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Inferior Vena Caval Syndrom in Paraaortic Metastastic Lession of Ovarian Dysgerminoma in Pregnancy Manage with Chemotherapy : a Case Report Dewi, Madona Utami; Muhammad, Syamel
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aogj.3.1.1-19.2019


Background : Inferior caval syndrom is a rare case. It can caused by compresssion of the tumor mass and paraaortic metastastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma.  Dysgerminoma is one of the most common germ cell tumor, approximately 3-5% of all ovarian cancers.1 Rate of dysgerminoma metastasis to lymph node is around 28%. In all type of germ cell, dysgerminoma has higher insidens to lymph node metastasis compare to the others. The first level of lymph node metastsis is paraaortic lymph node. However, the insidens is unknown because there is no research about it yet.2,3Dysgerminoma frequently in young age, less then 30 years. The exact etiology of dysgerminomas has not been determined, although recent molecular studies have implicated loss function of potential tumor suppressor gene TRC8/RNF139, abnormality of Y chromosome and gonadal dysgenesis.4 The problem arises when dysgerminoma is diagnosed in pregnancy woman as clinically has inferior vena cava syndrom sign and symptoms which acquired efective and fast management.Objective : Discuss inferior caval syndrom  as effect of compression by tumor mass, metastasis tumor lesion and chemotherapy management in dysgerminoma with pregnancyCase Report : Patient 32 years old admitted to M. Djamil central general hospital referred from Batusangkar hospital with diagnosis G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy + dysgerminoma + obs. Dyspnue. Patient has symptoms dispnue, exercise intolerance, oedem extremity. Physical examination : blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg, HR 120 dpm, RR 35 bpm, T 37 C. Abdomen : uterus fundal was palpated 2 fingers above umbilical, ballotement (+), FHR 150-158 bpm. Genitalia : I V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (-), oedem extremity +/+. From ultrasonography  found dysgerminoma ovary with compression to inferior vena cava and  paraaortic metastatic. Patient was diagnosed with dispnue ec. inferior vena cava syndrom caused by compression of tumor mass + paraaortic lymph node metastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma on G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy. Patient was managed by BEP chemotherapy and symptom was dissapeared. Patient was admitted to M. Djamil  again with 34-35 weeks of preterm pregnancy in active phase of first stage. Because obtructed of labor patient was decide to performed LSCS. Female baby was born 1800 gram, baby?s length was 45 cm, A/S 7/8, there is no congenital anomaly. Patient was followed up 1 month after surgery, there is no symptoms, but fromUltrasonograhy found corpus metastasis and  CT scan impressed paraaortic lymph node metastasis + copus metastasis. Chemotherapy was continue one month after caesarean section. She was completed 4 cycles chemothrapy and the disease was cureable.Conclusion :Caval syndrom is a rare case  and fatal, caused by direct compression of dysgerminoma mass and paraaortic lymph node metastasisDiagnosis of dysgerminoma is anatomy pathology diagnoseManagement of dysgerminoma is surgical staging and 3-4 cycle of chemoterapy with BEP regimenChemoterapy with  BEP (Bleomisin-Etopuside-Cisplatin) is safe to performed at second trimester with inferior vena cava syndrom ec paraaorta lymph nodes metastasisDysgerminoma has a good response to chemotherapy  with survival rate 96%
Hubungan Tipe Histopatologi dengan Respon Kemoterapi Neoadjuvant pada Kanker Serviks Stadium IB2 dan IIA2 Khatimah, Gistin Husnul; Muhammad, Syamel
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aogj.3.2.63-81.2019


