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U Karst
Published by Universitas Kadiri
ISSN : 25794620     EISSN : 25810855     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
U KaRsT is a journal of the civil engineering research the University of Kadiri published twice a year in April and November. First published in April 2017. U KaRsT already has both ISSN printed and online, for ISSN (Print) is 2579-4620, and ISSN (Online) is 2581-0855.
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Articles 243 Documents
U Karst Vol 3, No 1 (2019): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.875 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v3i1.349


This study aims to know and analyze how strong the influence of additional water hyacinth fiber to the compressive strength of the K-200 paving block. The method used in this study is the experimental method, with the comparison of mix design referring to the comparison of concrete quality mixture K-200 (SNI 7394-2008). The result is K-200 paving block decreases its compressive strength after given the mixture of water hyacinth fiber. The percentage of the lowest decrease is in the 0,2 mixture of 55,69% and the highest decrease is in the mixture of 0,8 with the declining percentage of 82,39%. The score of compressive strength for each test object is: Normal of 209,53 kg/cm², 2% of 92,86 kg/cm², 4% of 84,53 kg/cm², 6% of 58,33 kg/cm², and 8% of 36,90 kg/cm². The relationship of non-linear regression can be seen in R² = 1 on polynomial order 4. Paving block with code objects test “Normal” classified as in the quality of paving block B with compressive strength of 209,53 kg/cm² (17,03 Mpa), while for paving block with extra water hyacinth fiber, it is below the compressive strength standard according to SNI 03-0691-1996. Keywords: Rigid Pavement; Paving Block; Water Hyacinth; Compressive StrengthPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis seberapa kuat pengaruh penambahan serat eceng gondok terhadap kuat tekan paving block K-200. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen, dengan perbandingan rujukan desain campuran dengan perbandingan kualitas campuran beton K-200 (SNI 7394-2008). Hasilnya adalah paving block K-200 mengurangi kekuatan tekannya setelah diberi campuran serat eceng gondok. Prosentase penurunan terendah adalah pada campuran 0,2 sebesar 55,69% dan penurunan tertinggi pada campuran sebesar 0,8 dengan presentase penurunan sebesar 82,39%. Skor kuat tekan untuk setiap benda uji adalah: Normal 209,53 kg / cm², 2% dari 92,86 kg / cm², 4% dari 84,53 kg / cm², 6% dari 58,33 kg / cm², dan 8% dari 36,90 kg / cm². Hubungan regresi non-linear dapat dilihat pada R² = 1 pada polinomial orde 4. Paving block dengan dengan kode objek tes "Normal" diklasifikasikan sebagai kualitas paving block B dengan kekuatan tekan 209,53 kg / cm² (17 , 03 Mpa), sedangkan untuk paving block dengan serat eceng gondok ekstra air, berada di bawah standar kuat tekan sesuai SNI 03-0691-1996. Kata Kunci: Perkerasan Kaku; Blok Paving; Eceng Gondok; Kekuatan Kompresif.
U Karst Vol 1, No 2 (2017): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.603 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/u karst.v1i2.411


Concrete has many classifications and characteristics, from low-quality, medium to high-quality concrete. Along with the development of technology today many types of materials and mixtures are used. Additional materials include concrete that is not used. Tests of test objects in this study used a mixture of 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The variation is carried out at the age of 7, 21, and 28 days with the parameters used are only compressive strength. The results showed that the average compressive strength of concrete in each variation was 10% (22,155Mpa), 15% (17,514 Mpa), 20% (15,271 Mpa) and 25% (12,714 Mpa). With the target of K300 compressive strength, the result is mixed substitution with a maximum compressive strength percentage of 10% (22,155Mpa). 
U Karst Vol 1, No 1 (2017): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.575 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v1i1.84


