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Applied Industrial Engineering Journal
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Applied Industrial Engineering Journal created based published by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro that focus on the industrial engineering and management applied science. We know that every case in the industry is a different one to another, and it may have a different result although it has the same process. So we are very welcome to author, reader, and reviewer to join us to share knowledge about industrial engineering and management. We also aim to promote the current issue in applied industrial engineering and management Applied Industrial Engineering Journal is published biannually with the single-blind review process in June and December.
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Articles 47 Documents
Perancangan Alat Pemotong Kue Yangko dengan Metode Rasional M. Khoirul Anwar; Jazuli Jazuli; Ratih Setyaningrum
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.511 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1720


Yangko cake is a culinary area that is often used as souvenirs when visiting the city of Yogyakarta with a sticky texture, supple and soft. In yangko cake making, producers are faced with problems during the process of cutting the cake. It is necessary to have an effective cake cutter so that it can increase its productivity. From the results of research conducted by using rational methods, obtained the result that the cutting tool cake is designed by using sling cutting technology. The rational method consist of several stages: (1) clarifying objectives, (2) establish function, (3) setting requirement, (4) determining characteristic, (5) generating alternatives, (6) evaluating alternatives, dan (7) product improvements. From the results of experimental tools that have been done, obtained increased time efficiency and productivity cutting process as much as 60%. In addition, the cuts using this tool also have better quality than before and reducing the number of defective products. In terms of use, this tool has a good enough resistance and is designed with the concept of ergonomics so it can be used with comfort.
Penggunaan Metode Goal Programming Untuk Optimasi Perancangan Proses Produksi Produk Wingko Babat Novitasari Novitasari; Tita Talitha; Dewi Agustini Susanto
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.07 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1725


One form of actual problems in the manufacturing industry is how to maximize the value of profit with various constraints or constraints. The problem is not only experienced by big industry but also small industry like in UD. Wingko trip Mr. Moel who is trying to maximize the value of profit by estimating the amount of wingko trips that must be produced because there is a problem of the difference in the amount of production with one of the limits associated with the production capacity. The resulting production difference causes the amount of wingko trip or excess production in certain month. The method of Goal Programming is the one method of optimization with more than one objective that are interconnected with each other or conflicting to solve the problem. This research uses the Goal Programming method to optimize the production amount and maximize the profit of the product, and to forecast the number of forward demand by using the number of the past request to know how many products must be produced. Goal Programming Formulations use forecasting as decision variables for optimization of results in compliance with criteria and constraints. The results show the optimal amount of production in January - December 2017 are 29860 bag wingko original, 24000 bag wingko chocolate chocolate, 26004 bag wingko tripe jackfruit and 18084 bag wingko tripe durian with total profit in 2017 is Rp. 429.736.600. 
Minimasi Jarak Perpindahan Material Menggunaan Algoritma Blocplan dalam Perancangan Tata Letak Proses Produksi Produk Vulkanisir Ban Victor Richardo; Dewi Agustini Santoso; Tita Talitha
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.17 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1724


The design of the layout aims to optimize aspects of productivity, processing time, worker fatigue, cost & distance of movement of material on the production floor. Optimizations regarding material displacement distance typically focus on minimizing the distance between the production units within the manufacturing company. This study conducted a case study on UD Utama Tires which is one of the companies manufacturing retread tire trucks located in Semarang. The company has crossmovement related problems between production units and departmental layout that is not in line with the production process flow, while the availability of production space is only 30x15 meters and there are 12 departments. The observation result shows the distance of material transfer in the heat-processing unit is 111.96 m and the cold-processing unit is 100.63. Optimization needs to be done to minimize the material distance between the units of the process. Blocplan algorithm was chosen as the method of arranging the company layout and obtained the result of 20 alternative proposed new layout to then selected one of the proposals with the highest layout score. The result of this research is the 15th proposed alternative with the highest layout-score value is 0.82, so it can be concluded that the optimum model can minimize the distance of the material production movement by 63.8m in the heat-processing unit with the effectiveness rate 43.02% and 69.1m in the process unit cold with effectiveness rate 31,33%
Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Bahan Baku Sarung Batik (Studi Kasus CV. Mitra Setia Usaha) Debby Malinda; Tita Talitha; Jazuli Jazuli
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (111.771 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1722


