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International Journal of Humanities, Management, and Social Science (IJ-HuMaSS)
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science (IJ-HuMaSS), with registered number ISSN 2685-2330 (print), ISSN 2685-2322 (online) is a scientific journal that published by Lamintang Education & Training Centre in the international level that covered many main problems in the Humanities, Management, and Social Science. The aims are to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Humanities, Management and Social Science including in the area of community services. IJ-HuMaSS published biannual (i.e. June and December), in Indonesian, Malay, and English.
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Articles 45 Documents
Interactive Module Development of Teacher's Measurements Mohd Razimi Husin; Ismail Yusuf Panessai; Hishamuddin Ahmad
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0101.10


This research develops an interactive module system that can be used to explore and build a self-assessment checklist on significant learning content in the daily life and work of students in the future. The purpose of this interactive module system is to contribute to the teacher in choosing the appropriate learning content for teaching. This study will focus on the contents of Form 1 history subjects involving teachers and students. In addition, with a self-assessment checklist of teachers, educators can use it in determining significant learning content with the life and nature of student work. The built-in interactive module system also benefits pupils when the learning takes place content and skills that can be used all the time. The data were obtained through field observations in the classroom and teacher work. In general, the use of interactive module systems developed is very good and effective. The findings show that the majority of users have stated that the developed system interface is of interest to the user, in which the navigation system developed is user-friendly. The user states that the usability of the developed system is very helpful to teachers and students in understanding the content of the given lessons.
Pelajar Berkecerdasan Tinggi dalam Kalangan Pelajar Kelas Rancangan Khas Nur Syazlina Hanim; Jasmine Anak Jang; Nur Hana Afifa Jamal; Florance Duya Low; Salina Rentap; Nicorsons Anak Fabian; Gilbert Anak Gordion; Mohd Razimi Husin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0201.19


Falsafah Pendidikan Negara bermatlamat untuk memperkembangkan potensi individu pelajar secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu dari segi jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek. Pelbagai rancangan serta strategi sistem pendidikan dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan bagi merealisasikan hasrat yang dituntut oleh Falsafah Pendidikan Negara dalam melahirkan serta mengembangkan potensi dan kebolehan pelajar. Kajian ini berkaitan tentang pelajar yang mempunyai kecerdasan tinggi. Temu bual kepada para guru bertujuan untuk mengetahui tahap pelajar berkecerdasan tinggi yang terdapat di setiap sekolah di negara Malaysia serta melihat tahap kemampuan pelajar tersebut dalam meningkatkan prestasi dalam bidang akademik mahupun kokurikulum. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan adalah temu bual, pemerhatian, dan rujukan. Kesimpulan kajian ini iaitu pelajar yang berkecerdasan tinggi merupakan pelajar yang mempunyai kebolehan dalam setiap matapelajaran di sekolah. Hal ini dimana pelajar berkecerdasan tinggi ini adalah pelajar yang sering mendapat keputusan peperiksaan yang cemerlang dan pelajar yang menjadi tumpuan guru untuk menaikkan nama baik sekolah ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi dalam peperiksaan awam. Highly Intelligent Students in Special Plan Class Abstract: The philosophy of National Education aims to develop the individual potential of students as a whole and to be physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually integrated. Various plans and strategies for the education system have been implemented by the Ministry of Education to realize the aspiration of the National Education Philosophy in producing and developing students' potentials and abilities. This study is about students with high intelligence. Interviews with teachers aim to find out the level of high-achieving students in every school in Malaysia and to see the level of student achievement in academic and co-curricular achievement. The study methods used were interviews, observations, and references. The conclusion of this study is that students with high intelligence are students who have the ability in every subject in the school. This is where these high-achieving students are the ones who often get excellent test results and students who are the focus of teachers to raise the school's reputation to the next level in public examinations. Keyword: Students, Intelligence, Classroom, Special Plan Class.
Pengaruh Model Penemuan Terbimbing Berbantu LKPD terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa SMPN 6 Depok Nurul Laili; Sigid Edy Purwanto; Fitri Alyani
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0201.20


