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Pax Humana adalah Jurnal Humaniora Yayasan Bina Darma yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Juni dan Desember). Jurnal ini hadir sebagai wadah pencerahan dan pemberdaya masyarakat atas dasar kasih dan perdamaian.
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Articles 114 Documents
Herman Johannes Ilmuwan dan Pejuang Dari Pulau Rote Wilson M A Therik
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Obituari Prof.Dr.Ir. Herman Johannes ini ditulis (lagi) dengan harapan agar generasi Indonesia sekarang (terutama generasi Y) maupun generasi yang akan datang tidak lupa akan sejarah perjuangan para pahlawan Indonesia yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari Talaud sampai Pulau Rote
Di Bawah Naungan Sang Kejora:"Nasionalisme" Papua Anti Indonesia? I Ngurah Suryawan
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 1 Jan (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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This paper discusses the thought and imagination that exist among somePapuans about what they call "Papuan nationalism". One of the symbols of"nationalism" is the Bintang Kejora Flag. Papuan People construct theirown social history which is always at odds with the effort to make thePapuans becomes Indonesian . The history of violence, suffering anddiscrimination of development in Papua had been planted into the soul ofpapuan people and that make different feelings such as anti Indonesia.This paper argues that the efforts of social movements for recognition ofhistory and identity of the Papuan people has become very important. One ofthe effort that could be done is to bring the history back which is "darkened"on Papua through the motions of writing papuans own history among thePapuans themselves.Keywords: nationalism, history, violence, social movements, identity
Dari Konsultan Diet Hingga Pensiunan Wilson M.A Therik
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Dari Konsultan Diet Hingga Pensiunan
Pembangunan Berbasis Identitas Budaya Nasional Victor Silaen
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 1 Jan (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Develops the nation is mean develop it human being. Develops human being is mean improves its culture. Because that basic, so the progress of a nation basically is re;lection of super power of it culture. So, how far the progress of economic, political, and all of progress that received a nation is depend on cultural value that preservation by its nation. For it, in the future, Indonesia must be create a cultural developing as most vital agenda and urgent agenda. It is mean all of policy of the government must be oriented to make good education and enlighten society over the education sector or other sector. Education is not just formal kind (school/higher education) but also non formal education (out of school or higher education). Because, through the education logic and potential of human being can be improved. And, if both of it improving can cause human being be creative and innovative. This is the big and important capital in development. In other side, Indonesian nationalism also must be stabilizing, and must be based on democracy that facilited the same participation space to every person in society and honour the human right and law. Keywords:Culture, the values of culture, religion, national culture, evelopment.
Dari Redaksi Pax Humana
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Pengantar Redaksi Pax Humana
Peran Pemerintah Serta Pemuka Agama Dalam Membentuk Perilaku Masyarakat Salatiga Untuk Hidup Berdampingan Melalui Tagline “Kota Salatiga Hati Beriman” Hartika, Martania; Kristiyani, Dian Novita
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Pemerintah kota memiliki peran khusus terhadap perilaku masyarakatnya, begitu juga dengan pemuka agama. Bagi masyarakat kota Salatiga perilaku untuk dapat hidup rukun berdampingan merupakan kebiasaan hidup bermasyarakat. Tidak mudah bagi sebuah kota menciptakan situasi yang kondusif ditengah isu keagamaan yang memanas, hingga mampu meraih prestasi sebagai kota paling toleran no 2 di Indonesia. Selain itu makna dari tagline kota Salatiga seolah memiliki keterkaitan dengan perilaku masyarakat dan prestasi yang telah diraih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai peran pemerintah kota Salatiga dalam menata warganya untuk hidup sesuai tagline kota Salatiga Hati Beriman, dan menjelaskan peran pemuka agama kota Salatiga dalam mengendalikan pengikutnya untuk tetap hidup damai dan rukun saling berdampingan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskritif, dan data utama diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam dengan pemerintah kota dan pemuka agama. Meskipun faktanya masyarakat sudah memiliki kebiasaan hidup saling berdampingan sejak dini, namun pemerintah kota memiliki tanggung jawab dalam prestasi toleransi dan pemuka agama memiliki tanggung jawab dalam budaya toleransi. Pemerintah kota sudah dengan baik menjalankan perannya sebagai koordinator bagi pemuka agama dalam menjalankan setiap aktivitasnya yang berpedoman dengan makna tagline. Begitu juga dengan pemuka agama yang dengan baik berperan sebagai kontributor dalam upaya membudayakan toleransi. Keduanya telah berupaya menciptakan kehidupan kota yang mampu saling berdampingan dan bertoleransi. Kata kunci : Tagline, Manajemen komunikasi, Dialog interreligius, Perilaku masyarakat, Pluralisme.
