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Evaluasi Aktivitas Anti-Bakteri dan Anti-Oksidan Ekstrak n-Heksan, Etil Asetat dan Metanol Daun Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Weda.) Violeta, Violeta; Kumala, Shirly
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.574


ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant. ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant. ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant.
Aktivitas Antidiabetika Kombinasi Fraksi Etil Asetat Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) dan Rimpang Zamzani, Irfan; Nugroho, Agung Endro; Widodo, Gunawan Pamudji
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.575


Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.
Analisis Senyawa L-arginine pada Bawang Putih Tunggal dan Black Garlic Tunggal Dengan Menggunakan Metode HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography) Setiawan, Abdul Aziz; Nesha, Tafriani Sucianti; Pratiwi, Dina
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.576


L-Arginine is a semi essential amino acid and has a function in arterial vascular relaxation and improves blood flow. Single-bulb black garlic was produced from ordinary single-bulb garlic clove by process from maillard browning at temperature at 700C and 95Y of humidity controlled room for a month. It is known that single-bulb black garlic has benefits as antidiabetes, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension, endurance and others. This study aims to determine the content of L-Arginine compound on single-bulb garlic and single-bulb black garlic by using HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography)method.The mobile phase used consists of buffer A and buffer B. Buffer A consists of Na-Acetate (pH 6.5), Na-EDTA, Methanol, and Tetrahidrofuran. While B buffer consists of Methanol and Water Pro Injection. Thermo Scientific Column ODS-2 Hyersil C18, flow rate 1 ml / min, using Flouresensi detector with 350 nm wavelength. Based on the results obtained L-Arginine compound contained in a single-bulb garlic of 2.504 while for single-bulb black garlic that is egual to 06704. The content of L-Arginine compounds in single garlic is greater than that of a single black garlic. L-Arginine is a semi essential amino acid and has a function in arterial vascular relaxation and improves blood flow. Single-bulb black garlic was produced from ordinary single-bulb garlic clove by process from maillard browning at temperature at 700C and 95Y of humidity controlled room for a month. It is known that single-bulb black garlic has benefits as antidiabetes, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension, endurance and others. This study aims to determine the content of L-Arginine compound on single-bulb garlic and single-bulb black garlic by using HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography)method.The mobile phase used consists of buffer A and buffer B. Buffer A consists of Na-Acetate (pH 6.5), Na-EDTA, Methanol, and Tetrahidrofuran. While B buffer consists of Methanol and Water Pro Injection. Thermo Scientific Column ODS-2 Hyersil C18, flow rate 1 ml / min, using Flouresensi detector with 350 nm wavelength. Based on the results obtained L-Arginine compound contained in a single-bulb garlic of 2.504 while for single-bulb black garlic that is egual to 06704. The content of L-Arginine compounds in single garlic is greater than that of a single black garlic.
Nilai Indeks Glikemik dan Indeks Transit Usus Tepung Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume.) pada Mencit Putih Laksmitawati, Dian Ratih; Prilasari, Sharon Alia; Marwati, Umi
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.577


To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose. To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose.
Kurkumin Meningkatkan Sensitivitas Sel Kanker Payudara terhadap Tamoksifen melalui Penghambatan Ekspresi P-glikoprotein dan Breast Cancer Resistance Protein Sianipar, Erlia Anggrainy; Louisa, Melva; Wanandi, Septelia Inawati
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.578


