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El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 2460383     EISSN : 24778249     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal EL-FURQANIA Vol.04 No.02 Agustus 2018 yang saat ini ada di tangan pembaca menampilkan sejumlah artikel yang merupakan bukti atau hasil “pencarian” para penulis untuk memahami hubungan Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dengan pranata sosial berdasarkan concern keilmuan masing-masing penulis di berbagai bidang. Jurnal ini menampilkan enam karya tulis ilmiah yang merupakan karya orisinal, tentang kajian al-Qur’an dan kajian keislaman
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari" : 6 Documents clear
Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Al-Maa’un ( الماعون ) Dalam Kerangka Pengembangan Kelembagaan Muhammadiyah Di Era Digital: Studi Tentang Pelayanan Jasa Berbasis Digitalisasi Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah Muhammadiyah (LAZISMU) Kabupaten Pameka Hendri Masduki
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.434 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3774


Al-Maa’un (الماعون) is the small part of organization Muhammadiyah dedication movement as the theological source reference to apply the holy Al-Qur’an values. The contextual Al-Maa’un (الماعون) values can be known by individual person of Amil (official person who collect the tithe) at Amil Zakat Infaq Institute and Muhammadiyah Shadaqah (LAZISMU) Pamekasan Regency with action or application form by the internal values of Al-Maun (الماعون) as the theological source reference to apply the holy Al-Qur’an values. The internal values of Al-Maun (الماعون) is manifested by proces of social construction of Amil at Amil Zakat Infaq Institute and Muhammadiyah Shadaqah (LAZISMU) Pamekasan Regency by three dialectical cases simultaneuosly containing of the external,the objectivity and the internal. The actions or applications is as the new identities for the Amil at Amil Zakat Infaq Institute and Muhammadiyah Shadaqah (LAZISMU) Pamekasan Regency in designing of Muhammadiyah institute management at digital period. Keywords:The Internal, Values of Al-Maa’un (الماعون), The Institution Development Muhammadiyah, The Meritoriuos Serve by Digital Form,The Amil Zakat Infaq Institute and Muhammadiyah Shadaqah (LAZISMU) Pamekasan Regency
Prinsip Mattulu Tellue Pada Masyarakat Bone Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Mahadir .
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.821 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3775


Viewing Bone People’s Principle of Mattulu Tellue from the Perspectives of Al-Quran; This study aims to describe andto know as well as to understand and to analyze Mattulu tellue principle in Bugis Bone people.In this case, it is expected to understand Matullu tellue principle in terms of its content, origins, contextualization, relationships as well as the response of the Qur’an into it.This research is a field study research using qualitative-descriptive design. In terms of its approaches, the historical, sociological, and cultural anthropological approaches were empoyed by the researcher, while the method of interpretation used was mauḍūīinterpretation method. Data were manually processed and collected through documentation, observation, and interviews. Data gained through those three data sets were then analysed using stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion drawing. The validity of the data was then tested using persistent observation and triangulation techniques. The findings of this study indicate that mattulu tellue, namely mali siparappe (washed to wash up each other), rebba sipatokkong (collapsed to uphold each other), malilu sipakainge(sinned to remind each other) is one of the Bugis Bone cultures legitimized in the daily life of Bone people. This principle leads to the concept of helping and mutual collaboration among people which hasbecome moral values inherited from the ancestor not only as a norm but also as a motto and a philosophy of life of Bugis Bone people in the hope of creating the unity. Mattulu tellue is not only a living principle by harmonizing the concepts and values of its teachings into the cultural mind, but it is also in line with the Qur'anic intellectual tradition which has become an integral part of Islamic law because it comes with Islamic values as contained in several verses of the Qur’an. KeyWords: Cultural Principle, Mattulu Tellue, Siparappe, Sipatokkong, Sipakainge, Bugis Bone,Mutual Collaboration, Unity, Helping, al-Qur’an
Surga Dan Neraka dalam Interpretasi Ibn ‘Arabi jatim mistar
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.903 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3776


