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Faculty of Islamic Law (Syari'ah), IAIN Pekalongan Jl. Kusumabangsa No. 9 Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia
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ISSN : 18297382     EISSN : 25027719     DOI :
Jurnal Hukum Islam (JHI) (ISSN: 1829-7382 and E-ISSN: 2502-7719) is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually (in June and December) by the Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan, Indonesia. The journal specializes in Islamic law studies, including Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and thoughts of contemporary Islamic law.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 347 Documents
Empirisme Ma’had Aly Salafiyah Syafi’iyyah Situbondo Dan Pengembangan Fiqih di Indonesia Akmal Bashori
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 15, Nomor 1, Juni 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v15i1.859


Empirisme merupakan doktrin filsafat yang menekankan peranan pengalaman dalam memperoleh pengetahuan dalam melakukan penggalian hukum Islam atau dikenal dengan al-tajribat al-hissiyat. Metode ini berangkat dari logika induksi yakni pengamatan lapangan,dan realitas masyarakat sebagai sumber utama bagi penetapan hukum fiqih dengan menggunakan perangkat indra dan akal. Imam Syafi’i sendiri menggunakan metode ini dalam melakukan penggalian hukumnya dan menghasilkan dua pendapat berbeda; qaul qadim dan qaul jadid. Sama halnya dengan Ma’had Aly Situbondo, produk pemikiran hukum Islamnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh realitas masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil dari studi ini ditemukan bahwa Ma’had Aly (1) dalam melakukan penggalian hukum selalu melihat pada realitas empirik (2) MA berhasil mengembangkan fiqih di Indonesia dengan melakukan revitalisasi epistemologi hukum Islam klasik, diversivikasi teks, dan perluasan ta’wil serta merekostruksi konsep bermazhab.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 12, Nomor 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v12i1.530


Every economic and finance institution which operates based on shariah principles have to apply the Islamic syariah values. This provision has been set by the government, either by means of act or other regulations. The further technical provision is made by Dewan Syariah Nasional- Majelis Ulama Indonesia (the National Shariah Council-Indonesia Ulama Assembly) as the guidance in the fieldwork. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga (Family Takaful Assurance) is one of assurance sectors that its operational is based on the shariah principles. The result of a study showed that the contractapplicationthat is done has fulfilled the principles and prerequirements of syariah contracts. The model of contract that is operated is standard contract by considering the syariah aspects. In addition, it also attends to the contract principles such as permition, usefulness, justice, and other principles. Not only that, the done contract also has attended as maximal as possible to the syariah business ethics, by avoiding the syariah prohibitions such as gambling, deception, and unclearness in the contracts.
Ushul al-Hukumaniyyah al-Muassasat al-Jayyidah fi al-Islam Muhammad Shulthoni
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 8, Nomor 1, Juni 2010
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

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The aim of this writing is giving a description on the subject of the relationship between religious ethics and good governance values to create a good corporate governance and good government governance. Some people argue that the implementation the good corporate governance is not satisfactory yet, due to the lack of awareness of government authority, private companies’ stakeholders, scholars, and society on the importance of the system for both government and non-government organizations. Therefore, to provide a comprehensive unders­tanding to the scholars and practitioners, this paper attempts to explain the corpo­rate governance anatomy, Islamic values, and social condition of Indonesian society, which may become an appropriate model of corporate governance for the private companies, government and non-government organizations.
Asuransi Konvensional dan Asuransi Syariah dalam Hukum Islam Kontemporer hanifah hanifah
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 15, Nomor 2, Desember 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v15i2.984


