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JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.882 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.5859


Abstrak: Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah mengimplementasikan pemanfaatan kompor surya bagi masyarakat dalam upaya melestarikan energi terbarukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini terdiri dari tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi dan monitoring. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat nelayan, ibu-ibu darma wanita berjumlah 32 orang yang berdomisili di Gampong Seunebok Baroh, Kecamatan Darul Aman, Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian, masyarakat langsung mempraktikkan penggunaan kompor surya dengan cara menggoreng kerupuk dan telur. Dari hasil pengabdian diperoleh bahwa masyarakat telah memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan kompor surya, berhasil merakit kompor surya, dan berhasil mengoperasikan langsung kompor surya. Pengabdian ini juga telah berhasil mengajak masyarakat dalam upaya pelestarian energi terbarukan yang sedang digalakkan oleh Pemerintah. Hasil monitoring diperoleh bahwa masyarakat merasa puas dengan kompor surya yang digunakan. Manfaat yang diperoleh langsung terasa, salah satunya adalah menghemat biaya khususnya masyarakat ekonomi lemah. Sedangkan hasil evaluasi perlu dibuat ulang kompor surya yang penggunanya tidak akan terkena sinar matahari langsung saat memasak.Abstract: The purpose of this service is to implement the use of solar cookers for the community in an effort to preserve renewable energy. The method used in this service consists of the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation and monitoring stage. Partners in this service activity are fishing communities, womens totaling 32 people who live in Seunebok Baroh Village, Darul Aman, East Aceh. In the implementation of service, the community immediately practiced the use of solar cookers by frying crackers and eggs. From the results of the service, it was found that the community has gained knowledge about the use of solar cookers, succeeded in assembling solar cookers, and successfully operated solar cookers directly. This service has also succeeded in inviting the community to conserve renewable energy which is being promoted by the Government. The results of the monitoring show that the community is satisfied with the solar cooker used. The benefits are immediately felt, one of which is saving costs, especially for the economically weak community. While the results of the evaluation are that it is necessary to re-create a solar cooker whose users are not exposed to direct sunlight when cooking.
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 9, No 2 (2021): JURNAL AGROTEK TROPIKA VOL 9, MEI 2021
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v9i2.4694


Padi gogo adalah jenis padi yang bisa dibudidayakan di daratan tinggi atau lahan kering,  namun produktivitas padi gogo masih sangat rendah  yang disebabkan karena kekeringan, keasaman tanah, penyakit tanaman, mutu benih, dan daya adaptasi rendah. Maka dari  itu,  dilakukan usaha alternatif  untuk mengoptimalkan produktivitas padi gogo melalui  penyediaan bibit unggul yang mampu beradaptasi pada lingkungan yang beragam yaitu dengan penggunaan bioinvigorasi benih (Rhizobacter sp) dan biofungisida dari Ganoderma sp. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik bioinvigorasi benih (Rhizobacteria sp) dan biofungisida dari Ganoderma sp dalam meningkatkan ketahanan dan mutu benih dan mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh teknik bioinvigorasi benih (Rhizobacteri sp) dan biofungisida dari Ganoderma sp untuk meningkatkan ketahanan dan mutu benih padi gogo. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2020 di Laboratorium Dasar Universitas Samudra. Experimental design menggunakan RAL  dengan 11 group percobaan dan 5 replika, sehingga jumlah total sampel yang digunakan adalah  605 benih padi gogo. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan ANOVA (signifikansi 5%) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan biomatriconditioning serbuk bata merah (F7) dan arang sekam (F8) yang diintegrasikan dengan rhizobacter dan biofungisida dapat meningkatkan potensi tumbuh maksimum benih padi gogo sebesar 97,8 % dan 96,7% kecepatan tumbuh relatif benih padi gogo sebesar 95,5% dan 93,3% dan indeksi vigor benih sebesar 62,2 % dan 58,9% serta dapat menurunkan tingkat serangan patogen fusarium sp sebesar 2,2% dan 2,2%. Dengan demikian penggunaan medium biomatriconditioning dan serbuk arang sekam yang diintegrasikan dengan rhizobacter dan biofungisida dari Ganoderma sp dapat meningkatkan mutu dan ketahanan benih padi gogo
Kualitas perairan di daerah pesisir Pulau Ujung Perling, Kota Langsa, Aceh: Water quality in coastal area of Ujung Perling Island, Langsa City, Aceh Andika Putriningtias; Samsul Bahri; Teuku Muhammad Faisal; Antoni Harahap
Habitus Aquatica : Journal of Aquatic Resources and Fisheries Management Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Habitus Aquatica : Journal of Aquatic Resources and Fisheries Management
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/HAJ.2.1.95


