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Andalas obstetrics and gynecology journal
Published by Universitas Andalas
ISSN : 25798324     EISSN : 25798413     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal (AOJ) (e-ISSN: 2579-8324) is a peer-reviewed, open-access national journal published by Universitas Andalas and is dedicated to publish and disseminate research articles, literature reviews, and case reports, in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, and other related disciplines.
Articles 213 Documents
Inferior Vena Caval Syndrom in Paraaortic Metastastic Lession of Ovarian Dysgerminoma in Pregnancy Manage with Chemotherapy : a Case Report Dewi, Madona Utami; Muhammad, Syamel
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aogj.3.1.1-19.2019


Background : Inferior caval syndrom is a rare case. It can caused by compresssion of the tumor mass and paraaortic metastastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma.  Dysgerminoma is one of the most common germ cell tumor, approximately 3-5% of all ovarian cancers.1 Rate of dysgerminoma metastasis to lymph node is around 28%. In all type of germ cell, dysgerminoma has higher insidens to lymph node metastasis compare to the others. The first level of lymph node metastsis is paraaortic lymph node. However, the insidens is unknown because there is no research about it yet.2,3Dysgerminoma frequently in young age, less then 30 years. The exact etiology of dysgerminomas has not been determined, although recent molecular studies have implicated loss function of potential tumor suppressor gene TRC8/RNF139, abnormality of Y chromosome and gonadal dysgenesis.4 The problem arises when dysgerminoma is diagnosed in pregnancy woman as clinically has inferior vena cava syndrom sign and symptoms which acquired efective and fast management.Objective : Discuss inferior caval syndrom  as effect of compression by tumor mass, metastasis tumor lesion and chemotherapy management in dysgerminoma with pregnancyCase Report : Patient 32 years old admitted to M. Djamil central general hospital referred from Batusangkar hospital with diagnosis G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy + dysgerminoma + obs. Dyspnue. Patient has symptoms dispnue, exercise intolerance, oedem extremity. Physical examination : blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg, HR 120 dpm, RR 35 bpm, T 37 C. Abdomen : uterus fundal was palpated 2 fingers above umbilical, ballotement (+), FHR 150-158 bpm. Genitalia : I V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (-), oedem extremity +/+. From ultrasonography  found dysgerminoma ovary with compression to inferior vena cava and  paraaortic metastatic. Patient was diagnosed with dispnue ec. inferior vena cava syndrom caused by compression of tumor mass + paraaortic lymph node metastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma on G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy. Patient was managed by BEP chemotherapy and symptom was dissapeared. Patient was admitted to M. Djamil  again with 34-35 weeks of preterm pregnancy in active phase of first stage. Because obtructed of labor patient was decide to performed LSCS. Female baby was born 1800 gram, baby?s length was 45 cm, A/S 7/8, there is no congenital anomaly. Patient was followed up 1 month after surgery, there is no symptoms, but fromUltrasonograhy found corpus metastasis and  CT scan impressed paraaortic lymph node metastasis + copus metastasis. Chemotherapy was continue one month after caesarean section. She was completed 4 cycles chemothrapy and the disease was cureable.Conclusion :Caval syndrom is a rare case  and fatal, caused by direct compression of dysgerminoma mass and paraaortic lymph node metastasisDiagnosis of dysgerminoma is anatomy pathology diagnoseManagement of dysgerminoma is surgical staging and 3-4 cycle of chemoterapy with BEP regimenChemoterapy with  BEP (Bleomisin-Etopuside-Cisplatin) is safe to performed at second trimester with inferior vena cava syndrom ec paraaorta lymph nodes metastasisDysgerminoma has a good response to chemotherapy  with survival rate 96%
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.2.1.44-52.2018


Preeclampsia is a major obstruction complication with increasing incidence and is associated with maternal morbidity and mortality. One theory regarding preeclampsia is the development of oxidative stress due to the benefits of pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant functions that consequently results in free radicals, active oxygen, or reactive nitrogen. The deacrease of Zinc as a cofactor of anti-oxidant enzymes is reported to be associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia. Cross sectional comparative study was conducted in Dr. M. DjamilPadangHospital, SolokDistrict Hospital, PainanDistrict Hospital, BatusangkarDistrict Hospital, and Biomedicallaboratoryof Medical Faculty of Andalas University from September 2014 to February 2015. There were 40 samples with pregnancy beyond 20 weeks which were then divided into two groups; severe preeclampsia and normal pregnancy. Serum zinc wasexamined in both groups. Serum zinc in severe preeclampsia and normal pre-stressed demonstrated a significant difference (p <0.05). The mean concentration of serum zinc in severe preeclampsia and in normal pregnancy were 0.45 ± 0.09 μg / ml and 0.78 ± 0.55 μg / ml with p = 0.02. This difference is statistically significant with p <0.005. There was a significant difference between serum zinc concentration in normal pregnant women and that in severe preeclamptic women.Keywords: severe preeclampsia, normal pregnancy, zinc serum
Hubungan Skor Plasenta Akreta Indeks (PAI) dengan Kejadian Plasenta Akreta pada pasien bersalin di bagian kebidanan RSUP.dr.M.Djamil Padang Intan Firmana Putri; Ariadi Ariadi
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.2.2.78-82.2018


