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Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam
ISSN : 1978659X     EISSN : 26209497     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion,
Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam diterbitkan oleh Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan Indonesia. Secara khusus mengkaji Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dan media untuk mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan berdasarkan pada hasil kepustakaan dan empiris; serta mendorong lahirnya pemikiran penelitian dan aksi baru dalam lingkup konsep dan praktek Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI). Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yakni bulan Juni dan desember, yang bertujuan memajukan dan menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) yang menjadi kajian di Indonesia, guna meningkatkan daya dan hasil lembaga pendidikan/organisasi/perusahaan di Indonesia. Media ini ditujukan kepada para manajer, dosen, guru, tokoh agama, usahawan swasta maupun pemerintah, perusahaan, mahasiswa, dan pihak-pihak lain yang menaruh minat atas pengembangan studi Islam..
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Articles 172 Documents
Konsep Pendidikan Menurut Ibnu Miskawih: (Transformasi Antara Filsafat dan Agama) Anas Mahfudhi
MADINAH Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Speaking of education, we can not get away with philosophical thinkers, because they are the first to raise the theory of human consciousness to understand and understand its life. Indeed in the end many educational theories emerge from figures who are not from the philosophers, but the framework of thinking used can not be separated from the framework of philosophical thinking. So it is no wonder that philosophy is called the mother of Science. In this case Muslim educators generally agree that the theory and practice of education (read) Islam must be based on a basic conception of man. Discussion around this issue is something that is vital in education. Without clarity about this concept education will be groping. Even according to Ali Ashraf, Islamic education can not be clearly understood without first understanding the Islamic interpretation of the full development of the individual.
Penelitian Agama: Sebuah Pengantar Ahmad Badrut Tamam
MADINAH Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Language research is derived from the word "meticulous", which means "meticulous" or "thorough". Research means the same as "investigation" or "examination" is done carefully and thoroughly. The term research is a translation of English "research" which means a business or job to seek back that is done by a certain method and in a careful, systematic and perfect way to the problem, so that it can be used to solve or answer the problem. So, in general, research can be interpreted as an attempt to find a responsible answer to a number of problems based on data collected through scientific, systematic, controlled, empirical and critical procedures. Since the era of the 70s, religious and religious observers in Indonesia are anxious over the methodology in religious and religious research. At that time, religious and religious research using methods commonly used in scientific research for academic purposes, is still considered to be percussive. According to Amin Abdullah, such phenomena are not only happening in Indonesia alone, but also appear in the Western world. Arkoun called it taqdis al-afkar ad-diniy (sacred religious thought).
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Cerpen Siswa Kelas IXA SMP Negeri 2 Babat Melalui Pemanfaatan Jurnal Pribadi Machrus Machrus
MADINAH Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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This study aims to illustrate the improvement of the ability to write short stories through the use of personal journals at the stage of idea selection, the stage of idea development and the organizing of ideas. This study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle is 6 x 40 minutes. The results of the implementation of the action in the form of learning process with active indicators, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, cooperation, diligent, creative and dare to increase the increase from 73.08% (cycle I) to 88.46% (cycle II). The results of the implementation of the action in the form of product results with indicators can select and summarize personal journals, develop ideas, and intrinsic clip short story, determine the journal, develop the framework of the topic, develop short stories and revise the short story showed an increase from 61.54% (cycle I) to 84, 62% (cycle II).
Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Pebelajar Yang Diajar Dengan Menggunakan Problem Solving dan Ekspositori Yang Memiliki Modalitas Belajar Berbeda Imam Azhar
MADINAH Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Learning strategy that tested its effectiveness in this research is problem solving strategy juxtaposed with expository in course of learning strategy in semester V Department of PAI STAIDRA. The research problems proposed are: 1) Is there any difference in learning achievement between the learners group treated using the learning strategy of the PS and the learning group using the expository learning strategy on the learners?, 2) Is there a difference in the learning achievement of learners who have different learning modalities on the learners ?, and 3) Is there an interaction between learning strategies and learning modalities to learning achievement learners? This research uses pretest & posttest design nonequivalent control group design with 3x2 factorial variance analysis. The result of 3x2 factorial ANOVA test shows that 1) The result of the data test using the two path ANOVA obtained the price of F equal to 22.342 and the significance level of 0.000. Because the level of significance <0.05, then Ho is rejected and means Ha accepted. This means that there are differences in learning achievement learners who are treated using learning strategies PS and groups of learners using expository learning strategies. 2) The test results using ANOVA obtained the price of F for 1727 and the level of significance of 0.186. Because the level of significance> 0.05, then Ho accepted and Ha means rejected. This means there is no difference in learning achievement learners based on learning modalities. 3) The results of data testing obtained price F of 0,560 and significance level 0.574. Because the level of significance> 0.05, then Ho accepted and Ha means rejected. That is, there is no interaction between learning strategies (PS and expository) and Modality of learning to learning achievement.
