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Diskursus Gerakan Salamullah Lia Eden mujahidah, affaf
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Indonesia has been overcrowded by spiritual movements which provide a quest for spiritual satisfaction. Among all spiritual movement in Indonesia, Salamullah was a few leads by a woman. Lia Eden, her original name is Lia Aminuddin, took a significant role in the new spiritual movement in Indonesia. Interestingly, in patriarchal culture as in Indonesia, Lia Eden has successfully gained followers from both sexes. The question then arises, what kind of pedagogical method she used to gain followers? How Salamullah treat followers from different sexes? Are there any differences? This paper is aim to answer those questions based on spirituality, pedagogy, and Salamullah as a counter-public movement. The narration of Salamullah movement will be started from its history which then continued by the pedagogical approach used by Salamullah, and the next narration will examine the position of Salamullah as a counter-public movement. [Telah sejak lama gerakan spiritual meramaikan kontestasi agama di Negara Indonesia. masifnya gerakan spiritual di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari upaya untuk memenuhi kepuasan secara spiritual. Menariknya, dari sekian banyak gerakan spiritual yang berkembang di Indonesia, terdapat Salamullah yang dipimpin oleh seorang perempuan. Lia Aminuddin, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Lia Eden memiliki peran yang sangat signifikan dalam gerakan spiritual di Indonesia sebagai salah satu pendobrak sistem keagamaan yang telah lama dikuasai oleh kekuasaan patriarki. Terlebih lagi, Lia Eden dapat menarik pengikut dari kedua gender, laki-laki maupun perempuan. Pertanyaan yang muncul kemudian adalah narasi apa yang ia gunakan untuk menarik para pengikut? Bagaimana Salamullah memperlakukan pengikut dari gender yang berbeda? Apakah mereka diperlakukan dengan sama? Makalah ini mencoba menjawabnya melalui tema spiritualitas, narasi, dan gerakan Salamullah sebagai suatu counter-public. Penjelasan akan diawali dengan sejarah singkat Salamullah yang dilanjutkan dengan penjabaran narasi yang digunakan oleh Lia Eden, serta diakhiri dengan analisis gerakan Salamullah sebagai suatu counter-public.]
Urgensi Sejarah Sosial Sebagai Konsep Teoretis Bagi Living Hadith di Indonesia Dewi, Subkhani Kusuma
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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The perspective on Islamic history has become an important topic of discussion in Islamic studies. Its existence, at the same time, is also very helpful in the study of texts, such as the interpretation of the Alqur'an or riwâyat and dirâyat studies of Hadith. But the existence of social history as a new theoretical concept came later. A perspective that emphasizes on the sociological aspects of a collection of events, social history also puts forward the process of criticism in it, as has been done by peripheral social history. In the first sub-chapter, this article needs to show that such a perspective has long been carried out by Muslim historians, such as Ibn Khaldun, or Hamzah Al-Sam'ani's Tarikh Jurjan. Unlike the political perspective, the history of Muslim societies have varieties of fragments, different kinds of local tradition and focus on social history. The second part of this article proves that the existence of ijâzah (authorization) as a juristic authority through the tradition of sanad is another way of the documentation for the transmission (or also transformation) of Hadith in the community. Hadith authority does not take place statically. Social history narratives in this context will be able to provide evidence that authority of Hadith local religious leaders would not be possible if there were no community acceptance as explored by its various dimensions (economic, social, political, religious) through social history. [Cara pandang terhadap sejarah islam telah menjadi topik diskusi penting dalam studi Islam. Keberadaannya, pada saat yang sama, juga amat membantu studi teks, seperti tafsir Qur’an ataupun studi riwâyat dan dirâyat Hadith. Tetapi keberadaan sejarah sosial sebagai sebuah konsep teoritik baru datang belakangan. Sebuah cara pandang yang menekankan pada aspek sosiologis sebuah kumpulan peristiwa, sejarah sosial juga mengedepankan proses kritisisme di dalamnya, seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh sejarah sosial pingiran. Pada sub-bab pertama, artikel ini berkebutuhan untuk menunjukkan bahwa cara pandang seperti ini telah lama dilakukan oleh sejarawan muslim, seperti Ibn Khaldun, ataupun Tarikh Jurjan karya Hamzah Al Sam’ani. Berbeda dengan perspektif politik, sejarah masyarakat muslim adalah ragam fragmen, ragam sejarah lokal yang berbeda-beda, focus pada sejarah sosial. Bagian kedua dari artikel ini membuktikan bahwa keberadaan ijâzah (otorisasi) sebagai penyambung otoritas keulamaan melalui tradisi sanad merupakan bahasa lain dari dokumentasi transmisi (atau juga transformasi) Hadith di masyarakat. Otoritas Hadith tidak berlangsung secara statis. Narasi sejarah sosial pada konteks ini akan mampu menyuguhkan bukti bahwa suatu otoritas atau kewenangan Hadith para local religious leaders tidak akan mungkin diakui bila tidak ada penerimaan masyarakat sebagaimana diekplorasi ragam dimensinya (ekonomi, sosial, politik, agama) melalui sejarah sosial.]  