Latar belakang: Kanker serviks menempati urutan keempat di seluruh dunia dan urutan kedua di Indonesia yang paling umum terjadi pada wanita. Kemoterapi telah dievaluasi sebagai salah satu strategi pengobatan kanker serviks stadium IB2 dan IIA2. Namun penggunaan kemoterapi neoadjuvantmasih kontroversi pada pasien yang resisten dengan kemoterapi. Hal ini akan menunda pemberian terapi definitif, sehingga sangat penting untuk menemukan penanda yang dapat mengidentifikasi pasien mana yang relatif lebih resisten terhadap kemoterapi. Tipe squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)diketahui memiliki respon kemoterapi neoadjuvant yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan non-squamous cell carcinoma (nSCC) namun belum ada penelitian yang dilakukan di RSUP M Djamil Padang mengenai hal ini sebelumnya.Tujuan: Untuk melihat Hubungan Tipe Histopatologi Dengan Respon Kemoterapi Neoadjuvant Pada Kanker Serviks Stadium IB2 Dan IIA2.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik cohort yang dilakukan di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada 35 sampel pasien kanker serviks stadium IB2 dan IIA2 yang diberikan kemoterapi neoadjuvant. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Data meliputi hasil gambaran histopatologi serta hasil pemeriksaan ultrasonografi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan kemoterapi neoadjuvant. Analisis data mengunakan ujiChi-Square.Hasil: CR+PR pada kelompok SCC adalah sebesar 32% dan NSCC adalah 50%, sedangkan SD+PD adalah sebesar 68 % pada kelompok SCC dan 50% pada kelompok NSCC. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tipe histopatologi dengan respon kemoterapi neoadjuvant pada kanker serviks stadium IB2 dan IIA2 (p=0.44).
JOURNAL OBGIN EMAS Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.4.1.125-136.2020


Background: Cervical cancer was the fourth common cancer in women in the world and the second most in Indonesia. Chemotherapy has been evaluated as a therapy strategies to treat stage IB2 and IIA2 cervical cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was still being a controversy for the chemotherapy resistance patient. This would delay the provision of definitive therapy. A marker is needed to identify patient which more relatively resistant to chemotherapy. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)  type was known be have better response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy than non-Squamous Cell Carcinoma (nSCC) type, but there no studies at Dr.M.Djamil General Hospital yet on this matter before.Objective: To obtain the relationship between histopathology type and neoadjuvant chemotherapy response on cervical stage IB2 and IIA2 cervical canser.Method: This cohort analytic study conducted at Dr.M.Djamil Padang Hospital which obtained 35 samples of stage IB2 and IIA2 cervical cancer patients whom treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Sampling was done by consecutive sampling technique. Results of histopathology and results of ultrasound examinations before and after given neoadjuvant chemotherapy were included to data. Data analysis used Chi-Square test.Results: CR + PR in the SCC and NSCC group were 32% and 50%, while SD + PD was 68% in SCC group and 50% in NSCC group.Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between histopathological type and neoadjuvant chemotherapy response to stage IB2 and IIA2 cervical cancer (p = 0.44).Keywords :histopatolgi, chemotherapy, cervical cancer
Inferior Vena Caval Syndrom in Paraaortic Metastastic Lession of Ovarian Dysgerminoma in Pregnancy Manage with Chemotherapy : a Case Report Madona Utami Dewi; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.3.1.46-63.2019


Background : Inferior caval syndrom is a rare case. It can caused by compresssion of the tumor mass and paraaortic metastastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma. Dysgerminoma is one of the most common germ cell tumor, approximately 3-5% of all ovarian cancers.1 Rate of dysgerminoma metastasis to lymph node is around 28%. In all type of germ cell, dysgerminoma has higher insidens to lymph node metastasis compare to the others. The first level of lymph node metastsis is paraaortic lymph node. However, the insidens is unknown because there is no research about it yet.2,3 Dysgerminoma frequently in young age, less then 30 years. The exact etiology of dysgerminomas has not been determined, although recent molecular studies have implicated loss function of potential tumor suppressor gene TRC8/RNF139, abnormality of Y chromosome and gonadal dysgenesis.4 The problem arises when dysgerminoma is diagnosed in pregnancy woman as clinically has inferior vena cava syndrom sign and symptoms which acquired efective and fast management.Objective : Discuss inferior caval syndrom as effect of compression by tumor mass, metastasis tumor lesion and chemotherapy management in dysgerminoma with pregnancyCase Report : Patient 32 years old admitted to M. Djamil central general hospital referred from Batusangkar hospital with diagnosis G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy + dysgerminoma + obs. Dyspnue. Patient has symptoms dispnue, exercise intolerance, oedem extremity. Physical examination : blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg, HR 120 dpm, RR 35 bpm, T 37 C. Abdomen : uterus fundal was palpated 2 fingers above umbilical, ballotement (+), FHR 150-158 bpm. Genitalia : I V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (-), oedem extremity +/+. From ultrasonography found dysgerminoma ovary with compression to inferior vena cava and paraaortic metastatic. Patient was diagnosed with dispnue ec. inferior vena cava syndrom caused by compression of tumor mass + paraaortic lymph node metastasis lession of ovarian dysgerminoma on G3P2A0L2 25-26 weeks of preterm pregnancy. Patient was managed by BEP chemotherapy and symptom was dissapeared. Patient was admitted to M. Djamil again with 34-35 weeks of preterm pregnancy in active phase of first stage. Because obtructed of labor patient was decide to performed LSCS. Female baby was born 1800 gram, baby’s length was 45 cm, A/S 7/8, there is no congenital anomaly. Patient was followed up 1 month after surgery, there is no symptoms, but fromUltrasonograhy found corpus metastasis and CT scan impressed paraaortic lymph node metastasis + copus metastasis. Chemotherapy was continue one month after caesarean section. She was completed 4 cycles chemothrapy and the disease was cureable.Conclusion : Caval syndrom is a rare case and fatal, caused by direct compression of dysgerminoma mass and paraaortic lymph node metastasis. Diagnosis of dysgerminoma is anatomy pathology diagnose. Management of dysgerminoma is surgical staging and 3-4 cycle of chemoterapy with BEP regimen. Chemoterapy with BEP (Bleomisin-Etopuside-Cisplatin) is safe to performed at second trimester with inferior vena cava syndrom ec paraaorta lymph nodes metastasis.          Dysgerminoma has a good response to chemotherapy with survival rate 96%Keywords: Caval syndrom, lymph node paraaortic metastatic
Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma which Detected in Ascitic Fluid Smear Muthia Kamelia; Aswiyanti Asri; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.5.2.269-277.2021


