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JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
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JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu) dengan ISSN 2477-5177 (media online) dan 2338-6649 (media cetak), adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dibidang inovasi teknologi terapan dengan cakupan: Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, dan Teknik Telekomunikasi.
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Evaluasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) Berbasis Tesca Pada Universitas Balikpapan Anwar Fattah
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.519


Corporate governance of information technology (it Governance) has been widely implemented by institutions in the various Colleges of the world. Information technology (it Governance) plays an important role in supporting the achievement of the mission, vision, objectives such Colleges in adapting new technology changes, innovation and environmental change in minimizing the risks and address the vulnerabilities Information technology security. To enhance the role of TI against the continuity of the process of college work, then it takes a measurement of it governance (IT Governance). TESCA is a Framework the governance of information technology as a standard framework in information technology on an utilization of an institution/organisisi. And is used to control the it governance.TESCA is in drawing up the instrument and assess the maturity level of the utilization of information technology on campus. The initiative sponsored by the PT. Telkom Tbk and Economic News. This Insturmen as material guidelines and guidance in conducting an evaluation or assessment of the implementation of IT in college. The goal of the research is to Implement IT Governance/corporate governance of information technology on information systems at the University of balikpapan and its information technology infrastructure that supports the information system, to make it more maximize teaching and learning through the system, determine the level of maturity (maturity level) in information systems and information technology infrastructure that supports information systems at the University of Balikpapan and Make a recommendation of the management of it in accordance with the business strategy and objectives of the University of Balikpapan. The results of the research that based on the results Obtained in just my Assesment that the University entrance 49.004 value of Kerosene into the category of Associate Level (SCORE 40.00-use of 59.99). where the existence of the IT management recommendations that can serve as the IT management considerations how should the management of IT to support the performance of information systems
Reliability Analysis of Unit HD 465-7R at Badiwata Site, PT. Sumber Mitra Jaya Syahruddin Syahruddin
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.626


This study aimed to determine the reliability and factors that influence the reliability of HD 465-7R units at the Badiwata Site of PT. Sumber Mitra Jaya. This study utilized field observation methods, document analysis from Historical Units, Monthly Physical Availability Heavy Equipment Reports, Key Performance Indicators and interviews. Data was processed using nonprobability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. Furthermore, it was analyzed by grouping data based on variables, classifying data types, tabulating data, presenting data and performing reliability calculations. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics was used. Reliability measures include calculation of Mean Time To Repair (MTTF) and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). Data was presented in form of tables, histograms and pareto diagrams. It showed the reliability of the HD465-7R unit decreased every month. It was recorded 84% in August, 80% in September, and 75% in October.  Factors which influenced the reliability of the HD465-7R unit included the frequency of damage to tire, brake, accident and electrical problems.
Analisis Kelelahan Pekerja Pengolah Kerupuk di Kota Bangun Kalimantan Timur etwin Fibrianie soeprapto; M Zainul Rohman; dwi cahyadi
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.526


Sikap kerja yang tidak ergonomis, dapat menimbulkan kelelahan serta dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengukur apakah kondisi kerja pekerja pengolah kerupuk ikan dapat menimbulkan potensi kelelahan, apakah dimensi mesin pengolah kerupuk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kelelahan pekerja, apakah layout stasiun kerja mempengaruhi tingkat kelelehan pekerja. Model rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan eksperimental treatment by subject design. Pengumpulan data keluhan muskuloskeletal dan tingkat kelelahan dilakukan dengan teknik kuesioner dengan 20 item pertanyaan kepada 15 responden. Dari hasil pengolahan di dapat bahwa Kondisi lingkungan tidak memberikan pengaruh bagi kondisi pekerja dalam bekerja mengolah kerupuk (Suhu ruangan +/- 26 0C).  Terdapat keluhan musculoskeletal pada operator dalam kegiatan pengolahan kerupuk dimana analisa dilakukan dengan uji t-paired statistic dengan hasil t-Stat < t hitung (-9,51 < 2.144). Dari hasil uji statistic, didapat ada pengaruh signifikan antara layout stasiun kerja dengan kelelahan pekerja, 0.00033 < 0.05. Selain itu, tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara ergonomi dimensi mesin dengan kelelahan pekerja, 0.107 > 0.05.
Digital Tone Control Menggunakan Mikrokontroller 8-Bit Turahyo turahyo
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.632


