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Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Administrative Law & Governance Journal (e-ISSN 2621-2781) or abbreviated as ALJ is a scientific journal as a forum for lecturers and students who explore and interest the Law of State Administration in Indonesia. Containers for research publications of lecturers and research publications. ALJ is present as one of the implementation and actualization of Tri Darma from higher education activities. ALJ is also present as a means to express new thoughts in the field of State Administrative Law, included in the specific theme as follows: Administration tax law, law of administrative court, employment law, licensing law, state finance law, tax court law, state apparatus law, migrant workers administration, environmental law, forestry law, administration on mining & energy law, biotechnology law, government law, public service law, medical & biomedical law, legal aspect of e-government, and legal aspects of administration development.
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Articles 176 Documents
Governance Services Against Pandemic Covid 19 as a Form of Good Governance Suhartoyo Suhartoyo
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i4.708 - 718


Abstract The government service against the Pandemic has been globally planned, measured and well-organized in the world. The Government services also has been the pillar of terms from the good of governance itself, which means every government in the state should perform its role as the extension of people’s hand responsibility to the society environment, honestly, and the effectively of working to create a good implementation against this pandemic. Thus, we should clearly understand that in every governance services against the pandemic is it related or not to the implementation of good governance. So, the purpose of this study is to elaborate the application of the good governance services during this pandemic, so that we will be able to understand widely all about the good governance principle. Keywords: The Governance Service,  Implementation as the Good Governance Abstrak Layanan pemerintah melawan Pandemi telah direncanakan secara global, terukur, dan dikelola dengan baik di dunia. Layanan Pemerintah juga telah menjadi pilar istilah dari kebaikan tata kelola itu sendiri, yang berarti setiap pemerintah di negara bagian harus menjalankan perannya sebagai perpanjangan tanggung jawab tangan rakyat terhadap lingkungan masyarakat, secara jujur, dan secara efektif bekerja untuk menciptakan implementasi yang baik terhadap pandemi ini. Dengan demikian, kita harus memahami dengan jelas bahwa dalam setiap layanan tata kelola terhadap pandemi itu terkait atau tidak dengan penerapan tata kelola yang baik. Jadi, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan penerapan layanan tata kelola yang baik selama pandemi ini, sehingga kita akan dapat memahami secara luas semua tentang prinsip tata kelola yang baik. Kata Kunci: Layanan pemerintah, pengembangan tata kelola pemerintah yang baik
Kajian Yuridis Terhadap Pemenuhan Kewajiban Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Kerja Bagi Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia Sonhaji Sonhaji
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i4.635 - 647


ABSTRAKPenelitian dari pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja bagi calon pekerja migran indonesia PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja bagi calon pekerja migran indonesia serta mengetahui dan menganalisis hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang muncul serta upaya apa yang dilakukan PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang dalam menanggulangi hambatan pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja bagi calon pekerja migran indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebuah pelatihan kerja merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi pekerja termasuk calon pekerja migran indonesia sebelum bekerja ke luar negeri. Pelatihan kerja bagi  calon pekerja migran indonesiadi PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi RI No. PER 23/MEN/IX/2009 tentang Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja Bagi Calon TKI untuk Bekerja di Luar Negeri. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja bagi calon pekerja migran indonesia PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang yaitu kurangnya kemampuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki dari setiap calon pekerja migran indonesia. Sedangkan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut dengan sosialisasi mengenai manfaat dari pelatihan kerja yang sejatinya sangat berguna di negara penempatan. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Kerja, Pekerja Migran Indonesia, PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Abstract Research from the implementation of job training for prospective Indonesian migrant workers PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang aims to find out the implementation of job training for prospective Indonesian migrant workers and to know and analyze what obstacles arise and what efforts are made by PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang in overcoming barriers to the implementation of job training for prospective Indonesian migrant workers. The results of this study indicate that a job training is very important for workers including prospective Indonesian migrant workers before working abroad. Job training for prospective Indonesian migrant workers in PT. Phinisi Sumber is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No. PER 23 / MEN / IX / 2009 concerning Education and Job Training for Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers to Work Abroad. Obstacles in implementing job training for prospective Indonesian migrant workers PT. Phinisi Sumber Daya Semarang, namely the lack of skills and skills possessed by every prospective Indonesian migrant worker. Whereas efforts are being made to overcome these obstacles by socializing the benefits of job training which is actually very useful in the country of placement. Keywords: Job Training, Indonesian migrant workers, PT. Phinisi Sumber Day 
Peran Kepolisian Dalam Melakukan Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Penyebaran Berita Bohong di Indonesia Sukinta Sukinta
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.554 - 568


