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U Karst
Published by Universitas Kadiri
ISSN : 25794620     EISSN : 25810855     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
U KaRsT is a journal of the civil engineering research the University of Kadiri published twice a year in April and November. First published in April 2017. U KaRsT already has both ISSN printed and online, for ISSN (Print) is 2579-4620, and ISSN (Online) is 2581-0855.
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Articles 243 Documents
Penilaian Risiko K3 dengan Metode HIRARC Erick Triswandana
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.092 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.788


The Work of Building F3 in the Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences (FKIK) Warmadewa University applied SMK3 to the construction process. Risk identification and assessment have not used the HIRARC method as a basis for mitigation. From this problem, the author considers it necessary to carry out a K3 risk assessment using the HIRARC method to know the potential hazard value of the construction work. Using descriptive quantitative research methods for the approach to risk identification using HIRARC is used to rank each risk. The results of the analysis explained the percentage of high-risk work rankings of each work item including earthworks having a rate of 20%, foundation work by 25%, structural work by 30%, roof work by 31%, finishing work by 25%, electrical work, and plumbing by 12%. While from a total of 65 risks identified, it is known that 25% risk has a high-risk rating, 43% risk has a moderate risk rating, and 32% of threats has a low-risk rating.Pekerjaan Pembangunan Gedung F3 Fakultas Kedokteran Ilmu Kesehatan (FKIK) Universitas Warmadewa menerapkan SMK3 pada proses konstruksinya. Identifikasi dan penilaian risikonya belum menggunakan metode HIRARC sebagai landasan melakukan mitigasi. Dari permasalahan itu, penulis menganggap perlu melakukan assessment risiko K3 menggunakan metode HIRARC dengan tujuan mengetahui potensi nilai bahaya pekerjaan konstruksi tersebut. Menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dilakukan pendekatan terhadap identifikasi risiko menggunakan HIRARC untuk memperoleh peringkat setiap risikonya. Hasil analisis menerangkan besarnya persentase peringkat pekerjaan risiko tinggi dari masing masing item pekerjaan diantaranya pekerjaan tanah memiliki persentase sebesar 20%, pekerjaan pondasi sebesar 25%, pekerjaan struktur sebesar 30%, pekerjaan atap sebesar 31%, pekerjaan finishingsebesar 25%, pekerjaan elektrical dan plumbing sebesar 12%. Sedangkan dari total 65 risiko yang teridentifikasi, diketahui bahwa sebesar 25% risiko memiliki peringkat tinggi,  43% memiliki peringkat sedang, dan 32% memiliki peringkat rendah.
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (992.861 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.697


Concrete becomes a building material that has an important role and is in great demand. Composite materials concrete that is easily obtained is the advantages of concrete today. The specific gravity of concrete depends on the material making up of concrete. The smaller specific gravity of concrete will make the concrete have a lightweight; this will affect the dead load of the building. This research aims to find out how the process and also the effect of styrofoam mixture using Bengawan Solo River sand with the initial quality used is K-250. The research method used is the experimental method and even the study of previous research theories. Test specimens used are cylindrical, with variations in the percentage of the addition of styrofoam 0%, 1%, and 1.5%. Compressive strength testing is performed at the age of 7 days of concrete. The test results show that the addition of styrofoam in a concrete mixture affects the compressive strength of concrete, with the addition of styrofoam the percentage of 1% obtains a compressive strength of 21.899 MPa, while the addition of styrofoam percentage of 1% obtains a compressive strength of 20.453 MPaBeton menjadi material bangunan yang memeiliki peran penting dan banyak diminati. Material penyusun beton yang mudah didapatkan menjadi keunggulan beton saat ini. Berat jenis beton bergantung pada material penyusun beton. Berat jenis beton yang lebih kecil akan membuat beton memiliki bobot yang ringan, hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pada beban mati bangunan. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses dan pengaruh campuran styrofoam menggunakan pasir Sungai Bengawan Solo dengan mutu awal yang dgunakan yaitu K-250. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimental dan juga kajian teori penelitian terdahulu. Benda uji yang digunakan berbentuk silinder dengan variasi prosentase penambahan styrofoam 0%, 1% dan 1.5%. Pengujian kuat tekan dilakukan saat umur beton 7 hari. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penambahan styrofoam dalam campuran beton mempengaruhi kuat tekan beton,  dengan  penambahan  styrofoam prosentase 1% memperoleh kuat tekan sebesar 21,899 MPa, sedangkan penambahan styrofoam prosentase 1% memperoleh kuat tekan sebesar 20,453 Mpa. 
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1320.454 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.793