Konversi Agama pada Masyarakat Minangkabau Ilahi, Kurnial
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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I Indonesia is one of the countries with a background of people who have different religious beliefs. So in social life, it is very necessary. Community life with different beliefs, it is able to influence self-confidence to change beliefs. This also happened to the people of West Sumatra who had a religious philosophy of life. This research is a descriptive study, using interview analysis techniques and direct observation of the sample of research, namely scholars and religious figures in West Sumatra. Based on the results of the study, it was found that religious conversion occurred in West Sumatra that causes the decreasing of Islamic religions number and the increasing growth of Christianity. The religious conversion occurs because of several influential factors. Factors that cause religious conversion to Minangkabau people from Islam to Christianity include (1) West Sumatra and the Minangkabau tribe are the main targets of International Christianization (2) Development of educational facilities and infrastructure. Social and health service units (3) Educational background, experience, social and social environment (4) Marital status and family relationships. [Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara dengan latar belakang masyarakat yang memiliki keyakinan beragama berbeda-beda, sehingga dalam kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat sangat diperlukan. Kehidupan bermasyarakat dengan keyakinan yang berbeda, maka mampu mempengaruhi keyakinan diri untuk berpindah keyakinan. Hal ini juga terjadi pada masyarakat Sumatra Barat yang memiliki falsafah kehidupan yang agamis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, menggunakan teknik analisis wawancara dan observasi langsung terhadap sampel penelitian yaitu ulama dan tokoh-tokoh agama di Sumatera Barat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa konversi agama banyak terjadi d Sumatera Barat, hal ini ditandai dengan menurunnya jumlah agama Islam dan meningkatnya pertumbuhan agama Kristen. Terjadinya konversi agama banyak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, Faktor-faktor penyebab konversi agama pada masyarakat suku Minangkabau dari pemeluk Islam menjadi pemeluk Kristen diantaranya (1) Sumatra Barat dan masyarakat suku Minangkabau menjadi target utama Kristenisasi Internasional, (2) Pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan, unit pelayanan sosial dan kesehatan, (3) Latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman, lingkungan sosial dan pergaulan, (4) Status perkawinan dan hubungan keluarga.]
