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Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya
ISSN : 25028626     EISSN : 25494074     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art, Social,
Besaung is a scientific journal Visual Communication Design Study Program, Faculty of Government and Culture of the University of Indo Global Mandiri which includes the results of research, meetings, community service, conceptual coordination (thinking), and analytical studies in the fields of art, design and culture. Besaung is expected to be a medium for writers to publish their works, so publishing this journal can help in advancing science in the fields of art, design and culture. This journal is published twice in one year in March and September.
Articles 237 Documents
Dramatik Plot Teater Dulmuluk Naskah Lakon Zahara Siti Nugroho Notosutanto Arhon Dhony
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 3, No 2

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Abstract Dulmuluk Theater starts from literary art (poetry reading). Syair Abdul Muluk was composed by a woman named Saleha, the younger sister of Raja Ali Haji Ibn Raja Achmad Ibn. The youngster Raja Ali Haji Fi Sabilillah, who reigned in Riau, the island of Penyengat Indra Sakti, was estimated in the 19th century. A letter between Raja Ali Haji and a judge in Batavia (now Jakarta) named Philippus Pieter Roorda Van Eijsinga. Along with the development of Syair Abdul Dulmuluk, it has now been written in the form of drama text in general. This research journal is a qualitative type using descriptive analysis. The Dramaturgy theory approach is used to explore scripts and performances. The dramatic plot of Gustav Freytag consists of (exposition, complications, climax, resolution and denoumen) also used to discuss and analyze the play. Related to these issues, there is a problem formulation, namely: how dramatic is Dulmuluk's theater plot in the play of Zahara Siti. Data collection method is done by observation, literature study, interview, and documentation.Keywords: Poetry, Drama Script, Dramatik Plot, Zahara Siti's play Abstrak Teater Dulmuluk bermula dari seni sastra (pembacaan syair). Syair Abdul Muluk dikarang oleh seorang wanita yang bernama Saleha, yaitu adik perempuan dari Raja Ali Haji Ibn Raja Achmad Ibn Yang dipertuan Muda Raja Ali Haji Fi Sabilillah yang bertahta di Negeri Riau pulau Penyengat Indra Sakti diperkirakan abad ke 19. Hal ini diketahui dari data surat-menyurat antara Raja Ali Haji dengan seorang hakim di Batavia (sekarang Jakarta) yang bernama Philippus Pieter Roorda Van Eijsinga. Seiring perkembanganya Syair Abdul Dulmuluk, kini telah ditulis dalam bentuk teks naskah drama pada umumnya. Jurnal penelitian ini merupakan jenis kualitatif menggunakan deskriftif analisis. Pendekatan teori Dramaturgi digunakan untuk menggali naskah dan pertunjukanya. Dramatik plot Gustav Freytag terdiri dari (eksposisi, komplikasi, klimaks, resolusi dan denoumen) juga digunakan untuk membahas dan menganalisis naskah lakonya. Terkait permasalahan tersebut maka terdapat rumusan masalah, yaitu: bagaimana dramatik plot teater Dulmuluk dalam naskah lakon Zahara Siti. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Kata kunci : Syair, Naskah Drama, Dramatik Plot, Lakon Zahara Siti.  
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 3

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Arrival of social change comes as a result of the process of industrializationand globalization of information, if viewed from all aspects, influenced by such changes. One aspect is the art, from the influence of these changes, the art began to shift toward commercial dimension of art. So is the case in government policy on the development and preservation of art and culture, also insists on the principle of industrial and creative economy. The policy on the one hand, has a positive impact (in economic terms), but on the other hand also have a negative impact, namely the commercialization, commodification, and profane without considering the cultural assumptions. resulting in a decline in ethical values and aesthetic, and neglect the development and preservation of ritual art tradition in the context of the natural cultural community, because they are not going to bring benefits in terms of economy and creative industries.such as the deterioration condition of art performances luambek in Pariaman Minangkabau society. Contradictions creative industries policy and conservation efforts in the arts need special attention by the relevant parties, especially in preparing the formula the preservation of traditional art concepts in the context of supporting the community. Keyword: contradiction, creative industries and traditional arts
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 3, No 1

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The democracy in Minangkabau society is always guided by the expression of duduak surang basampik-sampik, duduak basamo samo balapang lapang, duduak samo randah tagak samo tinggi. From the philosophy below the reseacher express it into the creation of musical composition entitled “Dek Rang Mi” taken from a fragment of Rang Minangkabau Democracy. This music creation was provided three interpretation. First, it was interpreted the meaning of duduak surang basampik sampik, means the process of how we can appreciate people’s opinion. The second interpretation was about the meaning of duduak basamo balapang lapang which is democratic life in society, also it was interpreting individual importance that merge into the important of group communities. The third interpretation the meaning of duduak samo randah tagak samo tinggi means in the deliberation can reveal their opinions freely without any exception. Keywords : Democracy, philosophy, meaning, creation.
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.795 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jsdb.v1i1.117


