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Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati
Published by Universitas Jember
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Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati merupakan jurnal pengetahuan yang menyajikan artikel mengenai hasil penelitian serta perkembangan mutakhir pengendalian organisme pengganggu tumbuhan dengan memanfaatkan agensia pengendali hayati baik terhadap hama, penyebab penyakit dan gulma.
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Articles 32 Documents
Pemanfaatan Mikroorganisme Antagonis untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Hawar Bakteri (Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum) pada Kapas Titiek YULIANTI; Nurul HIDAYAH
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Bacterial blight of cotton caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum is oneof the important cotton diseases. The pathogen infects all of part of the plant from seedling to fullydevelop plant. In South Sulawesi, bacterial blight caused severe damage to the plant resulting yieldlost up to 50 %. Biological control is now a popular control method for plant diseases.This studyaimed to explore bacterial antagonists of bacterial blight. Exploration was conducted in Asembagus,Singosari and Karangploso. Bacteria were isolated from soil and cotton plant parts (root, sleaf, andstem). Six of 140 isolates were able to inhibit the growth of X. campestris pv. malvacearum in vitro.However, only 2 isolates (Asb-D-3 and Asb-D-5) have capability of reducing the disease severity on48,48% and 45,64% respectively.
Ketahanan Beberapa Aksesi Tembakau Cerutu Terhadap Penyakit Cucumber Mozaic Virus (CMV) Cece SUHARA
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan beberapa aksesi tembakau cerutu (Nicotiana tabacum L.) terhadap penyakit Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kasa Fitopatologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat Malang, mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober tahun 2006. Rancangan percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 30 aksesi tembakau cerutu termasuk tanaman kontrol. Unit perlakuan 10 tanaman tiap aksesi. Parameter pengamatan dengan menghitung luas serangan, intensitas serangan dan persentase daun yang terserang pertanaman. Inokulasi dilakukan pada umur dua minggu setelah tanam pada tiga helai daun bagian atas yang telah membuka secara mekanis setelah ditaburi carborundum 600 mess. Ekstrak daun tembakau yang sakit dalam buffer fosfat pH 7 dioleskan secara merata menggunakan kapas steril. Pengamatan dilakukan satu minggu setelah inokulasi dengan interval satu minggu. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan ketahanan aksesi tembakau cerutu terhadap penyakit CMV diperoleh : dua aksesi sangat tahan yaitu S.2234 dan S.2398 dengan rata-rata luas serangan 0,00%.
Pengendalian Penyakit Layu pada Pisang dengan Bakteri Antagonis Pseudomonas fluorescens dan Bacillus subtilis Paniman Ashna MIHARDJO; Abdul MAJID
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Fusarium wilt on bananas caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense wereimportant and were distributed most of the centre of bananas farm in Indonesia. Both Culturetechnicaly and chemically were unable to control this pathogen because they ability to formClamydospore and to infect alternative hosts. The use of antagonistic bacteria such as Pseudomonasfluorescens and Bacillus subtilis were able to control plant pathogens both in rhizosphere or inphyllosphere because their ability to produce secondary metabolites such as siderophore, antibiotics,volatile substances, Cyanide acid, extracellular enzymes and phytohormones. This research wasconducted in Laboratory of Plant Pathology and greenhouse of Pest and Plant Diseases Department.The steps of research included exploration of antagonistic bacteria using Schaad methods,identification using Schaad, Palleron, Lelliot and Stead Methods. Last steps were done by in vitro andin vivo tests.The result showed that combination of two bacterias were able to inhibit the pathogen invitro (70,2% - 88,1%), while in vivo test with three to four applications in frequency were able todecrease disease intensity up to 81, 6%.
Aktivitas Pseudomonas Pendar Fluor Dalam Mengendalikan Penyebab Penyakit Patik (Cercospora nicotianae) Pada Tembakau Hardian Susilo Addy
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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This study was conducted for tenth month in laboratory and greenhouse of Plant protectionDepartment of Agriculture Faculty Jember university. This research was coonducted by two step invitro including identification and screening in laboratory,and in vivo including induce systemicresistant and leaf interaction of antagonist against patogen. The result show that activities offluorescent pseudomonad in vitro against C. nicotianae was by production antibiotic, proteases andsiderophore. Antagonistic invitro was effective under 20-30OC temperatures. Influence of ironconcentration at 5, 50 and 100 μM was affect on antagonist by siderophore, more high concentrationless ability to suppress C. nicotianae growth. In greenhouse test, all isolate was shown ability tocontrol C. nicotianae by induce plant resistant and by antibiosis activities.
