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BIOEDUSCIENCE is an open access journal that publishes research in the field of Biology and Biosain Education such as: Applied and implemented in education and learning, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Ecology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Cell and Developmental Biology, Biodiversity and Bioconservation. BIOEDUSCIENCE is published by Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Indonesia regularly in June and December. ISSN : 2614-1558; P-ISSN : 2614-154X.
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Articles 39 Documents
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Motivasi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Penuntun Praktikum Fisiologi Hewan Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Diana Susanti; Rina Widiana; Ramadhan Sumarmin; Silvi Susanti
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.308 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/514994


Guidance on guided animal inquiry based practicology has been developed with valid, practical and effective results. The guide developed is guided inquiry-oriented which can help students find their own knowledge when practicum activities are carried out. Guides developed are also in accordance with the correct guiding component. The purpose of this study is to see the results of student motivation in using guided inquiry-based physiology practicum guides. This research is a development study using the 4D model, the data is processed using a percentage formula. The results of data processing show that the motivation of students who use practicum guides get a percentage of 80.2% (highly motivated) and those who do not use practicum guides is 84.14% (highly motivated) It can be concluded that students are highly motivated towards the use of practicum guided animal physiology guides
Keanekaragaman serangga parasitoid (Ordo: Hymenoptera) pada areal persawahan dan kebun sayur Manap Trianto; Varsha Salsabillah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.985 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515049


Background: The Hymenoptera Order is one of the most dominant orders in the insect class, both in number of species and in their distribution in various habitats. The role of the Hymenoptera Order, especially parasitoids, is very important in a habitat. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of parasitoid insects, especially the order Hymenoptera in rice fields and vegetable gardens. Methods: This research is analytic descriptive. The research method used is a line transect using a sampling technique. The study was conducted in two research areas (rice fields and vegetable gardens) and used three fishing gears (malaise traps, buckets, and insect nets). Results: The results showed that the total number of insects caught was 5037 individuals from 10 orders and 80 family. The diversity of parasitoid insects in this study is in the rice fields H' = 1.80 (moderate diversity) and vegetable gardens H' = 2.26 (moderate diversity). Conclusions: Hymenoptera parasitoid insect diversity was highest in the vegetable garden area.
Potensi Antibakteria Tanaman Bidara Laut (Ximenia americana) Terhadap Bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus dan V. parahaemolyticus Ramses; Fenny Agustina; R. Pramuanggit Panggih Nugroho
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.422 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515091


Background: Vibriosis is currently still a major problem in marine aquaculture and is highly dependent on availability of antibacterial agents in its handling. Investigation of antibacterial potential of the coastal plants of Bidara Laut (Ximenia americana) has been carried out. Methods: Parts of the X. americana plant taken are Old Fruit, Young Fruit, Old Leaf, and Young Leaf. A total of ± 200 grams of each part of X. americana plant was taken to be extracted using maceration method. The antibacterial activity test was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method on Muller Hinton Agar (MHA) media. Observations were made in time units, namely every 6 hours of incubation for 24 hours. Results: The tested extract of plant parts of X. americana showed an inhibition zone against the growth of V. alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus bacteria in each replication in all-time units of observation. Of the four types of extracts tested, old leaves showed strong category resistance to V. alginolyticus with the highest clear zone diameter of 16 mm (average 14.67 mm) at 6 hours incubation. Young leaves gave the highest of 18 mm (average 16.33 mm) against V. parahaemolyticus at 6 hours incubation. Conclusions: X. americana plants have potential for antibacterial against Vibriosis disease in aquaculture. The ability of power to be seen tended to decrease for all tests until the end of observation, but until the end of observation, the ability of extract inhibition of all parts of the plant was still in the moderate to strong category.
Media Motion Graphics Berbasis E-Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Ervan Johan Wicaksana; Binanggra Alpa Pebriand; Pramana Atmadja; Wikanso
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.359 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515118


