dalam lirik lagu memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan perasaan dan menyampaikan pesan.Kata kunci: Metafora, Makna, lirik lagu
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.668 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a7


AbstractThe aims of this study are to know the types of figurative languages and to know the most dominant figurative language used in lyrics One Direction’s album song entitled Up All Night. The research is qualitative descriptive to describe the analysis factually, accurately and systematically. The data in this research include the phrases or the sentences which found in lyric album song entitled “Up All Night” by One Direction. The data source of this study is album song entitled “Up All Night” by One Direction. Based on research finding, it can be found that there are some figurative languages in One Direction’s album “Up All Night”. There were 13 songs in this album, they are: 1) Everything About You, 2) Gotta Be You, 3) I Want, 4) I Wish, 5) More Than This, 6) One Thing, 7) Same Mistakes, 8) Save You Tonight, 9) Stole My Heart, 10) Taken, 11) Tell Me a Lie, 12) Up All Night and 13) What Makes You Beautiful. Based on the result of this research, it is found six types of figurative language in One Direction’s album entitled “Up All Night”, that are repetition, parallelism, personification, metaphor, simile and hyperbole. While, the most dominant type of figurative language used is repetition, there are 50 lyrics that contain repetition both anaphora and epiphora.Key Words: figurative language, song, album.
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.221 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a5


Abstract            The nature of literature is beautiful and meaningful or in the other word is beautiful and teaching something. Studying literature is not only elaborating the beautiful string of word, sentence as the structure building of literary work. As the nature of literature, then, studying literature must touch into the revelation meaning beyond the text, revealing values, moral messages in literary work so the function of literature which is not mere giving pleasure  and entertaining. This study reveals relation between human, universe, and God portrayed in novel “Anak Rantau” by Ahmad Fuadi. This study analyzes texts using hermeneutic method. The relation between human, universe, and God means is how human supposed to behave toward universe which suits to the purpose of the human creation as “khalifah”  in the earth. The portrait of relation between human, universe,and God seems in some story extracts. The effort to return the seaside condition and environment in large which polluted by poison and fish bones in “gotongroyong” to clean seaside for returning the seaside function as giving benefit to human. In addition, the relation between human, universe, and God seems when universe becomes a teacher for human which alwaays obeys to the God decision. Keywords: the nature of literature, khalifah, human, universe, God Abstrak            Hakikat sastra adalah indah dan bermakna atau dengan kata lain indah dan mengajarkan sesuatu. Mengkaji sastra tidak cukup hanya mengurai keindahan rangkaian kata, kalimat sebagai unsur pembangun sebuah karya sastra. Sesuai dengan hakikatnya, maka Mengkaji sastra haruslah sampai pada mengungkap makna di balik teks, mengungkap nilai-nilai, pesan-pesan moral yang terkandung dalam sebuah karya sastra sehingga fungsi sastra yang tidak hanya sekedar memberi kesenangan dan menghibur semata bisa terungkap. Kajian ini mengungkap hubungan antara manusia, alam, dan Tuhan yang tergambar pada novel Anak Rantau karya Ahmad Fuadi.  Kajian ini menganalisis teks dari penggalan konflik dengan metode hermenutika. Hubungan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan yang dimaksudkan adalah bagaimana seharusnya manusia berperilaku terhadap alam sesuai dengan tujuan penciptaannya sebagai khalifah di bumi. Potret hubungan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan nampak pada beberapa penggalan cerita. Adanya upaya mengembalikan kondisi pantai dan lingkungan secara luas yang tercemar oleh racun dan bangkai-bangkai ikan dengan cara bergotongroyong menbersihkan pantai untuk mengembalikan fungsi pantai yakni memberi manfaat kepada manusia. Selain itu hubungan manusia, alam, dan Tuhan juga nampak ketika alam dijadikan guru oleh manusia yang selalu patuh pada hukum-hukum  Tuhan. Kata kunci: Hakikat sastra, khalifah, manusia, Alam, Tuhan 
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.49 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a6


This is an expose facto reserach which analysed and evaluated a program done in 2016 at Language Center in State College of islamic Studies (STAIN) Curup.  The purposes of this study iwas to evaluate the improvement of students' score on TOEFL particularly those who followed TOEFL Matriculation Program at Language Center.  The improvement were investigated from three aspects of TOEFL, listening comprehension, structure and written expression and reading comprehension.  This research also searched the strategies used by lecturers in teaching TOEFL during the program, and the students' motivation in following the program.  Document analysis in the form of students' score for pre and post program, checklist, interview guidance and questionnaire were the instruments of this study.  The data was analyzed by mix method.  There were 2 English lecturers and 30 students who represented all study program in STAIN Curup.  The findings showed that there was a significant improvement of students' TOEFL score after they followed the TOEFL matriculation program at Language Center.  The score of each aspect of TOEFL also increased significantly.  The lecturers also used suitable strategies in teaching TOEFL based on the need of students.  Furthermore, the students' motivation in following the TOEFL matriculation Program was also high.  It is suggested that this program should be continued by involving more students and improving the quality of program in the future.
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.922 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a8


 The research is qualitative research that intends to describe the factors that influence the students’ achievement in debate competition English Got Talent. Therefore, it was formulated the problem statement as follows:   1) Which factors that influence the students’ achievement in debate competition?  2) How are the competences of English teachers of SMUN 1 and SMUN 3 in teaching and guiding English subject in both schools? To fulfill data collection, primary data were taken from 5 teachers from every schools so the total number were 10 teachers. While the secondary data also were 10 students who were taken from 5 students from every school. The technique in collecting data  were interview and observation. The result of  the research shows that factors that may cause the students of SMUN 3 and SMUN 1  get achievement in debate competition, such as;  the competencies  owned by teachers from both schools who some of them have S1 degree in English Education and some others are Magister in English Education. Besides, they actively develop their skills in teaching methods by joining seminars and workshops. Therefore they were more creative in presenting the materials by using various teaching strategies that may help and support the students in English learning process. They also give attention to the teaching material which not too emphasize on using English book provided by the school.  In opposites, they were selective in using the teaching material, some of them develop the material by their own selves which taken from commercial books and internet. Over all, other factor that may also contribute to their achievement are the existences of teacher that becomes supervisor who responsible to prepare the students to join the competition. They have been being consulted and guided since the X years and it is usually given for 3 months before the competition held. Therefore it makes them are very well prepared to join the competition.  
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.272 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a9


This research aims at finding out whether or not using of extensive reading was effective to develop the English vocabulary of the fifth semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. It was quasi experimental research design. This research took place at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in academic year 20105/2016. The population of the research was 313 students. The sample of this research consisted of 52 students, 28 students as the control group and 24 students as the experimental group, which was chosen by using cluster random sampling technique. The instrument of collecting data was vocabulary test. The data were obtained through pretest and posttest for both groups and the result of the test was analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 version. The result of the data analysis showed that the application of extensive reading was effective to develop the English vocabulary of the fifth semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar proved by the mean score of control group in pretest was 29.31 and the mean score of experimental group was 41.64. While the mean score of control group in posttest was 47.07 which was taught intensive reading and the mean score of experimental group was 59.86, which was taught extensive reading. It means that the improvement of vocabulary achievement in control group from pretest to posttest was 17.76 and in experimental group were 18.22. It means that Incidental vocabulary occurred both of Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading, but the improvement of incidental vocabulary learning in extensive reading was greater than that of  intensive reading (18.22>17.76).

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