Biologi Parasitoid Koinobiont Opius sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Pada larva Lalat Pengorok Daun Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Hari PURNOMO; Sigit PRASTOWO; Moh. Wildan DJADMIKO; Shohab MABDUH
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Opius sp. is koinobiont endoparasitoid of L. huidobrensis larvae. Opius sp. has shortlife cycle, high fecundity and able to parasite at different larvae stages. The research objective was todetermine effect of larvae stages of LMF on parasitsm, fitness, development time and longevity ofOpius sp. The research was conducted at Laboratory of Biological Control and Glass house of Pestand Plant Diseases Departement, Agriculture Faculty, Jember University from from April until July2007. The insect were collected from Ngadisari, subdistrict of Sukapura, Probolinggo. The experimentwas done on two methods, choice and non choice test. Percentage of parasitization, the sting time,development time, longevity, sex ratio, body lenght, hind and hind tibia of adult female and male ofparasitoid Opius sp were examined. The result showed that the sting time of Opius sp. was influencedby larvae. The lates stages of LMF has the higher sting time compare early stages, 44,28 s on firstinstar, 54,9 s on second instar, and 80,68 third instar respectly. Parasitization of parasitoid Opius sp.was not influenced by larvae stage of L. huidobrensis. The percentage of parasitization on choice testwas 28,49% on first instar, 17,43% on second instar and 14,95% third instar. On the other hand, onnon chice test was 48,21% on first instar, 54,52% on second instar and 54,00% on third instar. Sexratio, adult fitness, body length, hind and hind tibia length, development time, longevity wereinfluenced by larvae stages.
Produksi Massal Agens Hayati Trichoderma harzianum Untuk mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Pisang Abdul MAJID
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Pemanfaatan T. harzianum sebagai agens hayati dalam skala luas belum banyak dilakukan, salah satukendalanya adalah terbatasnya agens hayati isolat lokal yang diproduksi secara massal. Oleh karenaitu diperlukan teknologi untuk produksi massal T. harzianum yang murah dan mudah dilakukan.penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan perbanyakan T. harzianum pada beberapa media cairekstrak kentang, ekstrak beras, ekstrak jagung muda dan air kelapa muda dengan menggunakan alatFermentor Sangat Sederhana (FSS) dengan media organik limbah pertanian yaitu sekam, bekatul danserbuk gergaji. isolat Ralstonia solanacearum hasil isolasi di daerah Malang mempunyai virulensiyang tinggi. Hasil ekplorasi agensia hayati bakteri Pseudomonad fluoresen diperoleh 130 isolat. Dari130 isolat tidak semua mampu menghambat bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum. Ada 37 isolat yangberpotensi sebagai agensia hayati terpilih dengan zona hambatan terbesar dengan mekanismeberagam yaitu bakteriostatik dan bakterisida
Pemanfatan Beberapa Sumber Bahan Organik Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Trichoderma harzianum DC105 dalam Mengendalikan Penyakit Rebah Kecambah pada Kapas Titiek YULIANTI; SUPRIYONO .
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Recently, antagonistics microbial have been using to control plant diseases because of theirsafety to environments. Mikroba antagonis saat ini banyak digunakan untuk mengendalikan penyakittanaman karena dianggap ramah terhadap lingkungan. Namun, penggunaan mikroba antagonisdalam skala lapang seringkali kurang berhasil karena tidak mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkunganyang baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adaptasi isolat Trichodermaharzianum DC105 koleksi Balittas yang diketahui memiliki kemampuan mengendalikan Sclerotiumrolfsii dan Rhizoctonia solani penyebab penyakit rebah kecambah pada kapas dengan menambahkanbahan organik. Bahan organik yang digunakan berasal dari pupuk kandang ayam, blothong, ampastebu baru dan ampas tebu lama. Bahan organik tersebut dicampur dengan konidia T. harzianum untukdibuat pelet kemudian disimpan dalam suhu kamar atau suhu 5 oC sebelum diaplikasikan. Isolatdigunakan adalah isolat mutan T. harzianum yang resisten terhadap benomyl. Hasil pengujianmenunjukkan bahwa suhu penyimpanan tidak mempengaruhi viabilitas T. harzianum DC105 meskidisimpan sampai 6 bulan. Kemampuan menekan S. rolfsii dan R. solani terbaik diperoleh ketika isolatT. harzianum DC105 dicampur dengan pupuk kandang ayam, yaitu masing-masing 67% dan 71%.Meskipun viabilitas tidak berubah ketika disimpan sampai 6 bulan, namun kemampuan menekan S.rolfsii dan R. solani cenderung turun ketika pelet disimpan 6 bulan.