Abstract This study aims to determine the role of the police in conducting investigations against the criminal act of spreading fake news in Indonesia. This role is based on the prevailing laws and regulations. The research method used in this research is to use a socio-legal research approach, which means a study that aims to find out about the implementation of law in society. In this study, the aim of this research is to determine the implementation of investigations into fake news crimes (hoaxes). In this study, the obstacles and efforts to overcome these crimes will also be revealed. The results showed that it is not criminal in the field of Information Technology, including computer-related offenses, content-related offenses, d. Copyright- and Tradenark related offenses (copyright infringement). Second, the classification and authority of information technology investigators; Police investigators because of their obligations have the authority to receive a report or complaint from a person regarding a criminal act; Take the first action at the scene; Ordering to stop a suspect and check the suspect's identification; Carry out arrests, detention, searches and confiscation; Checking and confiscating letters; Take fingerprints and take a picture of a person; Summons people to be heard and examined as suspects or witnesses; Bring in the necessary experts in connection with the case examination; Hold an investigation halt; Carry out other actions according to responsible law. Keywords: Police, Criminal Investigation, Fake News  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepolisian dalam melakukan penyidikan tidak tindak pidana penyebaran berita bohong di Indonesia. Peran ini didasarkan pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan socio-legal research, artinya  suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan hukum dalam masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan penyidikan terhadap kejahatan berita bohong (hoaks) Dalam penelitian juga akan diungkap hambatan-hambatan serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dalam penanggulangan kejahatan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak pidana di bidang Teknologi Informasi meliputi  Computer-related offences (pelanggaran terkait komputer), Content-related offences (pelanggaran terkait konten),  d. Copyright- and Tradenark related offences (pelanggaran terkait hak cipta). Kedua, Klasifikasi dan Kewenangan Penyidik Dibidang Teknologi Informasi; Penyidik Polri karena kewajibannya mempunyai wewenang, Menerima laporan atau pengaduan dari seorang tentang adanya tindak pidana; Melakukan tindakan pertama pada saat di tempat kejadian; Menyuruh berhenti seorang tersangka dan memeriksa tanda pengenal diri tersangka; Melakukan penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan dan penyitaan; Melakukan pemeriksaan dan penyitaan surat; Mengambil sidik jari dan memotret seorang; Memanggil orang untuk didengar dan diperiksa sebagai tersangka atau saksi; Mendatangkan orang ahli yang diperlukan dalam hubungannya dengan pemeriksaan perkara; Mengadakan penghentian penyidikan; Mengadakan tindakan lain menurut hukum yang bertanggung jawab. Kata Kunci: Kepolisian, Penyidikan Tindak Pidana, Berita Bohong
Perlindungan Hukum Mengenai Pengupahan Terhadap Pekerja/Buruh Dengan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu Suhartoyo Suhartoyo
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.494 - 503