Kontribusi Aliansi Ulama Madura (AUMA) dalam Merespons Isu Keislaman dan Keumatan di Pamekasan Madura A'la, Abd; Mukarrom, Ahwan; Zamzami, Mukhammad
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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This article analyzes the contributions of the kiais who are members of the Aliansi Ulama Madura (AUMA) in responding to Islamic and publicity issues in the Pamekasan region. This organization was born after the stagnation of the Badan Silaturahmi Ulama Pesantren Madura (BASSRA) organization in guarding the issues of religiousness and Islam. They are committed to fighting for Islamic da‘wah which is kāffah; an agenda to optimize the concept of amr ma‘rūf nahy munkar collectively and sincerely in order to uphold the motto of the development of Pamekasan based on Islam. In the field of Islam, their vision is to anticipate and avoid Indonesia, especially the Madurese, from all kinds of deviations of teachings and religious beliefs, both Shī‘ah, Wahabi, Liberal, and Blasphemy (SYIBILIP). Not only in the field of Islam, but this organization also contributes in the political sphere. This can be referred to the strategic roles and functions of those who actively involve themselves in many political dynamics, both at the regional and central levels. At the regional level, the political roles and strategic functions of these organizations are clearly illustrated in the political cooperation they build with elite political parties at the regional level. While at the national level, the strategic role of this organization is indicated by their involvement in national leadership contestation. [Artikel ini menganalisis kontribusi para ulama yang tergabung dalam wadah Aliansi Ulama Madura (AUMA) dalam merespons isu keislaman dan keumatan di wilayah Pamekasan. Organisasi ini lahir pasca mandeknya organisasi Badan Silaturahmi Ulama Pesantren Madura (BASSRA) dalam mengawal isu keumatan dan keislaman. Mereka berkomitmen memperjuangkan dakwah Islam kāffah; sebuah agenda menjalankan amr ma‘rūf nahy munkar secara kolektif dan demi menegakkan jargon pembangunan Pamekasan yang berasaskan Islam. Dalam bidang keislaman, visi mereka adalah mengantisipasi dan menghindarkan Indonesia, khususnya masyarakat Madura, dari segala ragam deviasi ajaran dan paham kegamaaan, baik Shī‘ah, Wahabi, Liberal, dan penistaan agama (SYIBILIP). Tidak hanya bidang keislaman, AUMA juga bergerak di wilayah politis. Hal ini dapat dirujuk pada peran dan fungsi strategis mereka yang aktif melibatkan diri dalam banyak dinamika politik, baik di level daerah maupun pusat. Di level daerah, peran dan fungsi strategis politik organisasi ini terilustrasi secara jelas dalam kerja sama politik yang mereka bangun bersama elit partai politik di tingkat daerah. Sedangkan di level nasional, peran strategis organisasi ini mereka tunjukkkan melalui keterlibatan diri dalam kontestasi kepemimpinan nasional.]
Potret Harmoni Kehidupan Keagamaan di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Hamdi, Ahmad Zainul
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 7 No 1 (2017): March
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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This study aims to investigate the reasons why violence and religious conflict occurred in Bojonegoro district do not lead to radical actions. Departing from the fundamental question, “why does violence and religious conflict not extend into radical actions even though the potential for religious radicalization exists and even explode into destructive social conflict?”, this study found that there are two main factors that make religious life among believers in Bojonegoro keep running in balance and harmonious way, namely cultural and structural factors. The most important cultural factor is the existence of cross-cutting affiliation where there are neutral social spaces that make people from different backgrounds meet without being troubled by their primordial identity. Meanwhile, structural factors that prevent radical action and religious conflict are the presence of the State as a neutral and decisive party; institutionalization of assurance of freedom of faith; and the activeness of the State in early prevention and conflict mediation. [ Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat mengapa di wilayah Bojonegoro kekerasan dan konflik keagamaan nyaris tidak pernah meledak secara berarti. Berangkat dari pertanyaan mendasar, faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan tidak terjadi proses radikalisasi keagamaan, sekalipun terdapat beberapa potensi konflik yang sebetulnya bisa meledak menjadi kekerasan atau konflik sosial yang destruktif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada dua faktor penting yang mampu menjaga kehidupan keagamaan masyarakat Bojonegoro tetap seimbang, yaitu kultural dan struktural. Faktor kultural terpenting adalah bekerjanya cross-cutting affiliation. Terdapat ruang-ruang sosial netral yang mempertemukan orang-orang dari latar belakang berbeda, tanpa dibebani oleh identitas-identitas primordial. Sementara, faktor struktural yang mencegah radikalisasi dan konflik keagamaan adalah hadirnya negara sebagai pihak yang netral dan tegas; institusionalisasi jaminan kebebasan berkeyakinan; dan keaktifan negara dalam melakukan pencegahan dini dan memediasi konflik.]