Objective: To determine the relationship between PAI scores and the incidence of placenta accreta in placenta previa accreta suspects who gave birth at RSUP M. Djamil Padang. Method: This study is an analytical study using a cross-sectional study design with a sample of all patients with placenta previa totalis suspected accreta who gave birth in the obstetrics department of RSUP M. Djamil Padang during the period January 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018. The data were taken from the patient's medical records that included age, parity status, labor history, and PAI score from ultrasound examination results. The relationship between PAI scores and the incidence of placenta accreta was analyzed using an independent T-test with a significant degree of <0.05. The research results are presented in tabular form.  Results: During the study period, 30 patients with placenta previa suspected of accreta at RSUP M. Djamil Padang. It is known that cases of placenta accreta were more common in multiparous (57.7%), suspected accreta (57.7%), had a history of SC (65.2%), and the mean age of patients with accreta was 34.7 ± 3.5 years. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the mean PAI score in patients with placenta accreta is higher than non-accreta, and there is a significant relationship between PAI scores and cases of placenta accreta (p> 0.05).Conclusion: The mean PAI score in patients with placenta accreta is higher than without accreta and there is a significant relationship between PAI scores and cases of placenta accreta.Keywords: Placenta Accreta, PAI Score
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.3.1.9-14.2019


LSIL is a low grade cervical cancer prelesion, which through prompt diagnosis and therapy, could reduce cervical cancer incidence to 90% and reducing mortality rate for 70-80%. Colposcopy will speed up diagnosis of cervical precancer lesions thus gaining prompt management, and beneficial for patients from afar. Combination of Pap’s smear, colposcopy and biopsy is a good diagnostic package to perform in medical practice. This study was conducted using statistics diagnostic test with cross-sectional design. This research was carried out among women diagnosed with LSIL (Pap’s smear) which then colposcopy was performed in Gynaecology Clinic in Dr.M.Djamil Hospital Padang, during July to December 2014. The study was performed to determine the definitive diagnosis of LSIL (Pap’s smear). Total number of women included in this study were 70, which were divided into 2 groups: 35 women in VIA positive group and 35 in VIA negative group and statistical anal- ysis was performed using unpaired t test and chi square in SPSS 18.0 for windows. From statistical analysis using chi-square test, obtained a statistical significance between VIA test and colposcopy, it can be seen from the p-value 0.002 (p <0.05). There is a statistical significance between VIA test and colposcopy.Keywords: VIA, colposcopy, LSIL, biopsy
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.2.2.109-114.2018


The insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) is installed immediately after delivery has been recommended by the WHO, as one method of contraception is safe and effective for interim and prevent missed opportunity (unmet need). IUD insertion after childbirth can avoid the discomfort that usually occurs during the interval insertion, and lochia can obscure any bleeding from the insertion. However, post-partum IUD insertion has disadvantages as well. The risk of the possibility of spontaneous expulsion is very high. This study is an experimental study with the method of post-test control group design to determine differences in IUD expulsion rate tied and not tied when installed during caesarean section at RSUP. Dr.M.Djamil in Padang, and Military Hospital Reksodiwiryo Padang and Painan District Hospital. There were no significant differences between trancaesarean IUD insertion methods that are not tied or tied (P> 0.05). The percentage of expulsion is not tied 11.4% higher compared to 0% tied expulsion. Statistically, were not significant differences as obtained P value> 0.05.Keywords: IUD, tied, trancaesarean
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.1.2.47-55.2017


In the last few decades, the incidence of caesarean section is increasing in the world, especially in Indonesia. One of the way to treat tissue scar is through biologic and synthetic dressing where nowadays, amnion has been used as biologic dressing frequently. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the use of fresh amniotic membrane on wound incision Caesarean section compared with Caesarean section incision wound covered using regular gauze bandages and fixated with plaster in RS. Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang. The design of this study is an experimen-tal study with Post test design with control group design. Sampling was done using a formula consecutive sampling two different test samples obtained an average of 72 people for each group. The analysis used include univariate and bivariate analyzes. The average wound healing time the difference was statistically significant (p value <0.05) in the treatment and control groups. There was highly significant difference in the proportion of local infection on day 3 between the treatment and control groups (p value <0.05). There were very significant differences in the proportion of local allergic reactions at day 3, and 5 between the treatment and control group (p <0.05). There are significant differences in terms of the cost of care per day between treatment and control groups (p <0.05). From this study, the average wound healing time has a very significant difference.Keywords: Fresh Amniotic Membrane, Wound Cesarean Section, Wound Healing
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.3.2.130-136.2019


