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Jurnal Katalisator (ISSN Online : 2502-0943) is a journal containing scientific articles through a review by peer reviewers in chemistry. Jurnal Katalisator publishes original manuscripts, short review reviews on the branches of chemistry including: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry and applied chemistry. The Catalyst Journal is published 2 (two) times a year, April and October.
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Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.4868


Air limbah industri tahu berpotensi mencemari lingkungan, maka sebelumnya perlu dilakukan pengolahan sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan. Dimana salah satu upaya awal untuk menangani hal tersebut dengan melakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi cemaran air limbah industri tahu terutama di Kecamatan Nanggalo Kota Padang. Metoda penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel air limbah industri tahu pada dua lokasi dan dua titik pengambilan sampel untuk masing-masing lokasi, yaitu didekat tempat pembuangan air limbah dan yang berdekatan dengan tempat tinggal masyarakat. Parameter pengujiannya meliputi : BOD, COD, pH, TSS, N-NH3, dan N-Total. Hasil pengujian pada lokasi pertama dan titik pertama, nilai parameter secara berurutan dari BOD, COD, pH, TSS, N-NH3 dan N-Total adalah 226 mg/L; 387 mg/L; 5,10; 156 mg/L; 2,20 mg/L dan 2,54 mg/L, sedangkan pada titik kedua nilainya 153 mg/L; 287 mg/L; 5,82; 128 mg/L; 1,17 mg/L dan 2,02 mg/L. Kemudian pada lokasi kedua dan titik pertama nilai nya secara berurutan, yaitu 154 mg/L; 282 mg/L; 4,87; 120 mg/L; 2,06 mg/L dan 2,76 mg/L, sedangkan pada titik kedua nilainya 121 mg/L; 234 mg/L; 5,11; 88 mg/L; 1,24 mg/L dan 1,67 mg/L. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan kondisi air limbah tahu dengan parameter pH pada semua lokasi dan titik  melewati batas baku mutu yang diizinkan menurut Permen Lingkungan Hidup No.5 Tahun 2014 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Bagi Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Pengolahan Kedelai. Tofu industry wastewater has the potential to pollute the environment, so it needs to be trated before it is discharged into the environment. Where is one of the initial efforts to deal with this by conducting research. This study aims to identify tofu industry wastewater contamination, especially in Nanggalo District, Padang City. The research method is carried out by taking tofu industrial wastewater samples at two locations and two sampling points for each location and two sampling points for each location, which are near the waste water disposal site and which is adjacent to the community residence. The testing parameters include : BOD, COD, pH, TSS, N-NH3 and N-Total. The test results at the first location and first point, the parameter values in arrow of BOD, COD, pH, TSS, NH3 and N-Total are 226 mg/L; 387 mg/L; 5,10; 156 mg/L; 2,20 mg/L and 2,54 mg/L, while at the second point the value is 153 mg/L; 287 mg/L; 5,82; 128 mg/L; 1,17 mg/L and 2,02 mg/L. Then  at the second location and the first point the values are in sequence, which is 154 mg/L; 282 mg/L; 4,87; 120 mg/L; 2,06 mg/L and 2,76 mg/L, while at the second point the value is 121 mg/L; 234 mg/L; 5,11; 88 mg/L; 1,24 mg/L and 1,67 mg/L. The results obtained indicate the condition of tofu wastewater with pH parameters at all location and the point of exceeding the permitted quality standard according to Environmental Regulation No.5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standars for Soybean Business and / or Processing Activities.
KARAKTERISASI BAKTERIOSIN PADA BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT Lactobacillus paracasei DARI VIRGIN COCONUT OIL Fauzan Fauzan; Suryani Suryani; Marganof Marganof; Yuliesi Purnawati
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5300


Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), so far known for its many uses due to its high lauric acid content. But apparently not only that but the presence of lactic acid bacteria that contain bacteriocin. Where bacteriocin is a peptide that has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that are pathogenic, can even kill the virus. The purpose of this study was to characterize the bacteriocin present in the Lactobacillus paracasei lactic acid bacteria found in the VCO oil layer. Characterization was carried out in 4 types, namely the ability to grow LAB on the medium carried out by varying a certain pH; The ability of bacteriocin is produced in a medium with a certain pH variation, then analyzes the antimicrobials; The resistance of the bacteriocin to heating with certain temperature variations; Determination of Molecular Weight with SDS-PAGE. The best partial purification results are precipitation with 40% and 60% ammonium sulfate. For the ability to grow LAB, it was able to grow at pH 2-9, the ability of bacteriocin microbial activity at pH 2-6 for E Coli, pH 2-9 for B Sbtillis and pH 2-10 for the test bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and S aureus. This bacteriocin is resistant to 121 0C heating. So it can be concluded that this bacteriocin can live in humansVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO), selama  ini  dikenal  banyak sekali kegunaan nya disebabkan  kandungan asam lauratnya yang tinggi. Tetapi ternyata tidak hanya itu melainkan  adanya bakteri asam laktat yang mengandung bakteriosin. Dimana bakteriosin adalah peptide yang mempunyai kemampuan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan jamur yang berisifat patogen, bahkan dapat membunuh virus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkarakterisasi bakteriosin yang ada pada bakteri asam laktat  Lactobacillus paracasei yang terdapat pada lapisan minyak VCO.Adapun penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengisolasi bakteriosin menggunakan media MRSB (Merck), pemurnian bakteriosin nya dengan purifikasi parsial  menggunakan  metoda pengendapan  Ammium Sulfat. Karakterisasi dilakukan 4 macam, yaitu Kemampuan tumbuhnya  BAL pada medium dilakukan dengan memvariasikan pH tertentu; Kemampuan bakteriosin dihasilkan pada medium dengan variasi pH tertentu, kemudian menganalisa antimikrobanya; Ketahanan bakteriosin tersebut pada pemanasan dengan variasi temperatur tertentu; Penentuan Berat Molekul dengan SDS-PAGE. Hasil purifikasi parsial yang paling bagus adalah pada pengendapan dengan 40% dan 60% ammonium sulfat . Untuk kemampuan tumbuh BAL, ternyata mampu tumbuh pada pH 2-9, Kemampuan aktivitas mikroba bakteriosin pada pH 2-6 untuk E Coli, pH 2-9 untuk B Sbtillis dan pH 2-10 untuk bakteri uji Listeria monocytogenes dan S aureus.  Bakteriosin ini tahan sampai pemanasan 121 0C. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bakteriosin ini bisa  hidup pada manusia
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.4839


Formaldehyde a toxic chemical compound. Formaldehyde is prohibited for use in food according to the RI Minister of Health Regulation No.033 of 2012 concerning food additives. Meatballs, Fish and Tofu are protein sources of food. This material is easily damaged by microorganisms. There have been many cases of formaldehyde found in food products in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence or absence of formaldehyde in fish, meatball and tofu before and after providing health education. the method used in this study is an experimental method using a Qualitative Analysis approach. The results obtained were found 16  samples (fish and dry fish) is positive of formaldehyde. after providing education to traders the 15 samples still found in the market. That means counselling is not effective as an effort to eliminate formaldehyde in food products.
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5176


Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) is a traditional herbal plant that spread as it grows and in bloom througout the year. Pegagan is believed to be able to cure various type of diseases because it contains bioactive component that’s good for human body. Pegagan’s bioactive component that has anti-bacterial properties are saponin, flavonoid, and tanin. This study was conducted with the purpose to determine the existence of antibacterial activity in ethanol extract of pegagan leaves by applying it in Disc Diffusion Test  method against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Etanol extract was obtained by using maserasi method with 70% ethanol, separation of the active compound group which one of them is flavonoid using phytochemical screening, and the result was that the pegagan positively contains flavonoid, it was proven by the existence of a red marker on the tube. The result of active compund using methanol eluent: chloroform: glacial acetic acid produces 1 spot point on (Rf 0,5-0,7) on TLC. This spot was used in antibacterial screening by bioatugraphy method and the activity was detected qualitatively. Antibacterial activity was proved by Disc Diffusion Test which the results were ethanol extract on pegagan has inhibitory activity to E.coli and S. aureus. This study can be concluded that ethanol extract of Centella asiatica has a MIC value of 3,200 µg / mL both in E. Coli and S. aureus. The diameter of obstacles zone were 0,06±0,05 mm to E.coli and 0,04±0,019 mm to S. aureus.Centella asiatica (L.) Urban (Pegagan) adalah spesies tumbuhan herbal tradisional dengan karakteristik tumbuh merambat dan berbunga di sepanjang tahun. Komponen bioaktif yang dimiliki pegagan dalam beberapa aspek, dapat digunakan dalam pengobatan penyakit. Golongan-golongan senyawa bioaktif pegagan yang memiliki daya antibakteri adalah saponin, flavonoid, dan tanin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun pegagan dengan metode Disc Diffusion Test  pada Escherichia coli maupun Staphylococcus aureus. Ekstrak tanaman Pegagan diperoleh dengan  maserasi dengan etanol 70%, pemisahan golongan senyawa aktif salah satunya flavonoid menggunakan skrining fitokimia, yang secara kualitatif menunjukkan ekstrak tanaman mengandung flavonoid. Hasil Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) senyawa aktif menggunakan eluen metanol: kloroform: asam asetat glasial menghasilkan 1 titik spot pada Rf 0,5-0,7 digunakan dalam penelusuran pengujian daya antibakteri dengan metode autobiografi dan menunjukkan adanya pembentukan zona bening. Pada uji kuantitatif, ekstrak etanol pegagan memiliki nilai KHM 3.200 µg/mL baik pada Eschericia coli maupun Staphylococcus aureus. Nilai Kadar Bunuh Minimum (KBM) lebih dari 6.400 µg/mL aktivitas daya hambat dengan diameter 0,06±0,05 mm pada E.coli dan 0,04±0,019 mm untuk S. aureus.
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.4767


Refill drinking water production is now rapidly increasing in several regions in Indonesia, including Purwokerto. According to the Regulation of Health Minister of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenkes) Number 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010, heavy metal is one of the parameters of drinking water quality which has adverse impacts on human health. In this study, Arsenic (As) and Cadmium (Cd) would be studied. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) Method was used to find As and Cd concentration in refill drinking water samples. The results showed that only one sample containing As from five samples was collected, but there is being safe for drinking according to Regulation of Health Minister of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenkes) Number 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. Meanwhile, Cd was not detected in samples. It can be concluded that refill drinking water samples that were taken from several depots in Purwokerto City are being safe for drinking.
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5277