The Social - Political Significance of Ruwatan Desa Ritual Wahidah, Hidayatul; Afandi, Akhmad Jazuli
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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The Punden of Mbah Sentono is a sacred landscape that is used frequently by people to increase their spirituality. It is recognized as a sacred place to perform rituals such as tahlilan, slametan and ruwatan desa. The main issue I raise in this paper concerns the social-political significance of the rituals. The three main questions are, first, how is ruwatan practiced in the Punden of Mbah Sentono? Second, how have political actors used the ritual in the punden as a political tool in an election? The last, how have people also used the ritual in the punden to counter the political actors’ use the ritual? I will show that the rituals do have social-political significance and argue that both political actors and people in society have mutual relations through the rituals. From this point of view, I state that ritual in the Punden of Mbah Sentono is divided into two time periods, “during election period” and “after election period”. “The ritual during election period” are tahlilan and slametan which are handled by the candidates of the local election to build political support, whereas “the ritual after election” is ruwatan desa which is also used by the winner for negotiation and reconciliation to ease the negative impacts of the competitions during the local election, which affect people. On the other hand, people also use the rituals to ask for financial support from the candidates for holding big ruwatan desa and kirap. In the years before and after the election, ruwatan desa is held as small events. In this research, I analyze the social-political significance of ritual, using a theoretical framework informed by Kertzer. [Punden Mbah Sentono adalah tempat sakral yang sering digunakan sebagai tempat spiritual oleh orang-orang untuk meningkatkan spiritualitas mereka. Punden tersebut diakui sebagai tempat sacral untuk melakukan tahlilan, slametan dan ruwatan desa. Isu utama yang saya angkat didalam tesis ini adalah siknifikansi social-politik pada ritual. Ada tiga pertanyaan utama; yakni, pertama,  bagaimana ruwatan desa ritual dipraktekkan di punden Mbah Sentono? kedua, bagaimana actor politik menggunakan ritual didalam punden sebagai alat politik didalam pemilihan? Terakhir, bagaimana masyarakat menggunakan ritual di punden untuk keluar dari actor politik? Saya akan menunjukkan bahwa ritual mempunyai siknifikansi social-politik dan beranggapan bahwa actor politik dan masyarakat mempunyai hubungan timbal balik melalui ritual.]
Forty Years After the Islamic Revolution of Iran: An Indonesian Perspective Sofjan, Dicky
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 9 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Following 40 years of Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution in Iran, how does Indonesia view Iran then and now? Is the exportation of the Revolution now relevant amid the contemporary political constellation in the Middle East and the world? Does Shia Islam remain to pose a sociopolitical problem today in the largest Muslim nation? In view of the current political standoff with the United States of America, will the system, based on Velayat-e Fagheh (Guardianship of the Jurist), remain strong against all odds? This article explores these questions based on personal reflections, experiential learning and continuous engagement in and with Iran. [Setelah 40 tahun Revolusi Islam pimpinan Khomeini berhasil memukau dunia, menarik untuk melihat pandangan Indonesia terhadap Iran, yang dulu dan sekarang. Apakah semangat revolusi masih relevan terkait dengan konstelasi politik Timur Tengah dan dunia kontemporer? Apakah persoalan Syiah masih dipandang sebagai pemicu berbagai problema sosio-politik di Indonesia? Melihat permusuhan Amerika terhadap Iran, apakah sistem Velayat-e Fagheh (Kepemimpinan oleh Faqih) masih relevan menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi Iran saat ini? Artikel ini berupaya mengeksplorasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas berdasar refleksi dan pengalaman personal serta pengamatan terhadap situasi perkembangan di Republik Islam Iran.]
Memoir of Hate Spin in 2017 Jakarta’s Gubernatorial Election; A Political Challenge of Identity against Democracy in Indonesia Winarni, Leni; Agussalim, Dafri; Bagir, Zainal Abidin
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 9 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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This research attempts to investigate an intermingled relationship of political interest and religious issues, particularly in the Jakarta's Gubernatorial Issues in 2017. Basuki Tjahaya Purnama or Ahok, one of the governor candidate and also the former governor was accused of blasphemy issues after his speech in the Pramuka Island becomes viral. Although this case ended with a court, which ruled that he was guilty and received a sentence of 2 years in prison, this has become an unforgettable fact of Indonesian democracy. The proposed inquiry is how far religious issues influence political tension for based non-religion countries such as Indonesia. By using approach of hate Spin, within the combination of hate speech (vilification or offense-giving) and indignation of the offense-taking framework, this paper focuses on the entanglements of a political campaign and religious issues in the election period. This issue is significant for the reason that the tension of religious and political issues put both democracy and multiculturalism in Indonesia. Indeed, there is still a good opportunity for maintaining diversity through producing tolerance view, and enforcing the law for the actor of hate speech and hate spin.

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