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Dienny Redha Rahmani
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Comment: an International Journal of Community Development
Published by Green Visioneers
ISSN : 26548593     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
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Articles 48 Documents
Education About Anemia And Nutrition In Adolescent Girls Pratiwi Puji Lestari; Bening Prawita Sari; Darmayanti Wulandatika
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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The increase in nutritional needs in adolescence is related to the acceleration of growth, where the nutrients that enter the body are used to increase body weight and height accompanied by an increase in the number and size of body cell tissues. in daily food consumption. Young women generally experience deficiencies of iron, calcium, and vitamin A. In addition, there are also deficiencies of vitamin B6, zinc, folic acid, iodine, vitamin D, and magnesium. One of the four nutritional problems being faced by developing countries, including Indonesia, is the problem of iron nutrition anemia. Teenage girls are among the vulnerable to suffer from anemia because young women are in their infancy and have menstruation every month which causes iron loss.The method of implementing this community service activity includes socialization to the Chairperson of the Foundation at the Puteri 'Aisyah Muhammadiyah Orphanage, Banjarmasin City for the implementation of community service activities regarding anemia prevention education in adolescents. Implementation of community service takes place according to the plan that has been made. The material was delivered and the discussion process took place during the education provision. Teens can understand the prevention of anemia in adolescents.
Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development for Future Planner in Banjarmasin Hanny Maria Caesarina; Hans Hasselt; Dienny Redha Rahmani; Maulidah Maulidah; Muhammad Faqih Tamami
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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Sustainable Urban Development is common in European countries, especially the Netherlands. Cities in the Netherlands already implemented some of the sustainability principles. This condition might differ from Banjarmasin which at the moment facing some urban problems such as water and water management, limited green space, etc. There is a similarity between cities in the Netherlands and Banjarmasin where the city has so many canals across the urban area. This community service intended for the students as future planner to acknowledge sustainable urban development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The students shall be able to apply the principles in the field after the workshop. The participants are the students of Urban and Regional Planning in University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin as the future planners. The tools and materials used along the training were Skype, Microsoft Power Point. The outcomes of this activity are the future planners can identify and analyze points of SDGs related to urban planning, and proposed ideas about the implementation of sustainable urban development in Banjarmasin.
Business Management Training and Calculation of Cost Production (HPP) for the MSME / UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Community in South Jakarta aina zahra parinduri; Lutfi Baradja; Ice Nasyrah Noor
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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Community service (PKM) in the form of business management training and calculation of cost production (HPP) is administered to the South Jakarta MSME community, which provided positive feedback. The training discussed the search for business ideas to be carried out by the MSME and to assist the community in understanding the direction and purpose of establishing a business. The training was provided to determine the vision, mission, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and the best strategy in business management. The result of this study showed that MSME is provided training to analyze SWOT till the right strategies are formed and are guided by Instructors. Furthermore, its understanding increased with the provision of hands-on training, which provided them with a better understanding of their business objectives.
Inorganik Waste Management Based On Hand Craft Of Plastic Waste With Economic Value In Indonesia Siti Nurwahidah; Syahdi Mastar; Heri Kusnayadi; Nila Wijayanti
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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Population and economic growth lead to the increase of waste production, especially inorganic waste. Usually inorganic waste is burned to remove it from view. In fact, if the combustion is incomplete (under 8000 C) it can form dioxins, which are compounds that can trigger cancer, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, and nervous system disorders. Student Community Service - Community Service Learning (KKN-PPM) aims to invite the public to reduce inorganic waste, especially plastic waste, by recycling it into goods which have economic value. The existence of the Jurumapin Village Garbage Bank Office provides media for the Jurumapin Village community in managing, buying and selling waste. Handicraft products processed by the Student Community Service - Community Service Learning (KKN-PPM) of Samawa University such as wallets, water baskets, fruit plates, market baskets and ecobrick chairs.
Education for Making complementary food Biscuits for breast milk for Mothers Who Have Toddlers Age 6-24 Months And Posyandu Cadres Nelly Mariati; Wulandari Wulandari; Mirawati Mirawati
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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Complementary food for breast milk (MP-ASI) is food or drink that contains nutrients and is given to infants or children aged 6-24 months to meet nutritional needs other than breast milk. Efforts to improve community nutrition can be done by increasing food consumption through a food diversification approach. MP-ASI baby biscuits are usually made from wheat flour or rice flour. This does not support food diversification so that other additives are needed. The purpose of this activity is that participants are expected to understand how to process MP-ASI biscuits for toddlers. The method of implementing community service used is in the form of counseling with lectures and discussions as well as demonstrations in making MP-ASI biscuits. After the implementation of this community service activity, conclusions that can be drawn include an increase in the knowledge and skills of mothers who have toddlers in processing nutritious MP-ASI biscuits. The hope is that the processing of MP-ASI such as biscuits that are safe and healthy continues to be carried out so that the nutrition of toddlers is fulfilled.
