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JAS-PT Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi
Published by Forum Dosen Indonesia
ISSN : 25805339     EISSN : 26205718     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Forum Dosen Indonesia yang mempublikasikan artikel berbasis penelitian (lapangan, kepustakaan, eksperimen) mencakup aspek-aspek manajemen dan kebijakan pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia
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Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Jabatan Fungsional Akademik Tenaga Pendidik di STIE Kesatuan Pingky Dezar Zulkarnain; Yanto Hermawan
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.416


One important part of the rank of an educator at STIE Kesatuan is required to understand the processes in applying for promotion by completing complete documents, consisting of education and teaching, scientific work, community service and support. So far, the process of increasing the functional position of educators is based on the results of the processing carried out based on the work unit in the HRD. For the sake of appropriateness of the process of increasing the academic position of lecturers and the suitability of the points required, a support system for the decision to increase in academic functional positions is made for educators. The data used are in the form of previous rank files along with educational and teaching files, scientific papers, community service and support. The econometric analysis method is used to calculate statistically. The test results carry out structural and functional checks to determine whether the system being made is in accordance with the design or not. Keywords: Decision support systems, Data flow diagram
Pengaruh Persepsi dan Motivasi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Terhadap Minat Menjadi Akuntan Publik dengan Asas Kemandirian sebagai Variabel Moderasi Anugrah Nur Wahyuni; Sri Ayem
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.393


This study aims to determine the effect of perceptions and motivation of accounting students on the interest in becoming a public accountant with the asas kemandirian as a moderating variable. This research was conducted at private universities in DIY which have a CPA test center in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI). The sample was determined using purposive sampling method, so that the total sample was 118 people. The data testing method used is multiple linear regression analysis and moderate regression analysis (MRA). The results of this study indicate that the perceptions and motivation of accounting students have a positive effect on the interest in becoming public accountants. The asas kemandirian strengthens the influence of accounting students' perceptions of their interest in becoming public accountants and has a positive effect. Meanwhile, the asas kemandirian cannot be a moderating variable for the motivation of accounting students to become a public accountant. Keywords: Perception, Motivation, Asas Kemandirian and Interest
Model Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Decision Tree C4.5 dan Software Weka Isnan Mulia; Muanas Muanas
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.417


In this research, we build a model to predict graduation status of students in Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan using C4.5 decision tree algorithm. The prediction model is built using students’ GPA from semester 1 to semester 4, for students with admission year of 2013 to 2016. The prediction model obtained is a decision tree with 26 rules, with the attribute IPS_4 being the attribute that determines the graduation label of students. This prediction model yields an accuracy of 73%, a result that is not good enough. This result is probably due to unbalanced proportion of the data used.
Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Abdul Majid; Adi Lukman Hakim; Elvina Assadam
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.396


This study aims to describe work motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance and to analyze job satisfaction in moderating the effect of work motivation on employee performance. This research method with qualitative and quantative approaches. The population of this study were all employees of Hotel Pardise Batu, so that the sampling used total sampling technique. Descriptive data and moderated regression were used as data analysis. The results show that work motivation has an effect on employee performance, job motivation, job satisfaction and the interaction between work motivation and job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and job satisfaction moderates the effect of work motivation and employee performance
Persepsi dan Kecenderungan Siswa SMA Dalam Memilih Pendidikan Tinggi Lanjutan di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Fajar Okta Widarta; Ikhsan Ikhsan; Bambang Bambang
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.402


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa terhadap pendidikan tinggi dan kecenderungan mereka dalam memilih pendidikan tinggi lanjutan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan populasi penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Blangjerango tahun akademik 2020/2021 berjumlah 171 siswa. Teknik random sampling digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan skala Likert. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif . Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) persepsi siswa terhadap pendidikan tinggi dan kecenderungan mereka memilih pendidikan tinggi lanjutan berada pada kategori sangat baik (85,57%); (2) terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan persepsi siswa mengenai pendidikan tinggi terhadap kecenderungan memilih pendidikan tinggi lanjutan, dengan besar pengaruh sebanyak 27,1%. Kata kunci: Persepsi, pendidikan tinggi.
Pengaruh Fraud Diamond dan Gonetheory Terhadap Academic Fraud Silfani Neva; Firdaus Amyar; Hardini Lestiani Hernusa
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.408