The main resources limited to the stage of implementing a construction project are cost, quality and time. Planning, scheduling and controlling are important steps to take in order to achieve the project's objectives with limited resources. The "Eaned Value" method is a method of control used to control project costs and schedules in an integrated manner. This method provides information on the status of project performance in a reporting period and provides information on the predicted costs required and time to complete all work based on performance indicators when reporting. In the Construction of the Hospital Medical Rehabilitation Installation Building. Overview of Kediri, the information obtained when reporting on the 91st day was Planed Value / PV = Rp 1.4325 billion, Earned Value / EV = Rp.1,3747 and Actual Cost / AC=Rp.1,3598 billion. At present the project performance in terms of cost is said to be profitable (Cost Variant / CV = + Rp. 0.01 billion and Cost Performed Index / CPI = 1.01> 1). From the schedule aspect, it is said that this project is experiencing delays (Schedule Variant / SV = -Rp.0.06 billion and Schedule Performance Index / SPI = 0.96 <1). The predicted cost needed to complete all work is Rp. 2.8683 billion, showing a profit (under a budget plan of Rp. 2.8998 billion). While the prediction schedule required 129 days, showed experiencing a delay of 2 days from the plan.AbstrakSumberdaya utama terbatas pada tahap pelaksanaan suatu proyek kostruksi adalah biaya, mutu dan waktu. Perencanaan, penjadualan dan pengendalian adalah langkah penting untuk dilakukan agar tujuan pelaksanaan proyek dengan sumberdaya terbatas ini tercapai. Metode ”Nilai Hasil” (Eaned Value) adalah sutau metode pengendalian yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan biaya dan jadual proyek secara terpadu. Metode ini memberikan informasi status kinerja proyek pada suatu periode pelaporan dan memberikan informasi prediksi biaya yang dibutuhkan dan waktu untuk penyelesaian seluruh pekerjaan berdasarkan indikator kinerja saat pelaporan. Pada Pembangunan Gedung Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik RS. Gambiran Kediri, informasi yang didapat saat pelaporan pada hari ke-91 adalah Planed Value/ PV=Rp 1,4325 milyar, Earned Value/ EV=Rp.1,3747 dan Actual Cost /AC=Rp.1,3598 milyar. Pada saat ini kinerja proyek dari aspek biaya dikatakan untung (Cost Varian/ CV= + Rp. 0.01 milyar dan Cost Performed Index /CPI=1,01>1). Dari aspek jadual, dikatakan proyek ini mengalami keterlambatan (Schedule Varian /SV= -Rp.0,06 milyar dan Schedule Performance Indek/SPI=0,96 <1). Prediksi biaya yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan seluruh pekerjaan adalah Rp. 2,8683 milyar, menunjukkan mendapat keuntungan (dibawah rencana anggaran Rp. 2,8998 milyar). Sedangkan prediksi jadual yang diperlukan 129 hari, menunjukkan mengalami keterlambatan 2 hari dari rencana.
U Karst Vol 2, No 2 (2018): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.284 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v2i2.269


Laston is a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and  filler  with  a binder  under  the temperature of 145-155oC with the composition being studied and regulated by technical specifications. Laston itself is commonly used in Indonesia with continuous gradations used for heavy traffic loads. Water hyacinth is a water weed that once grow and develop, it has high cellulose fiber content, which is about 60%.For that, done a research to add a hot asphalt mixture material that aims to improve the quality of mixed result. The selected material is natural water hyacinth. The method used is trial and error with reference of SNI 03-1737-1989. Variations used are 3%, 5%, and 7% of the asphalt weight, asphalt level used Is 5.61%.The result of this study is Marshall evaluation where the greatest score obtained for stability is 1325 kg,  Flow is 3.73 mm, Quotient Marshall is 401.02 kg/mm, VMA is 66.30%, VFWA is 19.25%, and VIM score is 54.35 %. With this result, the asphalt mixture can not be used because the results of VMA, VFWA, and VIM have not been suitable on specification of SNI 03-1737-1989. Keywords: Laston, Asphalt Concrete, Water Hyacinth, SNI 03-1737-1989. Laston adalah campuran agregat kasar, agregat halus, dan pengisi dengan pengikat di bawah suhu 145-155oC dengan komposisi sedang dipelajari dan diatur oleh spesifikasi teknis. Laston sendiri biasa digunakan di Indonesia dengan gradasi kontinu yang digunakan untuk beban lalu lintas yang berat. Eceng gondok adalah gulma air yang setelah tumbuh dan berkembang, ia memiliki kandungan serat selulosa yang tinggi, yaitu sekitar 60%. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk menambahkan bahan campuran aspal panas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil campuran. Bahan yang dipilih adalah eceng gondok air alami. Metode yang digunakan adalah coba-coba dengan mengacu pada SNI 03-1737-1989. Variasi yang digunakan adalah 3%, 5%, dan 7% dari berat aspal, tingkat aspal yang digunakan adalah 5,61%. Hasil penelitian ini adalah evaluasi Marshall dimana skor terbesar yang diperoleh untuk stabilitas adalah 1325 kg, Aliran adalah 3,73 mm, Quotient Marshall adalah 401,02 kg / mm, VMA adalah 66,30%, VFWA adalah 19,25%, dan skor VIM adalah 54,35%. Dengan hasil ini, campuran aspal tidak dapat digunakan karena hasil VMA, VFWA, dan VIM belum sesuai dengan spesifikasi SNI 03-1737-1989. Kata Kunci: Laston, Aspal Beton, Eceng gondok, SNI 03-1737-1989.
U Karst Vol 1, No 1 (2017): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.199 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v1i1.658


