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BIOEDUSCIENCE is an open access journal that publishes research in the field of Biology and Biosain Education such as: Applied and implemented in education and learning, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Ecology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Cell and Developmental Biology, Biodiversity and Bioconservation. BIOEDUSCIENCE is published by Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Indonesia regularly in June and December. ISSN : 2614-1558; P-ISSN : 2614-154X.
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Articles 39 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 1 (2020): BIOEDUSCIENCE" : 39 Documents clear
The Effect of Marigold Leaves (Tagetes Erecta) Extract to Aedes Sp.Mosquito Mortality for the Biology Learning Source of Module Form Marlina Kamelia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.293 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4166-724873


Background: Indonesia is rich in plants, one of which is leaf drop shit (Tagetes erecta) which has the potential as a vegetable insecticide. Diverse local plants will be very good if integrated in learning through modules so that they can help preserve local plants. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of Tahitian Kotok (T. erecta) leaf extract on the mortality of Aedes sp. Mosquitoes. (2) determine the concentration of leaf extract of Tahitian Kotok (T. erecta) which can influence the mortality of Aedes sp. (3) compile teaching materials in the form of modules. Methods: This research is an experiment that is giving treatment and observation of Aedes sp. with 3 extractions of Kotok Tahi (T. erecta) leaves and 1 control treatment. The study was conducted with 4 replications, each: treatment 1 (0.5%), treatment 2 (1.3%), and treatment 3 (2%). The results of experimental research are then used as a basis for making modules and their feasibility tested. Results: Based on the research data there is a very significant effect on mortality resulting from each given extraction concentration. Based on research at a concentration of 2%, the highest mortality effect from Aedes sp. that is, with an average of 92.5% with 37 deaths from 40 mosquitoes. Kotok (T erecta) leaf extraction can be used as an alternative in controlling Aedes sp. Conclusion: The results of the study can be used as learning resources in the form of modules and are feasible to use with the validation results of 85.2%.
Identifikasi Interaksi Molekuler Peptida Antimikrobial dari Lendir Kulit Ikan Lele Kuning (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) terhadap Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 (PBP3) pada Escherichia coli secara In silico Taufik Muhammad Fakih; Mentari Luthfika Dewi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1010.794 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4148-554951


Background: Lendir kulit ikan baru-baru ini dikenal sebagai sumber potensial peptida antimikrobial yang berfungsi untuk memberikan pertahanan pertama terhadap bakteri patogen, seperi Escherichia coli. Beberapa peptida antimikrobial yang dihasilkan oleh lendir kulit ikan lele kuning (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) terbukti mampu menghambat Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 (PBP3) pada Escherichia coli, antara lain Pelteobagrin, Myxinidin, Pleurocidin, dan Pardaxin-P1. Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi, evaluasi, dan eksplorasi terhadap interaksi molekuler antara molekul peptida antimikrobial dengan Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 (PBP3) pada Escherichia coli menggunakan motode penambatan molekuler berbasis protein-peptida. Sekuensing peptida antimikrobial terlebih dahulu dimodelkan ke dalam bentuk konformasi 3D menggunakan server PEP-FOLD. Konformasi terbaik hasil pemodelan dipilih untuk selanjutnya dilakukan studi interaksi terhadap makromolekul Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 (PBP3) pada Escherichia coli menggunakan perangkat lunak PatchDock. Interaksi yang terbentuk kemudian diamati lebih lanjut menggunakan perangkat lunak BIOVIA Discovery Studio 2020. Hasil: Hasil dari penambatan molekuler menunjukkan bahwa peptida Pardaxin-P1 memiliki afinitas paling baik, yaitu dengan ACE score −1402,39 kJ/mol. Kesimpulan: Dengan demikian, peptida antimikrobial tersebut diprediksi dapat dipilih sebagai kandidat antimikroba alami.
Keragaman Jenis Paku-Pakuan (Pteridophyta) dan Kajian Potensi Pemanfaatannya di Cagar Alam Ulolanang Kecubung Muhammad A'tourrohman Atho; M. Akmal Surur Akmal; Riza Eka Nabila Riza; Sinta Dewi Rahmawati Sinta; Siti Fatimah Fatim; Dian Naili Ma'rifah Dian; Lianah Lianah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.28 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4173-814991