Objective: To report the case of ovarian clear cell carcinoma with involvement of both ovaries and metastatic to ascitic fluid and the label mass in the bladderMethod: Case Report  Case: A 51 years old female presented with enlarging abdominal with gradual pain. The result of transabdominal sonography were multiple cysts with solid mass, suspected solid cystic ovarian neoplasm and ascites. The patient prepared for laparotomy; optimal debulking surgery, mass resection from bladder. Cytology examination was performed from ascitic fluid and it was confirmed by histopathology examination.Result: Microscopic features on cytology examination of ascitic fluid smear was suggest carcinoma. Histological examination was confirmed the diagnosis and the result was ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Discussion: Ovarian clear cell carcinoma is a rare subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer and comprises about 5-10% of ovarian carcinomas. Clear cell carcinoma tends to occur in the fifth to seventh decades. Cytology examination showed the cellular smear consists of groups of epithelial cells with large nucleus, hyperchromatic, pale-staining, vacuolated cytoplasm. There is also eosinophilic, extracellular substance. The presence of a tumor in ascitic fluid and the label mass in the bladder can categorize become IIB. This determined based on the FIGO’s ovarian tumor staging system.Keywords: ovarian clear cell carcinoma; ascitic fluid.
Selecting Hormonal Contraceptives in Women Taking Antiepileptic Drugs : Review of Literature and Practical Recommendations Hendra Permana; Restu Susanti; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.4.2.231-240.2020


Contraception is a very important issue in women with epilepsy, since very broad questions taken in applying it to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The choice of contraceptive methods must be related to how the mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), the contraceptive itself, and both interactions. Hormonal contraception can induce metabolism of AEDs and lead to increasing of seizure frequency, and in the other hand AEDs may decrease the blood levels of hormonal contraception. Therefore, physician must consider the type of contraception being used before prescribing AEDs. Additionally, they should emphasize the interaction between them in counseling, to assure that women with epilepsy have time to decide which type will be best use for them. This challenging matter needs better recommendation for practice, both neurologist and gynecologist.Keywords: antiepileptic drug, contraception, women with epilepsy
Correlation of Tumor Vascularization Using Spectral Pulse Wave Doppler with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in IB2 and IIA2 stages of Cervical Cancer Syamel Muhammad; Nindya Rahmadita
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.4.2.145-154.2020


