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JURNAL BIOMEDIK adalah JURNAL ILMIAH KEDOKTERAN yang diterbitkan tiga kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, November. Tulisan yang dimuat dapat berupa artikel telaah (review article), hasil penelitian, dan laporan kasus dalam bidang ilmu kedokteran..
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Gambaran Mikrokopik Serebelum pada Hewan Coba Postmortem Nangoy, Belinda V.; Kalangi, Sonny J. R.; Pasiak, Taufiq F.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23205


Abstract: After death, there will be cellular changes that cause definite signs of death. These changes could be used to determine the time of death. This study was aimed to determine the microscopic changes of the cerebellum during 1 hour to 24 hours postmortem. This was a descriptive study. Four domestic pigs of more than 90 kg were used as animal models. After being killed, we made slices in the pig heads to expose and observe cerebellar microscopic changes in several time intervals, as follows: 90 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours, 8 hours, 9 hours, 10 hours, 11 hours, 12 hours, 13 hours, 14 hours, 15 hours, 16 hours, 17 hours, 18 hours, 19 hours, 20 hours, 21 hours, 22 hours, 23 hours, and 24 hours postmortem. The results showed that the cerebellum became progressively pale and softened at 8 hours postmortem. Congestion in all tissues occured at 2 hours postmortem, however 69.2% of the Purkinje cells still had normal nuclei. At 7 hours postmortem, Purkinje cells began to enlarge associated with karyorrhexis, and at 21 hours postmortem most of the cells shrank. Albeit, at 24 hours postmortem the cerebellar layers could still be identified and some Purkinje cells with normal morphology could be found. Conclusion: Microscopic changes could be identified at 2 hours postmortem in the form of congestion of the cerebellar layers. Purkinje cells underwent karyorrhexis at 7 hours postmortem and shrank at 21 hours postmortem.Keywords: Purkinje cells, cerebellar layers, postmortemAbstrak: Setelah kematian, terjadi perubahan pada sel-sel yang menimbulkan tanda-tanda pasti kematian. Perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dapat membantu menentukan saat kematian dalam suatu kasus hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan mikroskopik serebelum selama interval waktu 1 jam hingga 24 jam postmortem. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif. pada hewan coba babi dengan rerata berat lebih dari 90 kg. Setelah hewan coba dimatikan, dibuat irisan di bagian kepala untuk menampakkan serebelum dan mengamati perubahan mikroskopiknya pada rentang waktu 90 menit, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 7 jam, 8 jam, 9 jam, 10 jam, 11 jam, 12 jam, 13 jam, 14 jam, 15 jam, 16 jam, 17 jam, 18 jam, 19 jam, 20 jam, 21 jam, 22 jam, 23 jam, dan 24 jam postmortem. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan serebelum tampak pucat dan melunak secara progresif pada 8 jam postmortem. Kongesti di semua jaringan mulai terjadi pada 2 jam postmortem dan ditemukan 69,2% sel Purkinje berinti yang masih normal. Sel Purkinje mulai membesar dan inti mengalami karioreksis pada 7 jam postmortem tetapi pada 21 jam postmortem sel-sel tersebut tampak menyusut. Meskipun demikian hingga 24 jam postmortem struktur lapisan serebelum masih dapat diidentifikasi dan sel Purkinje dengan morfologi normal masih ditemukan. Simpulan: Perubahan mikroskopik serebelum sudah dapat diidentifikasi pada 2 jam postmortem yaitu berupa kongesti lapisan serebelum. Sel Purkinje mengalami karioreksis pada 7 jam postmortem dan menyusut pada 21 jam postmortem.Kata kunci: sel Purkinje, lapisan serebelum, postmortem
Hubungan Kadar Interleukin 6 Serum dan Klasifikasi CT Marshal pada Penderita Cedera Otak Berat Akibat Trauma Manginte, Mervin; Prasetyo, Eko; Oley, Maximillian Ch.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23210