Dinamika Populasi Kompleks Parasitoid Telur Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) Pada Ekosistem Kapas Monokultur dan Kapas Tumpangsari dengan Jagung Damayanti BUCHORI; Bandung SAHARI; Dwi Adi SUNARTO
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Eggs of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on its host plants could beparasitized by some species of parasitoids, especially of the genus Trichogrammatoidea andTrichogramma. This research was aimed to study the population dynamics of egg parasitoids of H.armigera on unsprayed fields of cotton monoculture and intercropped with maize. The plot size ofeach field was 19 m x 20 m, with five replicates. We collected H. armigera eggs from both fieldsperiodically since 23 days after planting (dap) to 100 dap. The eggs were collected on 9 sample units(size of sample unit: 1 m2) in 7-days interval. The number of collected and parasitized eggs wasrecorded and the emerged parasitoids were identified to species level. The result showed that thefluctuation pattern of H. armigera egg population was not different on cotton monoculture and cottonintercropped with maize. The parasitoid population was relatively high during the flowering phase ofcotton and maize. The parasitoids of H. armigera eggs found in cotton monoculture and cottonintercropped with maize were T’toidea armigera, T’toidea guamensis, T’toidea bactrae bactrae,T’toidea bactrae fumata, T. chilonis and T. chilotraeae . The dominant species on early season untilthe flowering phase of the plants was T’toidea armigera, while on the latter phase of the plantphenology was T. chilotraeae. Implication of this population dynamics and the succession of theparasitoids in biological control are discussed.
Viabilitas Nematoda Entomopatogen Steinernema spp. dalam Media Kombinasi Senyawa Humik - WAGIYANA; Didik SULISTYANTO; Sugeng WINARSO
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Its well known, That Entomopathogenic Nematods (EPNs) used as biological agentswhich effective to control pest of Spodoptera litura (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera).The aims of thisresearch were to find out the multifungsion product as well as a biofeltilizer and biopesticide whichsuitable for agriculture sustainability, secondly the materials were to mixed the humic compound andbiological agent Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs). Combination of biopesticide with EPNs asactive ingredient and humic compound as biofertilizer to find out a good product combination whichindicated the highest viability and activity of EPNs Steinernema spp on humic compound, in orderapplication of these meterial more effective and efficient to prepare the soil fertility and pest problem.This research was done with inoculation of EPNs on the medium/culture e.c: phosphate solublebacteria Pseudomonas putida 27.4B, zeolit and the humic compound (liquid culture). Pathogenecitytest of EPNs were done after incubation on the humic compound to the larvae of S. litura.The result of this research showed that long time of viability EPNs only for fourth weeks on the humicculture at (4000 ppm). Actually the EPNs from this incubation could 100 % mortality of the S. lituralarvae after 72 hours inoculation. The infection rate of EPNs on the larvae S. litura was 30,3 tailsduring 24 hours incubation. The viability of EPNs Steinernema spp on the medium with 1000 ppmhumic compound was 20 % after 120 hours and after 4 weeks later all EPNs could not survive on thismedium. It seems, the medium containing zeolith, P. putida 27.4B and humic compound at 1000 ppmwas not suitable medium neither for nematods growth or larvae S. litura survival.
Farmer Percieve on Leafminer Problems in the Bromo Highland Area Of East Java Hari PURNOMO
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard was originally described in Argentina and has now been found worldwide. In Indonesia, this species was first recorded on potato in 1994 in Bogor, West Java. The failure of quarantine procedure is blamed for introduction of LMF worldwide. In most cases, cultivation of vegetables such as potato as a cash crop has relied heavily on the use of pesticides, often excessively so with growers frequently spraying on a calendar basis, irrespective of the level of the pest population. Surveys have been conducted on vegetables farmers in the Bromo highlands region of East Java, Indonesia on the perceived importance of L. huidobrensis and the control methods adopted. the results of the survey suggested that LMF infestation in the Bromo Highlands Region has become a very serious problem, almost certainly due to the misuse of insecticides

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