Abstract This study aims to determine the importance of the position and role of labor and workers / laborers in the implementation of national development, therefore it is necessary to improve the welfare and protection of it, especially in terms of wages. This research is a legal study with a normative law approach which is analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results show that labor law has provided complete legal protection including legal protection regarding wages, including legal protection for workers / laborers with a specified time work agreement (PKWT). ) or so-called contract workers / laborers. In order to provide wage protection for contract workers / laborers, companies or employers are obliged to base their wages on Article 88 of Law Number 13 Year 2003, namely the provision of a minimum wage.   Keywords: Legal Protection, PKWT Workers / Laborers, Wages  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagamana pentingnya kedudukan dan peranan  Tenaga kerja dan Pekerja/Buruh dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional, oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan kesejahteraan dan perlindungan terhadapnya  khususnya dalam hal pengupahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Ilmu Hukum dengan pendekatan Hukum Normatif yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif.. Hasil  Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hukum ketenagakerjaan  telah memberikan perlindungan hukum yang lengkap termasuk perlindungan hukum mengenai pengupahan, termasuk juga perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja/buruh dengan Perjanjian Kerja waktu tertentu (PKWT) atau biasa disebut pekerja/buruh kontrak. Guna memberikan perlindungan pengupahan terhadap pekerja/buruh kontrak maka Perusahaan atau pemberi kerja wajib mendasarkan pengupahannya pada pasal 88  Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 yaitu dengan adanya ketentuan Upah minimum.          Kata Kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Pekerja/Buruh PKWT, Pengupahan
Tinjauan Terhadap Kesejahteraan Pekerja Outsourcing Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Sonhaji Sonhaji
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.394 - 408


Abstrak Penelitian dengan judul ”tinjauan terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja outsourcing di perusahaan perbankan” ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesejahteraan yang diberikan kepada pekerja outsourcing yang dipekerjakan di Bank BNI KCU Undip Semarang dan hambatan yang dihadapi serta upaya yang dilakukan oleh PT. Persona Prima Utama selaku perusahaan penyedia jasa dalam memberikan kesejahteraan terhadap pekerja. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa kedua perusahaan yaitu Bank BNI KCU Undip Semarang dengan PT. Persona Prima Utama tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Namun demikian, baik dari Bank BNI KCU Undip Semarang maupun PT. Persona Prima Utama telah memberikan kesejahteraan kepada pekerja outsourcing sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan peraturan lainnya. Namun, hambatan masih ditemukan dalam pemberian kesejahteraan pekerja outsourcing berkaitan dengan upah serta fasilitas kesejahteraan. Kata Kunci : Pekerja, Outsourcing, Kesejahteraan Abstract The study of the debate about outsourcing workers in the banking company aims to study the funds given to outsourcing workers employed at Bank BNI KCU Undip Semarang and the challenges that were carried out with assistance carried out by PT. Persona Prima Utama as a service provider company provides assistance to workers. The results of the research that showed the second company, BNI Bank KCU Undip Semarang with PT. Persona Prima Utama is not in accordance with Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Labor. However, both from Bank BNI KCU Undip Semarang and PT. Persona Prima Utama has provided assistance to outsourced workers well in accordance with Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Labor and other regulations. However, challenges are still found in the assistance of outsourcing workers. Keywords: Workers, Outsourcing, Welfare 
Synchronization In Enforcement Of The Transportation Of Online Motorcycle Taxi Passengers (Ojek Online) Solechan Solechan
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.518 - 535


Abstract Of the several regulatory products that have been enacted there are overlaps and even there are asynchronies between the regulations with one another. This can be seen from the enactment of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 18 in 2020 and Jakarta Governor Regulation No 33 in 2020. In the governor regulation, large-scale social limitation is regulated. According to the governor's regulation, one of the restricted sectors is the two-wheeled vehicle transportation sector where passenger transportation by motorcycle taxi is only applied to goods. On the contrary in the regulation, online motorbike transportation can be for passengers as long as they follow the health protocol. This has caused confusion in the community and also for law enforcement officials. Keywords: Synchronization, Disharmony, inconsistency, transportation Abstrak Dari beberapa produk peraturan yang sudah diberlakukan saat bencana  terdapat tumpang tindih bahkan terdapat ketidaksinkronan antara peraturan satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari diberlakukannya Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. PM 18 tahun 2020 dan Peraturan Gubernur Jakarta No 33 tahun 2020. Menurut peraturan gubernur, salah satu sektor yang dibatasi saat  Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB)  adalah sektor transportasi kendaraan roda dua dimana pengangkutan penumpang dengan motorcycle taxi hanya diberlakukan untuk barang saja. Sebaliknya dalam permenhub, angkutan ojek online boleh untuk penumpang asalkan mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Hal ini menimbulkan kebingungan di masyarakat dan juga bagi aparatur penegak hukum. Kata Kunci: Sinkronisasi, Disharmonisasi, Inkonsistensi, Transportasi
Konsep Kekuasaan Pemerintahan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Administrasi Sri Nurhari Susanto
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i4.647 - 660