Abstract: Increase of interleukin 6 (IL-6) level occurs in the brain after traumatic brain injury (TBI), however, studies about IL-6 as a prodictor based on CT-scan is still limited. This study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between serum IL-6 level and CT Marshall classification in patients with severe TBI. This was an observational study with a cross sectional design. There were 20 patients with severe TBI admitted at the Emergency Surgery Installation of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado in this study. CT-scan was performed on them to determine the CT Marshall classification and to categorize the hemorrhage location (extra-axial, intra-axial, both), hemisphere (midline/diffuse, dextral, sinistral), and area (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, multiple). Venous blood sample used for IL-6 examination was drawn less than 24 hours after trauma. The results showed that mean IL-6 level was 22.0060 pg/mL (SD 4.64494 pg/mL). Patients were distributed relatively uniform in 4 detected categories (diffuse injury II, III, V, and VI) of CT Marshall classification. Final regression model consisted of IL-6, age, and temporal injury as predictors. The Spearman coefficient correlation showed rs = -0.005 (P=0.491). Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between serum Il-6 level and CT Marshall classification, albeit, both of them increased consistantly following the severity of TBI and could be potential predictors to determine the prognosis of severe TBI patients.Keywords: IL-6, CT Marshall, severe TBIAbstrak: Pada cedera otak berat akibat trauma (COBT) terjadi peningkatan ekspresi IL-6 di otak namun penelitian mengenai kemampuannya untuk memrediksi hasil berdasarkan klasifikasi CT scan masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara kadar IL-6 serum dan klasifikasi CT Marshall pada pasien dengan COBT. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 20 pasien yang dirawat dengan COBT di IRDB RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. CT-scan segera digunakan untuk menentukan klasifikasi CT Marshall dan untuk mengategorikan lokasi (ekstra-aksial, intra-aksial, keduanya), belahan (garis tengah/difus, dekstra, sisnitra), dan area otak yang terlibat dalam cedera. Sampel darah vena untuk IL-6 diambil kurang dari 24 jam setelah trauma. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan rerata kadar IL-6 22,0060 pg/mL (SD 4,64494 pg/mL). Pasien didistribusikan relatif seragam dalam empat kategori yang terdeteksi (difus cedera II, III, V, dan VI) dari klasifikasi CT Marshall. Model regresi akhir terdiri dari IL-6, usia, dan cedera pada area temporal sebagai prediktor. Korelasi antara kadar IL-6 serum dan klasifikasi CT Marshall dianalisis dengan koefisien korelasi Spearman dan mendapatkan rs = -0,005 (P=0,491). Simpulan: Walaupun secara statistik tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar Il-6 serum dan CT Marshall namun keduanya secara konsisten meningkat mengikuti COBT dan dapat menjadi prediktor potensial untuk menentukan prognosis pada pasien dengan COBT.Kata kunci: IL-6, CT Marshall, COBT
Perbandingan Massa Tulang Sebelum dan Sesudah Melakukan Senam Zumba pada Wanita Dewasa Senduk, Madeleine N. W.; Polii, Hedison; Doda, Diana V. D.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23206


Abstract: Osteopenia commonly occurs in people over 50 years, however, several studies also showed that osteopenia affected young adults. Osteopenia can develop into osteoporosis. International Osteoporosis Foundation estimated that women in Indonesia had risk of developing osteoporosis four times greater than men. Osteopenia and osteoporosis can be prevented by physical exercise such as aerobic exercises inter alia Zumba exercise. This study was aimed to determine whether there was a difference in bone mass before and after 4-week Zumba exercise. This was an experimental study with one group pretest and posttest design conducted on 16 subjects of adult females in a fitness center in Manado, North Sulawesi. Zumba exercise was performed in 4 weeks. Bone mass before and after Zumba exercise was measured by using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). Data were analyzed with paired sample t-test. The results showed that the average of bone mass before Zumba exercise was 2.281 kg and the average of bone mass after Zumba exercise was 2.306 kg with a P value of 0.104. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in bone mass before and after 4-week Zumba exercise.Keywords: bone mass, Zumba exerciseAbstrak: Osteopenia umumnya terjadi pada orang berusia di atas 50 tahun, namun beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa osteopenia telah menyerang usia muda. Osteopenia dapat berlanjut menjadi osteoporosis. Menurut International Osteoporosis Foundation, risiko osteoporosis pada wanita di Indonesia 4 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan pria. Osteopenia dan osteoporosis dapat dicegah dengan melakukan aktivitas fisik seperti olahraga aerobik, antara lain senam Zumba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan massa tulang sebelum dan sesudah melakukan senam Zumba. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental lapangan dengan rancangan one group pretest dan posttest yang dilakukan pada 16 wanita dewasa pada salah satu pusat kebugaran di Manado, Sulawesi Utara. Senam Zumba dilaksanakan selama 4 minggu. Massa tulang sebelum dan sesudah senam Zumba diukur menggunakan Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). Uji statistik dilakukan menggunakan uji t berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata massa tulang sebelum senam Zumba 2,281 kg dan rerata massa tulang sesudah senam Zumba selama 4 minggu 2,306 kg dengan nilai P=0,104. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara massa tulang sebelum dan sesudah melakukan senam Zumba selama 4 minggu.Kata kunci: massa tulang, senam Zumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23211


Abstract: Serum level of interleukin 10 (IL-10) and the FOUR score have both been suggested as predictors for the outcomes after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Studies are limited, however, on how they are related to each other. This study was aimed to assess the relationship between serum level of IL-10 and the FOUR score in patients with severe TBI. This was an observational study with a cross sectional design. The study was conducted on 25 severe TBI patients with FOUR score of 0-14 consecutively admitted at the the Emergency Surgery Installation of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital. Classification of the hemorrhage location (extra-axial, intra-axial, both), hemisphere (midline/diffuse, dextral, sinistral), and area (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, multiple) was established by using CT scans. Venous blood sample for IL 10 was performed less than 24 hours after trauma. Binary logistic regression was used to model the relationship of interest, with covariates selected through stepwise forward selection. The results obtained 25 patients dominated by males (84%), with median age 31. Mean IL-10 was 107.3 pg/ml (SD 16.2 pg/ml). Median FOUR score was 10, with fairly equal proportion in the category of high (FOUR score 0-7; 48%) and moderate (FOUR score 8-14; 52%) mortality risks. Final regression model included age and injury on temporal area (yes, no) as covariates for IL-10. Adjusting for these variables, the average patients had about 1.12 (95% CI 1.01, 1.25) times higher odds for worse FOUR scores (0-7, high mortality risk) in each pg/ml addition of serum IL-10. Conclusion: The finding indicates that increased IL-10 level is a potential alternative to the lower FOUR score for predicting worse outcome in patients with severe TBI.Keywords: IL-10; FOUR score; TBIAbstrak: Interleukin 10 (IL-10) serum dan skor FOUR disarankan sebagai prediktor luaran setelah cedera otak akibat trauma (COT) berat namun penelitian mengenai hubungan keduanya masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan antara kadar IL-10 serum dan skor FOUR pada pasien dengan COT berat. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 25 pasien dengan COT berat dan skor FOUR 0-14 secara berurut masuk ke UGD Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou. Klasifikasi lokasi perdarahan (ekstra-aksial, intra-aksial, keduanya), hemisfer (garis tengah/difus, dekstra, sinistra), dan area (frontal, parietal, temporal, oksipital, multipel) ditetapkan dengan CT scan. Sampel darah vena untuk pemeriksaan IL-10 diambil kurang dari 24 jam setelah trauma. Regresi logistik biner digunakan pada model untuk hubungan ketertarikan dan kovariat stepwise forward. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 25 pasien didominasi oleh laki-laki (84%), median usia 31 tahun. Rerata IL-10 107,3 pg/ml (SD 16,2 pg/ml). Median skor FOUR 10 dengan proporsi berimbang pada kategori tinggi (skor FOUR 0-7; 48%) dan sedang (skor FOUR 8-14; 52%) risiko mortalitas. Model regresi akhir termasuk usia dan cedera area temporal (ya, tidak) sebagai kovariat untuk IL-10. Rata-rata pasien memiliki sekitar 1,12 (95% CI 1,01-1,25) kali peluang lebih tinggi untuk skor FOUR yang lebih buruk (0-7, risiko kematian tinggi) pada setiap peningkatan 1 pg/ml kadar IL-10 serum. Simpulan: Temuan ini menunjukkan peningkatan IL-10 sebagai alternatif potensial terhadap skor FOUR yang lebih rendah untuk memrediksi hasil yang lebih buruk pada pasien dengan COT berat.Kata kunci: IL-10, skor FOUR, COT
Neutrofil Darah Tepi pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Stadium Lanjut Sebelum dan Sesudah Dilakukan Tindakan Asri, Rizky; Pontoh, Victor; Merung, Marselus