Diskursus Pemikiran dan Model Pengembangan Budaya Organisasi Noble Industry Di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Ahmad Fauzi
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Education as a noble industry has a strategic place to develop and promote the educational institutions, to remain exist and able to compete with other institutions, through the development of organizational culture. The development of organizational culture in public education institution with boarding school has a significant difference pattern. One of these differences lies in the value system built by the kiai, so it burns and becomes a tradition. The values ​​referred to be models in the development of organizational culture, one of the kiai's social construction of the values ​​mentioned, among others; First, the spiritual power of Islam, ihsan and taqwa, which serves to guide and give spiritual strength to man to achieve greatness and glory (ahsani taqwfm); Second, the power of human potential is positive, aqlus salfm (healthy mind), qalbun salfm (healthy heart), qalbun munfb (clean heart, holy of sin) and nafsul mutmainnah (quiet soul), all of which are modalinsani or human resources that have tremendous power Third, attitudes and ethical behavior. These ethical attitudes and behaviors are an implementation of the spiritual strength and power of the human personality that then spawns the normative concepts of ethical cultural values. Attitudes and ethical behavior that includes: istiqamah (integrity), sincere, jihad and good deeds.
Konstruktivisme Dalam Pendidikan: (Sebuah Kajian Filosofis) Imam Azhar
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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In simple terms constructivism assumes that one's knowledge is the construction (formation) of someone who knows something. Resnick (1983), which attributes him to science and mathematics, concludes that 'the learned person forms understanding'. While Bettencourt (1989) says that people who learn not only imitate or reflect what is taught or that he reads, but creates understanding.
Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Nurul Yaqin
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Education is a very important thing in human life. The advancement of a nation depends on the nation's education. This means that if the education of a nation can produce a quality human is born inward. Automatically the nation will progress, peace and tetram. Conversely, if the education of a nation stagnated then the nation will be retarded in all fields. Islamic education institutions to date have not been able to map the problems that must be faced. As a result, the development of Islamic education is not encouraging and has not fulfilled the ideal ideals, namely to produce fully-equipped people, not only in the religious field. "The eyes must be opened that there are problems that must be faced to move forward," said Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata MA in his inauguration speech as a professor of history and philosophy of Islamic education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Problems that arise and must be faced now, said Abuddin, including the rapid development of technology that affects the entire field. While on the other hand, educational institutions have not been able to respond.
Bias Gender Dalam Tafsir Keagamaan: Membaca Pemikiran Naṣr Ḥamīd Abū Zayd Dalam Dawāir al-Khawf dan Catatan Kecil Untuknya Lujeng Lutfiyah
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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Justice is a universal principle that is always echoed at all times, but the issue of injustice is still common in many parts of the world, including gender inequality, using religion as legitimacy. There is an exaggeration (even the cult) of the classical (interpretive) tradition that is considered a religious source, until it is easy to embed a status of distraction for those who try to dismantle it. The method of interpretation does not develop over time, since ijtihād in that field is deemed to be closed, while the problems facing modern Muslim societies are increasingly diverse. To solve the problematics, it takes great courage to reinterpret, in order to know the true guidance of the primary sources with the proper method for the Qurān to be truly ṣāliḥ li kull zamān. Naṣr Ḥamīd Abū Zayd, one of the leaders who dared to offer an innovative method of Contextual Reading. By his method he also captures the message of the Qur'an, especially with regard to the issue of gender inequality, that there is essentially no discrimination in Islam. The Qurān emphasizes the principle of justice and equality between men and women in various aspects of life.
Keadilan Gender: (Analisis Tentang Peran Publik Perempuan Dari Aspek Tradisi Budaya, Konstruksi Sosial dan Demokrasi) Shofiyah Shofiyah
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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During this time women are seen as a weak creature, but men are assumed as a greater human figure, more intelligent and intellectual than women, so women are considered unworthy and unfit to be a leader. Yet Islam itself upholds the dignity of women and even the Qur'an recognizes the leadership of Queen Bilqis. From the time of the Messenger of Allah to the many real figures of women who managed to become leaders, but its existence seemed regarded as nothing, this is due to the male domination of the more prominent, so in fiqhpun as if many who mendiskriditkan women. That's why it needs to be examined and examined its truth, until it can prove that the fiqh rules about women really need a renewal as a form of answer from the development of the times.
Menyusun Strategi Mengelola Pendidikan: Antara Sebab dan Akibat Nuril Ahmad
MADINAH Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam

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The passage of this Law of Nature article reads as follows: "All events are created by cause or if it is reversed: events are merely an effect." Until this understanding no one finds it difficult to understand. But when it is associated with ourselves and the reality of life we ​​receive, then it becomes a problem in itself. It is said that Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soap for the Soul series of books, should be asking the question between "are you the cause or the effect?" a total of 287 (two hundred and eighty seven) times to ensure a choice after a total business bankruptcy that forced him to live a vagrancy. He finally chose that all life events (reality) are 'effects' and he is the cause. Because Mark believes that there are still many individuals who think otherwise, then he pours his thoughts in the book mentioned above. Mark's work has been a best seller and led him to receive the Horatio Alger Award trophy.

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