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Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
ISSN : 25805045     EISSN : 25805053     DOI :
Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab is a refereed publication devoted to research articles, reports, and book reviews concerned with the teaching and learning of Arabic as a Foreign Language. This journal dedicated to enhancing and disseminating scholarly work in the field of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics. This journal is an academic journal that published twice a year in May and November by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup
Articles 18 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)" : 18 Documents clear
Implementation of Quality Management Curriculum in Arabic Learning Muhammad Afthon Ulin Nuha; Nurul Musyafa’ah
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.5137


This research aimed to understand the curriculum quality management more deeply, to understand the scope of learning Arabic, and to know the process of curriculum quality management and Arabic learning. The researcher used a descriptive approach by suggesting several definitions of curriculum quality management and its application in learning Arabic. The data collection method deployed the study of literature and documentation. In analyzing the data, the researcher analyzed books or articles related to curriculum quality management, opinions from experts in the world of Arabic education and curriculum, theories in Arabic learning, and suggestions and criticisms addressed in the research. The results of this study demonstrated that 1) curriculum quality management in learning, in general, is an effort as effective and efficient as possible to achieve a curriculum goal without a quality approach in the curriculum. 2) Learning, in general, can be said as education which is a process of guiding students so that they can develop sufficiently, and they can contribute amid life. 3) To see the progress of learning, students must be assessed through a process that is made by national standards and includes various cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects as well as other psychological aspects. The formal finding from this research exhibited that the benchmarking of Arabic learning in this discussion uses the "National Education Standard", which is the minimum criteria for the education system in all jurisdictions of Indonesia.
Dzahirat al-Tarjamah wa Waqi’u Tawhid al-Mushthalahat al-‘Arabiyah fi Mu’jam Covid-19 Ratni Bt. Hj. Bahri; Damhuri Damhuri; Rahim Bin Aman
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.4349


This research aimed to describe types of translation and the phenomenon of term unification in the covid-19 dictionary. This was a descriptive qualitative research with a content analysis approach. Data were collected through intensive reading of the covid-19 dictionary to find out translation types in that dictionary. Meanwhile, to gain a description of the term unification, it was done by confirming terms in the covid-19 dictionary to terms that existed in Mu’jam al-Thibbi al-Muwahhad in both printed and digital versions. The research findings indicated that the terms in the Covid-18 dictionary are the translations of English and French terms. In constructing the terms, there are several translation types. Those are direct translation with formal and semantic adjustment, literal translation with matched meaning yet different in its formal form, translation by creating new terms in the target language, descriptive translation, and the combination of translation and Arabization, Arabization and adjustment, and Arabization with no adjustment. In addition, from term unification, some categories were found, namely: standardized terms category, different from standardized terms category, unstandardized terms category, and unavailable terms in Mu’jam al-Thibbi al-Muwahhad category.
Integration of Prismatic Science and Development of Arabic Education Master Curriculum Erlina Erlina; Idham Khalid; Ahmad Bukhari Muslim
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.5024


This article described the curriculum development of the Arabic Education (AE) Master’s program in accordance with the university's vision through research and development of the Borg and Gall’s model with a qualitative approach, data collection through documentation, literature review, and questionnaires for expert validation. The performance of education personnel’s who are less adaptive to the advancement of science and technology is one of the problems faced by the world of education. The cause of this problem is that the education curriculum for education personnel’s is not relevant to the users’ changing needs. Hence, the higher education curriculum needs to be developed according to the demands of social change and the progress of today's science to realize a relevant curriculum. Data analysis was done through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study resulted in a curriculum model which refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (IQF) based on prismatic science integration. This curriculum model is expected to produce master's graduates who are able to act as Arabic language teachers at the undergraduate level who are professional, innovative, and creative in developing Arabic language education through research and scientific publications and have Ulul Albab, Ulil Abshor, and Ulin Nuha characters that radiate in thought and activity.
The Influence of Arab Spring on the Existence of Arabic Language Learning in the Multicultural Society of North Sulawesi Hasnil Oktavera
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.4108


