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Jurnal Rupa
Published by Universitas Telkom
ISSN : 25031627     EISSN : 25031066     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
JURNAL RUPA is a peer-reviewed academic journal to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary forum in the area of visual arts. This journal welcomes submissions from artists, makers, designers, researchers, historians, and other writers in the field of visual arts. This journal is published two times a year by Telkom University.
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Search results for , issue "Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)" : 6 Documents clear
The Material Ethics Qanissa Aghara
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v8i1.5940


This research article illustrates the artwork creation of Angki Purbandono's "Material Ethics" a series that was made during his time in jail on 2012. Angki Purbandono is a renowned Indonesian artist that actively participated in the Indonesian contemporary art scene since 1999. He is famous for implementing scanography technique for photography artworks, including "Material Ethics" series. This research is an interdisciplinary descriptive qualitative research, that includes the realm of art and social studies. This research will be based on the theories of postmodernism, especially Lyotard's notion of narrative, and Carceral Aesthetics theory. In conclusion, this research shows that "Material Ethics" series shows postmodernism tendencies through the implementation of bricolage technique. It also enhances the notion of small narratives that was iterated by Lyotard. From the perspective of Carceral Aesthetics, this artwork shows the tendency of carceral memories.
Analisis Visual Mahkota Binokasih Sang Hiyang Pake di Kabupaten Sumedang Jeng Oetari; Fajar Ciptandi; Morinta Rosandini
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v8i1.5592


Regency, especially the Sumedang Larang Palace, was designated as the Sumedang Puseur Budaa Sunda in 2017 by the Sumedang Government and designated as an institution for the preservation, protection, and development of ancestral customs and culture. As a result of this policy, 10 typical Kesumedan ornaments were determined, one of which was the Binokasih Crown. On the other hand, the Regent's Regulation Number 113 of 2009 concerns legal developments and community needs, therefore to strengthen legality it is necessary to increase it in the form of regional regulations, to maintain cultural preservation which is carried out through inventory, security, maintenance, rescue, and publication. So that is more potential in digging up further information, one of which is in the visual analysis of objects related to culture, especially the ornaments on the Crown which have been designated as cultural heritage/cultural assets for efforts to preserve Sundanese culture in Sumedang. The purpose of this study is to visually analyze the crown and analyze the philosophy contained in the crown. So that it can maintain cultural heritage both tangible and intangible aspects and become a basic reference in developing a product because it already has a clear foundation. Keywords: Visual Analysis, Crown Binokasih, Decorative Variety, Sumedang
Adaptasi Visual Momiji dengan Teknik Crochet pada Produk Fashion Feny Puspitasari; Annisa Amalia; Yumeida Rahmah
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Momiji is one of the natural beauty that must be enjoyed in autumn in Japan. Momiji beautiful colors range from red, orange, to yellow. This beauty makes Japanese people make the tradition of Momiji hunting when autumn arrives. The beauty of Momiji in Japan inspired the making of autumn party dresses by applying the beauty of autumn Momiji colors and the shape of maple leaves as a decorative structure in dress, using crochet techniques. Crochet is a technique to create fabric using a needle that has one end, producing a fabric with various textures and structures while forming a motif. The texture produced by this crochet technique depends on the type of crochet stitch that is arranged. One type of stitch used in this party dress is maple leaf. The purpose of this research is as an effort to develop crocheting skill art which is generally used for daily linen and clothing products. The party dress is a sleeveless midi-dress (made by using acrylic yarn) equipped with a stole (made by decofur yarn). By adapting the shape and color of Momiji using this crochet technique, it produces a warm party dress to cope with the nature of autumn which is a transition from summer to winter.
Perancangan Produk Fashion Kontemporer Berdasarkan Budaya Peranakan Dengan Menerapkan Motif Batik Pesisir Enrico Enrico
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v8i1.5832


Fashion industry in Indonesia has been growing tremendously by adapting the archipelago's culture as its unique identity. Peranakan as a result of acculturation of local culture with that of China and Dutch which is infused with myriads of aesthetic values. This design is a representation of cultural transformation that still holds the Peranakan identity while looking to fit into the target market as well as the current trend. This is done by way of qualitative approach by accumulating primary data through observation, experiment and also secondary data via literature study. FRANGIPANI design method has 6 stages from searching for inspiration to realizing the product and trialing it to the public. The purpose of this research is to introduce, promote and preserve the Peranakan culture as a fashion product that can be accepted by the current market. We hope this research will be one of the solutions for the Indonesian fashion industry and players to further develop products with Indonesian culture.
Desain motif ragam hias sulaman benang emas pada banta gadang dan tirai langit-langit di daerah Saniangbaka Sumatera Barat Yuliarma yuliarma; Yesi Novita Sari
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v8i1.5383


Abstrak _ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ragam hias sulaman benang emas pada produk banta gadang dan gorden plafon di sentra industri Saniangbaka. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data primer diperoleh langsung dari sumber data dan data sekunder bersumber dari buku, jurnal, diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 1) desain motif pada banta gadang yaitu motif yang berasal dari motif naturalis dan geometris serta masih mempertahankan motif Minangkabau seperti motif aka cino, kaloak paku dan pucuak rabuang. Pada tirai plafon terdapat motif naturalis berupa tumbuhan dan hewan yaitu motif bunga labu, bunga setangkai, bentuk ayam dan motif kuku kaluak. 2) Pola hias pada banta gadang, yaitu pola hias yang mengisi bidang seperti isian lingkaran, segitiga dan segi empat. Pada tirai langit-langit, polanya memenuhi area persegi panjang. 3) Tata letak motif pada banta gadang adalah tata letak motif yang mengisi bidang. Pada gorden plafon yaitu tata letak motif hiasan sudut, motif tepi/tepi, dan tata letak motif hiasan tengah/tengah. Kata kunci: Hiasan sulaman benang emas, pelaminan, Nagari Saniangbaka
Belalang Kembar Siam Berkepala Dua sebagai Inspirasi Desain Busana Kostum untuk Perempuan Dewi Isma Aryani; Cecilia Agata Purnama
JURNAL RUPA Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Open Issue (In press)
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v8i1.5851


The extremely rare occurrence of conjoined twins in grasshoppers served as the inspiration for the POLYCHYPERA collection. Photographer Juan Camarillo from South America saw this two-headed grasshopper and utilized it as a photo subject for the image titled "Two Headed Grasshopper." By exhibiting one head's condition on the front-back and top-down sides of each outfit, the grasshopper's singularity serves as a source of inspiration for the design of costume apparel. The POLYCHYPERA costume collection is created with the contrast impact in mind. Finding a distinctive costume design development concept using an anthropomorphic approach is how the study challenge is stated. This study aims to develop a concept and product design for dramatic-styled costume garments. By experimentation and reading, the research method employs the project-based learning approach. The findings of this study are anticipated to serve as a guide for comparable fashion designs that can develop the innovative creativity of fashion industry players.

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