AbstractThe quality of the audio sound system that is generated depends on the tone control. Good audio tone control signal output produces an audio signal that approaches the input audio signal. Tone controls are generally used on audio sound system devices using potentiometers as regulating devices. Potentiometers are done in charcoal powder which has varying and linear barriers. Problems that often arise in potentiometers in the form of quick wear due to frequent friction, the output of the tone control will produce a noise when the relationship between the powder charcoal and the sweeping lever is not well connected, and linearity will change if the potentiometer is dirty due to dust. Microcontroller is electronic equipment that can be programmed according to user need. With a collaboration push button, Multiplexer and Analog to digital converter (ADC), can be utilized instead of a potentiometer. Setting the potentiometer is done by pressing the digital control tune up / down button. Based on the testing of the tone control on the volume setting, the input signal has strengthened 6.02 dB. In the bass setting, a signal with a frequency of 100-1 khz is passed, while the frequency of 2.5 khz is muted. In the treble setting, the frequency passed is 2.5 khz to 16 khz.
Karakteristik Bio-Oil Hasil Pirolisis Limbah Brem Dengan Variasi Temperatur Edi Murnawan; Farid majedi
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.552


AbstrakPeningkatan teknologi otomotif dan jumlah kendaraan yang meningkat menyebabkan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil semakin meningkat. Maka  dibutuhkan bakan bakar alternatif sebagai pengganti atau campuran bahan bakar, untuk menjaga agar tidak terjadi krisis bahan bakar. Bio-oil merupakan salah satu produk hasil pirolisis yang dapat digunakan sebagai campuran bahan bakar solar. Bio-oil diperoleh dari limbah brem yang diproses dengan cara  pirolisis. Pirolisis merupakan proses pembakaran suatu bahan pada suhu tinggi tanpa oksigen. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan variasi temperatur 250oC, 350oC, 450oC dan 550oC dengan waktu 3 jam dan massa 500 gram. Bio-oil hasil pirolisis divariasikan dengan solar dan diuji untuk mengetahui karakteristiknya. Pengujian pertama dilakukan untuk mendapatkan volume hasil pirolisis dari tiap temperatur. Pengujian kedua menggunakan metode ASTM D 445-12 untuk mendapatkan viskositas pada suhu 40oC dan metode ASTM D 93-12 untuk mendapatkan titik nyala. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan volume tertinggi diperoleh dari temperatur 5500C menghasilkan bio-oil sebanyak 254 ml. Hasil pengujian variasi campuran 5% bio-oil dari tiap temperatur diperoleh hasil yang terbaik yaitu dari temperatur 4500C, sedangkan persentase campuran yang optimal bio-oil dengan solar diperoleh viskositas tertinggi pada campuran 15% bio-oil dengan 85% solar sebesar 4,779 mm2/s dan titik nyala tertinggi diperoleh dari campuran 5% bio-oil dengan 95% solar sebesar 61oC Kata Kunci: Bio-oil, Pirolisis, Titik nyala,  Viskositas
Realisasi Alat Ukur Suhu Dan Kelembapan Berbasis Raspberry Pi Septian angga pratama; Nana Subarna
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.636


AbstractTemperature and humidity are one of the most frequently measured parameters. Measurements of temperature and humidity parameters are very useful for studying a physical, chemical, or biological process. In the last few decades, global warming or global warming has become a global issue related to the environment where pollution and damage to the environment are factors that cause high temperatures in the earth. Therefore the main focus of this research is about measuring the temperature and humidity of a room with a dimension of 15 x 10 m whether it is necessary to have additional cooling in the room or not to know the level and level of linearity of the DHT 11 sensor that will be used to measure two parameters at once, with a microcontroller in the form of a Raspberry Pi. Measurements were made by taking 30 samples for 30 minutes, the results displayed from the monitor connected from Raspberry Pi showed that the DHT 11 sensor was not linear, namely the temperature R2 = 0.8221, while the humidity R2 = 0.8893 was due to the influence of temperature from outside and indoors and the influence of the quantity of humans in the room. Keywords : DHT11, Raspberry Pi, Room, Temperature and Humidity
Simulasi Lampu Lalu Lintas Simpang Tiga Balikpapan Permai berbasis PLC OMRON CP1E-N30SDR-A Riza Hadi Saputra; Ain Sahara; Melinda Greshela
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.577