Background: Biology is a pure science that is analytical and systematic. It relates to the reality of the problems experienced by students in the current biology learning process, which is a monotonous way of learning and tends to make students feel bored with the learning process carried out, so that the teaching material delivered by the teacher or educator is difficult to understand by students. This class action research aims to improve student learning motivation on Biodiversity material. Methods: This class action research was conducted in two cycles; the first cycle was carried out with one meeting and the second cycle was carried out with one meeting. Each cycle is the application of Kemmis and Mc Taggart's classroom action research consisting of 4 stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Results: The results of this study are an increase in learning motivation of students in each cycle. Conclusions: Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Motion Graphics learning media based on e-learning has succeeded in increasing students' learning motivation on Biodiversity material.
Pembelajaran Daring berbasis Google Classroom terhadap Hasil Belajar Konsep Reproduksi pada Kelas Sains Rosalia Dwi Putri; Purwati Kuswarini Suprapto; Egi Nuryadin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.514 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515241


Background: This research shows the improvement of student learning outcomes with Google Classroom-based learning on the concept of human reproductive systems in science classes. Methods: The research method used is the pre-experimental method one-group pretest-posttest design. Samples were taken in non-probability sampling with purposive sampling, which is a science class of 38 students. The treatment given in this study is learning done online using google classroom application, all activities in google classroom on the concept of the human reproductive system. Results: The results of the analysis showed with t calculate (-15.39) greater than t table (-2.04). Based on data analysis and testing, it can be interpreted that there is an increase in student learning outcomes with google classroom-based online learning. The increase is seen from the N-gain value (0.57), which interprets learning outcomes in medium theories. Conclusions: Effectivity learning activities need to be presented by teachers in the face of pandemic situations, although they cannot be done for luring. Google Classroom based online learning can package distance learning more effectively, which has an impact on improving student learning outcomes.
Catatan Beberapa Jamur Makro Dari Taman Eden 100, Kawasan Toba, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia: Deskripsi dan Potensinya Oktan Dwi Nurhayat; Ivan Permana Putra; Sita Heris Anita; Dede Heri Yuli Yanto
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1182.454 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515326


Background: The record and research on macrofungi from Taman Eden 100, Toba-Samosir Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia, was conducted to provide some information about their current status and potential use in the future. Methods: This research was divided into three steps: exploration, identification, and literature studies of the potential use from the identified macrofungi. Results: The research had successfully identified 14 macrofungi that were classified into 4 orders and 9 families. All the macrofungi found were Basidiomycota, namely Gymnopilus sp., Marasmiellus sp.1, Marasmiellus sp.2, Marasmius sp., Favolaschia sp., Coprinellus sp., Coprinopsis sp., Auricularia sp.1, Auricularia sp.2, Auricularia sp.3, Auricularia sp.4, Tylopilus sp., Suillus sp., and Russula sp. The identified macrofungi are potentially used as food supplements, medicine, bio-fertilisers, bioherbicides, and bioremediation agents based on the literature. Conclusions: Taman Eden 100 has a unique fungal diversity of macrofungi and has never been published in a scientific journal. Further investigations are needed to determine the fungal diversity and potential use of macrofungi in other places in Taman Eden 100.
Identification of Bacteria in Kawista Leaves (Limonia acidissima L.) Jamiatul Aulia; Nining Purwati; Sri Sofiati Umami
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.465 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515568


Background: Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms which are abundant in nature. This study aims to isolate and identify bacteria present in the leaves of Kawista (Limonia acidissima L.). Method: The identification process was carried out in a microbiology analyzer with the help of the BD Phonix M50 identification tool. The study was conducted at the West Nusa Tenggara Province Testing and Calibration Laboratory for Health, using kawista (Limonia acidissima L.) leaves obtained from West Sumbawa Regency. Results: The results showed eight bacterial isolates were found including Bacillus sp, Bacillus megaterium, Staphylococcus sp, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus capitis, Streptococcus oralis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides spp. mesenteroides, and Shewanella putrefaciens. Conclusion: Diversity of types of bacteria can be studied through the process of identification. This study aims to isolate and identify bacteria found in kawista leaves. The identification method is carried out in a microbiology analyzer with the help of the BD Phonix M50 identification tool. Bacteria found on the leaves of kawista (Limonia acidissima L.) consist of a group of endophytic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, metal reducing bacteria, and pathogenic bacteria.
Kesulitan Belajar Mahasiswa dalam Praktikum Biokimia Online: Pengalaman Selama Covid-19 Rahmah Qonita; Muhammad A'tourrohman; Ulwiyah; Erna Wijayanti
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.25 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515597