Background : Malignant ovarian tumor are still the number one cause of death and the second most  of incidents for gynecological malignant tumors. The principles of management of ovarian cancer are the same as the principles of handling other malignant diseases, for the treatment of primary lesions operatively and the handling of potential sites of tumor metastases with chemotherapy. Histopathological examination is still considered a gold standard for diagnosis and definitive treatment of malignant ovarian tumors. If histopathologic results are obtained, then the patient will be planned to undergo postoperative chemotherapy. The mismatch between the preoperative and intraoperative clinical features, and the results of postoperative histopathological examination is a problem in managing cases of ovarian malignant tumors.Objective : Report a case of residive ovarian carcinoma with no appearance of malignancy marker in the previous postoperative histopathological examination.Method : Case reportCase : We report the case of a 45-year-old woman with a history of two previous laparotomy. The first operation was carried out in February 2014 on the indication of an extra ovarian cyst, resulting in the impression of a "Follicular Cysts" based on histopathological examination. The second operation was performed in March 2015, performed surgical staging tumors with an indication of malignant ovarian tumors with clinical metastases, but from histopathological examination it was found that "Cystadenoma Ovarii Muscinosum Multiloculare" and "no visible signs of malignancy", so the patient was not managed with postoperative chemotherapy. In April 2019 patients came with complaints of new mass growth, from CT-Scan and USG investigations there was a suspicious impression of a residive ovarian tumor with metastases into the omentum and massive ascites. On May 16, 2019 an optimal debulking was performed with the findings of residive mass, ascites, and mass metastases in the intra operative peritoneum. From the results of histopathological examination, it was found that "Muscinous Carcinoma with metastases to the umbilicus, peritoneum, and ascitic fluidKeywords: Malignant residive ovarian tumor, mucinous ovarian carcinoma
Malformasi Arteriovena Pada Bekas Seksio Sesaria Yusrawati Yusrawati
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.1.2.100-107.2017


Uterine arteriovenous malformations is rare case which cause secondary postpartum hemorrhage. This disor-der can cause massive and suddden vaginal bleeding. Despite of rare case, secondary arteriovenous malforma-tions can occur after a cesarean section. Patients who undergo uterine arteriovenous malformation generally have symptoms of menorrhagia or metrorrhagia after miscarriage, uterine surgery, including cesarean section, and curettage. In severe cases, this can lead to malformations of dyspnoea and heart failure. Management of AVM is by embolization, methotrexate treatment and hysterectomy depending on patient condition. Here reported a case of a patient aged 25 years with a diagnosis of P2H1, AUB ec AVM. Patients got history of caesarean section 6 months ago, and since 5 months ago patients were admitted 8 times for recurrent bleed-ing. Diagnostic examinations found AVM and hysterectomy was done. The AUB diagnosis in patients is less precise, the patient should be diagnosed with secondary postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine arteriovenous malformation acquired. Uterine arteriovenous malformation diagnosis should be considered in patients with secondary postpartum haemorrhage.Keywords: arteriovenous malformation, a former cesarean section, AUB
OMPHALOCELE Muhammad Johar Nafis; Yusrawati Yusrawati
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.2.1.62-66.2018


Objective: Reporting a case of omphalocele.Method: Case report.Result: A case of a 24 years-old woman, diagnosed with G1P0A0H0 37-38 weeks of term pregnancy + omphalocele. According to ultrasonography, biometric measurements of the fetus were: BPD: 8.4 cm, FL: 6.7 cm, HL: 5.9 cm, AC: 30.5 cm, AFI: 8.7 cm, there were no image of abdominal wall, but a membrane surrounding the abdomen was visible. From the USG examination, the conclusion was Omphalocele. Chromosomal analysis was done using G-Comparative technic, with result 46, XY, which means the amount of the chromosomes was 46, and sex chromosomes were XY. There was no major structural defect. Mostly, the disorders causing these conditions are 13, 18 and 21 trisomy, and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome.Conclusion: Omphalocele is a genetic disorder marked by failure of the abdominal organs to return into the abdominal cavity. It requires thorough and accurate prenatal examinations to establish a diagnosis.Keywords: Omphalocele, prenatal diagnosis
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.1.1.22-29.2017


The high incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia causes the importance of early detection especially eclampsia which is the main cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and bad perinatal outcome. The etiology was unknown, but is related to changes in electrolyte status. Electrolytes such as calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) play an important role in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia because they contribute significantly in vascular smooth muscle function. This study was done to analyze the differences in mean levels of calcium magnesium ratio and sodium potassium ratio of maternal serum in severe preeclampsia and eclampsia. We performed an observasional comparative with cross sectional study on 16 women with severe preeclampsia and 16 women with eclampsia who met the inclusion criteria and there were no exclusion criteria. The samples were recruited in Dr. M Djamil general hospital Padang, Solok District Hospital, and Pariaman District Hospital from May 2015 to January 2016. The levels of calcium serum were examined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), magnesium levels were examined by enzymatic metode, sodium and potassium levels were examined by ion selection electrode (ISE). The differences in mean levels of calcium magnesium ratio and sodium potassium ratio between the two groups was analyzed by using independent t test. The mean levels of calcium magnesium ratio in severe preeclampsia was significantly higher than eclampsia. The mean levels of sodium potassium ratio in severe preeclampsia was significantly lower than eclampsia.Keywords: Calcium magnesium ratio, sodium potassium ratio, severe preeclampsia, eclampsia

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