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International Journal of Active Learning
ISSN : 2528505X     EISSN : 26156377     DOI : -
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International Journal of Active Learning p-ISSN 2528-505X | e-ISSN 2615-6377 is an international, refereed publication for all those who teach and support learning in Higher Education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal has an objective of improving the status of teaching and learning support as professional activity and embraces academic practice across all curriculum areas in higher education.
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Articles 198 Documents
Development of STEM-Based Module With Integrated Chemo-Entrepreneurship to Enhance Students’ Conservation Characters and Entrepreneurship
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 5, No 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This research was done due to the limited learning resources that can be used by students independently. The purpose of this research was to develop a module based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics integrated with Chemo-entrepreneurship to develop students' conservation character and entrepreneurship. This study used a research and development design (RD). The data were obtained and analyzed by using descriptive percentage. The results of the module feasibility test done by the experts obtained an average of 84.8% with very feasible category for use. The students and teachers responses from Askhabul Kahfi and Lemuria Vocational High Schools showed 94% and 91% results with very good category. Based on the analysis of the cognitive learning outcomes of Askhabul Kafi and Lemuria students, it showed that students achieve an average completeness that exceeds 75, achieve classical completeness of more than 75% and experience an increase from the pretest and posttest scores. In addition, based on the observation of conservation character has increased with N-Gain 0.64 in the medium category and 0.73 with the high category. While the distribution of student entrepreneurial interest questionnaires has increased with an N-Gain of 0.68 in the moderate category and 0.79 with the high category. So these results suggest that the developed modules are effective to enhance the students’ conservation character and entrepreneurial interest.
Review Study of Physical and Cognitive Activities in Physics Active Learning: Model of Numbered Heads Together (NHT)
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 3, No 2 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This research aims to examine the proportion of physical activities and cognitive activities in the physics learning that using NHT as a learning model. The research is descriptive qualitative. There are three samples used in this research.  Two of them are lesson plans. The other one is a video of physics learning that applicate NHT model. The result shows that in sample 1 which is RPP 1 shows that proportion of physical activities and cognitive activities is 6.6% and 93.4% respectively, then in sample 2 which is RPP 2 shows that physical activities and cognitive activities proportion is 5.5% and 94.5% respectively, and the third sample which is the video shows that physical activities and cognitive activities proportion is 13.3% and 86.7% respectively. Based on the considerable study of percentage that done in the RPP and the learning video shows that cognitive activities are more dominant than physical activities, this result is already accord with purpose of physics learning according to taxonomy bloom but this result also not accord with the basic idea of cooperative learning which is constructivism because in three sample student are not push to get the knowledge by their work. Based on that research finding it is suggested that in the learning activity that using NHT teacher use a drive questions so the cognitive activity in the learning can be accord with the target of basic idea from the NHT which is constructivism
Developing Students’ Multicultural Background in Structure Courses
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 4, No 2 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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In applying English sentence structure, learners need to know the patterns that must be mastered. In addition, in making sentences learners need to pay attention to different cultures between one learner and another. This study discusses the background of students’ various cultures. This diversity is in terms of regional origin or provinces, mastered languages, and hobbies. However, this study focuses on hobbies. Student hobbies include: reading books, reading novels / comics, writing novels, graphic design, drawing, and so on. This is what encourages researchers to know the benefits of hobbies in learning English sentence structure. In this study researchers propose the problem "How to develop students’ multi-cultural background in ‘Structure’ courses?” This problem is solved by collecting data on the construction of sentences that allude to multi-culture; thus they are referred to as data sources which were then scrutinized and recorded. In theory this method is called by Sudaryanto observation method. Finally, the research data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive method proposed by Seliger and Shohamy. From the results of the analysis, it can be known the kinds of construction that includes the students’ hobbies. What researchers did was asking students to allude their hobbies in practicing the English structures. This appeal was initially ignored by students. Only a small number of students alluded their hobbies in making sentences. Researchers urged again to consider their hobbies in making sentences. In the end most students (75%) pay attention to hobbies or remember their hobbies in applying an English sentence.
Influence of Simulation Games Technique on Content Mastery Service to Understanding Student Learning Styles
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 3, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This study aims to determine the effect of simulation games techniques through content mastery services to the understanding of student learning styles. The type of this research is quantitative research with quasi exsperimental design design using nonequivalent control group design. Samples taken were 62 students of class XI IPS 1 and IPA 5 by using cluster random sampling technique. Based on the results of calculations using t test obtained t count ttable at 5% significance level with db 60 that is 2.537 1.671. It can be concluded that simulation games technique through content mastery service can improve understanding of student learning style of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Gubug.
Saintific Approach in 21st Century Learning in Indonesian Language Learning Vocational School of Pharmacy
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 4, No 2 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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The current learning process has reached the 21st century where information is widely spread and technology is developing. The characteristics of the 21st century are marked by the interrelation of the world of science so that it synergizes faster (BNSP, 2010). The 21st century is also marked by the number of (1) information that is available anywhere and can be accessed at any time; (2) faster computing; (3) automation that replaces routine jobs; (4) communication that can be done from anywhere and anywhere (Litbang Kemendikbud, 2013). The things above are also in line with learning in Vocational High Schools (SMK). Muhadjir Effendy (Mendikbud) conveyed that the Vocational curriculum is in accordance with the needs of the business and industrial world (DUDI) and the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI). These things are also applied in learning Indonesian. Learning Indonesian based on a scientific approach aims to increase intellectual ability to think high-level students (Lutfiyah, 2015: 3). Indonesian subjects in the 2013 curriculum use a text-based approach (Lutfiyah, 2015: 4).
