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Jurnal Transformative
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 25810308     EISSN : 25483323     DOI : -
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Jurnal Transformative is published by the Department of Government Study, the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Brawijaya. There are three main issues focused on Local Government, Government Innovation, and Government Institution. The purpose is to spread critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various social, political and government issues both local and foreign. The writing is published after undergoing a peer-review process by providing an exclusive analysis on social, political and government issues from various perspectives. Jurnal Transformative provides high-quality studies outcomes and new thoughts for academic practitioners, researchers, and the public to break down the complexity and dynamics of contemporary socio-political changes. Published twice a year, in March and September. Jurnal Transformative invites researcher, academician, practitioners, and publics to submit their critical writings and to contribute to the development of social and political sciences.
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Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue " Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan" : 6 Documents clear
Framing Media Terhadap Ulama Di Balik Popularitas Jokowi dan Prabowo Ardianti, Raissa
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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The easy access to online media made the electoral progress of Jokowi and Prabowo in-teresting to be watched. There are many perspectives and facts regarding both candi-dates that elevate the public’s argumentation in the public sphere. However, the easy ac-cess of that online media un-fortunately had created a bias between both candidates’ true modality and the issues behind them. The Islamic value of the Ulama behind both candi-dates are the most interesting issues of them all. Indonesian society began to pay more attention to Ulama’ figure instead of to the modalities both candidates promoted. This writing aims to drive that public partiality about the Ulama trough paying more attention to the electability level by affirming Talal Asad’s thesis about Ulama and Politics.
Pembelahan Politik Kiai NU di Pilgub Jatim 2018 Rohim, Ainur; Mahardika, Mayuko Galuh
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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The realm of East Java politics which has been known as the main community of Traditional Islam, bequeaths a separate record of the dynamics and political maneuvers of NU strategic elites (Kiai) in the context of 2018 East Java Pilgub. Similar political realities have occurred since the East Java Pilgub in 2008 and 2013 . One thing that is most useful and more in several perspectives is the change in political division among the NU East Java kiai in the 2018 Pilgub. Things that happened also in the East Java Pilgub 2008 and 2013 ago. The writing of this journal is preceded by the existence of research with qualitative methods with primary data collection through interviews with people who understand this case study and also supported by secondary data. The author will analyze the phenomena that occur with the cleavage theory described by Peter Mair (2014).
Pemilu 2014: Politisi Pencari Kursi di Senayan Rahman, Fathur; Ulfah, Irma Fitriana; Danar, Oscar Radyan
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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General Elections can be used as evidence as well as evaluation of the recruitment process, political circulation. This paper proves that in the 2014 Election there has been a stagnation in political circulation. As well as, the 2014 elections, where many candidates for peoples representatives are still filled by old politicians. After becoming a member of the House of Representatives for a long time, he became a member of the DPD, and vice versa. As a result, there is still a strong intervention by political parties in placing their cadres. As a result, there is often political decay like corruption.
Critically Examining The Arrangements of Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia Bachtiar, Rizqi
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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As an implication of the implementation of decentralization in Indonesia, the authority to manage income and spending autonomously by local governments in Indonesia is undeniable. However, the power should be managed and used proportionally. The central government should not lose its control of the local governments, while the local governments maintain the authority to manage its area. This paper examines the proportions of the fiscal authority given by the central government to the local governments in Indonesia. In short, this research finds that in general, the framework of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia is going well. Some research also offers positive findings of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia. However, there are also some serious problems resulting from the implementation of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia, such as vertical fiscal imbalance and corruption. These problems need to be reduced by issuing technical and specific regulations and by ensuring that those regulations are both monitored and implemented.
Strategi Marketing Politik Pasangan Dinda-Dahlan di Kabupaten Bima-NTB -, Mawardin
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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This paper explains the importance of political marketing strategy for winning a local election. The role of political marketing strategy has been able to help couples Dinda-Dahlan to get victory in 2015 local elections in Bima regency. In the context of winning strategy that have been used by the Dinda-Dahlan team, consisting of how to formulate marketing mix that includes the political product, promotion, price, and placement. The implementation of the marketing mix are very effective to persuade voters in political contest.
Rekruitmen Politik Dalam Pilkada di Kabupaten Takalar Napir, Suaib
Jurnal Transformative Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pilkada Serentak dan Pemerintahan
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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Political recruitment In local leaders election in this study get with qualitative method and descriptive analysis towards the manajemen and sympathizers Nasdem Takalar, Kitta- Syamsari-Achmad Dg. Sere partners, and regional general elections comminsions Takalar Regency. Syamsari Kitta-Achmad Dg Seers partner carried by PKS (4 seats) in partnership with the National Democratic or Nasdem party (2 seats) in local leaders election in Takalar Regency for the period 2017-2022. Both parties agreed that the couple could bring change in Takalar District. PKSs choice of Syamsari Kitta was due to its capacity, basis and electability, while Ahmad Daeng Sere was chosen as a vice regent candidate because he had positive electability to fight incumbents. In addition, Syamsari Kitta is also a PKS cadre who has political experience, her character is known to be simple, easy to get along with and communicate with the community and has a militant electoral base, both PKS cadres and other winning teams.

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