Cagar Alam Ulolanang Kecubung as a conservation area in Batang, Central Java undoubtedly holds a rich diversity of flora and fauna. One of the flora stored in the CA is ferns. Ferns (Pteridophyta) is one of the germplasm that plays an important role in the forest ecosystem and is useful in human life. Spread of fern is very wide in the territory of Indonesia. Ferns have a variety of types and potential for extraordinary use for feed ingredients, medicine and ornamental plants. This research is to obtain data and information about the types of ferns diversity in the CA Ulolanang Potential resources, especially from the community around the area. This research was conducted in March-April 2020 using the method of literature study from books, national and international journal articles. Data obtained, there are 15 types of plants distributed namely Davalia trichomanoides Bedd., Davalia denticulata (Brumm.) Mett., Pyrrosia lingua Farw., Pyrrosia numularifolia Sw., Pyrrosia longifolia (Burm.f.) Morton, Drynaria quersifolia (L.) Smith., Drynaria sparsisora ​​Moore. ., Drymoglossum piloselloides (L.) Presl., Stenochlaena polustris (Burm.) Bedd., Asplenium nidus Linn., Lygodium circinatum (Burm.), Pteris vittata Linn, Selligue oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk., Selliguea heterocarpa (Bi.), and Selliguea laciniata (Bedd.) Hovenkamp. All these ferns are not yet widely known Its benefits by the surrounding community. Based on the results of literature studies, these ferns have many benefits such as ornamental plants, vegetables, anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, metal waste accumulators and traditional medicines.
Keterampilan Generik Sains Hubungan Pelaksanaan Praktikum dan Keterampilan Generik Sains terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik: The Relationship of Practicum Implementation and Generic Science Skills to Student Learning Outcomes Berti Yolida; Ranthy Ajeng Damarwulan; Darlen Sikumbang
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4156-653610


Background: Hubungan Pelaksanaan Praktikum dan Keterampilan Generik Sains terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui signifikansi hubungan antara pelaksanaan praktikum, keterampilan generik sains, dan hubungan keduanya terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X di SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung pada pembelajaran Biologi materi animalia filum Chordata. Metode: Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 35 siswa, dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Desain yang digunakan yaitu desain deskriptif korelasional. Data penelitiannya adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif berupa hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik dan data kualitatif berupa deskripsi dari hubungan pelaksanaan praktikum dan keterampilan generik sains terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik berdasarkan angket tanggapan peserta didik, wawancara kepada peserta didik, dan lembar observasi pelaksanaan praktikum. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan praktikum terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik dengan (r=0,648; p 0,000<0,05), keterampilan generik sains terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik dengan (r=0,806; p 0,000<0,05) serta pelaksanaan praktikum dan keterampilan generik sains terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik dengan (sig 0,000<0,05). Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan praktikum, keterampilan generik sains, dan interaksi antara keduanya terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik.
Penggunaan Serbuk Piper ornatum sebagai biopesticide larva lalat rumah Musca domestica Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum; Violita Pita Nugraheni; Prehatin Trirahayu Ningrum
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/414341


Background: Red betel (Piper ornatum) contains several compounds including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and essential oils that have the ability as bioinsecticides. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the number of deaths of house fly larvae (Musca domestica) exposed to red betel in the control group (0%) and the treatment group with a concentration of 1%; 1.5% and 2% for 24 hours. Methods: used is true experimental method with only posttes control group design. There were 4 treatments with 6 replications per treatment. Each treatment was described on 8 larvae, so the number of larvae used in this study was 192 tails. Results: Research shows that red betel powder is indeed effective in killing Musca domestica larvae, but it still requires a long time, which is at least 24 hours. Concentration is needed at least 2% if used as a biopesticide to reduce the density of flies. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the mortality of Musca domestica larvae in the administration of red betel powder (Piper ornatum.
Struktur 3D Protein Struktural VP1 pada Enterovirus A71 Menggunakan Swiss-Model Suprianto Suprianto; Made Budiarsa; Fatmah Dhafir
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4137-474353


Background: Protein struktural VP1 berperan sebagai pemain kunci dalam patogenesis, memiliki keunikan yang cukup menarik untuk dikaji dengan mempelajari sifat dan fungsi protein struktural VP1. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi struktur tiga dimensi protein VP1 pada EV-A71. Metode: Protein target diperoleh dari server UniProt dengan kode akses A0A097EV89 menggunakan template 4cey.1.A (PDB ID) dianalisis secara in silico melalui metode homologi menggunakan server SWISS-MODEL. Hasil: analisis penelitian menunjukkan protein target dan template memiliki identity 95,29 % dan tersusun dari 297 asam amino dengan nilai QMEAN -2,15. Protein struktural VP1 pada Ramachandran Plots memiliki struktur stabil, residu non-glisin pada daerah outlier hanya berkisar 0,34 % (A53 ALA) dengan Nilai rotamer outliers 1,61 %. Kesimpulan: Model struktur tiga dimensi protein yang diteliti memiliki struktur stabil dan informasi yang didapatkan berguna untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dalam pengembangan vaksin penyakit yang disebabkan oleh EV-A71.
Effectiveness of Actinomycetes Isolates from Bogor Botanical Gardens Land as Antifungal against Candida albicans Growth in Vitro Rizqi Aminnullah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4190-964362