Water is a material that can not be separated from the life activities of living things on earth. One of the water resources that get the most attention and the most needed is ground water. Ground water is a hydrological cycle that involves several aspects such as bio-geo-physical and socio-cultural. Heavy metals are pollutants that are most often found in water. This heavy metal has negative impact on humans who use the water and organisms that are in the water. The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of heavy metals contained in ground water in the District of Kubu Babussalam, Rokan Hilir, Riau. Sampling using random sampling technique. Ground water in Kubu Babussalam Subdistrict has been contaminated by heavy metals such as lead (Pb), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr). The Pb content contained in ground water ranges from 0,01-0,06 mg/L, Fe ranges from 1,3-2,2 mg/L while the content of the other three metals still very little and were carried under the LOQ value of the measuring instrument used. Based on Permenkes 416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990, there was one sample point that had Pb metal content above the quality standard, and there were seven sample points that had Fe metal content above the quality standard.Air merupakan suatau bahan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari aktivitas kehidupan mahkluk hidup yang ada di bumi. Salah satu sumber daya air yang banyak mendapatkan perhatian dan paling banyak dibutuhkan adalah air tanah. Air tanah merupakan suatu siklus hidrologi yang melibatkan beberapa aspek seperti bio-geo-fisik dan sosial-budaya. Kualitas air tanah mencakup fisika, kimia dan biologi. Logam berat merupakan polutan yang paling sering dijumpai dalam sebuah perairan. Logam berat ini memberikan dampak negatif terhadap manusia yang menggunakan air tersebut dan organisme yang ada diperairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kandungan logam berat yang terdapat di dalam air tanah di Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam, Rokan Hilir, Riau. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik random sampling. Air tanah yang terdapat di Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam telah tercemar oleh logam berat seperti timbal (Pb), tembaga (Cu), besi (Fe), kadmium (Cd) dan kromium (Cr). Kandungan Pb yang terdapat di dalam air tanah berkisar antara 0,01-0,06 mg/L, Fe berkisar antara 1,3-2,2 mg/L sedangkan kandungan tiga logam yang lain masih sangat kecil dan berada dibawa nilai LOQ alat ukur yang digunakan. Berdasarkan Permenkes 416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990, terdapat satu titik sampel yang memiliki kandungan logam Pb  di atas baku mutu, dan terdapat tujuh titik sampel yang memiliki kandungan logam Fe  di atas baku mutu.
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.4631


Mortality due to cancer increase every year, the world heal organization states that by 2030 there will be 11.4 million deaths from cancer and more than half are developing countries. formaldehyde is one of the causes of cancer. there are still many reported food that contain formaldehyde, one of which is salted fish. The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of formaldehyde in salted fish sold on at the Pariaman City Market in 2018. The method used was quasi-experimental using a qualitative analysis approach. The result showed that 10 percent of samples are positively contained formaldehyde.
PENGARUH VARIASI WAKTU TAHAN SINTERING TERHADAP HIDROKSIAPATIT BERPORI DARI TULANG IKAN TENGGIRI (Scomberomorus guttatus) Lia Anggresani; Rizka Afrina; Armini Hadriyati; Rahmadevi Rahmadevi; Mukhlis Sanuddin
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5030


Tulang ikan tenggiri memiliki kandungan  kalsium dan fosfor. Sehingga tulang ikan dapat dibuat biomaterial hydroxyapatite berpori, Hydroxyapatite berpori  cocok untuk merekontruksi tulang.  pori yang terbentuk berfungsi sebagai media pembentukan jaringan sel tulang yang tumbuh untuk meningkatkan regenerasi tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh variasi waktu tahan sintering dari hydroxyapatite berpori pada tulang ikan tenggiri. Bubuk CaO dibuat dari tulang ikan yang di rendam menggunakan NaOH dan aseton lalu difurnace 800°C. Bubuk CaO ditambahkan H3PO4. Atur pH hingga 10 dengan menambahkan NaOH lalu difurnace  900oC dengan lama pengendapan 12 dan 24 jam lalu dianalisa XRD. Hydroxyapatite yang didapatkan ditambahkan Polimer kitosan. selanjutnya dianalisa dengan SEM,PSA dan Hardness tester. Hasil Analisa XRF didapatkan CaO  50,814%. Hasil XRD pada pengendapan 12jam terbentuk senyawa hydroxyapatite dan trikalsium bis(phosphate(V)Ca3(PO4)2), sedangkan pengendapan 24jam terbentuk senyawa hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH) murni. Analisa SEM dilakukan pada variasi waktu sintering 4,5 dan 6 jam didapatkan morfologi yang tidak seragam. Hasil PSA pada waktu 4jam 0,873μm, 5jam 0,808μm dan 6jam 1,123μm. Uji Hardness Tester pada waktu 4jam 50 N, 5jam 54,1 N dan 6 jam 32,6 N. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa variasi waktu tahan sintering mempengaruhi sifat mekanik dan pada variasi lama pengendapan akan mempengaruhi pembentukan senyawa hydroksiapatite.Mackerel fish bones contain calcium and phosphorus. So that fish bones can be made porous hydroxyapatite biomaterial, porous Hydroxyapatite is suitable for bone reconstruction. The pore formed functions as a medium for the formation of bone tissue that grows to increase bone regeneration. This study aims to look at the effect of variations in the sintering resistant time of porous hydroxyapatite on mackerel fish bones. CaO powder is made from fish bones soaked using NaOH and acetone and then mixed with 800 ° C. CaO powder added H3PO4. Set the pH to 10 by adding NaOH then 900oC refined with a deposition time of 12 and 24 hours and then analyzed by XRD. Hydroxyapatite obtained was added with chitosan polymer. then analyzed with SEM, PSA and Hardness tester. XRF analysis results obtained CaO 50,814%. XRD results on 12 hours deposition of pure hydroxyapatite and tricalcium bis (phosphate (V)Ca3(PO4)2) compounds, while 24 hours deposition of pure hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH) compounds were formed. and 6 hours obtained non-uniform morphology, PSA results at 4 hours 0.873μm, 5 hours 0.808μm and 6 hours 1.123μm Hardness Tester test at 4 hours 50 N, 5 hours 54.1 N and 6 hours 32.6 N. It can be concluded that variation of sintering holding time affects the mechanical properties and the variation of the depositional time will affect the formation of hydroxyapatite compounds.
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.4440