Pulau Ujung Perling berada di wilayah Kota Langsa merupakan daerah pesisir yang menjadi tempat bagi biota laut untuk mencari makan (feeding ground) dan melakukan pemijahan (nursery ground). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan juni 2020 di wilayah perairan pulau Ujung Perling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif eksploratif. Titik pengambilan data dibagi menjadi 4 stasiun, setiap stasiun diambil sebanyak 3 kali ulangan pada pagi, siang dan sore hari. Pengambilan data kualitas air yaitu pH, suhu, dan oksigen terlarut menggunakan multicheker parameter, kedalaman dan kecerahan menggunakan secchi disk, dan salinitas menggunakan refractometer. Pengambilan data seluruh parameter dengan frekuensi seminggu sekali selama 1 bulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu suhu air berkisar antara 27–30ºC, salinitas berkisar antara 30,1–32 ppt, kedalaman berkisar antara 0,5–5 m, pH 7–8,1, dan DO 5,1–8,2 mg/L.
Respon Bioinvogurasi Benih dengan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Padi Gogo Fitriani Fitriani; Yulida Amri; Syamsul Bahri; Fara Nadilla
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.15 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/515739


Background: Gogo rice is a type of rice that can be cultivated on dry land with a yield productivity level of 2.57 tons / Ha. So it is necessary to make efforts to increase the growth and productivity of gogo rice through seed bio-inviguration using PGPR. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of beni bioinviguration techniques using PGPR on the growth and productivity of gogo rice. Method: This study used a RAK consisting of 7 treatments and 5 replications. Data analysis used ANOVA at the 5% confidence level and continued with the BNT test. Result: The results showed that the use of biomatriconditioning medium integrated with PGPR could increase the stem height of upland rice by 104.2 cm, 117 cm, and 133.3, the number of tillers were 7, 13 and 15 at the age of 8, 10, and 12 MST. In addition, it can also increase the number of panicles, the length and weight of 100 grains of 14, 22.6 cm and 2.1 grams. Conclusion: the use of biomatriconditioning medium integrated with PGPR can increase the growth and productivity of gogo rice.
KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS KEPITING DI EKOSISTEM HUTAN MANGROVE KUALA LANGSA, KOTA LANGSA, ACEH Andika Putriningtias; Teuku Muhammad Faisal; Siti Komariyah; Syamsul Bahri; Helmy Akbar
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 19 No. 1 (2019): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.103 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v19i1.1074


Abstract : Mangrove is a vegetation that has many benefits. One of them, mangrove provide living space to many organism. Crabs are one of a wide variety of invertebrate animals that live in association with mangroves. The importance of the role of crabs in the mangrove ecosystem because the crab is a burrowing organism, so it will support the mangrove land becomes fertile. This study aims to determine the diversity of crabs, dominant or most commonly found crab species and crab living habitats associated with mangrove trees around Kuala Langsa mangrove forest, Langsa City, Aceh. This research is only descriptive. Sampling is done by 2 methods that is qualitative in quadrant plot 5x5 meter2 and quantitative in quadrant plot 1x1 meter2. From the results of the study found 15 species of crabs from 7 genera and 5 families. The index value of diversity for all research stations was included in the medium category. The uniformity index is high and there is no type dominance on all stations. Of the 15 types of crabs, there are 3 types of economical crabs (Scylla serrata, Scylla olivacea and Thalamita crenata) and 12 types of non-economical crabs. In general, the crabs of the Genus Uca are the most commonly found crabs in the study sites. Keywords: Aceh, Biodiversity, Crabs, Kuala Langsa,  Mangrove  Abstrak : Mangrove merupakan suatu vegetasi yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Salah satu dari manfaat mangrove adalah menyediakan ruang hidup bagi banyak organisme. Kepiting merupakan salah satu dari berbagai jenis hewan avertebrata yang hidup berasosiasi dengan mangrove. Pentingnya peran kepiting pada ekosistem mangrove karena kepiting merupakan hewan yang hidup meliang, sehingga akan membuat tanah pada ekosistem mangrove menjadi subur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis kepiting, jenis kepiting yang mendominasi atau paling sering ditemukan dan habitat hidup kepiting yang berasosiasi dengan pohon mangrove di sekitar hutan mangrove Kuala Langsa, Kota Langsa, Aceh.Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan 2 metode yaitu kualitatif pada kuadran plot 5x5 meter2  dan kuantitatif pada kuadran plot 1x1 meter2. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 15 jenis kepiting dari 7 genus dan 5 famili.Nilai indeks keanekaragaman untuk semua stasiun penelitian termasuk dalam kategori sedang.Indeks keseragaman tinggi dan tidak ada dominansi jenis pada seluruh stasiun.Dari 15 jenis kepiting, terdapat 3 jenis kepiting ekonomis (Scylla serrata, Scylla olivacea dan Thalamita crenata) dan 12 jenis kepiting non-ekonomis.Secara umum, kepiting dari genus Uca merupakan kepiting yang paling banyak ditemukan di lokasi penelitian. Kata kunci: Aceh, Keanekaragaman, Kepiting, Kuala Langsa, Mangrove
Global Science Society Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/gss.v3i1.3233