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing berbantu LKPD terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa SMPN 6 Depok pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode penelitian jenis quasi experimental dengan the nonequivalent posttest only control group. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa soal uraian sebanyak 9 butir, dari hasil perhitungan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji tingkat kesukaran dan uji daya pembeda. Uji prasayarat yang dilakukan yaitu uji normalitas dan homogenitas diperoleh hasil data yang berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji-t kemudian diperoleh thitung = 2,6053 > 1,6690 = ttabel mengakibatkan tolak pada taraf signifikasi 5% dengan effect size sebesar 0,5807 yang tergolong sedang. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing berbantu LKPD terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa SMPN 6 Depok. The Effect of LKPD Assisted Guided Discovery Model on the Ability of Understanding Mathematical Concepts of SMPN 6 Depok Students Abstract: This research aims to find out the model of LKPD assisted Guided Discovery Learning Assisted on the ability of Understanding Mathematical Concept of Students in Junior High School 6 Depok in the even semester of the academic year 2017-2018. This research is a quantitative research and uses quasi experimental type research method with the nonequivalen posttest only control group. The sample was taken by cluster random sampling. The research instrument is a description of 9 items, based on the result of calculation of validity test, reliability test, differentiating power test and difficulty level of item test. Preparation test used normality and homogeneity test is obtained that the data normal and homogenous distribution. Hypothesis test used t-test which obtained tcount = 2.6053 > 1.6690 = ttable. It means that H0 is rejected at 5% significance level and the effect size of 0.5870 (medium). Therefore, it is concluded that there is an influence of guided discovery learning model assisted LKPD on ability of understanding mathematical concept of students in Junior High School 6 Depok. Keyword: Guided Discovery Learning Model, LKPD, Mathematical Concept Understanding Ability.
Masalah Pergaulan Bebas dalam Kalangan Remaja Sekolah Nur Najwa Solehah Binti Hasan Ashaari; Siti Norhafiza Sumadi; Nur Aqilah Salleh; Naziera Izzaty Ismail; Nurul Ain Hayati Adenan; Mohd Razimi Husin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0201.21


Pergaulan bebas merupakan salah satu penyakit yang melanda umat pada masa kini. Pada zaman pasca modenisasi ini, pergaulan bebas tidak lagi menjadi kudis kepada pandangan masyarakat. Selain itu, masalah pergaulan bebas ini sering menular kerana kurangnya didikan agama. Remaja bergaul bebas tanpa mengira jantina menyebabkan generasi muda yang melihatnya terpengaruh serta memberi impak negative. Oleh kerana itu, perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai masalah pergaulan bebas dalam kalangan remaja sekolah. Metodologi kajian meliputi cara, kaedah dan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mencapai objektif dan matlamat kajian. Kesimpulan kajian ini iaitu golongan dikenali sebagai remaja ini merupakan seseorang yang berada dalam lingkungan umur 12 hingga 21 tahun yang sedang berada di dalam fasa peralihan dimana berlakunya perubahan menuju kematangan. Masalah pergaulan bebas boleh dibendung jika semua pihak termasuk agensi kerajaan atau bukan kerajaan bersama-sama berganding bahu membanteras masalah ini. Pihak utama yang perlu mengesan perkara ini ialah ibu bapa, sekolah, dan lingkungan masyarakat. Problems of Promiscuity in School Adolescents Abstract: Promiscuity is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world today. In this post-modernization era, free socializing is no longer a staple in society's views. In addition, this problem of free socializing is often contagious due to the lack of religious education. Adolescents get along regardless of gender, and the young people who see them are influenced and negatively impacted. Therefore, there is a need to study the problem of free socializing among school-aged adolescents. The study methodology covers the methods, methods and approaches used to achieve the objectives and objectives of the study. The conclusion of this study is that people known as adolescents are between the ages of 12 and 21 who are in the transition phase of the transition to adulthood. The problem of free socializing can be avoided if all parties including government or non-government agencies work together to combat this problem. The key stakeholders in this area are parents, schools, and the community. Keyword: Student, Promiscuity, School Adolescents.
Masalah Kecelaruan Tingkah Laku: Ponteng Sekolah Lukman Hakim bin Mohamad Amin; Muhamad Redha Abdul Hafiz; Muhamad Nazirul Asyraf Kamarulzalis; Abdul Hadi Ibrahim; Nursyuhada Mohd Taib; Nur Haziqah Ramlan; Mohd Razimi Husin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0201.22