The test was carried out by adding water hyacinth fibers in the sand sheet class A latasir mixture. And with the addition of water hyacinth fiber variations of 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2% taken from asphalt content. The final result of this research was Marshall evaluation which was obtained for the effect of the addition of water hyacinth cellulose fiber in this study showed an increase in Marshall stability value of 27.29% with a mixture of 1.2% water hyacinth, plastic fatigue (Flow) decreased by -23 , 89% with a mixture of 0.9% water hyacinth, cavity filled in the mixture (Void in the Mix) increased by 18.65% with a mixture of 1.2% water hyacinth, cavity filled with asphalt (Void Filled With Asphalt) decreased by -8.74% with a mixture of 1.2% water hyacinth, cavity in aggregate (Void In Mineral Aggregate) increased by 7.80% with a mixture of 1.2% water hyacinth, and Marshall Quotient increased by 71.78% with a mixture of 0.9% water hyacinth. These results indicate that water hyacinth fiber can be used as an ingredient to add a mixture of latasir sand sheet class A specifications of clan development.
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1296.235 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.702


Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) is a stringent streak which located on the top and the function of it as the outside streak that the thick is 4 centimeters. AC – WC material consists of soft aggregate, crude aggregate, filter, and asphalts. The articles must be tested for identifying the feature. This research is using the Marshall Test method, VIM (%), VMA (%), VIMA (%), VFWA (%), Stabilities (kg), Flow and Marshall Quotient (%). This research was carried out at Lamongan Moslem University’s laboratory. The purpose of this research is to compare the results that have been obtained in research with the existing terms and specifications. The conclusion of this research is the addition of variation in smooth limestone blend 25%, 50%, 75% from the aggregate weight. The top-level increment of Marshall Stability’s showed 33.07% based on the compound 75%; the highest Flow is 3.57% based on the compound 50%, Void in the Mix which was included into the highest specification is 7.49% based on the compound 0%, the top-level increment Void Filled with Asphalt is 85.22% based on the compound 75%, the advance of Marshall Quotient is 29.63% based on compound 75%.Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) merupakan lapisan perkerasaan yang terletak paling atas dan berfungsi sebagai lapisan aus dengan tebal biasanya 4 cm. Bahan AC –WC terdiri dari Agregat halus, Agregat kasar, bahan pengisi (filler) dan aspal. Bahan – bahan tersebut harus di uji terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui sifat – sifatnya. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang di gunakan adalah metode marshall : VIM (%), VMA (%), VIMA (%), VFWA (%), Stabilitas (kg), Flow dan Marshall Quotien (%). adapun penelitian di laksanakan pada Laboratorium Universitas Lamongan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Penambahan variasi campuran batu kapur halus sebesar 25%, 50%, 75% dari berate agregat halus pada penelitian ini menunjukkan kenaikan nilai stabilitas Marshall (Marshall Stability) tertinggi sebesar 33,07% pada campuran75%, kelelahan plastis (Flow) tertinggi sebesar 3,57% pada campuran 50%, rongga  dalam  campuran  (Void in the Mix)   yang  masuk  dalam  spesifikasi angka tertinggi sebesar 7,49% pada campuran 0%, rongga terisi aspal  (Void Filled With Asphalt) kenaikan tertinggi sebesar 85,22% pada campuran 75%, rongga dalam agregat (Void In Mineral Aggregate) menurun sebesar 16,11% pada campuran 75%, serta Marshall Quotient meningkat sebesar 29,63% pada campuran75%.
Analisa Dampak Lalu Lintas Jalan Tambak Osowilangun Akibat Pembangunan Teluk Lamong Surabaya Endro Wibisono
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1591.115 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.690