Background: Covid-19 pandemic changed all aspects of human life, including education. Biochemistry practicum activities that should be carried out in the laboratory must be done online. This study analyzes students' learning difficulties in carrying out biochemical online practicum in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Methods: This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The Sample consisted of 63 respondents from students majoring in biology education at UIN Walisongo. The instrument used was a questionnaire with The Gutman scale. Data analyzed using percentage difficulty analysis. Results: the implementation of online biochemistry practicum experienced less difficulties. The percentage of barriers in the difficult category is, material mastery barriers 30,5%, practical implementation barriers 28,8%, internal barriers 25,8%, and external barriers 36,6%. Conclusions: Selection of appropriate learning methods and media is needed to make it easier for students to understand online practicum material.
The Survival Rate and Starch Histochemical Assay of Various Stem Cutting Conditions of Mentega 2 Cassava Genotype at Initial Growth Stage Sri Hartati; Hani Fitriani; Nanang Taryana; Nawawi Nawawi; Yani Cahyani; Siti Kurniawati; Enny Sudarmonowati
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.552 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515612


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the growth ability of cassava mini stem cuttings with different node number and a variety of stem cutting shapes and their correlation with starch content in the stems at initial growth stages. Methods. In this study, the viability of cassava stem cuttings was identified in two type experiments i.e. mini-stem cuttings consisting 1 and 2 nodes and shape variation of single node mini-stem cutting. Parameters observed were shoots emergence period, number of sprouting cuttings, shoots number of individual stem cuttings, shoots height and number of leaves. In addition, starch histochemical test was also carried out on stems of young shoots and initial stem cuttings using Lugol’s solution. Results. Both cassava stem cuttings consisting of 1 and 2 buds indicated the same survival rate of 100%. 1 bud stem cuttings with different shapes showed different survival rate, i.e. 60-80% for semicircular and fully circular cuttings and 30-40% for box shape cuttings. The difference in survival rate with different stem size is probably related to the availability of the amount of starch to support shoots growth. Observations at week 3 after planting generally showed that the stem cuttings with 2 buds were higher than those of stem with 1 bud. Conclusion: There were differences in the scores on the starch content test qualitatively with Lugol staining, in various parts of the plant originating from 1 bud and 2 bud cuttings which may indicate a breakdown of starch during shoot development.
Respon Bioinvogurasi Benih dengan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Padi Gogo Fitriani Fitriani; Yulida Amri; Syamsul Bahri; Fara Nadilla
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.15 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515739


Background: Gogo rice is a type of rice that can be cultivated on dry land with a yield productivity level of 2.57 tons / Ha. So it is necessary to make efforts to increase the growth and productivity of gogo rice through seed bio-inviguration using PGPR. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of beni bioinviguration techniques using PGPR on the growth and productivity of gogo rice. Method: This study used a RAK consisting of 7 treatments and 5 replications. Data analysis used ANOVA at the 5% confidence level and continued with the BNT test. Result: The results showed that the use of biomatriconditioning medium integrated with PGPR could increase the stem height of upland rice by 104.2 cm, 117 cm, and 133.3, the number of tillers were 7, 13 and 15 at the age of 8, 10, and 12 MST. In addition, it can also increase the number of panicles, the length and weight of 100 grains of 14, 22.6 cm and 2.1 grams. Conclusion: the use of biomatriconditioning medium integrated with PGPR can increase the growth and productivity of gogo rice.

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