AbstractThis study aims to determine the concept of government power in an administrative law perspective. Specifically, it aims to determine how government power is exercised from the perspective of administrative law; and what are the legal limitations and consequences for the exercise of governmental power. The research method used in this paper is normative legal research that uses a conceptual approach. The results show that government power in the perspective of administrative law is not an unlimited power, but is limited by law based on the principle of legality, clear power distribution, guarantee of human rights by the constitution and supervision by judicial authorities. The use of governmental power brings legal consequences, which are based on the concept of personal error and wrongdoing in office can be the basis for determining whether the error is personal responsibility or office responsibility. Personal mistakes are not related to public services and become personal responsibility related to maladministration and have consequences for criminal responsibility.Keywords: Concept, Administrative Power, Administrative Accountability. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep kekuasaan pemerintahan dalam Perspektif hukum administrasi. Secara spesifik bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana kekuasaan pemerintahan dijalankan menurut perspektif hukum administrasi; dan apa batasan-batasan dan konsekuensi  hukumnya terhadap pelaksanaan kekuasaan pe-merintahan. Metode penelitian yang diguankan dalam penulisan ini adalah penelitian hukum normative yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual approach. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa Kekuasaan pemerintahan dalam perspektif hukum administrasi bukanlah suatu kekuasaan yang tanpa batas, tetapi dibatasi oleh hukum berdasarkan prinsip legalitas, pembagian kekuasaan secara jelas, jaminan hak asasi oleh Undang-Undang Dasar dan pengawasan oleh kekuasaan   kehakiman.  Penggunaan kekuasaan pemerintahan membawa konsekuensi hukum, yang berdasarkan konsep kesalahan pribadi dan kesalahan jabatan dapat  menjadi dasar untuk menentukan apakah kesalahan itu menjadi tanggung jawab pribadi atau tanggung jawab jabatan.  Kesalahan pribadi tidak berkaitan dengan pelayanan publik dan menjadi tanggung jawab pribadi yang berhubungan dengan maladministrasi serta membawa konsekuensi kepada tanggung jawab pidana.Kata Kunci: Konsep, Kekuasaan Administrasi, Pertanggungjawaban administrasi.
Government Oversight Function in Implementation of Large-Scale Social Limitation of COVID-19 in Indonesia Kaharuddin Kaharuddin
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.569 - 577


Indonesia is one of the country that get the big impact because of COVID-19. This COVID-19 have been declared as pandemic by WHO. Indonesia use the Large-scale Social Limitation as their way to prevent the increase of people get infected because of this pandemic. This study will examine the oversight of implementation of Large-scale Social Limitation in Indonesia from the eyes of government. Also, will examine how the government using their power in the middle of this pandemic. In the end, we will know what really government do and how the oversight running. The result of the study are, first,  The government is the party that has the right to design, create, and implement regulations in people's lives. Government can control the society with the regulations that are made by them. Second, Government has obligations to serve the best service for their people. In general, government services include public services and civil services which are respect to the equality. The Government of Indonesia issued several policies such as Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling (amended through Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 9 of 2020.), Government Regulations (PP) Number 21 Year 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the framework of the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling.
Penggunaan Sertifikat Layak Fungsi Sebagai Sarana Perlindungan Pekerja Kanyaka Prajnaparamitha
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.504 - 517