This research examines the factors of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, ability, greed, need, and disclosure of academic fraud behavior in accounting students at Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan Bogor. This type of research is a quantitative study, using a questionnaire as a research instrument measured by a Likert scale. This study used a sample of 306 students who had already participated in filling out the questionnaire that the researcher had distributed in the form of a Google Form. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using the IBM SPSS version 25 software. The results of this study indicate that the opportunity and need factors affect the academic fraud of accounting students at the Bogor Institute of Business and Informatics, while the factors of pressure, rationalization, ability, greed, and disclosure have no effect on academic fraud committed by accounting students at the Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan.
Analisis Sikap Multiatribut Fishbein Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Mahasiswa Memilih Kampus IBI Kesatuan Febry Lodwyk Rihe Riwoe; Jan Horas Veryady Purba
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.409


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keputusan calon mahasiswa dalam memutuskan pemilihan Perguruan Tinggi di Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Model analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis sikap Multiatribut Fishbein. Terdapat 10 aribut yang dianalisis, yakni (1) kualitas akreditasi, (2) fasilitas, (3) kualitas dosen, (4) biaya kuliah, (5) lokasi, (6) faktor teman/keluarga, (7) suasana kampus, (8) beasiswa, (9) pelayanan dan (10) mudah bekerja. Analisis sikap mahasiswa dilihat dari dua variabel yakni tingkat kepercayaan (belief) mahasiswa atas atribut Perguruan Tinggi dan evaluasi mahasiswa atas atribut tersebut dan sekaligus mengukur score kinerjanya. Teknisk pengambilan sampel adalah proportional random sampling, dengan sampel 288 responden dari populasi 1025 orang mahasiswa. Berdasarkan nilai kepercayaan sikap mahasiswa terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi di Kota Bogor diperoleh rata-rata score dengan nilai 3.841, dan berada pada kategori baik, sedangkan nilai evaluasi sikap mahasiswa terhadap perguruan tinggi IBI Kesatuan diperoleh rata-rata score 4.009 berada pada kategori baik. Terdapat dua atribut yang paling tinggi dan masuk dalam kategori sangat penting, yakni Mudah bekerja (4.316) dan Kualitas Akreditasi (4.313), dan Akreditasi yang mencerminkan kualitas IBI Kesatuan. Nilai sikap dengan model Fishbein dalam pemilihan Perguruan Tinggi IBI Kesatuan didapat score sikap sebesar 159,94 berada pada interval “baik”. Kata Kunci : Fishbein, belief, evaluation, performance, importance.
Tugas Akhir dan Faktor Stres Mahasiswa Sri Suhandiah; Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas; Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.424


Mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir merupakan individu yang rentan mengalami stres. Mahasiswa yang mengalami stres cenderung mengalami gangguan dalam fungsi fisik, emosi, kognitif, dan tingkah laku yang dapat berimbas pada waktu penyelesaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi stres mahasiswa dalam menyusun Tugas Akhir. Sampel diambil dari 108 mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Tugas Akhir. Hasil analisis dengan metode analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa faktor sosial, keluarga, dosen, dan motivasi secara bersama-sama tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap stres mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun Tugas Akhir. Meskipun secara parsial faktor keluarga dan dosen menjadi faktor yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi motivasi mahasiswa, tetapi hanya faktor keluarga yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap stres mahasiswa. Dukungan keluarga akan meningkatkan motivasi dan semakin termotivasi maka tingkat stres mahasiswa akan menurun. Kata kunci: faktor stres, mahasiswa tugas akhir, motivasi individu
Manajemen Konflik Yang Menindas: Studi Kasus Pra-TD (Tingkat Dasar) Sosiologi Angkatan 2019 Naufalul Ihya' Ulumuddin
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.435