Background:The decreased of sensitivity or resistance to tamoxifen occured after long-term treatment in breast cancer. One of the major factor in tamoxifen resistance is over expression of efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP). Curcumin has known as inhibitor of P-gp and BCRP. The addition of curcumin to the tamoxifen resistant cells is expected to increase the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to tamoxifen. Method:MCF-7 breast cancer cell linewas induced with tamoxifen 1 uM for 10 passage (MCF-7(T)), then cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP were analyzed. To the MCF- 7(T) cells, curcumin was given at of 5/10/20 uM with or without tamoxifen for 5 days and cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP were analyzed on day 5. As positive control, verapamil 50 uM was used as P-gp inhibitor, ritonavir 15 yM and nelfinavir 15 yM were used as BCRP inhibitor. Result:MCF-7(T) cells sensitivity to tamoxifen has decreased with 11,8 times reduction in sensitivity towards tamoxifen, the increased of cell viability, and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP mRNA increased 10,82 and 4,04 fold respectively in MCF-7(T) cells. Then after administration of curcumin with or without tamoxifenfor5 days then the cell viability and the mRNA expression of P-gp mRNA and BCRP decreased. Conclusion:Curcumin iIncreased the sensitivity of MCF-7(T) to tamoxifen, characterized by the decreased of cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP. But the administration of combination curcumin with tamoxifen was more potent than curcumin alone. The iIncreased sensitivity was estimated at least in part through the inhibition of P-gp and BCRP MRNA expression by curcumin. Background:The decreased of sensitivity or resistance to tamoxifen occured after long-term treatment in breast cancer. One of the major factor in tamoxifen resistance is over expression of efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP). Curcumin has known as inhibitor of P-gp and BCRP. The addition of curcumin to the tamoxifen resistant cells is expected to increase the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to tamoxifen. Method:MCF-7 breast cancer cell linewas induced with tamoxifen 1 uM for 10 passage (MCF-7(T)), then cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP were analyzed. To the MCF- 7(T) cells, curcumin was given at of 5/10/20 uM with or without tamoxifen for 5 days and cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP were analyzed on day 5. As positive control, verapamil 50 uM was used as P-gp inhibitor, ritonavir 15 yM and nelfinavir 15 yM were used as BCRP inhibitor. Result:MCF-7(T) cells sensitivity to tamoxifen has decreased with 11,8 times reduction in sensitivity towards tamoxifen, the increased of cell viability, and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP mRNA increased 10,82 and 4,04 fold respectively in MCF-7(T) cells. Then after administration of curcumin with or without tamoxifenfor5 days then the cell viability and the mRNA expression of P-gp mRNA and BCRP decreased. Conclusion:Curcumin iIncreased the sensitivity of MCF-7(T) to tamoxifen, characterized by the decreased of cell viability and mRNA expression of P-gp and BCRP. But the administration of combination curcumin with tamoxifen was more potent than curcumin alone. The iIncreased sensitivity was estimated at least in part through the inhibition of P-gp and BCRP MRNA expression by curcumin.
Senyawa Asam 2-(4-(Klorometil)) Benzoiloksi)Benzoat Terhadap Agregasi Trombosit Dengan Metode Pengujian Thrombocyte Aggregation Test Dan Flow Cytometry Pada Plasma Manusia Jarra, Febrina Fatkiyah; Caroline, Caroline; YudyTjahjono, YudyTjahjono
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.587


Asam asetilsalisilat (AAS) merupakan senyawa yang sering digunakan secara per-oral sebagai analgetika dan obat anti-agregasi trombosit. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh asam 2-(4-klorometilbenzoiloksi)benzoat terhadap proses agregasi trombosit manusia menggunakan PRP (trombosit rich plasma) manusia dengan metode Thrombochyte Aggregation Test (TAT) dan Immuno-flow cytometry. Diharapkan data yang diperoleh dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan senyawa baru yang lebih efektif dan kurang toksik jika dibandingkan dengan asam asetilsalisilat. Pada penelitian ini, darah diambil melalui venipunktur pada lengan pasien normal, atau aortapunktur pada mencit. Setelah PRP diisolasi dengan sentrifugasi darah, kemudian diklasifikasikan dalam beberapa kelompok: kontrol negatif (ditambahkan Buffer Hepes 50 mM), kontrol positif (ditambahkan AAS 277μM/Hepes 50 mM) dan kelompok senyawa uji (ditambahkan asam 2-(4-klorometilbenzoiloksi)benzoat 277μM/Hepes 50 mM). Konsentrasi senyawa 277 µM ekuivalen dengan dosis AAS 500mg/Kg BB. Setelah penambahan dan inkubasi, dilakukan uji TAT dan uji Immuno-Flow Cytometry (meliputi uji reaktivitas antibodi pada trombosit dan uji agregasi trombosit) dengan penambahan agonis Kolagen. Uji immuno-flow cytometry menggunakan antibodi PE anti human AP-3 dan Alexa Flour 488 anti human AP-3. Pada uji TAT diperoleh nilai rata-rata agregasi (vmax) pada senyawa uji (Asam 2-(4-(klorometil)benzoiloksi)benzoat+Buffer Hepes 50 mM) (0,311±0,031% detik), sebanding dengan kelompok kontrol negatif adalah (Buffer Hepes 50 mM) adalah (0,367±0,061% detik) dan dibawah kontrol positif (0,179±0,062% detik). Pada uji Immuno-Flow Cytometry diperoleh rata-rata % agregasi pada senyawa uji sebesar 17,02 ± 1,44%), sedikit diatas kontrol negatif ((16,18 ± 1,07%) dan signifikan di bawah kontrol positif (10,57 ± 2,13%). Dari kedua eksperimen diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa asam 2-(4-klorometilbenzoiloksi)benzoat tidak menunjukkan efek anti agregasi trombosit dalam metode pemeriksaan invitro.
Evaluasi Aktivitas Anti-Bakteri dan Anti-Oksidan Ekstrak n-Heksan, Etil Asetat dan Metanol Daun Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Weda.) Violeta, Violeta; Kumala, Shirly
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7967.596 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.574


ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant. ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant. ABSTRACT: Infection desease still a problem in developing country. The researcher search for the plant that have antibacterial agent to cure infection deseases. One the plant that the layman use to cured the infection deseases is Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd) that containe flavonoids compunds. This study used n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract as non-polar, semi-polar, and polar. This study aims to test the antibacterial activity and also antioxidants by multilevel extraction methods. The method used is extraction, with maceration of each stratum, each extract is done by phytochemical screening test with result of flavonoid compound, tannin, and essential oil. Thereafter, an antimicrobial test with a Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli microorganisms using a solid dilution method (Diameter of Inhibition Diameter) was performed with an extract concentration of 12.519: 2519: 5046, chloramphenicol used as positive controls. The result of antimicrobial assay had activity on n-hexane extract to form inhibit zone of 24.6 - 25.4 mm, ethyl acetate extract formed inhibit zone of 16.8 - 25.1 mm, While methanol extract formed inhibit zone of 15.1 - 23.3 mm, then Pohpohan leaf extract from each solvent was tested antioxidant by DPPH method, Result of antioxidant test (1IC50) of n-hexane extract (113.60 bpj), ethyl acetate (9444 bpj), and methanol (73.14 bpj). In conclusion, it shows that Pohpohan leaf extract has activity as antibacterial, andantioxidant.
Aktivitas Antidiabetika Kombinasi Fraksi Etil Asetat Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) dan Rimpang Zamzani, Irfan; Nugroho, Agung Endro; Widodo, Gunawan Pamudji
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (953.194 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.575


Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.
Analisis Senyawa L-arginine pada Bawang Putih Tunggal dan Black Garlic Tunggal Dengan Menggunakan Metode HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography) Setiawan, Abdul Aziz; Nesha, Tafriani Sucianti; Pratiwi, Dina
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1314.69 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.576


L-Arginine is a semi essential amino acid and has a function in arterial vascular relaxation and improves blood flow. Single-bulb black garlic was produced from ordinary single-bulb garlic clove by process from maillard browning at temperature at 700C and 95Y of humidity controlled room for a month. It is known that single-bulb black garlic has benefits as antidiabetes, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension, endurance and others. This study aims to determine the content of L-Arginine compound on single-bulb garlic and single-bulb black garlic by using HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography)method.The mobile phase used consists of buffer A and buffer B. Buffer A consists of Na-Acetate (pH 6.5), Na-EDTA, Methanol, and Tetrahidrofuran. While B buffer consists of Methanol and Water Pro Injection. Thermo Scientific Column ODS-2 Hyersil C18, flow rate 1 ml / min, using Flouresensi detector with 350 nm wavelength. Based on the results obtained L-Arginine compound contained in a single-bulb garlic of 2.504 while for single-bulb black garlic that is egual to 06704. The content of L-Arginine compounds in single garlic is greater than that of a single black garlic. L-Arginine is a semi essential amino acid and has a function in arterial vascular relaxation and improves blood flow. Single-bulb black garlic was produced from ordinary single-bulb garlic clove by process from maillard browning at temperature at 700C and 95Y of humidity controlled room for a month. It is known that single-bulb black garlic has benefits as antidiabetes, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension, endurance and others. This study aims to determine the content of L-Arginine compound on single-bulb garlic and single-bulb black garlic by using HPLC (High Performance Liguid Chromatography)method.The mobile phase used consists of buffer A and buffer B. Buffer A consists of Na-Acetate (pH 6.5), Na-EDTA, Methanol, and Tetrahidrofuran. While B buffer consists of Methanol and Water Pro Injection. Thermo Scientific Column ODS-2 Hyersil C18, flow rate 1 ml / min, using Flouresensi detector with 350 nm wavelength. Based on the results obtained L-Arginine compound contained in a single-bulb garlic of 2.504 while for single-bulb black garlic that is egual to 06704. The content of L-Arginine compounds in single garlic is greater than that of a single black garlic.
Nilai Indeks Glikemik dan Indeks Transit Usus Tepung Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume.) pada Mencit Putih Laksmitawati, Dian Ratih; Prilasari, Sharon Alia; Marwati, Umi
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1059.97 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.577


To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose. To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose.

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