Soil salinity due to the accumulation of NaCl salts is the cause of the largest land damage in the world. The build-up of NaCL salts on the ground can be caused by sea water intrusion. As a result, many saline lands are scattered around the Indonesian lotus line, including Langsa city, especially Sungai Lueng Village. Soil salinity can disrupt plant growth so that production is low, including rice. The results showed that the farmers planted Ciherang varieties with productivity ranging from 4-5 tonnes / ha. Precise handling through application of technology to reduce the effects of salinity. The use of Na-metal washing technology as a source of toxicity for rice plants can be done by utilizing rainwater whose effectiveness is increased by adding gypsum. In addition to Na leaching, the use of Banyuasin salinity tolerant varieties will also be carried out. Through this PKM, it is hoped that the saline land in Langsa City can be utilized optimally and specifically rice production in Sungai Lueng village can increase to support food sovereignty.
Jurnal Agroqua: Media Informasi Agronomi dan Budidaya Perairan Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Agroqua
Publisher : University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/ja.v19i1.1534


The development of acid sulfate land for agricultural land faces many obstacles, including high soil acidity and low P nutrient availability due to fixation by Al and Fe. Soil characteristics in the Langsa City area are classified as marginal soils with high soil acidity. But to ensure the successful management of acid sulfate into productive agricultural land must be managed properly. One effort can be done to ensure the successful management of acid sulfate land into productive land. This research was conducted in the acid sulfate field of Simpang Wie village, East Langsa Subdistrict, Langsa City, which was conducted in Mai until September 2019. This study aimed to determine the P dose of some soybean varieties in potential acid sulfate fields. This research used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 2 replications. The first factor is the soybean variety factor (V) which consists of 4 varieties namely V1 = Burangrang, V2 = Sibayak, V3 = Anjasmoro, and V4 = Willis and the second factor is the dose of Phosphorus fertilizer (P) which consists of 4 levels namely P1 = 0 kg P2O5, P2 = 36 kg P2O5, P3 = 72 kg P2O5 and P4 = 108 kg P2O5. Provision of Phosphorus nutrients in various soybean varieties significantly differ in plant height at ages 4 and 6 MST, number of productive branches at age 6 MST, number of pods per plant, the weight of 100 soybean seeds, and nutrient content of acid sulfate soils. The best phosphorus nutrient to increase the growth and yield of soybean plants in acid sulfate soils is 108 kg ha-1 P2O5. Willis soybean varieties are more responsive to the supply of Phosphate nutrients in acid sulfate soils which are characterized by the best growth and yield of soybeans compared to other varieties.
Screening Gogo Rice Local Aceh Cultivars Drought Tolerant Under Polyetilene Glycol 6000 Muhammad Syahril; Syamsul Bahri; Rhido Suhada
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (718.683 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v6i2.3152


Efforts for increasing rice production nationally, it is necessary to increase the productivity of a land. Utilization of marginal lands like drought land potential to increase rice production nationally. One effort to utilize marginal land like dry land is the use of high-yielding drought tolerant varieties. Until now high-yielding drought tolerant varieties still relatively rare. For this reason, it is necessary to create high-yielding drought tolerant varieties from plant breeding program. One of the standard programs in plant breeding to create high-yielding drought tolerant varieties is provision of genetic material as parental. Local varieties gogo rice Drought-tolerant potential to be used as parental in the plant breeding program to create of high-yielding drought tolerant rice varieties. For this reason, it is necessary to test drought tolerance of local rice cultivars. The study used 10 cultivars exploration results in East Aceh Regency namely Gameso, Sibengkok, Ramos Gunung, Sidol, Sigedul, Rias Kuning, Rias putih, Sibontok, Serumu, and Sileso. Drought tolerance testing using PEG solution (Polyethylene Glycol) 6000 156. 75 g / liter of H2O which is equivalent to the osmotic potential of -3 BAR and aquades as control (0 BAR) an germination stage and early vegetative stage. The results of the study show that 10 cultivars tested in the germination stage, 6 cultivars were selected as drought tolerant cultivars. Furthermore, 6 cultivars tested in the early vegetative stage showed the ability to recover at day 35 and then at day 42 showed no symptoms of drought. 6 drought tolerant cultivars are Gameso, Ramos Gunung, Sigedul, Rias Kuning, Sibontok, and Sileso.
FIRST REPORT: EXISTENCE OF ALPHEID SHRIMP (Alpheus lobidens De Haan 1849) IN MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM OF KUALA LANGSA, ACEH, INDONESIA Helmi Akbar; Teuku Muhammad Faisal Faisal; Siti Komariah; Andika Putriningtias; Muhammad Fauzan Isma; Syamsul Bahri; Iswahyudi Iswahyudi; Amal Saber Abdel-Rahman; Esraa Elsaeed Ibrahim Ammar; Muhammad Arif Nasution
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpt.v8i2.5944