The nature of heaven and hell basically still has several interpretations. Therefore the author will review thoroughly about the verses of heaven and hell, namely the tala'ah of the verses of heaven and hell from the perspective of Ibn 'Arabi> focused on Ibn' Arabi's interpretation of QS al-Ra'd verse 35 and al-A ' la> verses 12-13 about the meaning of heaven and hell with library research, as for the method of analyzing data researchers using descriptive analytical. The purpose of this study is to find out Ibn‘Arabi's interpretation of the meaning of heaven and hell. As a result of this research, Ibn ‘Arabi> said, heaven is a home of pleasure that is all eternal in it. Heaven is filled with food, drinks, weddings, clothes, fragrances, melodious singing and beaming faces with scenes filled with angels and surrounded by the shade of trees and clear flowing rivers. Whereas Hell according to Ibn ‘Arabi> is a place where in it is still accompanied by the love of Allah SWT. Like the pleasure or happiness that is likened to a person who dreams in his sleep, only his sleep does not change the place where he is, that is, remain in hell. Keywords: Heaven, Hell, Interpretation, Ibn Arabi
Postgender Salsabila Firdausia Firdausia
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.193 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3777


Postgenderism is a technological way to erode biological, psychological and social roles in gender. Posgenderists assume that gender is an arbitrary boundary that should not need to exist. Posgenderists predict that there will be an accidental elimination of biological and psychological gender through technology, neurotechnology, biotechnology and reproductive technology. This opinion is considered to be detrimental to society and its own individuals, because reproduction will be helped by technology. So that social construction will shift. It is also very incompatible with the word of God and the sunnah of the Prophet. Because it is very explained in the Qur'an that humans were created with only two sexes. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive form of analysis that is normative. So analyzing by describing secondary data. Studying about posgenderism actually needs to be done, to anticipate and maintain our nature in accordance with what has been determined by God. Therefore from this research, the writer hopes that it can add a little to the reading knowledge. Keywords: Postgender, Social Role, Human nature
Pendidikan Keluarga Perspektif Al-Qur’an Mohammad ruslan
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.159 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3778


Education is an important requirement for every country in general and schools in particular. What's more is religious education, where parents play an important role in education Early. Thus the first form of education is present in family life. Education is nothing but emphasizing the concept of Islamic education which makes the problem of servitude to God and obedience to Him the axis of all life. It should also be noted that children's physical education is an inseparable part of mental, mental, and personal education. The task of parents in educating children from childhood will introduce children to the existence of their god, who makes and manages the universe, understands who the prophet is, and understands their religion, so that they understand and understand the duty to live in this world is to worship God alone with following the sunnah of His Messenger. It is clear, that Islam teaches them to carry out their children's education, which is based on the view that children as creatures who are growing and developing towards maturity, have basic skills that are dynamic and responsive to external influences and themselves. Keywords: education, family, Al-Qur'an.
Metode Tafsir al-Qur’an Komprehensif Perspektif Abdul Hay al-Farmawi Abdul Syukkur
El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 01 (2020): Februari
Publisher : STIU Al-Mujtama Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.612 KB) | DOI: 10.54625/elfurqania.v6i01.3779


Dalam menafsirkan al-Qur’an, para mufassir menggunakan cara khusus yang dipandang relevan dengan kapasitasnya sebagai mufassir sekaligus sesuai dengan kapasitas khalayak sebagai pembaca. Cara khusus ini kemudian disebut dengan metode. Menurut Abdul Hay al-Farma>wi> cara atau metode yang dipakai oleh ahli tafsir setidaknya ada empat, yaitu: metode tafsir tah}li>li> (analitik), metode tafsir ijma>li> (global), metode tafsir muqa>ran (perbandingan), dan metode tafsir maudu>’i> (tematik). Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mengkaji metode tafsir al-Qur’an yang dianggap paling konprehensif perspektif Abdul Hay al-Farma>wi>. Alhasil, metode tafsir tematik dianggap sebagai metode tafsir yang paling komprehensif dalam mengkaji suatu tema tertentu, karena metode tafsir tematik mengulas suatu tema sedetail mungkin sebagaimana metode tahli>li> dan membiarkan tema tersebut diulas secara tuntas berdasar keterangan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an itu sendiri. Kata kunci: Metodologi tafsir, Metode Tafsir Komprehensif, Komparasi Metode Tafsir.

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