Using of Experiential Learning Model Based on Multimedia to Increase the Ability of Literation Writing Indonesian Poem in Elementary School
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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The education system in a country must be able to equip its young generation with sophisticated literacy skills, if they do not want to see individuals and their communities in poverty or poverty (PIRLS, 2007). The ability of literacy has become the center of attention has even become a crucial issue because of the ability of literacy related to the development of human resources in the future (PIRLS, 2007). This is because literacy skills are the key to success in school and the key to success to participate actively in the world of work, society, and politics. In the 2013 Curriculum, the competence expected from an SD / MI graduate is to have a productive and creative thinking and acting abstract and concrete. Writing is a productive action. Therefore, writing skills in Elementary School must continue to be nurtured and developed so that the expected graduate competence is achieved. Nevertheless, Alwasilah (2007) states that writing skills are the most neglected language skills in language education. This happens due to improper practice in writing lessons from elementary to university level. According to International Study of Achievement in Writen Composition (in Rahman, 2011), Indonesia is a country whose culture of writing and reading is still below average. The purpose of this study, namely to find out how the influence of multimedia-based Experiential Learning model on the ability of elementary students in writing poetry. Research method that the authors use is a quasi-experimental research method with a quantitative approach. To obtain research data, researchers used test instruments, observation sheets, and questionnaires. Quantitative approach is used to get a picture of the ability of students writing multimedia based with Experential Learning model. The result of the research, that is there is significant difference at the level of significance 0,05% between result of student learning in learning writing writing based on multimedia with Experiment Learning model with result of student learning not writing multimedia based with Experential Learning model .. Thus, It can be concluded that the model of multimedia-based writing learning with Experential Learning model. Can improve the ability to write Indonesian in elementary school. The writing ability of the experimental class is higher than the writing ability of the control class students.
Design and Feasibility of EXE Learning Media on the Topic of Chemical Bonding
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 6, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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The transformation on the industrial era 4.0 has greatly influenced changes in the way students learn who are more dominantly use gadgets both online and offline. This research aims to develop an e-Learning XHTML Editor (EXE) learning media which is feasible to be used in chemistry learning on the topic of Chemical Bonding, and also to test the validity and practicality of the media. The study used a research and development (R D) design by adapting Hannafin and Peck’s model. The steps are limited to the design of EXE learning media. The feasibility of the EXE learning media is tested in terms of validity and practicality. The instrument used are validation questionnaire and students’ response questionnaire. The data were obtained and analyzed by using descriptive percentage. The results of the feasibility test conducted by the material experts, media experts, and teachers obtained an average of 89% with very feasible category. Meanwhile, the practicality test was obtained from the results of students’ response questionnaire from SMAN 8 Samarinda and SMAN 3 Tenggarong, showing the practicality value is 87% with the category of very practice and easy to operate and useful. It means the EXE learning media is feasible and practice to be used as chemistry learning media on the topic of Chemistry Bonding.
Learning Strategy of Role Playing in The Material Submission of The Nuclear Power Application Environmental Physics Subjects
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 1, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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Establishment controversy of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) that is delivered in the Environmental Physics course of Department of Physics of Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of Sebelas Maret University use the Role Playing strategy. This strategy brings active student playing the role of the government (policy makers), a group of scientists (neutral) and community groups who refused. Literature studies and group discussions conducted by its students to summarize back knowledge of nuclear power plants, according to the role that will be presented in lectures. The course made in the form of an open debate, where the lecturer acts as a moderator / facilitator. This strategy encourages students to hone the skills of independent learning (individual or group) and can help students to appreciate his knowledge either in small discussion (group) as well as the delivery of openly (public debate). How to CiteLegowo, B. (2016). Learning Strategy of Role Playing in The Material Submission of The Nuclear Power Application Environmental Physics Subjects. International Journal of Active Learning, 1(1). 
Nomographic Technique Development on Global Warming Material for High School Student Grade Eleven of Literacy Class
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This research aims to describe the media's feasibility in terms of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of infographic media as student learning media. This type of research develops ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model with data collection techniques in the form of media validation sheets given to media expert lecturers and material experts, as validators, and distributing questionnaires online to 100 Unesa physics students as respondents. Validation measurements from expert lecturers and the ability to understand and practice and the media's effectiveness from respondents used a Likert switch. The validation results from the expert lecturers based on the learning aspects, the material aspects, and the media aspects and physics students' responses based on the ability of understanding and practice and effectiveness. The result of the average value shows that the respondents agreed to the media being developed. Based on the results of student responses, the validity test was obtained with a value of r count r table, so that the media designed was declared valid, and based on the reliability test with a Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.6, the questionnaire was declared reliable or consistent. It can conclude that the infographic media that develops nomography techniques are conceptually feasible and can be used in the learning of students' scientific literacy.
The Development of Internet-based Economic Learning Media using Moodle Approach
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 3, No 2 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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The objectives of research were to develop an internet-based economic learning media using MOODLE approach to improve the learning outcome of Senior High School Students in Bengkulu City. The method employed in developing an internet-based economic learning media with MOODLE approach was Borg Gall’s Research and Development method encompassing four stages: preliminary study, development, trial, and dissemination. Trial staged employed Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The target of research was Senior High Schools in Bengkulu city with an independent sample test being the technique of analyzing data.  From the result of research, the following conclusions could be drawn. Internet-based economic learning media using MOODLE approach had been developed successfully to improve the learning outcome of the 11th IIS (Social Sciences) graders of Senior High School.