Planning and controlling the needs of both raw materials and finished products is a significant thing for companies to optimize their production. This also applies to CV. Mitra Setia Usaha that  engaged in the textile industry with raw materials batik cloth. During this time, CV. Mitra Setia Usaha has not applied standard methods in the planning and control of raw material needs. Determination of the amount of raw materials so far only based on the number of consumer orders. In the last 2 (two years) (October 2014 to September 2016), the company received a request of 5.050,000 meters, but the existing supply of cotton fabric was only 4,920,500 meters. One of the methods that can be applied in the CV. Loyal Business Partners is the Material Requirement Planning (MRP). By applying this MRP-Lot for for lot (LFL) method, CV. Mitra Setia Usaha able to reduce the cost incurred in the procurement of raw materials for one year which initially amounted to 104.328.000 rupiah to 93.817.673 rupiah and can even be reduced again to 83.306.995 rupiah using the method of Order Quantity Period (POQ)
Pengambilan Keputusan Strategi Pemasaran Terbaik pada PT. Astra International TBK. UD Truck SO Cabang Semarang Sania Bunga Pradani Hernanti; Dwi Eko Waluyo; Dwi Nurul Izzhati
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.632 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1721


The sale of UD Truck Quester unit at PT Astra International UD Truck SO Semarang branch does not show any improvement in 2015. This condition even tends to stagnate. Not achieving the target that has been set is an indication that the marketing strategy that is used today has not given optimal results. Therefore, the need for a new marketing strategy that can drive sales in PT Astra International UD Truck SO Semarang branch. Nevertheless, of course the marketing strategy developed will be very diverse and needs to be chosen well so as to give the best results. For this reason we use the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method and also TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) to select the best marketing strategy in choosing the best marketing strategy. The result of this research got the conclusion that best strategy chosen for PT. Astra International UD Truck SO Semarang Branch is a segmentation based on the ideal solution of negative and positive
Perancangan Alat Bantu Home Scaffolding Agly Prasta Dewansyah; Rindra Yusianto; Jazuli Jazuli
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.208 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1723


Scaffolding is a tool commonly used in installation processes that are similar in shape to stairs. Based on survey results to existing scaffolding users, it is concluded that it needs to be redesign because it is too heavy and inflexible. This is why many scaffolding users are not satisfied. In this research, will be designed a scaffolding that suits the needs of consumers by using rational methods and anthropometric approach. The use of rational methods aims to obtain the objectives, functions, details, and selection of scaffolding materials, while the anthropometric approach is used to determine the size of the scaffolding according to Indonesian posture. From the research that has been done, the results obtained that the scaffolding to be designed has to can be set height, can be folded so that it can save space, lightweight, easy to carry and safe to use. Testing of designed scaffolding gives results that the new design is able to withstand loads of up to 2500 Newtons (254.94 Kg) making it safe to use for 2-3 people.
Penerapan Metode REBA dan EFD dalam Perancangan Stasiun Kerja Ergonomis pada Proses Pencetakan Produk Tahu Rinda Setyowati; Jazuli Jazuli; Ratih Setyaningrum
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.167 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1727


The design of an ergonomic working system in the company of either manufacturing or service requires ergonomic methods in its application to help people adjust the work system with psychological and physiological factors, the goal is to avoid illness or accidents due to work and can increase comfort and work productivity. SME Know Sendang is one of the small-scale manufacturing companies engaged in the production of tofu products that experienced problems in the production process associated with high rates of work-related pain, especially spinal complaints experienced by employees on the production floor. The study started by measuring the level of potential work-related illness using the Neat Entire Body Assesment (REBA) method and the result of 3 high-risk action actions of 94% of potential workers could experience back pain due to traditional and non-ergonomic work positions especially on the process move the know to the printout. Work station improvements are designed using the Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) method to obtain ergonomic and ergonomic seating designs using anthropometric measurements of human working positions. The anthropometry calculation results show that the height of the ergonomic seating height is 105 cm, the length of the printed table is 1500 cm, the height of the printed table is 53 cm using the high anthropometric dimension of the knee and the height of the 65 cm valve using the height of the sitting elbow. The calculation validation was performed by calculating the final REBA value and obtained the value of action 1 with the low potency level and the potential backbone pain decreased to 20%.
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.187 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v2i1.2052