Ponteng sekolah merupakan salah satu masalah disiplin yang semakin ketara. Terdapat pelbagai faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pelajar-pelajar terlibat dengan gejala ponteng sekolah dimana ianya berpunca daripada guru, sikap pelajar, rakan sebaya dan juga ibu bapa dimana mereka banyak mempengaruhi pelajar-pelajar terlibat dengan gejala ponteng sekolah. Masalah ini perlulah diatasi dengan segera bagi mengelakkan daripada timbulnya pelbagai gejala buruk yang lain rentetan daripada perilaku ponteng. Objektif kajian ini iaitu untuk mengenal pasti apakah punca-punca yang menyebabkan pelajar mengambil tindakan untuk tidak hadir ke sekolah atau dipanggil ponteng, untuk mengenal pasti kekerapan pelajar yang terlibat dalam gejala ponteng sekolah, mengetahui dengan lebih terperinci cara-cara untuk mengatasi gejala ponteng sekolah yang semakin berleluasa di kalangan pelajar sekolah, dan mendedahkan kesan dan akibat yang akan diterima akibat daripada gelaja ponteng sekolah. Dapatan kajian dari hasil temu bual, faktor ibu bapa ialah faktor yang utama sekali dalam mengawal anak – anak mereka. Termasuk guru juga, sebagai pembimbing pelajar – pelajar di sekolah dalam membantu berkaitan tentang pelajaran mahupun masalah keluarga yang dihadapi oleh pelajar tersebut. Behavioral Disorders Issues: Truant Abstract: School neglect is one of the more important disciplinary issues. There are a number of factors that cause students to experience school dropout symptoms which are caused by teachers, students, peers, and even parents which greatly influence the students involved with school dropout symptoms. This problem needs to be resolved immediately to prevent the emergence of many other adverse symptoms from stray behavior. The objectives of this study were to identify the causes of students' failure to attend school or to be called a skeptic, to identify the frequency of students involved in school dropout symptoms, to know in more detail ways to overcome school dropout symptoms is becoming more prevalent among schoolchildren, and exposes the repercussions and consequences that will come from school drop-offs. According to the findings from the interview, parental factors are the most important factor in controlling their children. Includes teachers as mentors of students in the school to help with the education or family issues faced by the student. Keyword: Behavioral Disorders, Truant Issues, Student.
Gejala Buli Secara Fizikal yang Semakin Berleluasa di Sekolah Ngo Yew Yung; Nasharuddin Imraan Rosli; Muhammad Afiq Aizaq Mat Salleh @ Sukri; Fatin Nur Syahirah Abdul Hamid; Nor Nasihah Mohd Robi; Nurul Nasuha Rosly; Mohd Razimi Husin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0201.24


Konsep buli boleh dilihat kepada elemen-elemen yang terdapat di dalam tingkahlaku buli seperti pembuli, mangsa buli, tujuan dan kesan tingkahlaku buli. Lumrahnya pembuli adalah mereka yang mempunyai sifat sebagai orang lebih kuat, berkuasa dan lebih bermampuan untuk melakukan tingkah laku buli. Kekuatan ini biasanya boleh diperlihatkan sama ada ia adalah secara berseorangan atau berkumpulan. Mereka yang menjadi mangsa kepada pembuli adalah mereka yang lebih lemah dan tidak bermampuan untuk menandingi kekuatan dan kekuasaan si pembuli. Kelemahan ini termasuk lemah dari aspek fizikal dan lain-lain.Oleh kerana itu, maka dilakukan kajian mengenai gejala buli secara fizikal yang semakin berleluasa di sekolah. Metodologi kajian ini iaitu reka bentuk kajian gejala buli secara fizikal yang semakin berleluasa di sekolah adalah berbentuk deskriptif dengan menggunakan keadah temu bual. Antara temu bual yang telah pengkaji buat adalah temu bual semi struktur. Format semi struktur terletak di antara temu bual berstruktur dan tidak berstruktur. Secara keseluruhan dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa perlakuan buli di sekolah menengah adalah sesuatu yang perlu diambil perhatian serius seperti mana di sekolah-sekolah dalam bandar dan luar bandar yang lain. Symptoms of Physical Bullying Increasingly at School Abstract: The concept of bullying can be seen in the elements of bullying behaviors such as bullying, victim bullying, the purpose and impact of bullying behavior. Generally bullies are those who have a stronger personality, are more powerful and capable of committing bullying behavior. This power can usually be seen either individually or in groups. The victims of the bullying are the weaker ones and unable to match the power and authority of the bully. These weaknesses include physical and other weaknesses. Therefore, a study on physical symptoms of bullying has become widespread in schools. The methodology of this study, which is the design of the study of physical bullying symptoms prevalent in schools, is descriptive using interview methods. Among the interviews that have been researched are semi-structured interviews. The semi-structured format is located between structured and unstructured interviews. It can be concluded that bullying in secondary schools is something that should be taken seriously as it is in other urban and rural schools. Keyword: Physical Bullying, School Issues, Students.
A Simple Survey on Attitude of Computer Science Diploma Students towards STEM Azniah Ismail; Nor Zuhaidah Mohamed Zain; Harnani Mat Zin
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0202.35