Design of building structure always related to the foundation, field testing is often done to test the bearing capacity of the soil in the form of a cone penetration test (CPT) and a standard penetration test (SPT). From the two field tests that are often done, it is necessary to research the amount of bearing capacity obtained through CPT and SPT data. This study uses a bearing capacity analysis of the pile foundation using CPT and SPT data in Pesanggaran, Bali, Indonesia. The analysis was carried out by comparing the bearing capacity of pile foundations using pile foundations with dimensions of 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm at a level of 10 meters. The results of the bearing capacity percentage are then compared. From the analysis conducted, the bearing capacity of pile foundations using CPT data has a higher value than the carrying capacity of poles using SPT data with a bearing capacity difference of 10,4-16,3%.Perancangan suatu struktur erat kaitannya dengan fondasi, pengujian lapangan yang sering dilakukan untuk mengetahui daya dukung fondasi berupa cone penetration test (CPT) dan standard penetration test (SPT). Dari dua pengujian lapangan yang sering dilakukan, maka perlu dilakukan dilakukan penelitian mengenai seberapa besar perbedaan hasil daya dukung yang diperoleh melalui data CPT dan SPT. Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan analisis daya dukung fondasi tiang dengan menggunakan data CPT dan SPT di Pesanggaran, Bali, Indonesia. Analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan daya dukung fondasi tiang menggunakan fondasi tiang berdimensi 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, dan 30 cm pada kedalaman 10 meter. Hasil persentase daya dukung yang diperoleh kemudian dibandingkan. Dari analisis yang dilakukan, diperoleh daya dukung fondasi tiang menggunakan data CPT memiliki nilai lebih tinggi daripada daya dukung tiang menggunakan data SPT dengan perbedaan daya dukung 10,4-16,3%.
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (980.895 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.661


Bamboo has 1.000-4.000 kg/cm2 tensile strength, so it becomes a substitute for reinforced concrete steel reinforcement. Makes bamboo has the potential to continue to be developed as a construction material not only for simple buildings but for more complex buildings. The elastic nature of bamboo, the bamboo structure has a high resistance to both wind and earthquake, where the MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) of 178.758 kg/cm2, MOR (Modulus of Rupture) of 886 kg/cm2, and compressive strength of 347 kg of fiber parallel on cm2. Analysis using SNI 1727-2013 for loading, SNI 1726-2012 for earthquake loading. Modeling and analysis of internal forces on structures using the software Sap2000 ver.15. The results of the upper structure of the dimensions of the bamboo frame diameter  120 mm and bamboo rafts diameter  80 mm. The superstructure on the bamboo column diameter  150 mm and bamboo beam diameter 150 mm. Planning bamboo plates with diameter  80 mm. Substructure with concrete material the size of the footing 0.8 m x 0.8 m and 1.2 m x 1.2 m for anchor planning using bolt dimensions 12.7 mm with the number of bolts as many as two pieces.Bambu memiliki kekuatan Tarik sebesar 1.000-4.000 kg/cm2 atau setara dengan besi baja kualitas sedang sehingga dapat menjadi pengganti tulangan baja beton bertulang. Hal ini membuat bambu memiliki potensi untuk terus dikembangkan sebagai material konstruksi bukan hanya untuk bangunan yang sederhana namun untuk bangunan yang lebih kompleks. Sifat bambu yang elastis, struktur bambu mempunyai ketahanan yang tinggi baik terhadap angin maupun gempa, dimana MOE (Modulus of Elasticity) sebesar 178,758 kg/cm2, MOR (Modulus of Rupture) sebesar 886 kg/cm2, dan kuat  tekan sejajar serat sebesar 347 kg/cm2. Analisa dengan menggunakan SNI 1727-2013 untuk pembebanan, SNI 1726-2012  untuk  pembebanan  gempa.  Pemodelan   dan  analisa  gaya dalam pada struktur dengan bentuan software Sap2000 ver.15. Hasil upper struktur dimensi kuda–kuda bambu 120 mm diameter baut 15 mm sejumlah 1, usuk bambu diameter 80 mm, baut 8 mm berjumlah 1 buah. Super struktur pada kolom bambu berdiameter 150 mm dan balok bambu dengan  diameter  150 mm menggunakan  Perencanaan plat bambu dengan diameter 80 mm. Sub struktur dengan  bahan beton ukuran pondasi telapak 0,8 m x 0,8 m dan 1,2 m x 1,2 m untuk perencanaan angkur menggunakan diemensi baut 12,7 mm dengan jumlah baut yaitu sebanyak 2 buah.  
Comparison of Pushover Method and Direct Displacement Method in Earthquake Load Analysis with Performance-Based Design Concepts I Nengah Sinarta; I Made Bagastia Pinandika
U Karst Vol 4, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3190.633 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i2.1025