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23213


Abstract: Worldwide, there were around 2.1 million breast cancer cases diagnosed in 2018. There was nearly 1 of 4 cancer cases among women with an incidence of 38,1 per 100.000 and mortality of 14,1 per 100.000. This study was aimed to determine whether there was a change in response score of systemic inflammation by using peripheral blood neutrophil level in female patients with advanced stage of breast cancer before and after treatment. This was an interventional analytical study with a cross sectional design, conducted at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. The results showed that there were 43 patients in the period of May 2018 to August 2018. The youngest age was 34 years and the oldest age was 70 years with a mean of 52.16 years (SD±10.002). The most frequent stage was III B (58.1%), followed by IIIC (25.6%), IIIA (11.6%), and IV (4.7%). Before treatment, the highest level of neutrophil was 55%, the lowest level was 12%, with a mean of 27.84% (SD±10.005). After treatment, the highest level of neutrophil was 45%, the lowest level was 11%, with a mean of 22.7% (SD±6.635). The paired-t test showed a very significant difference in peripheral blood neutrophil level between before and after treatment (P<0.001). Conclusion: There was a significant decrease of peripheral blood neutrophil level in breast cancer patients after treatment.Keywords: plasma neutrophil, advanced stage of breast cancerAbstrak: Di seluruh dunia, terdapat sekitar 2,1 juta kasus kanker payudara wanita yang didiagnosis pada tahun 2018, serta terhitung hampir 1 dari 4 kasus kanker di kalangan wanita dengan insidensi 38,1 per 100.000 dan kematian sebanyak 14,1 per 100.000. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menilai adanya perubahan skor respons peradangan sistemik dengan menggunakan kadar neutrofil darah tepi pada pasien kanker payudara stadium lanjut sebelum dan setelah terapi. Jenis penelitian ialah intervensional analitik dengan desain potong lintang, yang dilakukan di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 43 pasien sejak Mei 2018 s/d Agustus 2018. Usia termuda 34 tahun dan usia tertua 70 tahun dengan rerata usia 52,16 tahun (SD±10,002). Stadium terbanyak ialah stadium IIIB (58,1%), diikuti stadium IIIC (25,6%), stadium IIIA (11,6%), dan stadium IV (4,7%). Sebelum dilakukan tindakan didapatkan kadar neutrofil tertinggi 55%, kadar terendah 12%, dan rerata 27,84% (SD±10,005). Setelah dilakukan tindakan didapatkan kadar neutrofil tertinggi 45%, terendah 11%, dan rerata 22,7% (SD±6,635). Hasil uji t berpasangan mendapatkan perbedaan yang sangat bermakna dari kadar neutrofil sebelum dan sesudah terapi (P<0,001). Simpulan: Terdapat penurunan bermakna dari kadar neutrofil darah tepi pada pasien kanker payudara setelah dilakukan tindakan.Kata kunci: neutrofil darah tepi, kanker payudara stadium lanjut
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium sebagai Indikator Sepsis dan Syok Septik Purwanto, Diana S.; Astrawinata, Dalima A.W.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23204


Abstract: The complexity of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of sepsis involves almost all types of cells, tissues, and organ systems. Therefore, there are numbers of laboratory tests that can be used as biomarkers of sepsis and septic shock. Some widely used biomarkers are divided into groups of bacterial products, acute phase proteins, tissue hypoperfusion, coagulation mediators, cell surfaces, and cytokines.Keywords: sepsis, septic shock, biomarkersAbstrak: Kompleksnya patogenesis dan patofisiologi sepsis melibatkan hampir semua jenis sel, jaringan, dan sistem organ. Oleh karena itu, terdapat banyak parameter laboratorik yang dapat dijadikan biomarker sepsis dan syok septik. Berbagai biomarker yang banyak digunakan terbagi dalam kelompokan produk bakteri, protein fase akut, hipoperfusi jaringan, mediator koagulasi, permukaan sel, dan sitokin.Kata kunci: sepsis, syok septik, biomarker
Kadar Bilirubin, Alkalin Fosfatase, dan Gamma Glutamil Transpeptidase Serum sebagai Prediktor Batu Duktus Koledokus pada Pasien Batu Empedu Simtomatik Kaunang, Maria; Panelewen, Jimmy; Mambu, Toar
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23209