This article reported a simple survey on diploma students’ attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) objectively to get an initial impression of students taking a STEM-related diploma program. The targeted respondents were diploma students pursuing computer science programs in a Malaysian public university. A quantitative approach using a quantitative survey was used in which data were systematically elicited from 16 male and 17 female students using a questionnaire containing Likert-scale items. The questionnaire consists of three constructs: attitude toward science, attitude toward technology and engineering, and attitude toward mathematics. All constructs use a 5-point Likert scale for the response scale. Descriptive analysis showed that the respondents’ attitude ranged between moderately to highly positive towards STEM with no significance different variation between genders across the STEM fields. Interestingly, they also had, generally, moderate consideration for careers in STEM fields (the average values ranged between 27.2% and 42.4%) with male respondents had very low agreements (18.7%) to consider careers related to technology and engineering fields. Such results were a bit discouraging as the respondents were all pursuing a diploma in computer science.Thus, more efforts are needed by the university to give more exposures and experiences to refine the students’ attitude during their study, to boost their confidence and interest to pursue a career suitable with their diploma certificates.
Review the Success of the Mobile Government from the Government Perspective Noor Dheyaa Azeez; Muhammad Modi Lakulu
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0202.36


The researchers agreed on the potential of the mobile government as a new channel of communication between the government and citizens if the mobile government eliminates the traditional organizational structure of government, thus changing the way information is exchanged between them, and provide government services in a transparent manner at anytime and anywhere. For the education sector, mobile education initiatives must be successful in educational institutions must choose the appropriate technology in proportion to its infrastructure to conserve resources and reduce the stress of change. Therefore, this research seeks to present the most important factors of success explored by researchers in their studies, using different research methods in different countries, and trying to classify these factors from the perspective of the government and citizens. The methodology used in this research is to review the literature on the success of mobile government from a government perspective, in order to determine the success factors adopted by each study, and then categorize the success factors according to the degree of their impact on the successful implementation of the mobile government. The final stage is a model proposal for mobile government success.
Hubungan Antara Motivasi dan Penerimaan Dengan Pencapaian Akademik Pelajar Dalam Pembelajaran Menggunakan M-Pembelajaran di Kolej Vokasional Roghdaryanti Hashim; Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0202.37


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara motivasi dan penerimaan dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar dalam pembelajaran Penyelenggaraan Pencegahan Komputer menggunakan m-learning di kolej-kolej kejuruan. Dalam kajian ini, teori motivasi Teori Penentuan Diri telah diintegrasikan dengan model penerimaan UTAUT. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif mengenai reka bentuk relasi, yang menggunakan teknik pensampelan mudah rawak kepada 70 responden dari 85 populasi yang mengambil kursus Penyelenggaraan Pencegahan Komputer di empat kolej vokasional yang terletak di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa semua pembolehubah bebas mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar, tetapi hanya motivasi pengajaran, keseronokan dan niat tingkah laku adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik pelajar. Motivasi pengajaran lebih berpengaruh kepada pelajar daripada motivasi ekstrinsik dan tahap penerimaan pelajar dalam m-learning dalam aktiviti pembelajaran adalah tinggi. The Relationship between Motivation and Acceptance with Student Academic Achievement in Learning Using M-learning in Vocational College Abstract: This study aimed to determine the relationship between motivation and acceptance with students' academic achievement in Computer Preventive Maintenance learning using m-learning in vocational colleges. In this study, the motivational theory of Self-Determination Theory has been integrated with the UTAUT acceptance model. This study was a quantitative study of relational design, which applied simple random sampling techniques to 70 respondents from 85 populations who took Computer Preventive Maintenance courses at four vocational colleges located in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The results showed that all of the independent variables have a significant relationship with students' academic achievement, but only instructional motivation, enjoyment and behavioral intention are factors that influence student academic achievement. Instructional motivation is more influential to students than extrinsic motivation and the level of student acceptance of m-learning in learning activities is high. Keywords: m-Learning, Motivation, Acceptance, Academic Achievement.
A Step-by Step Process in Designing Personalized Reading Content for Slow Learner Children Marzita Mansor; Wan Adilah Wan Adnan; Natrah Abdullah
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ij-humass-0202.38


Teaching slow learner children in reading is a challenging process. It requires personalization touch which can deliver suitable reading materials to meet diverse slow learner existing knowledge, needs and preferences. However, despite the various implementation of the personalization in a wide range of areas, the implementation of existing teaching and learning in primary schools in Malaysia does not support personalization. With an intention to cater to slow learner reading difficulties, this research offers a step-by-step process of designing personalization of reading content for slow learner children. In conclusion, developing personalized reading content for the slow learner children is one way of attaining the need for the slow learner children in reading. By offering personalization of reading for the slow learner children, perhaps it would be something interesting tool to be explored by a slow learner to break a code of reading successfully.