Today on the highway, especially on crossing roads, motor vehicle users are increasing, both motorbike and car drivers. Not only that, it can be seen from the number that has increased greatly every day. This situation requires the existence of a time setting, whose purpose is nothing but to reduce congestion to the risk of accidents. Therefore, in this study, a traffic light simulation is controlled by OMRON CP1E-N30SDR-A PLC. Traffic light simulation at the three intersections based on PLC OMRON CP1E-N30SDR-A has been made a traffic light control prototype to set the timing of traffic lights at the three intersections based on OMRON CP1E-N30SDR-A PLC. The method used for this research is observation, looking for references about sending data at traffic lights and can be processed on PLC systems. Observations were carried out directly at the place of data collection, namely at Simpang 3 Balikpapan Permai. Programming used to instruct traffic light simulations is to use a ladder diagram programming language created using CX-Programmer software. The purpose of this study is to make a traffic light system in the form of a simulation or prototype that has timing from intersection 3 of Balikpapan Permai. In traffic light simulations, timers are needed to synchronize between available intersections, namely 3 intersections. This is so that the vehicle that passes from one intersection where the traffic light conditions at that time is a green light, then the vehicle no longer waits at the next intersection. The signal is sent from one intersection to another as an indicator so that the intersection can automatically adjust the timing of traffic lights.
Evaluasi Penerapan Program Penghematan Air Bersih di Gedung Perkantoran (Studi Kasus Penghematan Air Bersih di Gedung Perkantoran PT TEPI) Siska Ayu Kartika
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.623


Kebutuhan dan pemakaian air bersih terus meningkat setiap tahunnya, seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, jumlah industri dan gedung-gedung perkantoran. PT TEPI sebagai salah satu perusahaan di Balikpapan, berpacu untuk turut serta melakukan upaya penghematan air demi masa depan yang lebih baik, sejalan dengan penerapan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001 diperusahaan tersebut. Tujuan dari penulisan paper ini adalah untuk melakukan identifikasi upaya-upaya dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penghematan air di gedung perkantoran dan mengevaluasi penerapan program penghematan penggunaan air bersih yang telah dilakukan. Metodologi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder, melakukan survei dan obervasi lapangan, mengevaluasi penggunaan air bersih dengan menghitung berapa penghematan yang dapat dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan beberapa perbaikan. Program penghematan air yang telah dilakukan diantaranya adalah komitmen dari manajemen puncak untuk mendukung secara penuh pada gerakan penghematan air, pembentukan tim komite hemat energi dan air, melakukan sosialisasi peningkatan kesadaran karyawan, deteksi kebocoran air, memperbaiki kran bocor dan meter air yang rusak, mengganti kran manual menjadi kran autostop, pemakaian dual flush toilet, dan sprinkler untuk menyiram tanaman. Melalui gerakan ini, PT TEPI telah melakukan penurunan pemakaian air sebesar 34,18% terhitung mulai dari tahun 2009- 2017, dan rata-rata pemakaian air perkapita adalah sebesar 312,44 L/orang/hari. 
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Media Cetak Sebagai Sarana Promosi Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dan Weighted Product Gunawan Gunawan
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.497


The selection of advertising media in the development and business competition is very important. It determines that criteria and the alternative for each person is different. It makes decisions are very difficult because we have a lot of choices, time and cost.Decisions that are fast and appropriate in determining the best print media as a promotion, which is in accordance with the needs and desires of the advertiser.Selection of Analytical Hierarchy and Weighted Product (WP) method as a tool to assist in making decisions with calculations done by using AHP to get criteria weight and continue using the WP method. Both methods can provide recommendations in the selection of print media as a medium of promotion. The result of combining the two methods results in a rankingKeywords : Analytical Hierarchy Process    Weighted Product, media print
Analisis Kecepatan Angin Pesisir Pantai Monpera sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan Kota Balikpapan Adhe Yusphie Panca Tentra Sandika; David Christover; Mohammad Saiful Rozikin
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v7i1.624


Balikpapan sebagai salah satu kota di Kalimantan Timur, merupakan kota dengan karakteristik wilayah yang cukup unik dengan kondisi topografi wilayah yang terdiri dari daerah pesisir dengan daratan yang berbukit hingga potensi angin yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Berdasarkan data Bappeda kota Balikpapan menjelaskan bahwa topografi Balikpapan yang hampir seluruhnya berbukit (85%), serta ketinggian wilayah kota Balikpapan dari permukaan air laut berkisar 0–80 meter. Karakteristik wilayah, ketinggian daerah dari permukaan laut merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap gerak aliran udara yang ada sehingga mempengaruhi kecepatan angin yang dihasilkan di pesisir kota Balikpapan. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, hal ini menjadi sebuah objek penelitian kami dalam mengetahui seberapa besar potensi kecepatan angin di pesisir pantai MONPERA kota Balikpapan untuk menjadi sumber energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan media alat yang menunjang dalam pengambilan data penelitian yaitu berupa turbin angin horizontal DC 12/24V 400W sehingga akan didapatkan hasil data berupa kecepatan angin, daya maksimum, daya nyata dan daya total yang diperoleh pada daerah tersebut yaitu kecepatan angin tertinggi sebesar 11.15 knot (5,66 m/s), daya maksimum sebesar 74,129 Watt, daya nyata sebesar 39,99 Watt, daya total sebesar 125,092 Watt dan daya output elektrik sebesar 27,18 Watt.

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