Insurance based on the operational system is divided into two types,namely: conventional insurance and Islamic insurance (takaful). Thiscurrent research aims to explore and explain the difference betweenconventional insurance and Islamic insurance as well as both legalstatuses of the insurance in contemporary Islamic law. This study waslibrary research by analyzing the perspectives of ulema (Islamicscholars). The research findings reveal that firstly, the differencebetween conventional and Islamic insurance could be noticed fromthe characteristics and contract (aqad) provided by both of theinsurance. Secondly, both legal statuses of the insurance that wereviewed from the perspectives of ulema demonstrated (a) all forms ofinsurance were haram (forbidden/sinful), (b) all forms of theinsurance were mubah (neutral), (c) all forms of social insurance weremubah (neutral) while commercial insurance was haram, and (d) allpractices of insurance were syubhat (suspected-could be halal orharam). Keywords: Conventional Insurance, Islamic Insurance, Contemporary Islamic Law.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 7, Nomor 1, Juni 2009
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

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There are three main economic activities that every individual has to do with them in his or her life to achieve economic well-being and prosperity. They are; production, distribution and consumption. Those activities concern not only with need fulfillment and profitability, but also involve human behaviour either producers’ behaviour or consumers’ behaviour. The economic men whose behaviour arises from the scarcity of means to achieve given ends, has made people to behave in a way that is in accordance with economic rationality to achieve maximization. However, rationality does not necessarily imply maximization, as the forms of rationality could be selfish and egoistic, it could also be beneficial for one individual but harmful for the society. This is, because the principle of Economics is that every individual is actuated and motivated by self-interest. In an Islamic perspective, people’s behaviour must be in accordance with the Islamic values and norms and to seek the pleasure of God the almighty. This does not mean to ignore the rational behaviour in economy, but that rationality must be in accordance with the Shari’ah and the Islamic values and norms wich in turn will guide them in dealing with economic activities to bring them into economic well-being and prosperity. With regard to the bahviour in dealing with people and other creatures and to treat people as we wish to be treated in good treatment, I will come up with the concept of al-Mu’amalah al-Maddiyah and al-Mu’amalah al-Adabiyah. Although the concept is quite universal, it is quite useful to apply them in our economic activities in the framework of Islamic economics, so that our economic behaviour is in accordance with the Shari’ah.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 13, Nomor 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v13i1.496


Abstract: This study aims at analyzing Mudhofir Abdullah's thought on environmental conservation as the final aim of sharia. Up to present, there have been five principles of sharia, al-maqasid al-syari’ah, which includes nurturing religion, souls, dignity, wealth and descendants. Environmental problems (al-bi’ah) have never been included in the analysis of al-maqasid al-syari’ah. Through literature study with critical discourse analysis approach, the results of this study indicate that: (1) Al-Quran as a source of knowledge, provides insights and discusses ecological and environmental issues, (2) as a religious text, verses in Al quran which deal with ecological and environmental issues should be contextually understood by employing eco-ushulfiqh; and (3), without ecological and environmental guarantee, al-maqasid al-syari’ah may not be able to be achieved. Therefore, according to Mudhofir's thought, ecological and environmental issues should be the top concern in sharia. Within Islamic study context, Mudhofir has broadened the horizon on how Islamic teaching can answer the challenge of ecological and environmental problems within society.Abstrak: Kajian ini menganalisis pemikiran Mudhofir  mengenai konservasi lingkungan sebagai tujuan tertinggi syariah. Selama ini, al-maqasid al-syari’ah hanya membahas lima prinsip utama, yaitu menjaga agama, jiwa, kehormatan, harta benda, dan keturunan. Problem lingkungan (al-bi’ah) tidak masuk kategori kajian ini. Melalui riset pustaka, dengan analisis wacana kritis, kajian ini mengungkap bahwa: (1) al-Qur’an sebagai sumber pengetahuan, banyak mengungkap dan memberi isyarat tentang pengelolaan ekologis; (2) sebagai teks keagamaan, ayat-ayat ekologis harus dipahami sesuai konteks, dengan bantuan eko-ushul fiqh; (3) tanpa ‘jaminan lingkungan’, al-maqasid al-syari’ah tidak akan pernah terjaga. Sebab itu, konservasi lingkungan, menurut Mudhofir, berada dalam prioritas utama tujuan syariah. Dalam konteks studi Islam, Mudhofir telah melebarkan horizon, topik kajian dan perspektif yang lebih luas, dalam rangka Islam menjawab problem krisis lingkungan.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 12, Nomor 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v1i1.557


