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Pax Humana adalah Jurnal Humaniora Yayasan Bina Darma yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Juni dan Desember). Jurnal ini hadir sebagai wadah pencerahan dan pemberdaya masyarakat atas dasar kasih dan perdamaian.
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Articles 114 Documents
Radikalisme dan Terorisme di Indonesia dari Masa ke Masa (Tinjauan dari Perspektif Kewarganegaraan) Yosaphat Haris Nurasarastriya
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 2 Mei (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Abstract"Radicalism and terrorism occurred in Indonesia from time to time with different motif, backgrounds, and display. Viewed from the perspective of citizenship radicalism, terrorism is a concept that includes how to think, and behave. One study based on the perspective of citizenship is about thinking of citizenship itself. It is closely related to the three elements of civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic virtue. Radicalism and terrorism viewed from the perspective of citizenship is a problem in a democracy and state of law. Each country demanded democracy and legal state principles of democracy while the principles of law will bring good life together as a nation or state.Keywords: Radicalism, Terrorism, Perspective, Citizenship
Resensi Buku (The Ethics of Violence in the Bible) Irene Ludji
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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The Ethics of Violence in the Bible
Paradoks- penerimaan diri dan eksistensi (lesbian) Dian Novita Kristiyani
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Penolakan dan diskriminasi masih sering di dapatkan oleh lesbian. Kehadiran lesbian belum sepenuhnya diterima, dengan fakta tersebut maka banyak gerakan baik personal, kelompok maupun organisasi yang menyuaran pengakuan dan pemenuhan HAM. Faktanya keberadaan homoseksual (lesbian) telah sejak lama ada di dunia ini. Penolakan membawa dampak yang cukup besar bagi lesbian, proses penerimaan diri (coming in) akan terasa sangat sulit ketika lingkungan sosial belum bisa menerima diri seorang lesbian dengan orientasi seksualnya. Jika penerimaan diri belum tercapai maka eksistensi diri seseorang lesbian sebagai manusia juga sulit untuk tercapai. Nilai dan makna atas diri menjadi dinamika batin yang terus bergejolak. Pemahaman seksualitas yang tidak utuh bagi sebagian masyarakat menjadi satu faktor sulitnya lesbian diterima sebagai bagian dari masyarakat. Hal tersebut membawa dampak pada kehidupan lesbian, kini orientasi seksual bertransformasi ke ruang publik, tidak lagi menjadi ruang privat seseorang. Kontrol atas orientasi seksual terjadi, tidak hanya di masyarakat saja namun Negara juga melakuknnya. Realitas tersebut membuat kehidupan lesbian semakin dinamis dan kompleks. Proses penerimaan diri (coming in) menjadi awal bagi seorang lesbian untuk memulai proses selanjutnya hingga tahap eksistensi diri dan aktualisasi diri. Memiliki makna dan nilai atas diri sendiri bukan berdasar atas nilai yang orang lain berikan. Kata Kunci : Lesbian, Penerimaan Diri, Eksistensi Diri, Dinamika Kehidupan
Gereja: Komunitas yang Bersahabat Handri Jonathan
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Resensi buku: Brian Edgar, God is Friendship: A Theology of Spirituality, Community, and Society
Demokrasi dan Hukum dalam Bingkai Wawasan Kebangsaan Christina Maya Indah
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Democracy need law supremacy that guarantee of equality, respect for human right, justice, protection, and respect for civil and political right in the frame of unity in diversity perspective. Nation perspective intent to be a culture in democracy and law as the institution of multicultural society. Democracy refuses destructive harmonization in the perspective of nation. Monoculturalism politic, domination, hegemony, radicalism, stereotype, discrimination, majority and minority dichotomy with support by law of sectarian are an anomaly of democracy in multiculturalization condition. The respect of dignity human being in law only can be built as long as no relation sectarianism in group ideology with politic af?iliation, and politics of recognition of multiculturalism according Pancasila as the source of source of law. In the frame of nation perspective, democracy will be characterized of law which agree with peace building. Revitalization of nation perspective can be done through dissemination of peace education in order to reach solidarity and tolerancy as the public awareness. Keywords: Democracy, Law, Nation, Perspective
Demokrasi Jokowian dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Boni Hargens; Richard G Mayopu
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 1 Jan (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Politics as a symbolic system had been provided space for analysts to contribute their argument. Very diverse symbolic Systems has different interpretations. Therefore, this paper is concern to see the symbol in Christianity is actually more complex when associated with Christian leadership. Challenges and obstacles also come off in form of political communication in the form of distortion that is built on the basis of Christian leadership. Jokowian which is the introduction of a new model of leadership to the Indonesian context is also available as an answer to the question of how leadership can be embedded in the soul of Christian leaders in Indonesia?. And that is the spirit of transformational leadership. Keywords: Symbol, Distortion, and Transformational leadership.
Antara HAK, Agama, dan Komunikasi Rini Darmastuti
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Jurnalisme Antar Budaya Sebagai Jalan Menuju Toleransi Berbangsa dan Bernegara Richard G Mayopu
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 3 Sep (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Indonesian Journalism has shown increased after the collapse of new order. Freedom of the press who fought for so long, successfully obtained with full of struggle. However, the use of freedom of the press is apparently still erroneous and inaccurate. The mass media are supposed to be part of the development of the nations character and religious tolerance, but in Fact, Mass media gave the impression that they did not care about the impact of journalism message. This article aims to explain and describe how tolerance in Indonesia could be built and escorted by journalism in Indonesia. Finally, the results of this paper is that the use of the phrase journalism shows that is not aware of the cultural diversity, and this things would be a time bomb in Indonesian society of tolerance and diversity.Keywords:Jurnalism, Culture, Tolerance
Strategi Pengembangan Pendidikan Melalui Aktor-Aktor Non Pemerintah Jeane Diana Talakua; Pamerdi Giri Wiloso; Wilson M.A Therik
PAX HUMANA Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang kerjasama yang terjadi antara aktor-aktor non pemerintah (non government).Salah satunya yang dilakukan oleh SMA Kristen 1 Salatiga dan Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Mandarin Sha Hua dengan Overseas China Affairs. Dua hal penting yang melatarbelakangi penulisan ini adalah kuatnya mitra Indonesia-China dan yang kedua kemunculan aktor-aktor non pemerintah dalam hubungan kerjasama antar negara menjadi hal yang menarik bagi isu pembangunan.Dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan tentang sejarah, proses, potensi hingga kesuksesaan aktor-aktor tersebut dalam pengembangan pendidikan melalui beasiswa.
Di Bawah Naungan Sang Kejora:"Nasionalisme" Papua Anti Indonesia? I Ngurah Suryawan
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 1 Jan (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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This paper discusses the thought and imagination that exist among some Papuans about what they call "Papuan nationalism". One of the symbols of "nationalism" is the Bintang Kejora Flag. Papuan People construct their own social history which is always at odds with the effort to make the Papuans becomes Indonesian . The history of violence, suffering and discrimination of development in Papua had been planted into the soul of papuan people and that make different feelings such as anti Indonesia. This paper argues that the efforts of social movements for recognition of history and identity of the Papuan people has become very important. One of the effort that could be done is to bring the history back which is "darkened" on Papua through the motions of writing papuans own history among the Papuans themselves. Keywords: nationalism, history, violence, social movements, identity

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