Art Craft Lakuer Tepak Sirih Palembang, a cultural heritage of the past is handed down from generation to generation. The craft has a wide range of products that serve as a means of household fittings such as plates, tins, trays, betel slap and others. As for becoming the focal point of the author are Art Craft Lakuer Tepak Sirih Palembang. Historically craft Lakuer Palembang was originally brought by traders from the Chinese and India around the 6th century AD whose purpose is as a tribute or a prize given to the kings of Srivijaya, while traditions chewing or menginang in South Sumatra, especially in Palembang estimated in the 6th century until the 7th century AD this tradition influenced by Hindu-Buddhist culture which was followed by the Arabs. As artepak culture, the existence of such craft should be appreciated as works of art valued craft classic. The values contained in it is a reflection of the value of the historical, social, cultural and aesthetic. Visually, Art Craft Lakuer Tepak Sirih Palembang resemble the shape of truncated pyramid, with a slope of approximately 25 degrees, with a form of decoration in the form of animal motifs distilir and plants motif. Overall physical form (visual) this craft also emerged from the shades of color, such as dark golden brown, crimson red and golden yellow and combination black ink china. Each of these colors give shape (visual effects) with the uniqueness of each. In terms of functionality, this craft discount variety of functions, among which are a function of social, cultural and decorative objects (as works of craft art in terms of art crafts). Overall it can be said craft craft unique, different from the craft in most other areas, especially in Sumatra. In particular goal of this study is to know and understand the forms and functions that exist in the craft Lakuer Tepak betel Palembang. This study is expected to be the starting point for the author to learn more about the craft Lakuer Palembang in general, especially in this case are Art Craft Lakuer Tepak Sirih Palembang, either through research or in the form of product development as a work valuable cultural and economic value, thus. The results of this study are expected later can be beneficial as science, both for themselves writers, academics, artisans and community lakuer PalembangKeywords :Form, Function, Lakuer, Tepak Sirih Palembang
Koreografi “PETI = MATI”: Otokritik Fenomena Sosial Dompeng di Sarolangun, Jambi Syaputra, Redho; Rasmida, Rasmida; Martion, Martion
Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 3
Publisher : Jurnal Seni, Desain dan Budaya

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ABSTRACTKoroegrafi titled "PETI = Dying" is the result of the interpreter's imagination and imagination in pouring ideas into the form of works about PETI or Dompeng activities. PETI or Dompeng is a mining business that is carried out by individuals, groups of people or companies with legal entities whose operations do not have permits from government agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Miners are supported by large investors who use heavy equipment to dredge sand and river so that it can quickly cause damage along the watershed. To purify gold, miners use mercury, then dump their waste directly into the river. Disposal of mercury poison is very severe in the upper area of Batang Tembesi. Choreography is arranged based on abstract type supported by setting and music to convey the message and impression of the dance work. The foothold in choreography departs from forms of pure motion, namely the activities of gold miners. To convey the contents of the choreography will be strengthened by seven dancers consisting of six male dancers and one female dancer. With the theme of life, who wants to convey messages and impressions to the audience about the importance of protecting natural resources and environmental preservation. The concept of this work is the result of observations of the workman, especially what happened in his personal life where the workmanship of the workman who was born and delivered in Sarolangun felt his direct impact. To visualize arable ideas into dance works.Keywords :? activityf , miners , gold , danceABSTRAKKoroegrafi berjudul ?PETI=Mati? adalah hasil interpretasi dan daya imajinasi pengkarya dalam menuangkan ide ke dalam bentuk karya tetang aktivitas PETI atau Dompeng. PETI atau Dompeng adalah usaha pertambangan yang dilakukan perorangan, sekelompok orang atau perusahaan berbadan hukum yang dalam operasinya tidak memiliki izin dari instansi pemerintah yang sesuai peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penambang didukung oleh pemodal besar yang menggunakan alat-alat berat untuk mengeruk pasir dan tanah sungai sehinggga cepat menimbulkan kerusakan di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai. Untuk memurnikan emas penambang menggunakan air raksa, lalu membuang limbahnya langsung ke Sungai. Pembuangan racun merkuri sudah sangat parah dikawasan hulu Batang Tembesi ini. Koreografi disusun berdasarkan tipe abstrak didukung oleh setting dan musik untuk menyampaikan pesan dan kesan dari karya tari tersebut. Pijakan gerak dalam koreografi berangkat dari bentuk-bentuk dari gerak murni yaitu aktifitas para penambang emas. Untuk menyampaikan isi koreografi akan diperkuat oleh tujuh orang penari yang terdiri dari? enam orang penari laki-laki dan satu orang penari perempuan. ?Dengan tema kehidupan, yang ingin menyampaikan pesan dan kesan kepada penonton tentang penting nya menjaga Sumber Daya Alam dan pelestarian Lingkungan. Konsep karya ini merupakan hasil pengamatan pengkarya terutama yang terjadi dalam kehidupan pribadinya dimana pengkarya pengkarya yang lahir dan di bersarkan di Sarolangun merasakan langsung dampak nya. Untuk memvisualisaikan ide garapan ke dalam karya tari.Kata kunci : Aktivitas ,Penambang, Emas, Karya Tari
Hibriditas pada Ronggeng di Minangkabau Aznal Mad’Hattari; Asep Saepul Haris; Asril Asril
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 2