This was a survey study which looked at the influence of Arab Spring phenomenon on the development of Arabic language learning in the multicultural society of North Sulawesi as well as its implications for the Arabic language learning model. The Arab Spring phenomenon that occurred from 2010 to 2011 that demanded a revolution in Arab countries reaped crucial impacts in various countries including Indonesia in terms of political, social, religious, cultural, and educational issues. The research method used the technique of proportionate stratified random sampling and involved 300 respondents from several regions in North Sulawesi Province based on three categories, namely areas that had a strong Muslim urban culture, areas that had a thick Islamic tradition, and areas that had Muslim minority issues. The results showed that the value of tcalculation > ttable (6.768 > 1.971). The foregoing demonstrated that Ho was rejected. Thus, it could be concluded that the Arab Spring had an effect on the existence of Arabic learning in the multicultural region of North Sulawesi in terms of interest and motivation. It also affected the content of Arabic teaching materials as well as the purpose and orientation of Arabic learning on the importance of Arabic as a language identity and Arabic as a communication language. Hence, the reconstruction of Arabic learning led to an increase in communication skills that contained local wisdom.Keywords: Arab Springs, Arabic Language Learning, Multicultural Society
Exploring Planning for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language at Senior High School: Teacher’s Didactical Competencies Anwar Sanusi; Moh. Ainin; Muassomah Muassomah; Deni Maulana; Iffat Maimunah
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.5166


This study aimed to explore teachers’ didactic competencies in planning Arabic language teaching for Non-Native Speaker (NNS) students at the Islamic senior high school level. A qualitative approach with a descriptive method was used in this study. The results of this study showed that the didactic competence of Arabic language teachers in planning Arabic language teaching had not been in line with applicable regulations and guidelines, such as determining core competencies and basic competencies levels, formulating the indicators of competency achievement, setting learning objectives, and developing learning activities by integrating 4C skills in core activities. The foregoing was due to the lack of teachers’ understanding and experiences in developing syllabi and preparing lesson plans. It is hoped that this study can be a reference for Arabic language teachers at all levels of Islamic schools, especially in developing a syllabus and preparing appropriate lesson plans, so that learning processes can be carried out effectively.
Development of Digital Comic Media for Learning Qira'ah for Fifth Grade Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Umi Hijriyah; Muhammad Aridan; Ahmad Nur Mizan; Aldio Dealintang; Lita Yuniarti
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.4361


This study aimed to develop, test the feasibility, determine the attractiveness, and determine the effectiveness of digital comic media for learning Arabic reading skills for the fifth-grade elementary school students. This was a research and development study using the ADDIE model which consisted of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection techniques deployed interviews, observations, documentation, and tests. The instruments were the questionnaires for validation of material experts, media experts, and linguists, and the questionnaire for students' responses to the attractiveness of the products developed. The digital comic media was classified as very feasible to be used in learning Arabic. The foregoing was evidenced by the score of feasibility test results from 2 material experts of 95% or in the very feasible category. The result of the feasibility test by 2 media experts demonstrated a score of 96% or in the very feasible category. The result of the feasibility test by linguists with a score of 76% fell into the feasible category. This digital comic media was interesting to use in learning Arabic. It was evidenced by the results of students' responses with a score of 85.57% or very interesting in the medium group trial and 85.16% or very interesting in the large group trial. This digital comic media had been proven to be able to increase students’ scores. Students’ scores increased by 32.30 with an average score of 55.65 before using the media and 88.00 after using digital comic media. The foregoing showed that the Arabic digital comic media developed by the researchers was an interesting and effective media to be used as learning media.
Lexical Semantics of the Quran: Analysis of Paradigmatic Meaning of Language Politeness Tafiati Tafiati; Asrina Asrina; Ferry Saputra; Shinta Fitria Utami
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.5067