Abstract: Complications of the common bile duct stone occur in 10-15% of patients with gallstones. Bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) are routine laboratory tests performed on patients with gallstones. This study was aimed to determine whether bilirubin, ALP, and GGT serum could be used as predictors of common bile duct stone in patient with symptomatic gallstone at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado and its satellite hospitals. This was a prospective analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 38 patients with symptomatic gallstone that underwent definitive surgery. The bilirubin, ALP, and GGT serum levels were taken at presentation. Receiver operating character-istic curve analysis was used to determine optimal biochemical cut-off value of each parameter. The results showed that of 38 patients, 22 patients were male and 16 patients were female. The mean ages were 52 years in males and 47 years in females. There were 28 patients proven to have stones in common bile ducts. All parameters were proven to be effective in predicting common bile duct stone, as follows: bilirubin cut-off point was 1.6 U/L with sensitivity of 96.4% and specifity of 90%; ALP cut-off point was 114 U/L with sensitivity of 82.1% and specifity of 90%; and GGT cut-off point was 102.5 U/L with sensitivity of 85.7% and specifity of 90%. Conclusion: Bilirubin, ALP, and GGT serum levels can be used as predictors of common bile duct stone in patient with symptomatic gallstone.Keywords: bilirubin, ALP, GGT, common bile duct stoneAbstrak: Komplikasi batu duktus koledokus terjadi pada 10-15% pasien dengan batu empedu. Bilirubin, alkalin fosfatase (ALP), and gamma glutamil transpeptidase (GGT) merupakan pemerik-saan laboratorium rutin pada pasien dengan batu empedu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah bilirubin, ALP, dan GGT serum dapat dipakai sebagai prediktor batu duktus koledokus pada pasien dengan batu empedu simtomatik di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dan rumah sakit jejaringnya. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional analitik prospektif dengan desain potong lintang. Pemeriksaan kadar bilirubin, ALP, dan GGT serum dilakukan pada semua subyek saat didiagnosis batu empedu simtomatik. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis diguna-kan untuk menentukan nilai titik potong biokimia yang optimal dari setiap parameter. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 38 pasien dengan batu empedu simtomatik yang menjalani operasi definitif, terdiri dari 22 pasien laki-laki and 16 pasien perempuan. Rerata usia subyek ialah 52 tahun pada laki-laki dan 47 tahun pada perempuan. Terdapat 28 pasien terbukti dengan batu duktus koledokus. Semua parameter terbukti efektif dalam memrediksi batu doktus koledokus sebagai berikut: titik potong bilirubin serum 1,6 U/L dengan sensitivitas 96,4% and spesifitas 90%; titik potong ALP serum 114 U/L dengan sensitivitas 82,1% dan spesifitas 90%; titik potong GGT serum 102,5 U/L dengan sensitivitas 85,7% dan spesifitas 90%. Simpulan: Kadar bilirubin, ALP, dan GGT serum dapat dipakai sebagai prediktor batu duktus koledokus pada pasien dengan batu empedu simtomatik.Keywords: bilirubin, ALP, GGT, batu duktus koledokus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23207


Abstract: Traffic accident is one of the main cause of death in Indonesia. In 2013 across South East Asia, Indonesia was the first rank with 26,416 traffic accidents. Accidents that occur can cause injuries from the minor injuries, disability, and even death. Every case of a traffic accident has a different pattern of injury. This study was aimed to obtain the pattern of injuries due to traffic accident based on gender, age, victim?s role before the occurence of a traffic accident, injury type, and wound location. This was a descriptive retrospective study using data of postmortem report (visum et repertum) of the traffic accidents victims. The results showed that majority of the traffic accident victims were 26-35 years (21.05%). Males were more common than females (78.9% vs 21.1%). Most of victim roles was as motorcyclist (78.95%). The most common type of wounds among traffic accident victims was blister mainly located on the extremity, meanwhile in car passangers, the most common type of wound was bruise mainly located on the head. Conclusion: The majority of trafic accident victims were males aged 26-35 years. Most wounds were blister in the extremity followed by bruise on the head.Keywords: pattern of wounds, traffic accident casesAbstrak: Kecelakaan lalu lintas (KLL) merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian terbesar di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2013 dalam tingkatan Asia Tenggara, Indonesia menduduki peringkat pertama dengan 26.416 jumlah kejadian KLL. Kecelakaan yang terjadi dapat menyebabkan luka-luka dari luka ringan hingga terjadinya kecacatan pada korban bahkan yang paling fatal dapat menyebabkan kematian. Setiap kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas menyebabkan adanya ada suatu pola luka yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pola luka pada kasus KLL berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, peran korban sebelum terjadi KLL, jenis luka, dan lokasi luka. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang diambil dari visum et repertum (VeR) korban kecelakaan lalu lintas. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan mayoritas korban KLL berusia 26-35 tahun (21,05%). Korban berjenis kelamin laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perempuan (78,9% vs 21,1%). Peran korban KLL terbanyak ialah pengemudi sepeda motor (78,95%). Pola luka terbanyak pada korban KLL baik penge-mudi sepeda motor, yang dibonceng, dan pejalan kaki ialah luka lecet terutama di ekstremitas, sedangkan pada penumpang mobil ialah luka memar terutama di kepala. Simpulan: Mayoritas KLL ialah laki-laki usia 26-35 tahun dengan pola luka terbanyak ialah luka lecet di ekstremitas diikuti oleh luka memar di kepala.Kata kunci: pola luka, kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas
Kelengkapan Rekam Medik Kasus Kekerasan Fisik akibat Tindak Pidana di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Periode September 2017- Agustus 2018 Lumentut, Cherryl A.; Kristanto, Erwin G.; Siwu, James F.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23208


Abstract: Complete medical record is clearly important to health service of a hospital. In cases of violence, medical records play a significant role in law enforcement. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital is categorized as type A service hospital that has been fully accredited in 2015. Therefore, its medical personnels should be responsible for the completeness of each patient’s medical record, especially of violence cases. This study was aimed to determine the completeness of physical violence cases’ medical records due to criminal acts at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital in the period of September 2017-August 2018. This was a descriptive retrospective study. The results obtained as many as 40 cases of physical violence due to criminal acts. The medical record completeness of physical violence cases due to criminal acts were as follows: in Emergency Care 40%, inpatients 12%, surgery 58.82%, anesthesia/ sedation 45.45%, blood transfusion 66.67%, and informed consent 96.87%. Conclusion: In physical violence cases due to criminal acts, the medical record completeness with informed consent had higher percentage than the other medical record documents.Keywords: completeness of medical record, physical violence casesAbstrak: Kelengkapan rekam medik merupakan hal penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan dari suatu rumah sakit. Dalam kasus kekerasan, rekam medik berperan dalam penegakan hukum. RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou sebagai rumah sakit pelayanan tipe A yang telah terakreditasi paripurna pada tahun 2015, sudah seharusnya kelengkapan rekam medis bagi setiap pasien menjadi tanggung jawab tenaga medis terutama rekam medik kasus kekerasan yang ada di RSUP. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelengkapan rekam medik kasus kekerasan fisik akibat tindakan pidana di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou periode September 2017 - Agustus 2018. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 40 kasus kekerasan fisik akibat tindak pidana. Secara keseluruhan kelengkapan rekam medik pada kasus kekerasan fisik akibat tindak pidana di Instalasi Rawat Darurat sebesar 40%, rawat inap 12%, tindakan operatif 58,82%, tindakan anestesi/sedasi 45,45%, transfusi darah 66,67%, dan informed consent 96,87%. Simpulan: Pada kasus kekerasan fisik akibat tindakan pidana, kelengkapan rekam medik dengan informed consent memiliki persentase yang lebih tinggi daripada berkas rekam medik lainnya.Kata kunci: kelengkapan rekam medik, kasus kekerasan fisik
Penggunaan CONUT Score sebagai Prediktor Komplikasi Pasca Pem-bedahan Kanker Kolorektal di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Sundah, Hendry; Mambu, Toar; Tjandra, Ferdinand; Sapan, Heber B.; Sumanti, Winfrid M.