The use of scrubs with natural ingredients is increasingly widespread to prevent side effects from the use of chemicals, one of which is polyphenol compounds from Gelidium sp. The purpose of this study was to make scrubs from the extract of Gelidium sp polyphenol tested by antioxidants and the DPPH method. The method of making polyphenol extract with from Gelidium sp using 50% methanol and then made to scrub formulations with and multiplication of extraction of 10,15,20% and in physical properties testing including organoleptic test, pH tets, dispersion test, sticky power test, hedonic test, cream type test and antioxidant. The results of the study showed that the pysical properties of cream scrubs, in the organoleptic test, affected the shape and color. pH test, scattering power test, ticky strength affect the preparation because the more extracts are added into the preparation, the higher the value abtained. The most preferred formula by the researcher is in the formula 3 (three). Antioxidant test gets value IC50 vitamin C 435,79 ppm. While each formula gets a value formula 1 : 701,12 ppm, formula 2 : 679,32 ppm, dan formula 3 : 152,45 ppm.
STABILITAS ANTOSIANIN DARI KULIT TERONG BELANDA MERAH (Solanum betaceum Cav.) TERHADAP PH DAN SUHU Sandra Tri Juli Fendri; Verawati Verawati; Putri Saimi Nuras
Jurnal Katalisator Vol 5, No 1 (2020): KATALISATOR
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jk.v5i1.5023


There had been identification and stability test of anthocyanin liquid extract from skin of eggplant of Holland that red colored using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Anthocyanin is a color compound that responsible mostly red, blue and purple in fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants and these anthocyanins belong to the flavonoid group. Eggplans of Holland is taken from Tabing market, Padang City. The extraction process was performed by maceration method using solvent of 96% ethanol: HCl 1% (9:1). The identification of the anthocyanin compound on the sample extract was done by color reaction with 2 M NaOH and 2 M HCl. Stability of the anthocyanin pigment was tested by both the pH and temperature difference treatments. The pH used was pH 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, while the temperature used was 30oC, 40oC, 60oC, 80oC and 100oC. The parameters of stability are the color of solution, maximum wavelength (λmax) and absorbance. The anthocyanin pigments stability test Eggplant of Holland was performed by using one-way of statistical data of variances (ANOVA), the liquid leather extract was stated stable at the influence of pH to temperature (temperature 30, 40, 60 and 80oC), especially at pH 1-3 next pH 5 and pH 7.Keywords : Anthocyanin, identification, pH, temperature, stability test

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