The development of the area in the Lamong Bay Surabaya which includes: Causeway, Connecting Bridge, Interchange Area, Container Yard, Pier is being carried out by the city government, this is one of the developments of land use that will give a direct influence on the surrounding traffic. Traffic problems can assume because of the large traffic flow in the area. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of trip generation/attraction due to the construction of the Teluk Lamong port on Jalan Tambak Osowilangun, Surabaya. Predicting traffic performance on several roads and intersections around the study site (Jalan Tambak Osowilangun Surabaya) in 2020 (when the Teluk Lamong Port starts operating. The method for analyzing trip generation of vehicles entering and exiting the Teluk Lamong Port uses linear regression analysis of the relationship between volumes vehicle traffic in and out of an analog building with several variables/parameters that are thought to affect trip generation at Tanjung Perak Harbor as an analog port building. 1,626. This shows a very saturated condition, while at the intersection of Father Kalisari, the DS intersection is 1.10.Pembangunan kawasan di Teluk Lamong Surabaya yang meliputi Causeway, Jembatan Penghubung, Interchange Area, Container Yard, Dermaga sedang dilakukan pemerintah kota, hal ini merupakan salah satu pengembangan tata guna lahan yang akan memberi pengaruh langsung terhadap lalu lintas disekitarnya. Permasalahan lalu lintas dapat di asumsikan karena adanya arus lalu lintas yang cukup besar di daerah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya bangkitan/tarikan perjalanan akibat pembangunan pelabuhan Teluk Lamong di Jalan Tambak Osowilangun Surabaya. Memprediksi  kinerja lalu lintas di beberapa ruas jalan dan simpang di sekitar lokasi studi (Jalan Tambak Osowilangun Surabaya) tahun 2020 (saat Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong mulai beroperasi. Metode untuk analisis bangkitan perjalanan kendaraan yang masuk dan keluar Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong menggunakan analisis regresi linear hubungan antara volume lalu lintas kendaraan yang keluar dan masuk suatu bangunan analog dengan beberapa variabel/parameter yang diduga mempengaruhi bangkitan perjalanan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak sebagai bangunan pelabuhan analog kinerja persimpangan Margomulyo yang memiliki DS terbesar adalah dari arah Gresik (Romo Kalisari) menuju ke Surabaya (Kalianak), yaitu sebesar 1,626. Hal ini menunjukkan kondisi yang sangat jenuh. Sedangkan pada persimpangan Romo Kalisari, DS simpang sebesar 1,10.
PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH TEMPURUNG KELAPA SEBAGAI CAMPURAN PAVING BLOCK (Ditinjau dari Kuat Tekan dan Resapan Air) Ilham Adji Sucahyo; Hammam Rofiqi Agustapraja; Bobby Damara
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (735.553 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.708


The main objective of this study was to find out and analyze how much the influence of the coconut shell charcoal had on changes in compressive strength and water absorption in the K-175 paving block. This research method is experimental research, which is a research of making paving block specimens, by conducting activities or experiments using coconut shell waste as a mixture of paving blocks, with a mix design mix referring to the comparison of concrete mix with K-175 quality (SNI 03-2834-2000). The conversion value of compressive strength of specimens at the age of 7 days to 28 days from specimens N, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% is 271,80 kg/cm², 205,12 kg/cm², 102,57 kg/cm²,76,92 kg/cm² and 64,11 kg/cm² respectively. In the normal test code, the paving block is classified as class B quality, while the 5% specimen code is classified as class B quality, for the test object code 10%, 15%, and 20% do not meet the paving block quality standards. The results of the water absorption test increased in paving blocks with a combination of coconut shell charcoal. All of them have increased water infiltration on paving blocks.Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa seberapa besar pengaruh arang tempurung kelapa terhadap perubahan kuat tekan dan resapan air pada paving block K-175. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, yaitu penelitian pembuatan benda uji paving block, dengan cara melakukan kegiatan atau percobaan pemanfaatan limbah tempurung kelapa sebagai campuran paving block, dengan perbandingan mix design mengacu pada perbandingan campuran beton dengan mutu K-175 (SNI 03-2834-2000). Hasil nilai konversi kuat tekan benda uji pada umur 7 hari ke umur 28 hari dari benda uji N, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% adalah 271,80 kg/cm², 205,12 kg/cm², 102,57 kg/cm²,76,92 kg/cm² dan 64,11 kg/cm². Pada kode benda uji normal paving block tergolong dalam mutu kelas B, sedangkan pada kode benda uji 5% tergolong dalam mutu kelas B, untuk kode benda uji 10%, 15%, dan 20% tidak memenuhi standar mutu paving block. Hasil dari uji resapan air  paving  block  dengan  penambahan  arang  tempurung kelapa dari benda uji 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20%. Kesemuanya mengalami peningkatan resapan air pada paving block.
Evaluasi Kapasitas Saluran Drainase di Catchment Area Sub Sistem Bendul Merisi Kota Surabaya Danayanti Azmi Dewi Nusantara
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1229.002 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.689