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 11, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.11.1.2019.23212


Abstract: Nutritional status is one of the factors that influence the metabolic and physiological conditions. Cancer patients, especially colorectal cancer (CRCA), will suffer from decreased nutritional status during their sickness. CONUT score is beneficial to evaluate the nutritional and immunity status of the patients and has been proved to correlate with post operative complications and length of stay. This study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between CONUT score and postoperative complications in CRCA patients. This was an analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 38 patients of CRCA that underwent operation and were admitted at Surgery Inpatients Installation of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. The result of logistic regression analysis indicated that there was a significant correlation between CONUT score and the risk of complication. The higher the CONUT score, the higher the risk of complication. The determination of complication diagnostic value based on CONUT score was obtained by using ROC curve. The ROC analysis showed that the AUC of CONUT score was 0.977 >0.700 and the cutoff point of CONUT score was 5.5. Patients with CONUT score >5.50 had a tendency to get postoperative complications with the sensitivity of 86.6%, specifity of 95.6%, and accuracy of 94.74%. Conclusion: CONUT score can be used as a screening method to predict the occurence of postoperative complications in CRCA patients.Kata kunci: colorectal cancer, CONUT score, postoperative complicationsAbstrak: Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi keadaan metabolik dan fisiologik ialah status nutrisi. Penderita kanker terlebih kanker kolorektal (KKR) akan mengalami pengurangan nutrisi selama perjalanan penyakit. CONUT score bermanfaat untuk mengevaluasi status gizi dan imunitas pasien serta terbukti berkolerasi dengan komplikasi serta jumlah hari rawat di rumah sakit pasca pembedahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan CONUT score dengan komplikasi pasca pembedahan KKR. Jenis penelitian ialah analitik obser-vasional dengan desain potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ialah 38 pasien KKR yang menjalani operasi dirawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap Bedah RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Hasil analisis regresi logistik menyatakan terdapat hubungan yang sangat bermakna antara CONUT score dan kejadian komplikasi. Hubungan ini menyatakan bahwa makin tinggi CONUT score makin besar risiko terjadinya komplikasi. Penentuan nilai diagnostik kom-plikasi berdasarkan CONUT score diperoleh melalui kurva ROC. Berdasarkan analisis ROC diperoleh AUC CONUT score 0,977 >0,700. Hasil analisis ROC memperoleh titik potong CONUT score = 5,5. Pasien dengan CONUT score >5,50 memiliki kecenderungan mengalami komplikasi dengan sensitivitas 86,6%, spesifitas 95,6%, dan nilai akurasi 94,74%. Simpulan: CONUT score dapat digunakan sebagai metode skrining untuk memrediksi terjadinya komplikasi pasca pembedahan kanker kolorektal.Kata kunci: karsinoma kolorektal (KKR), CONUT score, komplikasi pasca pembedahan

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