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AbstractHumans are creatures that are always voluntarily volunteered or coerced. From prehistoric times it has been mentioned that humans are always looking for new areas, if in the areas began to be short of food supply or hit by disasters. It also happens on this day. The reasons are also related to finding better livelihoods, seeking better education which is also related to livelihoods, as well as other problems such as war or natural disasters. More interestingly, some ethnics have a tradition of migrating like merantau as it is in the Minangkabau tribe. This is called hybridity. Hybridity can also show that every cultural process contains mixed and cross-border interactions. There is no culture that is completely genuine and pure, which is found in the ronngeng pasaman. Ronggeng pasaman is present in the community due to several factors such as the movement of the population to a place that will merge into one and make the region into a multi-cultural area.Keywords : Hybridity, Ronggeng, Pasaman, Multi-culturalAbstrakManusia adalah makhluk yang selalu berpindah baik secara sukarela maupun karena paksaan.Dari zaman prasejarah telah disebutkan bahwa manusia selalu mencari daerah baru jika di daerah tempatnya berada sebelumnya mulai kekurangan bahan pangan atau dilanda bencana.Hal itu juga terjadi hingga saat ini.Alasannya juga berhubungan dengan mencari mata pencaharian yang lebih baik, mencari pendidikan yang lebih baik yang nantinya juga terkait dengan mata pencarian, serta masalah lainnya seperti peperangan atau bencana alam.Lebih menarik lagi, beberapa etnis memiliki tradisi berpindah itu dengan istilah merantau seperti yang terdapat di dalam suku Minangkabau.Hal ini disebut dengan hibriditas. Hibriditas juga dapat menunjukkan bahwa setiap proses budaya mengandung percampuran dan interaksi lintas batas. Tidak ada suatu kebudayaan yang sepenuhnya asli dan murni, salah satunya terdapat pada ronngeng pasaman. Ronggeng pasaman hadir ditengah masyarakat dikarenakan oleh beberapa faktor seperti perpindahan penduduk ke suatu tempat yang nantinya melebur menjadi satu dan menjadikan wilayah tersebut menjadi daerah yang multi-kultural.Kata kunci : Hibriditas, Ronggeng, Pasaman, Multi-Kultural
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1

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3-Dimension Sindo's Journalist Animation Movie tells about a journalist's deception. 3 Dimensional animated film using Low Poly technique. Low Poly is a computer graphics that has a small number of polygons. This modeling technique reduces the detail of a 3-dimensional model with the purpose of geometry efficiency that can lighten the system's workload while designing and when rendering. Software used in the making of this film is Blender 3D, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe. Premiere, Corel Draw and Format Factory.Use visual concepts derived from verbal language that is processed into visual language, in concept there are some elements, such as creativity, aesthetics, efficiency, communicative, and others to be accepted by the target audience. Visual object processing requires the composition of design formats, layouts, typography, illustrations, and colors to make the visual messages and messages delivered easily accepted by target audiences. Key words : Animation Movie, 3 Dimension, Low Poly, Sindo
Instrumentasi dan Aspek Teknis Permainan Talempong Pacik Masyarakat Minangkabau Auzy Madona Adoma
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 3, No 3

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AbstractMinangkabau society have several  types of talempong music ensembles, such as ‘TalempongPacik, Talempong Unggan, Talempong Batu, Talempong Jao, Talempong Batuang, Talempong Sambilu, and Talempong Kayu, and other talempong types. Among the talempong traditional music types which is very popular in the society of Minangkabau is 'Talempong Pacik' because its type of music ensemble evenly grows and develops in every nagari at all Minangkabausociety, so thattalempong art has become a musical identity of Minangkabau ethnic arts themselves . The main technique ofTempempongPacikis in the talempong music instrument which is played with interlocking technic by 3 musicians who eachmusicians will hold 2 talempong pieces to composeda short motifs repeatedly.Keyword : Talempong Pacik, interlocking technic, instrumentation. Abstrak Masyarakat Minang kabau memiliki beberapa jenis ensambel musik talempong, seperti ‘Talempong Pacik, Talempong Unggan, Talempong Batu, Talempong Jao, Talempong Batuang, Talempong Sambilu, dan Talempong Kayu, serta jenis talempong lainnya.  Di antara jenis musik tradisional talempong yang sangat merakyat dalam kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau adalah ‘Talempong Pacik’ karena jenis ensambel musik ini secara merata tumbuh dan berkembang pada setiap nagari di seluruh pelosok Minangkabau, sehingga kesenian talempong telah menjadi identitas musik aldari seni-budaya etnik Minangkabau itu sendiri. Teknik permainan utama Talempong Pacik terletak pada alat musik talempong yang dimainkan dengan teknik imbal (interlocking technic) oleh 3 orang musisi yang masing-masing memegang 2 buah talempong untuk melahirkan motif-motif pendek secara berulang-ulang. Kata kunci : TalempongPacik, interlocking technic, instrumentasi.
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 1, No 3