The development of earthquake-resistant building designs led to developing an analysis method for earthquake loads, one of the performance-based methods. This method uses structural displacement as an approach. The purpose of this analysis method was to guarantee the structure's performance so that it will be able to withstand forces due to earthquake loads. In this paper, an analysis of a building structure's design was more reliable with applicable regulations in Indonesia and determined building performance based on FEMA 356. The study was carried out using the direct displacement method and the pushover analysis method, with the displacement targets and structure performance levels being compared with each other. Based on these results, it can conclude that the use of the direct displacement method and pushover analysis can produce almost the same displacement target values and structure performance levels. Comparison using pushover analysis design performance targets can be fulfilled so that the Direct Displacement Based Design Method can be used in structures. The total displacement value of the x-x (δT) direction is 0.300 m, and the y-y course is 0.115 m.
Study of Anisotropy Characteristics of Bogor Volcanic Soil Yusi Sulastri; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol 5, No 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2700.687 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i1.1137


Anisotropy in soil results from the deposition process which describes the characteristics of the soil grains or is caused by stress or from the consequences of stresses caused during deposition and subsequent erosion. All soils behave in general anisotropy and some exhibit undrained shear strength. This study conducted 2 tests, namely the first field testing with original soil samples in the form of CPTu and dilatometer. The CPTu test's objective is to determine the vertical soil parameters, while the dilatometer is to determine the horizontal soil parameters. This study indicates that the indication of anisotropy in all shear strength tests is evident in the results of the CPTu test and the Dilatometer test. TX - UU and consolidation show that the horizontal shear strength (Suh) is greater than the vertical slope shear strength (Suv). In this case, the ratio obtained for shear strength is Suh = 1.3 Suv. And from the results of the consolidation test in the laboratory, it was found that the horizontal compression index parameter  (Cc horizontal) was greater than the vertical (Cc vertical) and the horizontal coefficient of consolidation (Ch) is greater than the vertical coefficient of consolidation (Cv).
Measurement Of Occupational Safety And Health Risk Levels Of Kadiri University LP3M Building Sony Susanto; Hendy Hendy; Budi Winarno; Agata Iwan Candra
U Karst Vol 4, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2983.938 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i2.782