Background: Actinomycetes are Gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria noted for its rod-shaped forms. Actinomycetes aso has an antibiotic and antifungal activity. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Actinomycetes isolate as the antifungal toward C. albicans growth by in vitro. Methods: Collected samples were planted on Starch Casein Agar (SCA) through pour plate method with three dilution series of 10-4, 10-5,10-6. The media used to see the obstacles zone of C. albicans was Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) with well method diffusion. Results: Actinomycetes isolates found in the samples were 15 isolates. From the three-dilution series, the study gets the size average of clear zone 3,78 mm, 4,03 mm and 3,52 mm. One way Anova (α 0,05) result also confirmed the difference of obstacles zone levels between C. albicans concentration. Conclusions: The compound comes from Actinomycetes that has potential as antifungal with one of its mechanism's bonds ergosterol and resists fungi protein synthesis.
Catatan Beberapa Jamur Makro Di Pulau Belitong: Deskripsi dan Potensinya Ivan Permana Putra
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4111-204416


Background: Penelitian jamur makro dilaksanakan di hutan Desa Kelubi, Pulau Belitong. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyediakan informasi mengenai keberadaan jamur-jamur makro di Pulau Belitong dan studi mengenai potensi pemanfaatannya di masa mendatang. Metode: Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahap penelitian yaitu observasi, identifikasi, dan studi literatur potensi jamur makro yang berhasil dideskripsikan. Hasil: Sebanyak 12 jamur makro berhasil diidentifikasi dan dideskripsikan pada penelitian ini. Jamur tersebut terbagi ke dalam 6 ordo dan 12 famili. Seluruh jamur termasuk kedalam dua filum, Basidiomycota dan Ascomycota yakni : Cyathus sp., Bolbitius sp., Cortinarius sp.1, Cortinarius sp.2, Entoloma sp., Cyptotrama sp., Collybia sp., Auricularia sp., Gastroboletus sp., Craterellus sp., Lentinus sp., dan Daldinia sp. Jamur yang ditemukan diketahui memiliki potensi bahan pangan, obat, mikobion pembentuk mikoriza, dan juga berperan penting sebagai dekomposer di ekosistem. Kesimpulan: Pulau Belitong memiliki kekayaan jenis jamur yang unik dan belum pernah di deskripsikan dalam bentuk laporan ilmiah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan pada berbagai wilayah guna mengetahui keragaman dan potensi pemanfaaatan jamur yang ada.
Identifikasi dan Analisis Ketahanan terhadap Penyakit Embun Tepung pada Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Kultivar Meloni Muhammad Alif Ishak; Budi Setiadi Daryono
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/411-104725


Background: A powdery mildew-resistant cultivar of melon is needed to increase melon yield crops. Meloni is a superior melon cultivar bred through a crossing between ♀ SL-3 and ♂ PI 371795, resulted by the Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Biology, UGM. This study aimed to determine the level resistance of Meloni to powdery mildew infection and to identify the powdery mildew species that infected Meloni based on morphological characters. Methods: Meloni seeds were germinated and planted in the greenhouse of PIAT UGM. Powdery mildew spores were inoculated into the leaves after ±2 weeks of age. Leaf infected were scored using the gridline every 3 days for 6 weeks. Scoring results were converted to the diseases index score. Furthermore, powdery mildew species was identified using morphological characters. Results: Meloni had a tolerance level of resistance to the powdery mildew infection. Based on the morphological characters with fibrosin bodies, conidia ovoid-shape and the position of the germ tube in the lateral part of the conidia, powdery mildew that infected Meloni was expected as P. xanthii. Conclusions: Meloni can be expected as an alternative to superior melon seeds resistant to pest and disease infections especially powdery mildew.
Analisis Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis: Dampak Model Pembelajaran SiMaYang dan Concept Map Pada Materi Struktur dan Fungsi Jaringan Pada Tumbuhan Laila Puspita; Reva Antika Putri; Komarudin Komarudin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29405/j.bes/4182-894782


Background: Keterampilan berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu aspek penting bagi peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan keterampilan berpikir kritis yang tepat akan membantu peserta didik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran SiMaYang berbantuan concept map terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi struktur dan fungsi jaringan. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Adapun data diambil dengan menggunakan teknik tes, yaitu data tentang keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Instrumen tes tersebut berupa soal uraian (essay) yang dikembangkan berdasarkan indikator keterampilan berpikir kritis. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan yaitu uji-t Independent. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa nilai = 5.94 sedangkan = 1.67 sehingga . Kesimpulan: Hal ini menunjukan Ho ditolak, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pengaruh model pembelajaran SiMaYang berbantuan concept map terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi struktur dan fungsi jaringan

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