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Ni Wayan Switrayni
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Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 26153599     EISSN : 26153270     DOI : -
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Eigen Mathematics Journal mempublikasikan artikel yang berkontribusi pada informasi baru atau pengetahuan baru terkait Matematika, Statistika, dan Aplikasinya. Selain itu, jurnal ini juga mempublikasikan artikel berbentuk survey dalam rangka memperkenalkan perkembangan terbaru dan memotivasi penelitian selanjutnya dalam bidang matematika, statistika, dan aplikasinya.
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Articles 81 Documents
Small Area Estimation Jumlah Penderita Penyakit TBC di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Menggunakan Metode Empirical Bayes Muslimatun Toyyibah; Desy Komalasari; Nurul Fitriyani
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.033 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.9


Empirical Bayes is one of small area estimation method that can be used to predict small area parameters. The small area is defined as a subpopulation of small sample sizes. Empirical Bayes is suitable for use in counted data with Poisson-Gamma model. The purpose of this research was to determine the sub-districts that have the highest risk in the number of people with TBC disease in East Lombok Regency. Based on the results, the analysis showed that sub-districts with the highest risk were Sukamulia Sub-district with 1.65543 value of relative risk in 2014, Sambelia Sub-district with 1.80396 value of relative risk in 2015, and Sambelia Sub-district with 4.12718 values ov relative risk in 2016.
Implementasi Algoritma IDA* (Iterative Deepening A*) Dalam Menentukan Solusi Terbaik Pada Permainan Othello Dengan Simulasi MATLAB Halilintar Nur Hidayatullah; Mamika Ujianita Romdhini; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.203 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.1


Permainan  Othello  adalah  permainan  logika  asal  jepang.  Permainan  ini dimainkan oleh dua orang pada papan persegi dengan bidak hitam dan bidak putih. Dibutuhkan strategi yang jitu untuk meraih kemenangan, sehingga pada penelitian ini memiliki 2 tujuan, pertama untuk menganalisis langkah-langkah yang akan ditentukan menggunakan algoritma IDA* (Iterative Deepening A*) yang dinotasikan sebagai ????(????) = ????(????) + ℎ(????) dengan ????(????) adalah jumlah langkah dari simpul  awal  menuju  simpul  n  dengan  m  jumlah  simpul,  dan  ℎ(????)  adalah  jarak perkiraan  dari  simpul  n  menuju  simpul  tujuan.  Kedua  didapatkan  hasil  simulasi berdasarkan pemrograman MATLAB.Pada program simulasi ini digunakan matriks ukuran 6 × 6 dengan simbol 1, 2,  dan  0  yang  masing-masing  merepresentasikan  bidak  hitam,  bidak  putih,  dan kotak  yang masih kosong.  Dengan salah satu solusi  yang didapat pada program adalah hitam (9), putih (20), hitam (26), putih (10), hitam (11), putih (17), hitam (23),  putih (27), hitam (8), putih (6), hitam (12), putih (14), hitam (33), putih (28), hitam (29), putih (31), hitam (25), putih (30), hitam (7), putih (2), hitam (18), putih (13), hitam (19), putih (36), hitam (35), putih (1), hitam (3), putih (34), hitam (32), putih (4), hitam (5), putih (24). Dengan bobot  -min pada tiap iterasi 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 15, 16, 18, 15, 16, 18, 17, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Model Statistical Downscaling Nonparametrik pada Simulasi Data Curah Hujan Harian Pos Jurang Malang Daerah Aliran Sungai Jangkok Mustika Hadijati; Desy Komalasari; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.719 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.12


The prediction of river water discharge can be determined by developing a river water discharge model based on climate information, especially rainfall information. This research aims to obtain a simulation of rainfall data that will be used to river water discharge modeling. The simulation of rainfall data is obtained using statistical downscaling model which develop the functional model between global climate data and local climate data. Daily precipitation of General Circulation Model (GCM) is used to be predictor variables. It is global climate data.. And, daily rainfall of Jangkok watershed, the local climate data, is used to be response variable.. In order to reduce the dimension of GCM global data, GCM data is projected to a litle number of  variable using classification and regression tree (CART) method. Then, the projection variables are used to develop statistical downscaling model of rainfall based on Kernel nonparametric regression. Daily rainfall data of Jurang Malang station, Jangkok watershed, is simulated based on the model obtained. 
Penerapan aritmatika modulo untuk menguji validitas dan mengembangkan nomor ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Lukman Ibrahim; Syamsul Bahri; Irwansyah -
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.902 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.18


International Standard Book Number or ISBN is a code that contains information about the title, the publisher, the different types of materials for making the book, and publisher group from a book. The ISBN code of a book along with its development need to be checked for validity, because the more books are published, the more chance the book will be copied so that it has a double ISBN number. This research show that the use of modulo arithmetic in arranging ISBN for a book, especially ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. In this research too discussed about validation ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 using modulo arithmetic and expanded by developing an ISBN-n, for a natural number n greater than 10. Validation will be carried out in two stages, namely manually using modulo arithmetic calculation and then computing, by compiling java-based application to validate an ISBN. The development of ISBN-n for n ∊ ℕ and n ≥ 11 use the advantages of ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 and (Memorandum of Understanding/MoU) ISBN agency. Case studies in the Department of Library and Archives of West Nusa Tenggara Province on the ISBN validity of additional collection books for the 2015-2016 period showed that the ISBN validity of these books is 96%.
Estimasi Parameter Model Moving Average Orde 1 Menggunakan Metode Momen dan Maximum Likelihood Nirwana Nirwana; Mustika Hadijati; Nurul Fitriyani
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.181 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.8


Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average is a model that commonly used to model time series data. One model that can be modeled is Moving Average (MA). In this study, the estimation of parameters was performed to produce the model estimator parameter, where if the order component of the MA model is known, then the methods that can be used are the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method, Moment method, and Maximum Likelihood method. But in fact, there are often assumption deviations when using the OLS method, one of which occurs heteroscedasticity (variant is not constant) which is produce a poor estimator. This study used both Moment and Maximum Likelihood method in estimating the parameter of the 1st Moving Average model, denoted by MA (1). The result showed that MA (1) parameter model using Moment method gave better result than Maximum Likelihood method. This can be seen from the value of Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) of both Moment and Maximum Likelihood method parameter estimator with magnified amount of data and various parameters values generated.
Penggunaan Algoritma Genetika Untuk Penjadwalan Penerbangan di Bandara Internasional Lombok Raehanatul Mardiyah; Mamika Ujianita Romdhini; Irwansyah -
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.664 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.13


Penjadwalan penerbangan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sangat penting dilakukan agar konsumen mendapatkan pelayanan yang maksimal. Pada umumnya, penjadwalan dilakukan dengan cara manual. Cara ini memiliki keakuratan yang kurang baik dan dapat memberikan peluang terjadinya tabrakan jadwal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun jadwal yang optimal untuk penerbangan pesawat di Bandara Intenasional Lombok. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode algoritma genetika. Algoritma genetika memungkinkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang kompleks dengan membangkitkan sejumlah individu yang dihitung nilai fitness-nya, dan memanfaatkan proses evolusi yang terdiri dari proses seleksi, crossover, dan mutasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, hasil dari penjadwalan penerbangan terbaik didapatkan dari individu terbaik dengan nilai parameter-parameter ukuran populasi sebesar 10, jumlah generasi sebesar 10, dan peluang mutasi sebesar 0,01 dengan nilai fitness tertinggi yaitu 1. Individu terbaik ini menepati slot waktu berisikan 108 slot dengan estimasi waktu 10 menit setiap slotnya. Slot-slot tersebut menentukan waktu take off dan landing sebuah pesawat
Usulan Rute Optimal Distribusi Sampah Shift I Kota Sumbawa Besar Menggunakan Metode GVRP Koko Hermanto; Eki Ruskartina
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.572 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.17


Generalized vehicle routing problem (GVRP), for each vertex of the graph is partitioned into vertex sets and called groups, it will be determined the optimal route given to each set group includes exactly one vertex of each group. Furthermore, the cluster generalized vehicle routing problem (CGVRP) was introduced which aims to determine the optimal route for each vertex for each cluster. The optimal route can be solved using the Djikstra Algorithm. The distribution of waste in the city of Sumbawa Besar is still considered to be less than optimal, so this system can be implemented by making direct connections between each polling station. This system produces the shortest route, travel details, distance between polling stations and travel costs.
Analisis Eksistensi Infimum Image Dari Fungsi Lower Semi-Continuous dari Atas Qurratul Aini
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.404 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.4


In some cases in applied mathematics, the continuous function is not used, but rather the weaker function, i.e. lower semi-continuous function from above. One of the basic properties of the function that needs to be known is the existence of the infimum value of the function image. In the case of a continuous function, the existence of infimum is assured by several assumptions, one of which is the function domain which is a closed set and the function is a bounded function. In this paper, we describe the properties that ensure the existence of infimum of the image of a lower semi-continuous function from above. Based on the results, it is found that the existence of infimum of the image of a lower semi-continuous function from above is assured in the domain which is a compact set and also assured if the function is a convex function.
Prediksi Curah Hujan Bulanan Di Kota Samarinda Menggunakan Persamaan Regresi Dengan Prediktor Data Suhu dan Kelembapan Udara Satriyogi Putramulyo; Siti Alaa
Eigen Mathematics Journal In Press Desember 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.324 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v2i2.20


Prediksi curah hujan bulanan dengan menggunakan prediktor suhu udara dan kelembapan udara telah dilakukan. Data diperoleh dari Stasiun Meteorologi Temindung Samarinda. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan dan menghitung besarnya penyimpangan prediksi curah hujan bulanan terhadap hujan hasil observasi. Data yang digunakan adalah data harian yang dijumlahkan dan diratakan pada setiap bulannya. Untuk menganalisa digunakan data dari tahun 2005 sampai 2015 sedangkan data tahun 2016 untuk membandingkan hasil prediksi terhadap observasi. Prediksi curah hujan bulanan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa secara umum prediksi curah hujan bulanan tahun 2016 di kota Samarinda mengalami under estimate (lebih kecil dari nilai aktualnya) dan hasil prediksi yang paling baik terjadi pada bulan Oktober. Prediksi curah hujan bulanan dengan prediktor suhu dan kelembapan udara menghasilkan nilai koefisien korelasi sangat kuat dan RMSE yang baik yaitu r = 0.93 dan RMSE = 46,26%.
Submodul Prima Lemah dan Submodul Hampir Prima Pada Z‐modul M_2x2 (Z_9) I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana; Ni Wayan Switrayni; Qurratul Aini
Eigen Mathematics Journal Vol 1 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.633 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/emj.v1i1.6


Prime submodule is the abstraction to module theory of prime ideal in ring theory.  A proper submodule N of an R-module M is called prime submodule if for all r in R and m in M such that rm in N implies r in (N:M) or m in N.  Prime submodule also generalized into weakly prime submodule and almost prime submodule.  This study deal with particular cases of both of them in Z-module M_2x2(Z_9), the three submodules are equivalent in case of non-zero submodule.