Marketing has undergone rapid development since the 1990s. Until now, marketing is not only known as a practical element but marketing is also known as one of the disciplines. In other words, marketing has elements of the scientific method that can produce marketing theories. However, marketing does not have a general theory that can explain all aspects related to marketing itself. The fact that marketing continues to play an important role in corporate strategy in several companies indicate that there is an opportunity and take a real approach to build marketing competence as a source of competitive advantage. Business practices and marketing today is experiencing a shift or a transformation from an intellectual level (rational), to the emotional, spiritual, and finally to. On the intellectual level (rational), marketers will address the functional-technical marketing by using a number of marketing variables that exist, such as the marketing mix (marketing mix), market segmentation, targeting, branding, positioning.
Zakat Profesi Antara Pendukung dan Penentangnya ALI TRIGIYATNO
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 14, Nomor 2, Desember 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v0i0.731


Zakah of profession is one source of zakat which began intensively conducted by the government through BAZNAS and Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia recently. Nevertheless, a group of scholars and Islamic mass organizations apparently still has not fully accepted the obligation of this zakah. With other languages,zakah profession still has proponents and opponents. Supporters of zakah of profession consists of MUI, Government, NU, Muhammadiyah, Hidayatullah and others. While that does not agree generally from among those who oriented toward Saudi clerics, Salami, Persis and others. This paper discusses the proposition and the arguments of each group. In the analysis the authors, the arguments for zakat profession more rajah (strong) and assured and more meet maqashid ash-Shariah.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 10, Nomor 2, Desember 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

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This article aims to trace the legal validity of electronic transactions or commonly known as e-commerce, that is conducted using electronic methods such as electronic data interchange and automated data-collection system. E-commerce is preferred because many people presume as having many benefits i.e. demonstrating the value employers professionalism, making efficiency and effectiveness of business services, minimizing capital investment, etcetera. The urgency of this study due to the principles of contract law that are procedurally ignored in the online transaction. E-commerce is assessed valid if the pillars and prevailing conditions in the sale are fulfilled. The study on the validity of e-commerce in this article is not just approached by usul fiqh, but also from the perspective of mu'amalah jurisprudence and fiqhiyyah principles.
Jurnal Hukum Islam Volume 13, Nomor 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v13i1.485


Abstract:  A justice is the essence of the law, but its presence is often overlooked in the name of legal certainty. These loopholes are often manipulated by parties to serve his own interests. The judge's decision is basically a representation of the legal behavior of judges in deciding cases. The judges' verdict is a legal non-sterile products of interest, so sometimes nuanced decision sharply downward and upward blunt. As a result, the practice of law becomes increasingly brighten commodity of  judicial mafia practices. To cut commodity of law, the role of judges into a strategic entrance to spread spirituality progressive law in order to achieve social justice.Abstrak: Keadilan merupakan essensi dari hukum, namun keberadaannya seringkali diabaikan atas nama kepastian hukum. Celah kelemahan inilah yang seringkali dimanipulasi para pihak yang berpekara untuk sesuai dengan kepentingannya. Putusan hakim pada dasarnya merupakan representasi perilaku hukum hakim dalam memutuskan perkara. Putusan hakim adalah produk hukum yang tidak steril dari kepentingan, sehingga terkadang putusannya bernuansa tajam ke bawah dan tumpul ke atas. Akibatnya, praktek komodifikasi hukum menjadi kian memarakkan praktek mafia peradilan. Untuk memangkas komodifitas hukum, maka peran hakim menjadi pintu masuk yang strategis untuk menebarkan spritualitas hukum progresif guna mewujudkan keadilan sosial.

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