The purpose of this study was to reveal the lexical meanings of the words baligha, sadida, karima, ma'rufa, layyina, and maisura, which are contained in polite language phrases in the Quran: qaulan baligha, qaulan sadida, qaulan karima, qaulan ma'rufa, qaulan layyina, and qaulan maisura. The importance of revealing the lexical semantics is in order to find the right meaning of the phrases. The method used is descriptive-qualitative method with a paradigmatic approach and lexical meaning theory. The results showed that the term baligha has six meaning features, the word sadida has five meaning features, the word karima has twelve meaning features, the word ma'rufa has eight meaning features, the word layyina has seven meaning features, and the word maisura has six meaning features. From the perspective of the paradigmatic relation, the phrases qaulan baligha, qaulan sadida, qaulan karima, qaulan ma'rufa, qaulan layyina, and qaulan maisura are hyponyms in politeness of the Quran language.
Critical Literacy in Arabic Language Learning: (Implementation of GBA SFL in Improving Critical Reading Ability) Mamluatul Hasanah; Ahmad Mubaligh; Risna Rianti Sari; Alfiatus Syarofah; Hasyim Amrullah; Muhammad Yasin Fatchul Barry
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.4239


This research aimed to create a prototype of the construction of learning to read Arabic with a critical literacy approach based on the SFL GBA and its implementation in learning reading skills. The systemic functional linguistics’ genre-based approach (SFL-GBA) was used to foster a critical attitude towards reading in the scope of Arabic Language Education students’ reading skills. The method used was action research, with the hope that PBA students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang could have critical reading competencies. The results of this study demonstrated a prototype of the construction of learning Arabic reading skills with a critical literacy approach based on the SFL GBA and the guidance of the prototype implementation in the Arabic reading skills class. After this action, students could find out the types of text, the structure, and linguistic features of the text, to later be criticized according to the data they got.
Atsar al-Qur’an al-Karim fi al-Lughah wa al-Syi’r wa al-Natsr: Dirasah al-Adab al-‘Araby fi ‘Ashr Shadr al-Islam Noza Aflisia; Badruzzaman M Yunus; Izzuddin Musthafa; Yusuf Ali Shaleh Atho
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.5168


This paper aims to analyze the impact of the Holy Qur'an on the Arabic language, poetry and prose during the early Islam period. The method used in this research is the descriptive analytical method, that is by describing the influence of the Qur'an on the Arabic language, poetry and prose during the period of early Islam. While the approach applied in this research is a historical one in which researchers search for dates related to the influence of the Qur’an on the Arabic language, poetry and prose in the early Islamic period. The results are that the impact of the Qur’an in the Arabic language is to preserve Arabic from loss and to make it a living and immortal language, and to derive many sciences from a gift, such as the science of readings, the science of interpretation, the reasons for revelation, the grammar, the parsing, the sciences of rhetoric, the science of jurisprudence and its origins, and the language has been provided with many vocabulary and meanings such as al-Furqan and polytheism. hypocrisy and so on. The Qur'an was greatly influenced by the language of poets and orators. There are even quotes from the Qur’an such as faith, hypocrisy, blasphemy, prayer, zakat, etc., and also from the contents of the Qur’an such as jihad, advocacy, fighting the opponents of Islam, the Day of Judgment, Heaven, Hell, and so on. The era of early Islam contains the texts of the Qur'an and Hadith. The Qur'an and Hadith in this time have more influence on the book in rhetoric and writing. The Holy Qur'an has had a great impact on the language, styles, and contents of literary production of poets, orators, and the contents of their literary production. Prose is taken from the Qur'an, not poetry.
Takamul Nataij al-Tarbawiyyah Muta’addadah al-Tsaqafat fi Dirasah al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah li al-Thullab Ubadah Ubadah; Deri Wanto
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 6, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v6i2.4456


This research was conducted to determine the implications for multicultural educational outcomes, especially in the study of the Arabic language for students at Insan Cendekia Governmental Intermediate School in the city of Palu. The integration of multicultural pedagogical outcomes into learning is a pressing issue that is also important to study, especially concerning its impact on students at schools. This research adopted a case study with a qualitative approach. Research data were garnered from observation, in-depth interviews, and written documents. The findings indicated that the implications of the integration of multicultural educational results in the study of the Arabic language showcased the existence of multicultural attitudes that students exhibited in the form of internal and external actions.

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