Kegagalana mahasiswa dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai agen perubahan terlihat mencolok dalam ajang ospek (orietasi studi dan pengenalan kampus). Kekerasan, bullying, dan upaya balas dendam senior pada junior berkedok manajemen konflik menjadi bentuk nyata rasionalitas tradisional mahasiswa. Manajemen konflik dalam ospek menyimpang dari jalur yang semestinya. Pendisiplinan yang bersifat otoriter dan marah-marah menjadi ciri khas peradaban nalar mahasiswa yang tumpul dan hanya berorientasi pada tradisi. Maka dari itu, riset ini bertujuan untuk membongkar tindakan rasional mahasiswa dalam meneruskan tradisi kekerasan (verbal maupun nonverbal) dalam bingkai manajemen konflik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kasus merupakan pendekatan yang berporos pada kasus intrinsik, teratur, dan kekhususan kontekstual. Kasus yang dipilih ialah pada kegiatan Pra-TD (Pra-Tingkat Dasar) yang diselenggaran oleh himpunan mahasiswa sosiologi (HMP) Universitas Negeri Surabaya Tahun 2019. Perspektif teori rasionalitas Max Weber menjadi pisau analisis utama dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen konflik dalam ruang lingkup mahasiswa mewarisi tradisi penindasan. Interaksi diskursif menjadi jurus andalan senior dalam mendramatisasi masalah pada mahasiswa junior. HMP Sosiologi sebagai penggerak dengan basis ilmu sosiologis yang radikal dan bermental perjuangan ikut andil dalam melanggengkan penindasan dalam bingkai manajemen konflik di kampus. Padahal, konsep sosiologis seperti pendidikan hadap masalah dan ruang publik mampu menghadirkan kesadaran kritis dengan pendekatan yang lebih humanis. Sehingga, manajemen konflik dapat memicu hadirnya agen perubahan yang rasional dan otentik.
Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional, Perilaku Belajar, Dan Motivasi Terhadap Tingkat Pemahaman Akuntansi Dasar Mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi Widya Denisa; Yayuk Nurjanah
JAS-PT (Jurnal Analisis Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JAS-PT Edisi JULI 2021
Publisher : Forum Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/jaspt.v5i1.446


Accounting students are required to have an understanding of basic accounting skills as well as good and correct accounting concepts such as studying the Introduction to Accounting courses which are given as initial guidelines in exploring other levels of accounting sciences and to support their success in entering the world of work, especially in the accounting field. However, there are still many students who are not able to improve their achievements in the application of basic accounting science, the problem faced by students is the inability to clearly understand what they have learned and unable to solve problems related to the subject. This can happen due to various factors, such as the style of the lecturer in teaching, the lecture system that is not correct, learning behavior, motivation and mental disturbance of students when participating in learning. A student is expected to be able to control and study himself in terms of regulating emotions, motivation to study accounting diligently, and social interaction with his environment. If students are able to control their emotions coupled with good and regular learning patterns and an unyielding attitude in the face of every failure or problem, students will find it easier to make the right decisions, easy to understand what they are learning, especially basic accounting material and to improve achievement and grades. the good one. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence, learning behavior, and motivation on the level of basic accounting understanding of accounting study program students. This type of research is quantitative research. The research subjects used by the author are students of the Accounting Study Program at the Bogor Unity Institute of Business and Informatics with a population of 1,302 people, consisting of 988 Bachelor of Accounting and 314 Diploma of Accounting. The data collection in this study used primary data with research instruments using a questionnaire via Google Form which was distributed directly to the research sample through social media as measured by a Likert scale. The sample selection technique used purposive sampling with sampling based on criteria that had been determined by the author with the sampling unit through the Slovin formula totaling 306. The data analysis technique was carried out using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the help of SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Version 16. The results showed that partially (1) emotional intelligence had a significant negative effect on the level of basic accounting understanding, (2) learning behavior had no significant effect on the level of basic accounting understanding, and (3) motivation had a significant effect on the level of basic accounting understanding. Simultaneously (together) shows that the variables of emotional intelligence, learning behavior, and motivation affect the level of understanding of basic accounting. It can be concluded that motivation has a positive effect on the level of basic accounting understanding, while emotional intelligence has a negative effect on the level of basic accounting understanding and learning behavior has no effect on the level of basic accounting understanding. Students are expected to be able to balance emotional intelligence appropriately coupled with learning behavior that is in accordance with their respective abilities and always encourage themselves to always be enthusiastic and never give up in dealing with various things, especially in learning basic accounting concepts with various existing accounting problems to achieve the goal of understanding and good performance. Keywords: Basic Accounting Understanding Level, Emotional Intelligence, Learning Behavior, and Motivation

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