Construction work for high rise buildings is a dense work activity with a high level of risk. The purpose of this research is that construction of the building takes place in the middle of lecture activities where many students, lecturers, and staff carry out activities in the campus environment, considering that construction projects are generally vulnerable to work accidents. This study investigated the identification, K3 risk assessment, and how to control OHS risks in Kadiri University LP3M building projects. The assessment method uses a matrix sourced from AS / NZS 4360: 2004. The study population numbered 58 workers ranging from workers, artisans, project guards, forepersons, executors, and office staff. The sample in this study amounted to 38 respondents. Data collected from questionnaires to respondents. The results of the study showed that immovable/ tripped objects with a risk index of 20 included a very high-risk classification, high-risk classification of 4 variables, classification at medium risk level as many as ten variables can endanger workers and jobs while classification at a low-risk level as much as two variables.
Development Study of T-Z Curve Generated from Kentledge System and Bidirectional Test Nisa Utami Rachmayanti; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol 5, No 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3869.756 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i1.1090


Pile loading tests to check the bearing capacity to support large loads. We can also use it to measure its deflection under lateral load.  There  are  two  tests:  the  axial  static  pile  load  test (Kentledge)  and  the  two-directional  static  pile  load  test (Bidirectional).  T-Z  curve  as  the  result  analysis  based  on  the instrumented  pile  test  data  describes  the  load  distribution  and mobilized skin friction along with the pile. Numbers of Vibrating Wire  Strain  Gauge  (VWSG)  mounted  in  several  depths  of  the bored  pile  and  two  tell-tale  on  top  and  toe  of  the  pile  used  as primary  data  in  this  research.  This  research  to  determine  the different  distribution  of  mobilized  skin  friction.  The  pile  from two different pile load test methods from the calculated t-z curve as  the  study  developed  from  both  methods  of  pile  test.  The research results that the kentledge system has bigger mobilized skin friction than in bidirectional test.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF LOCAL SOLID WOOD POST-FIRE BEHAVIOUR Ni Nyoman Kencanawati; B Anshari; J Fajrin; Hariyadi Hariyadi; A Beriman
U Karst Vol 4, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i2.909


When wood structures are exposed to high temperatures, they will decompose to provide a char layer and pyrolysis zone, an insulating material that inhibits further degradation. This experimental study aims to determine the char thickness and pyrolysis of solid wood exposed to fire for 30, 45, and 60 minutes. The post-fire shear strength has also been evaluated. The solid woods were locally from Nusa Tenggara Island, namely Jati Putih, Bajur, and Rajumas. According to the Indonesian National Standard of the heating curve for structures, the temperature growth was SNI-1741: 2008. Obtained The char layer's highest average thickness was within 60 minutes of combustion with the highest temperature of 1055oC. The char layer for Jati Putih, Bajur, and Rajumas are 2.12 mm, 7.89 mm, and 6.53 mm. Meanwhile, the pyrolysis layers are 8.78 mm, 9.13 mm, and 14.82 mm, respectively, for Jati Putih, Bajur, and Rajumas. Besides, the post-fire shear strength of all wood species shows an increase in shear strength in the core. Wood can still sustain the load during a fire because there is a char layer preventing the core section from immediately exposed to the fire.    
Performance Assessment of Bondoyudo Watershed Management Hery Budi Sulaksono; Gusfan Halik; Retno Utami Agung Wiyono
U Karst Vol 5, No 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3148.738 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i1.1429


Continues decrease of vegetation will result in a high erosion and sedimentation rate in the Bondoyudo watershed. This will result in reduced water retention capacity and accelerate land degradation. This study aims to monitor and evaluate the performance conditions of the Bondoyudo watershed according to the assessment parameters of the weighting criteria, which include land criteria, water management criteria, socio-economic criteria, water construction investment criteria, and space utilization criteria. Information about the upper part, middle part, and lower part of Bondoyudo River is collected from primary data, secondary data, and analysis results. The score of the watershed evaluation's carrying capacity is obtained from the results of the analysis from each weighting and scoring value of each criterion and sub-criteria. Watershed performance classifications are obtained by adding up the scores of each criterion. The watershed classification's total score is 103.25, which is classified as a medium recovery level category. It necessary to manage and restore the carrying capacity of the Bondoyudo watershed in supporting the development of water resources so that there is no decline in the performance of the Bondoyudowathersed. Recommended activity plans are water resources conservation, and utilization integrated control and involving stakeholders in watershed management

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