The Using of Google Form for Digital Evaluation for Senior High School English Teacher Association, Hulu Sungai Utara, South Kalimantan Tenny Murtiningsih; Yansyah Yansyah; Hafizhatu Nadia
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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The development of technology also gives positive effect for education. One of them is the using of google form in education. Google form is one of online application that is used to collect the data of questionnaires. Nowadays, we can use it in education sector. That is for digital evaluation at school. The using of google form for digital evaluation is so effective. That’s why this community service gives training of the google form using for digital evaluation for Senior High School English Teacher Association, Hulu Sungai Utara, South Kalimantan. So they can use this application for English evaluation in their class. Some teachers who as the volunteer for this community service were interested to learn how to use this application. They practiced a lot during the training and at last they understand how to apply it for digital evaluation in their class. So next their English evaluation becomes English digital evaluation by using google form.
Reengineering Process To Improve Operations Management In The Sasirangan Fabric Industry Zainal Arifin; Muhammad Maladi; Hanifah Hanifah; Nirza Marzuki Husein; Akhmad Yafiz Syam
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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The traditional sasirangan fabric industry has become a mainstay product of South Kalimantan Province, both as part of compulsory clothing for students, government employees, various official events, souvenirs and exports to various countries. However, the cost of the production process which is rather expensive and takes a long time makes the selling price also more expensive, making the fabric industry from China start producing cheaper which is a threat to sasirangan fabric craftsmen. Through this community service activity, the team tested the use of technology to improve the production process faster and cheaper that was affordable for sasirangan fabric craftsmen. The trial of this activity involved 2 partners of saasirangan cloth craftsmen who were also involved in part of the cost of the activity. In the first stage, changing the way of designing which has been directly making motifs by writing using a pencil on cloth into a design using a computer with the Photoshop program eliminating the binding of the cloth, then changing the coloring process so far by dyeing the cloth to the dyeing place replaced with a digital printer, changing from disposal used waste to the river into a special place of waste, replacing the mold drying process from drying in the hot sun which is very dependent on weather conditions by drying using a blower, finally replacing packaging using plastic bags with more attractive packaging bags and boxes. As a result, rival fabric products are processed faster, safer, healthier, neater, and more attractive.
Training Of Using Used Accessories Into New Accessories As A Business Opportunity Erlina Novianti; Silviana Amanda A.T; Ratih Candrastuti
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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In general, women have a lot of accessories, but sometimes the accessories have been damaged or the model is dated. Recycling accessories, it can be done by reusing used accessories that can be created into new accessories. This community service activity was organized by the Trisakti University Photography Study Program targeting the wives of the Air Force soldiers at the Iswahjudi Madiun Air Base. This training aims to provide creative and educational activities about reprocessing unused accessories into new accessory products that can be sold. The method used is experimental, the community service coordinator and participants will practice directly making accessories from used materials. The benefit of this activity is to bridge between the institution and the community so that there is a positive institutional contribution in society and provide knowledge in recycling goods that are around us and provide skills in making accessories that can be used as business opportunities.
The Effectiveness of Nineteen's RAPCOV Screening Education Through Character Health Communication on Knowledge of Covid-19 Infection Siti Noorbaya; Dwi Riyan Ariestantia; Fauziah Fauziah
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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The study "Educational Effectiveness of the Nineteen RAPCOV Screening Against Knowledge of Covid 19 Infection" is a research on the development of a health promotion program designed to provide information and education to the public. Rapid tests are part of the initial screening for Covid 19. However, there are still many people who do not understand about Covid 19 infection and lack of knowledge about the benefits and objectives of rapid tests. It is undeniable that when a rapid test is carried out, there will be rejection from the community, this is still a lack of education or socialization and clear information. In addition, some people assume that everyone who has a Reactive rapid test result is definitely positive for Covid 19. As health workers and educators in the Front Guard, they must have good communication skills and be able to take a character-based persuasive approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of RAPCOV Nineteen Screening Education on public knowledge of Covid 19 infection in the working area of ​​the South Sempaja Health Center. In this study, the method used was pre-experimental with a posttest only control group design. The population in this study was 370 people, with a sample of 34 people selected based on cluster random sampling. The results of this study are knowledge about Covid 19 infection before being given RAPCOV Nineteen Screening Education which is classified as good by 32.4% and after being given RAPCOV Nineteen Screening education there is an increase in knowledge of 97.1%. There is a significant effect of RAPCOV Nineteen Screening Education on knowledge of Covid 19 infection before and after the intervention with p value = 0.555 (α > 0.05)
Handwashing Culture Habituation For Children To Prevent Covid-19 Transmission Dewi Nurhanifah
Comment: an International Journal of Community Development Vol 3 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Peneliti Ilmu Lingkungan - Green Visioneers

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One of the most effective ways to keep our bodies clean is to wash our hands. There are so many benefits of handwashing, it's a shame if you have to ignore it. The World Health Organization (WHO) or the World Health Organization states that our hands are the main route for disease germs to enter the body, therefore the habit of washing hands with soap will reduce and prevent disease. The activity of providing education on how to wash hands properly and correctly is carried out to children because children are a group of people who are still very curious and it is important to be taught from an early age in order to foster a sense of care for personal hygiene and health. The material provided refers to the recommendations of the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization which basically consists of 6 main steps and then additional material is given to complete the handwashing steps. The results obtained were an increase in the understanding of the children there as evidenced by their independence in washing their hands