AbstractThe existence of alpheid shrimp species in Indonesia is not too much found in the latest scientific publications. Alpheid shrimp species can be used as an indicator to assess the quality of the environment in mangrove areas. The discovery of shrimp species from the Alpheid group adds to the list of biodiversity in the mangrove area of Kuala Langsa. Biodiversity of a high number of species in this group of shrimp is usually found in mangrove areas with muddy sand beaches. This is because, this type of shrimp has a habit of living in muddy areas. The living zone of this type of shrimp is almost the same location as the type of crab that is wrapped like the Scylla serrata group. Mangrove area kuala langsa although it has mangrove biodiversity that is relatively high. Kuala Langsa mangrove forests are dominated by the Rhizoporaceae group, which is a type of vegetation that is effective as a sediment trap from the direction of the river estuary while holding abrasion from the direction of the sea. In the current year there is also a condition of decrease in the number of large trees. This is caused by the harvest of mangrove wood to produce charcoal for fuel purposes. This condition will slowly make the function of the ecosystem decrease. Where the role of ecosystems provide living niches for aquatic organisms is decreasing. Land clearing of certain areas of the mangrove area for physical infrastructure purposes such as the construction of restaurants, settlements, roads, small aircraft runways, reduces the ability of the region to maintain the function of its ecosystem. The next thing is the ecological pressure for aquatic biota that has living niches in mangrove areas.Keyword: alpheid shrimp, alpheus, mangrove, ecosystem, kuala langsa, aceh
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i4.10850


ABSTRAKRajungan merupakan komoditas ekspor yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi, tingginya penangkapan rajungan menyebabkan hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh nelayan semakin menurun. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terkait teknologi penangkapan yang ramah lingkungan dan teknik penangkaran telah memperparah penurunan stok dialam. Model penangkaran rajungan yang berkelanjutan diketahui dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi penurunan stok rajungan dialam. Adapun metode teknis pelaksanaan utama dalam kegiatan ini, yaitu (1) Kegiatan pengelolaan induk mulai dari penampungan dan penerimaan induk bertelur yang tertangkap dari nelayan pemeliharaan bak induk, seleksi induk khususnya yang sudah bertelur, pakan dan pengelolaan kualitas air induk, pengeraman (inkubasi) induk  serta penetasan  telur rajungan.  (2)  Pengelolaan  kualitas  air  agar diperoleh kelulushidupan crablet yang tinggi. (3) Pencegahan hama dan penyakit, hama dan penyakit yang sering menyerang seperti ektoparasit dan jamur. Hasil PKM ini merupakan solusi alternatif dalam kegiatan ini dengan membuat sistem RUMÔH BIENG RENJONG dapat memudahkan nelayan dalam memahami konsep ini dibuat sesederhana mungkin, sehingga diperoleh peningkatan stok di alam dari hasil restocking secara mandiri oleh masyarakat nelayan secara berkelanjutan yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan hasil tangkapan dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat pesisir, khususnya pelaku usaha perikanan rajungan. Kata kunci: induk; penangkaran; rajungan; restocking ABSTRACTBlue swimming crab is an export commodity that has high economic value, the high crab catch causes the catches obtained by fishermen to decrease. The lack of public understanding regarding environmentally friendly fishing technologies and captive breeding techniques has exacerbated the decline in natural stocks. It is known that sustainable crab breeding models can be used to overcome the decline in natural crab stocks. The main implementation technical methods in this activity are (1) broodstock management activities starting from sheltering and receiving egg-laying broodstock caught from fisherman maintenance of brood tanks, selection of broodstock especially those that have laid eggs, feed and broodstock water quality management, incubation (incubation) of broodstock and hatching crab eggs. (2) Management of water quality in order to obtain high crablet survival. (3) Prevention of pests and diseases, pests and diseases that often attack such as ectoparasites and fungi. The results of this PKM are an alternative solution in this activity by making the RUMÔH BIENG RENJONG system easier for fishermen to understand this concept. Make it as simple as possible, so that an increase in stocks in nature is obtained from the results of independent restocking by fishing communities in a sustainable manner which can later increase catches and increase fish stocks. the economy of coastal communities, especially crab fisheries business actors. Keywords: broodstock; crab; restocking