Abstract This research aims to determine the use of a proper function certificate as a means of protection for workers based on the perspective of labor law. Efforts to realize the fulfillment and legal protection of a person's right to obtain work and work were carried out in 2003, namely by issuing Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. One of the basic principles contained in this law, is that any citizen in this country has the right to work and get a job with a decent wage, and receive fair and decent treatment in an employment relationship. The results showed that the reliability of the building is the condition of the building that meets the requirements for safety, health, comfort, and convenience of the building in accordance with the requirements of a predetermined function. Therefore, the presence of SLF can be a guarantee of security for workers who use the building / factory as a place to carry out work. Currently, SLF in Semarang City and several regions in Indonesia is in a position between opportunities and weaknesses, so it must be able to take advantage of opportunities to face weaknesses.Keywords: Certificate of Functionality, Protection, Manpower. Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan sertifikat layak fungsi sebagai sarana perlindungan pekerja berdasarkan perspektif hukum ketenagakerjaan. Upaya untuk mewujudkan pemenuhan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak seseorang untuk memperoleh pekerjaan dan bekerja dilakukan pada tahun 2003, yaitu dengan dikeluarkannya UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Salah satu prinsip dasar yang terdapat di dalam undang-undang ini, bahwa siapapun warga negara di negeri ini berhak untuk bekerja dan memperoleh pekerjaan dengan mendapat upah yang layak, serta memperoleh perlakuan yang adil dan layak dalam hubungan kerja.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Keandalan bangunan gedung adalah keadaan bangunan gedung yang memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan, kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan kemudahan bangunan gedung sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsi yang telah ditetapkan. Maka dari itu, hadirnya SLF dapat menjadi jaminan keamanan bagi tenaga kerja yang menggunakan Gedung/ Pabrik sebagai tempat melaksanakan pekerjaan. Saat ini SLF di Kota Semarang dan beberapa daerah di Indonesia, berada pada posisi antara peluang dan kelemahan,  sehingga harus dapat memanfaatkan peluang untuk menghadapi kelemahan. Kata kunci: Sertifikat Layak Fungsi, Perlindungan, Tenaga Kerja. 
Konsep dan Praktek Ruang Lingkup Keuangan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum Ajik Sujoko
Administrative Law and Governance Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Administrative Law & Governance Journal
Publisher : Administrative Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/alj.v3i3.442 -463


Abstract This study poses a problem with the status of PTN Legal Entity assets and how the concept of the financial scope of PTN Legal Entities. This research is legal research using a statutory approach, a case approach, and a conceptual approach. The result of the research shows that PTN Legal Entities manage funds sourced from the APBN and other than APBN. The management of funds sourced from the APBN is subject to the scope of state finances, while the management of funds other than the APBN is subject to the independent regulations of PTN Legal Entities. The assets of PTN Legal Entities originating from APBN and other than APBN become assets of PTN Legal Entities as public legal entities. Legal Entity PTN manages finances sourced from the APBN and other than the APBN, but in the management aspect, it is separated from the APBN. The concept of the scope of PTN Legal Entity Finance is interpreted as a part of public finance, not as State finance. Keywords: PTN legal entity, public finance, state finance  Abstrak Penelitian ini mengajukan permasalahan bagaimana status kekayaan PTN Badan Hukum dan bagaimana konsep ruang lingkup keuangan PTN Badan Hukum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum (legal research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statutory approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian bahwa PTN Badan Hukum melakukan pengelolaan dana yang bersumber dari APBN dan selain APBN. Pengelolaan dana yang bersumber dari APBN tunduk pada lingkup keuangan Negara sedangkan dan pengelolaan dana dari selain APBN tunduk pada peraturan mandiri dari PTN Badan Hukum. Kekayaan PTN Badan Hukum  yang bersumber dari APBN dan selain APBN menjadi kekayaan PTN Badan Hukum sebagai badan hukum publik. PTN Badan Hukum mengelola keuangan yang bersumber dari APBN dan selain APBN, namun dalam aspek pengelolaannya dipisahkan dari APBN. Konsep lingkup Keuangan PTN Badan Hukum dimaknai dari bagian keuangan publik bukan dimaknai sebagai keuangan Negara. Kata Kunci: PTN Badan Hukum, keuangan publik, keuangan Negara