Transformasi Peranan Aktor Dalam Virtual Movement (Studi Kasus Petisi #sayaKPK melalui Sih Natalia Sukmi
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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New media provide opportunities of new interaction patterns in raising collective action. This study seeks to explain how actors play a role in the movement of the virtual movement to create the success of the movement. Actor Network Theory Perspective be used as a paradigm of thinking. The method used is qualitative case study #sayaKPK uploaded petition through Results of the study revealed that ANT applied in such cases. This perspective suggests that the actor who plays the movement is not only meant as a human being, but also material and texts are interconnected in a network that hyperconnected. Keywords: Virtual, Movement, ANT
Strategi 5758 (Maju Mapan) Salatiga dalam Mengatasi Krisis Corporate Image Valiani Vava Sahara
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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The crisis is an unstable condition and a damaging impact on an organization, as well as the crisis in Super Store 5758 (Maju Mapan) Salatiga due to a case on the alleged sale of reconditioning smartphone that ensnared the owner. This case makes Maju Mapan image tarnished and demanding to pursue a strategy to overcome the crisis of corporate image. To view, the strategy used the descriptive qualitative method. The findings of this study indicate that the crisis management strategy based on a spontaneous idea from the management team of Maju Mapan when the case occurred and the crisis began to appear on the stage of the crisis. Once the case is completed and crisis entered in cleaning phase, the handler of crisis strategy was taken over by the owner to rebuilds relationships with the media, customers, and business partners. This research resulted in a new model of crisis management strategy in managing the crisis of corporate image to the trust was built in the public mind.Keywords: crisis, crisis management, corporate image, crisis strategy of 5758
Konsekuensi Distorsi Komunikasi dalam Kepemimpinan (Telaah terhadap Narasi Pembantaian Anak-anak oleh Herodes Agung dalam Matius 2:1-18) Albert Josua P. Maliogha
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 1 Jan (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Communication in leadership have strategic role for reach the aim of a leader. But, communication in leadership also able to distorted to be a tool of propaganda wich manipilative to justice a pressure and deadly leadership, in the same time to secure their authority. Thus the practice of turns made by Herod the Great when respons the Christ is born. Feel afraid that political impact of Christ able to disturb his authority and threat his leadership. The Great Herod open communication sphere with the Magi and the Jewish Religious Leaders to know something about Christ. Through an interdisciplinary approach this writing will highlight a distortion of communication which do by The King of Great Herod in the naration of Mattew 2: 1-18 especially in the motive of assumtion frame an communication that although procedurally was hold many part, but ironically precisely a tool to fullFill maintain a political interests by killing innocent children. This writing aims to give illustration about the face of choice of leadership model that despotic which often manipulate communication for leader interests and its implication for leadership. Keywords: communication, distortion of communication, The Great Herod, authority, Children killing.
Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender (LGBT) dan Keadilan Sosial Jeanete Ophilia Papilaya
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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LGBT singkatan dari Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender. Individu yang termasuk dalam kaum LGBT jumlahnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan kaum heteroseksual. Kaum LGBT seringkali mendapatkan serta menerima pandangan negatif, prasangka, serta kebencian dari lingkungan. Seperti kelompok yang termarginalkan lainnya, kaum LGBT mengalami penolakan, kekerasan, dan diskriminasi di berbagai area seperti pekerjaan, sekolah, layanan kesehatan, dan hak asasi mereka. Di Indonesia masih ada beberapa produk hukum di tingkat nasional maupun daerah yang mendiskriminasikan kelompok LGBT. Padahal jelas ada Pancasila sebagai dasar Negara Indonesia, pada sila ke-5 serta Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia (DUHAM). Bentuk ketidak adilan yang dialami dan dirasakan oleh kaum LGBT yaitu stigma, diskrimminasi, dan kekerasan. Bentuk lain dari diskriminasi dan penindasan yang secara eksplisit didukung oleh Undang-Undang mengakibatkan orang LGBT tidak dapat menikmati hak-hak dan perlindungan yang seharusnya mereka rasakan. Semua diskriminasi terhadap kaum LGBT disebabkan olehstigma sosial yang dihasilkan dari doktrin dan pemahaman agama yang konservatif. Diskriminasi dan intoleransi masih terus menjadi konstruksi sosial dan pandangan dominan masyarakat terhadap kaum LGBT. Untuk dapat mewujudkan keadilan sosial dan tidak menindas kelompok minoritas serta mengembangkan budaya toleransi bisa ditempuh melalui pendidikan, perbaikan regulasi dan sejumlah kebijakan oleh pemerintah, serta partisipasi masyarakat dalam memahami kaum LGBT.AbstractLGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. Individuals included in the LGBT considerably less than heterosexuals. LGBT people often get and receive a negative view, prejudice, and hatred from the society. Like an other marginalized groups, LGBT people have a rejection, violence, and discrimination in various areas such as jobs, schools, health services, and human rights. In Indonesia, there are still some legal products that discriminate against LGBT. And clearly there is Pancasila as the Principle of Indonesia, on the 5th and the precepts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Forms of injustice experienced and felt by the LGBT that stigma, discrimination, and violence. Other forms of discrimination and oppression that is explicitly supported by the Act resulted LGBT people can not enjoy the rights and protections that should they feel. The all discrimination to LGBT caused by social stigma resulting from doctrine and conservative religious understanding. Discrimination and intolerance continues to be the dominant view of social construction and community against LGBT. In order to realize social justice and not oppress minorities and develop a culture of tolerance can be achieved through education, improved regulation and a number of policy by the government, and the participation of the community in understanding LGBT.Keyword : LGBT, social justice, discrimination, violence

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