Bendul Merisi is a densely populated urban village located in the city of Surabaya with a population density, which until 2014 reached 12,477 inhabitants. The drainage channel in Bendul Merisi is unable to collect rainwater, causing water overflow in the drainage canal. The way to overcome flood is to increase the capacity of the channel. Evaluation of drainage channel capacity in Bendul Merisi is needed for flood management. The purpose of this study is to find out the amount of capacity of the drainage channel, so flood can be overcome, can find out the results of the evaluation of flood volume for the next 2 years with the existing channel capacity. The results of this study are the dimensions of the tertiary channel 2 using a width of 1.9 m and a depth of 2.1 m; quarterly channel 1 uses a width of 0.6 m and a depth of 1.5 m; Q2 channel uses a width of 2 m and a depth of 2.98 m. The expansion of the cross-section is expected to be overcome.Bendul Merisi merupakan kelurahan padat penduduk yang terletak di Kota Surabaya dengan kepadatan penduduk yang sampai pada tahun 2014 mencapai 12.477 jiwa. Saluran pembuang di Bendul Merisi tidak mampu menampung air hujan  sehingga mengakibatkan meluapnya air di saluran pembuang banjir. Cara penanggulangan banjir adalah memperbesar kapasitas saluran. Evaluasi kapasitas saluran drainase di Bendul Merisi diperlukan, untuk penanganan banjir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini dapat mengetahui jumlah kapasitas tampungan saluran drainase, sehingga bajir dapat teratasi, dapat mengetahui hasil evaluasi volume banjir untuk 2 tahun yang mendatang dengan kapasitas saluran yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dimensi saluran tersier 2 menggunakan lebar 1,9 m dan kedalaman 2,1 m; saluran kuarter 1 menggunakan lebar 0,6 m dan kedalaman 1,5 m; saluran kuarter 2 menggunakan lebar 2 m dan kedalaman 2,98 m. Pembesaran penampang diharapkan banjir dapat teratasi.
U Karst Vol 4, No 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1650.934 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i1.701


Advances in technology have had an impact on the development of construction. Concrete is one material that is widely used in construction. Improving the quality of concrete is the main topic of the researchers to obtain concrete that is suitable for their needs and economically. Molasses is a waste that can be used as concrete added material because it has content that is considered capable of improving the quality of concrete. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of adding molasses to the compressive strength of K175 concrete using local sand with the method used is the experimental method and the study of previous research theories. Variation in the percentage of the addition of molasses used 0%, 0.4%, and 0.5% by weight of cement. The specimens used were cylindrical as many as 12 specimens. Compressive strength testing is carried out at seven days of concrete. The test results showed the highest compressive strength was obtained with a percentage increase in molasses as much as 0.4% with a compressive strength value of 18.50 Mpa and decreased compressive strength at the addition of 0.5%.Kemajuan dalam bidang teknologi berdampak pada berkembangnya pembangunan bidang konstruksi. Beton merupakan salah satu material yang banyak digunakan dalam konstruksi. Perbaikan kualitas beton menjadi topik utama para peneliti untuk mendapatkan beton yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan ekonomis. Molase merupakan limbah yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambah beton karena memiliki kandungan yang dianggap mampu meningkatkan kualitas beton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan limbah tetes tebu (molase) terhadap kuat tekan beton K175 menggunakan pasir lokal dengan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimental dan kajian teori penelitian terdahulu. Variasi persentase penambahan molase yang digunakan 0%, 0,4%,  dan  0,5%,  dari  berat semen.  Benda uji  yang  digunakan berbetuk silinder sebanyak 12 benda uji. Pengujian kuat tekan dilaksanakan pada umur beton 7 hari. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kuat tekan tertinggi diperoleh dengan prosentase penambahan molase sebanyak 0.4% dengan nilai kuat tekan 18.50 Mpa dan mengalami penurunan kuat tekan pada penambahan 0.5%. 

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