Cervical cancer is an abnormal growth or cell changes in the cervical wall, which is the 4th rank in the most common cancer among female and the 2nd most common cancer in female aged fifteen until fourty four years old worldwide. Neovascularization becomes an important step in determining the onset and progressive cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been evaluated as a treatment strategy in the stages IB2 and IIA2. The use of chemotherapy drug becomes more effective in adjacent and regular vascularization, and it allows the blood flow to the organs more quickly. This study aims to determine the correlation of tumor vascularization using Spectral Pulse Wave Doppler with neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in IB2 and IIA2 stages of cervical cancer. This research is a cohort analytic study which involves thirty six of patient in IB2 and IIA2 stages. The sampling is selected by using consecutive sampling technique. The data includes the result of ultrasound examination and were analyzed by using the Chi-square test. The results of the research on good and poor tumor vascularization had a good response to thirty of patient (83.3%) who were given neoadjuvant chemotherapy. There was no significant effect between tumor vascularization using Spectral Pulse Wave Doppler to the responses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in IB2 and IIA2 stages of cervical cancer.Keywords: tumor vascularization using Spectral Pulse Wave Doppler, responses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, IB2 and IIA2 stages of cervical cancer
Difficulty in Diagnosing Peritoneal Fluid Cytology in Ovarian Yolk Sac Tumor Cases Haris Pemuda; Yenita Yenita; Pamelia Mayorita; Yessy Setiawati; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.5.2.278-286.2021


Objective : This article objective is to describe cytology diagnosis difficulties of yolk sac tumors of the ovary.Method : Case reports and literature review.Case : The author reports the case of a 24 year old woman who complained of an enlarged stomach. Serum AFP increased to 16,519.7 U/mL. Ultrasound examination revealed solid and irregular mass of ovarian, so the conclusion was suspect ovarian carcinoma. Conclusion of CT scan examination was a solid ovarian tumor. The working diagnosis was suspect ovarian carcinoma. Optimal debulking was performed, accompanied by taking a sample from the peritoneal rinse fluid. Microscopic examination of peritoneal fluid showed the distribution and group of cells with pleomorphic nuclei, partly hyperchromatic, partly vesicular with coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli. There were also cells with polygonal nuclei, small nuclei, basophilic and vacuole cytoplasm with a mucoid background. These cells formed a solid arrangement. Conclusion from these features was carcinoma metastases to the peritoneal fluid. Microscopic examination from tumor tissue sample showed an ovarian yolk sac tumor appearance.Conclusion : Cytologic examination of peritoneal fluid in cases of ovarian yolk sac tumor is quite difficult to determine the diagnosis. This is due to the microscopic appearance of tumor cells which often looks like a carcinoma and limited literature about this tumors in the peritoneal fluid.Keywords: Yolk sac tumor, ovary, 
Premature Ovarian Failure and Epilepsy Hendra Permana; Afriyeni Sri Rahmi; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.5.1.1-8.2021


Premature ovarian failure (POF) or premature menopause refers to development of amenorrhoea due to cessation of ovarian function before the age of 40 years. The diagnosis is based on elevated FSH levels in menopausal range (usually above 40 IU/l) detected on at least two occasions a few weeks apart. The term “epilepsy” defines a group of disorders characterized by an enduring predisposition of the brain to produce seizures. The hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis regulation is affected by the abnormal neurophysiology of seizures, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian associated hormones are affected by medications used to treat seizures in women with epilepsy. Ictal and interictal discharges can disrupt the normal activity of brain structures, including the limbic system, amygdala, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland. Management of epilepsy in women requires not only knowledge of epilepsy, but also recognition of the various roles and priorities women have in their lives (education, career development, child rearing, the role as carer within the extended family), and attention to gender-specific issues and their impact on patients’ wellbeing throughout life.Keywords: premature ovarian failure (POF), epilepsy
Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma : A Case Report Rijalul Abrar; Syamel Muhammad
Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aoj.5.1.130-138.2021


Objective: To report the case of primary fallopian tube carcinoma metastatic to cervix and omentum, but not infiltrate the ovariumMethod: Case Report Case: A 40 years old woman presented with gradual onset pain and swelling of the abdomen. The patient was diagnosed with suspected ovarian carcinoma. After examination, the patient prepared for laparotomy; salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy, mass resection from pelvic and rectum  Result: The hystological examination result was high grade serous carcinoma from the fallopian tube metastasis to cavum douglas and omentum. This case is a rare case because the tubal carcinoma was metastasis to cavum douglas and omentum without infiltrate the ovarium.Discussion: Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube is rare and accounts for about 0.14-1.8% of all gynecological malignancies. Clinically the diagnose of tubal carcinoma very similar to ovarian cancer, the diagnose can not distinguished pre operative. The new staging of FIGO may be reference for diagnostic and treatment of the desease. Thorough staging laparotomy is an important part of early management and systemic treatment. Keywords: tubal carcinoma, PFTC, metastasis, high grade serous carcinoma