AbstractThis research aims to make marketing mix mathematical modeling and analyze its relationship with the marketing success. Totaling 100 products from 15 types of product categories are used as a research object. Independent variables consist of price, feature, product performance, service, brand, design, distribution, and promotion. Market share is used as a dependent variable and Kano Method is used to construct the mathematical model. The mathematical model constructs in this study has R2 value 28,18%. Price, feature, and design include in must-be requirement which means the variables must be present in a product. The customer will feel dissatisfied if the variables do not exist. Service, distribution, and promotion include in one-dimensional requirement which means adding value to coverage variable will linearly increase market share. Brand and product performance include in attractive requirement which means a little added value to these variables can have a significant impact to the marketing success. The most influential variables on marketing success are brand and distribution. Keyword: marketing mix, marketing success, Kano model, mathematical model  AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemodelan matematis campuran pemasaran dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan keberhasilan pemasaran. Sebanyak 100 produk dari 15 jenis kategori produk digunakan sebagai objek penelitian. Variabel independen terdiri dari harga, fitur, kinerja produk, layanan, merk, desain, distribusi, dan promosi. Pangsa pasar digunakan sebagai variabel dependen dan Metode Kano digunakan untuk membangun model matematika. Model matematika yang dibangun dalam penelitian ini memiliki nilai R2 28,18%. Harga, fitur, dan desain termasuk dalam persyaratan yang harus ada artinya variabel harus ada dalam suatu produk. Pelanggan akan merasa tidak puas jika variabel tidak ada. Layanan, distribusi, dan promosi termasuk dalam persyaratan satu dimensi yang berarti menambahkan nilai ke variabel cakupan secara linier akan meningkatkan pangsa pasar. Kinerja merek dan produk termasuk dalam persyaratan yang menarik yang berarti sedikit nilai tambah bagi variabel-variabel ini dapat memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap keberhasilan pemasaran. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh pada keberhasilan pemasaran adalah merk dan distribusi. Kata Kunci: bauran pemasaran, keberhasilan pemasaran, model Kano, model matematis
Pemodelan dan Analisa Produktivitas Proses Pembekuan Produk Fillet Ikan Menggunakan Objective Matrix (OMAX) (Studi Kasus PT. Mandala Mulya Sakti Surabaya) Christian Kurniawan; Rudy Tjahyono; Dwi Nurul Izzhati
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.97 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v1i1.1726


Way in increasing the value of productivity in manufacturing and service companies are usually always faced with many constraints factors such as human, machine, material, information or energy. PT. Mandala Mulya Sakti Surabaya is one example of a fish processing manufacturing company experiencing problems related to productivity decline. The decrease of productivity occurred in July 2016 where the freezing unit of dori fish fillet with significant value so that handling effort is needed. This research uses Objective Matrix (OMAX) as an effort to evaluate the value of productivity by modeling and analyzing the productivity of freezing process of dori fish product, then the result of scientific analysis will be used as benchmark of productivity improvement in the future. Technical rather than the use of OMAX is to determine the criteria ratios, search data using questionnaires and utilize AHP methods to determine the weight, followed by the calculation of ratios and the determination of the value boundary, then the final stage is the creation of OMAX table to calculate the value of productivity. The results of this study indicate that the lowest productivity value occurred in July of 2016 of 5.08 and the highest in April 2017 amounted to 468.12. These results can be a reference in future productivity improvements
Applied Industrial Engineering Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.353 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/aiej.v2i1.2050


AbstractPT. XYZ is a contractor company that focused on railway installation. Nowadays, PT.XYZ is working on a double track railway development in Semarang-Bojonegoro section. The project requires the ability of a project manager to manage risk. Working accidents occur due to poor risk management. The purpose of risk management is to anticipate the occurrence of risks that has caused financial losses and failure. The objectives of the study are to implement risk assessment and risk control based on risk management standards. The risk management process that has been applied refers ISO 31000 standards. The standards are included the risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. The result shows that assessing railway double rail project has identified 19 unexpected risks as a high risk and 12 unacceptable risks that are required risk mitigation to reduce the impact. Keyword: Project Management, Risk Management, Risk Mitigation.  AbstrakPT. XYZ adalah perusahaan kontraktor dibidang pembangunan jalur kereta api. Proyek  pembangunan jalur ganda kereta api memerlukan kemampuan seorang manajer proyek dalam mengelola manajemen risiko. Kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi disebabkan belum terkelolanya manajemen risiko dengan baik. Pengelolaan manajemen risiko sangatlah penting dapat mengantisipasi terjdinya risiko yang menimbulkan kerugian finansial dan kegagalan dalam mencapai tujuan proyek. Tujuan penelitian melakukan penilaian dan pengendalian risiko dengan menggunakan standar manajemen risiko. Proses manajemen risiko mengunakan standar ISO 31000 meliputi tahapan identifikasi, analisis dan evaluasi risiko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  pembangunan proyek jalur ganda kereta api memiliki risiko yang tinggi karena langsung bersinggungan dengan jalur kereta aktif sehingga teridentifikasi ada 19 risiko yang tidak diharapkan. Selain itu terdapat 12 risiko yang tidak dapat diterima. Risiko yang tidak dapat diterima memerlukan  mitigasi risiko mengurangi dampak yang ditimbulkan. Keyword: Manajemen Proyek, Manajemen risiko, Mitigasi Risiko.