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The Remaining Waste Is Material Exiles Its Not Used Longer From The Findings One Activities Happens In 'Society. Waste Plastic Bottle Caps And Metal It's Difficult To Review Outlined Should Be Hundreds And Even Thousands Year To Review The Waste Make Really Unravel. Plenty Less Society To Know How To Use And Manage The Goods Subject To The Cap Being Helpful. By Therefore, Book Creations Singer Waste Bottle Caps Designed To Review Gives Inspiration Shown To 'The Public For Review Can Cultivate Well As Utilizing Waste Plastic Bottle Caps And Metal Being Helpful Goods Subject. Keywords: Books, Creative, Waste, Bottle Caps, Knowledge
“Nan Lah Lapuak” (Pengaruh Modernitas Terhadap Adat) Erwin Mardiansyah; Rasmida Rasmida; Yusril Yusril
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya Vol 4, No 2

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ABSTRACTThe dance work entitled "Nan Lah Lapuak" was created by Erwin Mardiansyah based on empirical experiences that occurred around workers. Based on that experience, the authors gained understanding and interpretation of Minangkabau traditional life that began to fade, especially in Nagari Regency, Paninggahan Regency, Solok District. Adaik is an understanding held by a person or community for a long time and has undergone inherited inheritance. However, in the community residing in Nagari Paninggahan, Junjung Sirih Sub-district, Solok District was formerly adhered to and became a guide in living life, but now the habit has begun to fade. One of the causes of customary fading is due to the development of the era and the era of globalization that flourished in society. To bring ideas into works of art, artists use heroic themes and dramatic types. In addition to the movements of the dancers in this work wearing traditional costumes and traditional costumes that have been modified as one of the symbols that have been faded by the times and technology. Exploration of motion in this work rests on the Minangkabau silk movement and is combined with modern techniques, and adapted to the character possessed by the worker. The methods used in this work include data collection, motion exploration, improvisation, choreography process, evaluation.Keywords : Adat, Society, ModernizationABSTRAKAdaik is traditional Karya tari yang berjudul “Nan Lah Lapuak” ini diciptakan oleh pengkarya berdasarkan pengalaman empiris yang terjadi sekitar pengkarya. Berdasarkan pengalaman tersebut pengkarya mendapatkan sebuah pemahaman dan penafsiran terhadap kehidupan adat-istiadat Minangkabau yang mulai memudar, khususnya pada Nagari Paninggahan Kecamatan Junjung Sirih Kabupaten Solok. Adaik merupakan sebuah pemahaman yang dianut oleh sebuah kaum atau masyarakat sejak dahulu dan telah mengalami pewarisan yang bersifat turun temurun. Namun, pada masyarakat yang berada di Nagari Paninggahan Kecamatan Junjung Sirih Kabupaten Solok dahulunya Adat begitu menjunjung dan menjadi pedoman dalam menjalani kehidupan, namun sekarang Adat tersebut mulai memudar. Salah satu penyebab pemudaran adat tersebut dikarenakan oleh perkembangan zaman dan era-globalisasi yang sedang berkembang ditengah masyarakat tersebut. Untuk melahirkan ide garapan ke dalam karya tari, pengkarya menggunakan tema heroik dan tipe dramatik. Selain gerak yang dilahirkan penari dalam karya ini mengenakan kostum tradisi dan kostum tradisi yang telah dimodifikasi sebagai salah satu simbol bahwasanya adat telah memudar oleh perkembangan zaman dan teknologi. Eksplorasi gerak dalam karya ini berpijak pada gerak silek Minangkabau dan digabungkan dengan teknik moderen, serta disesuaikan dengan karakter yang dimiliki oleh pengkarya. Metoda yang digunakan dalam melahirkan karya ini diantaranya, pengumpulan data, eksplorasi gerak, improvisasi, proses koreografi, evaluasi.Kata kunci : Adat, Masyarakat, Moderenisasi

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